Towards a New Conceptualization of Information System Benefits
Sylvain Goyetteand Luc Cassivi
Department of Management and Technology, Université du Québec à Montreal, Montreal, Canada
Keywords: Information System Benefits, Evaluation Process.
Abstract: Different perspectives on benefit evaluation are presented in the information technology literature, from the
perceptual assessment of benefits to the financial calculation of return on investment. This study aims to
complement the literature by integrating the IT capital expense literature and Delone and McLean’s (2003)
information systems success model. A model was developed using a qualitative approach with respondents
from three manufacturing organizations responsible for the information system evaluation process. The five-
stage model is composed of project identification, proposal development, proposal selection, IS creation/use
and organizational benefit evaluation. This conceptualization adds a new and enriched perspective to the
literature by integrating financial and perceptual benefit assessment with an organizational assessment
process. The analysis of the data collected confirmed the inefficiency of user perceptions for organizational
success assessment but also revealed top management perceptions to be a critical factor in the evaluation
In the last half-century, information systems (IS)
have assumed an important role in the operational
and administrative activities of organizations of all
sizes. However, the progress of information systems
is a paradox; although success stories exist, a
number of significant failures have also taken place
(Brynjolfsson, 1993). Top management in the
information technology (IT) field has identified the
inability to fully define the contribution made by IS
as one of the main challenges (IT Governance
Institute, 2004). Numerous research initiatives have
focused on explaining the relationship between IS
benefits and the improvement of IS implementation
activities (Pan and all., 2008; Chen, and all., 2009).
However, other factors such as IS selection, IS usage
and investment assessment may also explain this
phenomenon. Delone and McLean’s (Delone and
McLean, 2003)
information systems success model
is a prominent example of the use of IS selection and
usage dimensions to evaluate success.
The other research stream analyzed in this study
is based on investment assessment practices. It
originates from the financial field, where IS
investments are included in the capital expense
evaluation process. This financial view of IS success
does not have a high profile in the IS benefit
evaluation literature as very few articles have been
published on this subject (Bajaj and Bradley, 2009).
Finance researchers have developed a repertoire
of capital expense assessment practices (Bennouna,
and all, 2010; Burns and Walker, 2009), but they are
not applied in the IS success literature. However,
this research stream richly documents IS investment
evaluation through perceptual measures of benefits.
These different assessment perspectives represent
complementary approaches to explain IS’s benefits.
The combination of these two perspectives led us to
ask the following research question:
How do organizations evaluate success when
selecting and implementing an information system?
The objective of this research is to identify the
stages that an organization should follow to
adequately evaluate the success of its information
systems, from the identification of the project to the
post-implementation activities.
In the next section, the literature review presents
IS evaluation models, which leads in section 3 to the
development of a conceptual model for IT benefit
evaluation. Methodological aspects are then covered
before findings are exposed in section 5. The paper
concludes with the contributions and limitations of
this research initiative.
Goyette, S. and Cassivi, L.
Towards a New Conceptualization of Information System Benefits Assessment.
DOI: 10.5220/0006272102380245
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 2, pages 238-245
ISBN: 978-989-758-248-6
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2.1 Delone and McLean’s IS Success
Research using Delone and McLean’s model focuses
on the identification and comprehension of the
elements that explain the success of IS. Their first
model was developed in 1992 but it was revised in
2003 (Delone and McLean, 1992; Delone and
McLean, 2003). This model (see figure 1) was
selected due to its predominance in the literature but
mostly because of its capacity to be transformed
from its current state to a process model.
Initial model (1992)
Revised model (2003)
Figure 1: IS success models (source: Petter et al. 2008).
The new version of the model differs from the older
one in three ways: (i) the incorporation of Intent to
Use into the Use variable, (ii) the addition of Service
Quality as an antecedent to user satisfaction and to
use/intent to use, and (iii) the combination of
Individual and Organizational Impact to form the
Net Benefits variable.
Delone and McLean (2003) grouped the model’s
variables into three categories: System creation,
System use and Consequences of system use. The
first category, System creation, measures two types
of IS-related activities. The System quality and
Information quality variables measure the
characteristics of the information system, while
Service quality measures the IS user support. The
second category, System use, comprises the User
satisfaction and Intent to use/Use variables. The
latter variable involves measuring how and how
much users apply the system’s functionalities. User
satisfaction is concerned with users’ appreciation of
the reports, websites and support provided by the IS.
It is important to note the duality of measures to
distinguish real use from appreciation of use, as
intense IS use does not guarantee user satisfaction.
The third category includes only the Net benefits
variable, which is the system’s contribution to the
success of individuals, groups, organizations, and
industrial sectors. For the sake of parsimony, this
variable was simplified, although, for some studies,
finer granularity may be appropriate (Delone and
McLean, 2003).
2.2 Evaluation of Capital Expenses
The second research field identified centers on the
evaluation of capital expenses, which is mainly
addressed in the accounting and finance literature.
As this paper examines the evaluation of IS benefits,
our analysis will be limited to capital expense
practices. In this stream of research, the literature
focuses not on IS investments alone but on capital
expenses in general. Hence, researchers analyze the
activities and tools used by practitioners in their
capital expense management processes. Burns and
Walker (2009) provide a sound synthesis of the
available documentation on the subject by
classifying 19 articles on capital expense
management practices in American organizations
between 1984 and 2008. In their classification,
Burns and Walker (2009) identified the four stages
presented in table 1: (i) Identification, (ii)
Development, (iii) Selection, and (iv) Control.
Table 1: Burns and Walker’s (2009) capital expense
management stages.
Phase Definition
(stage 1)
Initiation of capital expense projects, in a
continuous process and for ad hoc needs
Hierarchical level of idea generation
Identification and understanding of a
formal idea submission process
Identification of incentives associated
with the generation of relevant ideas.
(stage 2)
Project proposal selection and
transformation of ideas into proposals
Data collection to justify projects
(stage 3)
Workforce and practices to prioritize
Project approval
(stage 4)
Post-implementation project evaluation
Identification of incentives associated
with post-implementation evaluation
Towards a New Conceptualization of Information System Benefits Assessment
3.1 Developing the Model
To initiate the conceptualization of the model, the
literature on Delone and McLean’s (2003) model
was used. It should first be mentioned that Delone
and McLean’s is a variance model but the objective
of our conceptualization is to obtain a process. Thus,
we needed to return to the model descriptions in
order to transform the variables into sequential
components. Hence, our analysis grouped the
variables of the model into three sequential
components: Information system implementation, IS
use and Net benefits. For the model
conceptualization, the Net benefits component was
divided into two to reflect Delone and McLean’s
1992 model (Delone and McLean, 1992), which
distinguishes between individual and organizational
benefits. The decision to return to the previous
format of benefits measurement was based on the
fact that researchers have only succeeded in
validating the link between the model’s different
variables and the individual benefits variable.
Moreover, the financial literature used in our model
does not measure individual benefits.
Figure 2: New conceptualization of IS benefits
Our analysis of the capital expense assessment
literature led us to adopt Burns and Walker’s (2009)
four stages as presented above. The definitions of
these four phases were then compared to the three
components (adapted from Delone and McLean),
leading to the discovery that three of the four stages
(Identification, Development and Selection) were
not covered in Delone and McLean’s models. In
fact, their models are based on measures that
characterize the information system once it has been
implemented. Burns and Walker’s last stage,
Control, was integrated into organizational benefits,
as their definitions were similar (Burns and Walker,
2009; Petter, Delone and McLean., 2008). Figure 2
presents the sequential model that integrates both
3.2 Defining the Model’S Stages
This section will define each of the stages identified
in the previous section. The definitions of the first
three components outlined by Burns and Walker
(2009) were retained. Hence, as table 2 shows,
Identification comprises activities associated with
the initiation and submission of projects by different
stakeholders in an organization for planned or ad
hoc capital expenses. Development covers the
selection of ideas for projects and the transformation
of these ideas into concrete proposals requiring
elements of justification to feed the next stage
(Selection). The third stage, Selection, includes the
analysis of the different quantitative and qualitative
justification elements and the project approvals to be
conducted by the organization.
As mentioned previously, the next three stages of
the model originate from Delone and McLean’s
(2003) work. The definition of the IS
implementation stage is the same as Delone and
McLean’s, which includes System quality,
Information quality, and Service support quality.
The IS use stage groups two of Delone and
McLean’s variables: Use of IS and User satisfaction.
Finally, the approaches to establish the benefits
are different. At the individual level, the user’s
absolute appreciation of the system is measured,
whereas at the organizational level, an improvement
is required compared to the initial situation (old or
no IS in place). Furthermore, Delone and McLean’s
original 1992 configuration directly relates the
Organizational benefits variable to Individual
benefits (Delone and McLean, 1992). A distinction
is therefore essential as the Individual benefits
component is important but insufficient to explain
the Organizational benefits. Optimal use of a system
is possible without making a significant contribution
at the organizational level.
The Individual benefits component was therefore
defined based on Delone and McLean’s (1992,
2003) most commonly used validation measures
(Perception of usefulness, Perception of success,
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Processing speed/delay, Improved decision making,
Quality/ accuracy of the output). For the
Organizational benefits component, only the
elements associated with capital expenses were used,
as the literature arising from Delone and McLean’s
model did not demonstrate a significant relationship
with this variable.
Table 2: Definition of the stages of the IS benefit
assessment model.
Stages Elements of definition Source
Project initiation
Project submissions
Burns and
Walker (2009)
Selection of ideas
Project justification
Burns and
Walker (2009)
Quantitative and
qualitative analyses
Project approval
Burns and
Walker (2009)
System quality
Information quality
Service support
Delone and
IS use
System use
User satisfaction
Delone and
Perception of
Perception of success
Improved decision
Quality/accuracy of
Delone and
Quantitative analysis
Qualitative analysis
Burns and
Walker (2009)
The use of a new conceptualization, combined with
the limited literature on IT capital expense practices
and the unclear distinction between the phenomenon
and the context, justifies the case study approach
(Yin, 1994). This methodological approach enables
researchers to retain the holistic, meaningful
characteristics of real-life events (Yin, 1994). The
unit of analysis in this study is the process, which
also makes the case study approach appropriate to
collect data.
A five-step methodology was followed in this
research initiative. Organizations and respondents
were selected and sampling was done at both levels.
Selection criteria were defined to ensure adequate
information quality and to validate the subsequent
research results (Patton, 2002). Data collection was
then conducted via semi-structured interviews and
document analysis to guarantee triangulation of the
data (Yin, 1994). All interviews were recorded and
In the third step, data analysis, narrative and
graphical representations of the process were
created. An example of a process (organization B) is
presented in Appendix 1. A mixed interpretation
strategy was used at this step to analyze each case
individually (Langley, 1999). To identify similarities
and differences in the process and develop a process
model, a cross-case data analysis was then
conducted so we could understand and validate the
process applied by the organizations (Eisenhardt,
1989). Finally, to validate and understand the results
of the research, interviews were conducted with the
respondents from each company involved
(Eisenhardt, 1989).
4.1 Description of the Cases
Three organizations in different sectors with annual
capital expenses between $5 million and $50 million
were selected to conduct this research.
Organization A, which employs more than 6,000
people in the aeronautic sector, with service points
and manufacturing sites in America, Europe and
Asia, has a $25-million to $50-million IT capital
expense budget. Respondent A, director of global
infrastructures, supervises the IT capital expense
evaluation process, from the initiation of IT projects
to their completion. The physical infrastructure and
applications to support activities are the main
elements of the IT capital expenses.
Organization B is a manufacturing company that
employs 3,000 people at six sites in Canada. It has
an IT capital budget of $25 million to $50 million
and is controlled by an American conglomerate that
has establishments in 30 countries. The role of
Respondent B, vice-president of IT, is to supervise
the entire IT capital expense evaluation process and
to ensure the respect of corporate IT policies for all
worldwide IT projects. IT capital expenses in
Organization B are centered on physical
infrastructure and applications to support
transactional, administrative and logistic activities at
the different manufacturing sites.
Organization C, a large manufacturing firm with
30,000 employees worldwide (North and Central
America, Europe and Asia), has an IT capital budget
of between $5 million and $10 million. Respondent
C, vice-president of information technology/business
Towards a New Conceptualization of Information System Benefits Assessment
applications, is responsible for the activities related
to the implementation of new applications and
transformation of existing applications. IT capital
expenses concentrate on infrastructure investments,
network technologies and applications to support
administrative and transactional activities
In this section, the IS benefit assessment model
presented previously (figure 2 and table 2) is
compared with the processes followed in the three
organizations and particularly with the common
routines of the different organizations’ processes.
The result of this analysis is a five-stage process
presented in table 3 and described in the following
Table 3: Comparison of the stages of the IT capital
expenses process.
tion A
tion B
tion C
of initiatives
(included in
next stage)
of project
4.IS creation
5. Individual
- - -
Ad hoc
analysis (top
Ad hoc
analysis (top
5.1 Project Identification
When comparing the three organizations’
assessment processes, the first element involved the
project identification plan; all organizations had
activities leading up to the identification of IT
projects. There are few such activities and all are
included in this first stage of the IT capital expense
evaluation process.
5.2 Proposal Development
This stage, which is defined as the activities that
establish the nature and impact of IT projects, is also
found in all three organizations. A specific proposal
development stage exists in Organizations B and C.
In Organization A, proposal development is included
in the selection stage.
The results for this stage were categorized in
three parts: descriptive project information, impact
analyses and stakeholders concerned by the proposal
development processes.
All three organizations document project-specific
information during the IT capital expense process
The elements used to describe IT proposals are very
similar in all three. A total of eight elements were
found for this specific part of the stage: brief project
description, client identification, link with corporate
strategy, internal resource evaluation, external cost
evaluation, operational cost assessment, relationship
with other projects, and calendar.
Two kinds of impact analyses are carried out:
qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis. All
three organizations conduct qualitative analyses on
proposals by listing the potential benefits for the
organization. The three organizations use different
quantitative return on investment tools. However,
the respondents indicated that these quantitative
analyses faced major hurdles linked to specific
benefit assessment in a project portfolio context and
also to the evaluation of the opportunity cost related
to technology upgrades. For instance, Respondent B
There is a project analysis that is done in terms
of cost and benefits. […]Establishing a cost for a
project at a global level and establishing the
benefits as well – it is not always obvious.
Along with the IT group, operational and
administrative groups are generally involved in the
proposal development stage. Proposals that originate
from operational and/or administrative groups are
generally business-oriented but require support from
IT. Proposals from the IT group are usually related
to the improvement and maintenance of the IT
5.3 Proposal Selection
All three processes include a proposal selection
stage. In this stage, the selection process identifies
the proposals that justify the annual IT capital
expense budget, as indicated by Respondent B:
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
We have preliminary evaluations of different
projects for costs and for benefits. All of these
projects are then moved into a group of projects
that are IT and non-IT. A committee looks at
them, categorizes the most important things and
approves an annual list of projects.
Two specific elements stood out from the
analysis of the different interviews – proposal
prioritization and IT capital budget allocation
which are described below.
Proposal Prioritization
The group responsible for proposal development
in Organization A also has the responsibility to
conduct the prioritization exercise, which is then
validated by top management. In Organizations B
and C, prioritization is the job of top management.
To better understand the logic behind this choice,
Organizations B and C were analyzed in detail.
In Organization B, the set of proposals for the
organization is selected, as the respondent explained:
The vice-presidents will for sure look at the
big projects, and all of the other small
projects ahead of them may be decided by
individuals as well. Therefore, the VPs might
decide on the ten biggest projects, and in
Canada, there are not only IT projects.
There are several types of projects in our
company. And IT, it’s just one component
among others […] So, at a certain time, all
these projects will collide. We created a
committee that tries to manage the ten
largest global and local projects.
These comments from Respondent B also show
that top management prioritizes the most important
projects; less important projects are prioritized in the
organization’s departments. Respondent C
mentioned that the prioritization process is more a
question of maturity than a prioritization strategy
We don’t have measures that move forward
from one project to another. Right now, we
use the measures that we are able to obtain.
I mean that, for one project, there are
certain things that we are able to measure,
and for other projects, we measure
something else. Then yes, when comes the
time to prioritize, sometimes it is a bit
difficult because we’re comparing apples to
oranges, but I can see that there may be a
tendency emerging for which, with the new
management team, we will try to set more
global criteria. We recently talked about
standardizing projects so that we could have
a more common base to evaluate projects
more easily when we compare them.
Considering these two perspectives, the selection
of a prioritization strategy seems to be based on the
scale and coverage of the prioritization process
along with the level of maturity of selection
IT Capital Budget Allocation
As described above, Organization B allocates its
IT capital budget during a global capital allocation
exercise. For the other two organizations, a
preliminary global capital budget is allocated before
the selection process since targets are defined
specifically for IT capital expenses. Respondent A
explained how the activity is carried out in that
Usually, the firm will try to keep a standard
level because, for most companies, the IT side
is an overhead cost. So, everything is charged
back to the production groups, and we see if
there is an increase directly linked to the
manufactured product. Then, we try to have
something more stable for that.
5.4 IS Creation/Use
It was no surprise to find that all three organizations
consider project implementation to be a crucial stage
in their IT project assessment process. However, the
organizations do not distinguish between creation
and use in their evaluation process since project
implementation practices always involve activities
associated with system use. As this research
initiative did not have the objective of exhaustively
analyzing implementation practices, these activities
were not studied in depth.
During the discussions of IT project
implementation, all the respondents mentioned the
existence of a Project Management Office (PMO) in
their organization to control their projects.
According to the data collected, a PMO is necessary
for IT project management, as Respondents B and C
We have the concepts of business partner,
project link and project manager. We have a
structure that is not deployed in the rest of the
organization, but I think that we won’t have a
choice about adhering to a specific
methodology, because projects are becoming
more and more complex and because there are
more and more functions. Plus, the
Towards a New Conceptualization of Information System Benefits Assessment
stakeholders are both internal and external
because we outsourced certain functions. It’s
the coordination of these stakeholders that
makes the PMO inevitable in my view. I was
very skeptical myself when we created the
PMO. (Respondent B)
There is another position that we created
three years ago, Head of the PMO. Under
this person, project managers operate in a
matrix, but they really made a difference at
the execution level. Before, we didn’t have
these things, but now we develop project
budgeting management practices. We put
project schedules in place based on effort.
We also put performance measures in place
for these projects at a performance index
level and a cost level.. (Respondent C).
5.5 Individual Benefit Evaluation
After we analyzed the data, it was clear that user
benefits and individual evaluation were not
mentioned by any of the respondents. This fact was
confirmed during the validation interviews, as the
respondents did not consider user perspectives
appropriate for evaluating IS benefits at the
organizational level. The respondents justified this
approach by the negative reaction of individuals to
change. Users react more strongly to the impact of
the technology on their own tasks than to the impact
on the organization. The respondents presumed that
top managers have a better feel for the overall
situation, which enables them to identify the
advantages after the adaptation period. This stage is
therefore not included in the model.
5.6 Organizational Benefit Evaluation
The literature on capital expense assessment
practices mentions that few capital investment
projects undergo post-project analyses. Our results
demonstrated the absence of systematic post-project
validation of pre-implementation evaluations in all
three organizations. However, evaluation
mechanisms are present in two of the three
organizations, which are based on top management
perception, the nature of the IT projects and other
success criteria. These elements are presented in the
following paragraphs.
First, the evaluation and control activities
identified in Organization B are executed only if top
management has doubts about the success of a
project. Respondent B highlighted this particular
When political questions emerge for certain
deliverables, analyses are carried out.
We therefore presume that, in these
organizations, IT projects are a success if top
management seems satisfied with the solution
implemented. Perception of IT performance seems
to be the most important IT success factor, as
Respondent C stated:
If you did it and it works, OK, nobody says
anything […] but if it does not work, then
you’ll hear about it.
Organization A decided to set up IT success
evaluation mechanisms by identifying success
criteria other than the ones identified during the pre-
implementation analyses. Hence, Organization A
identified a set of tangible success criteria in order to
take the nature of projects into account. Respondent
A mentioned:
I have a goal, but what are my success
criteria? What will tell me that I succeeded in
that, and that I was successful with my
project? Do you know that I delivered 1,500
telephones, that I updated everybody to PCs
that are less than four years old? What are my
success criteria?
Pre-implementation evaluations do not seem to
be aligned with the post-implementation evaluations.
During our validation interviews, we questioned the
respondents on the reasons for this incoherence
between the measures used before and after the
projects. Overall, we noticed that the executives’
lack of motivation and willingness to measure the
success of IS mainly explains this incoherence.
6.1 Contributions
The process model developed during this study
contributes to the evolution of the IT benefit
evaluation field by combining the literature capital
expense and IT benefits. The model, which displays
how organizations evaluate success when selecting
and implementing an information system, also has
practical implications as it identifies the best IT/IS
assessment practices that management of
organizations can use to better assess their
information systems.
The model also explains the validation problem
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
identified by Petter, Delone and McLean (2008) by
confirming that end users do not accurately perceive
the impact of IS use on an organization, which
suggests that management’s perception should be
used instead to capture this impact.
6.2 Research Limitations
The first limitation on our research is a result of the
qualitative approach we used, which we chose due to
the richly detailed information it provides. This
choice led to a sampling strategy using just a few
organizations. The conclusions of this research
might be different with a larger number of
organizations, but our methodological approach and
the importance of the identified routines allowed us
to achieve the desired semantic and theoretical
During the data analysis, the two data analysis
strategies we used to reach our research objective
also involved the limitations identified by Langley
(Langley, 1999). With the narrative strategy, the
richness of the data presented prevents the
development of a simple or generalized theory. This
explains why we combined a narrative strategy with
a graphical visualization strategy, which simplifies
the interview data in order to generate a sequential
model. This combined strategy makes it impossible
to identify factors that influence the process’s
activities or to predict the presence (or absence) of
certain activities.
6.3 Future Research Avenues
A first avenue of research may be the development
of a theoretical model, as we limited our literature
review to Delone and McLean’s (2003)
model and
to IT capital expense evaluation practices. It would
be relevant to explore the literature in other related
fields such as IT productivity or project
Hence, the conceptualization of the proposed
model could be improved by increasing our
understanding of the stages of the model or by
identifying new ones.
A quantitative validation of the model also
represents a natural research avenue since the
qualitative approach limits the generalizability of the
results. A quantitative approach could quantify the
importance of the different components of the
model, which we were not able to do in this study.
Finally, our analysis of the organizational benefit
evaluation component demonstrates the absence of
validation of ex-ante assessments after IT use. This
situation also seems to give rise to new initiatives to
measure IT project success after implementation. A
study to identify the obstacles to post-project
evaluation could be developed to understand the
reasons for the lack of evaluations, but also to
identify obstacles and measures used by the few
organizations that do carry out post-project
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Towards a New Conceptualization of Information System Benefits Assessment