expressed information literacy as a context that
arrived with the emergence of information
technologies in 1970s. In addition to this, it is the
underlying and required literacy for our century as
technology is continuously evolving, becoming more
complex and new technologies are emerging. Thus,
information literacy constitutes the basis of learning
in this complex and dynamic environment (Bruce,
2002). Moreover, according to Owusu and Ansah
(2003) as cited by Anunobi and Ukwoma (2016)
providing education by solely giving structured
knowledge to the students is not acceptable anymore.
Their processes of acquisition and production of new
knowledge should be maintained and espousal of
lifelong learning should be provided. In order to
achieve this, equipping students with experiences and
capabilities for investigating new knowledge,
conducting research and navigating properly are
remarkably important (Anunobi and Ukwoma, 2016).
All over the world, in the field of education there
is an increasing trend on getting maximum benefit
from information and communication mechanisms by
means of integrating them into learning processes.
Enhancement in the level of ICT skills through
practices and experiences is aimed which contributes
to transfer these skills to any other fields of life as
well (Bruce, 2002).
Regarding the computer literacy, researchers have
studied the concept from different aspects and defined
various types of skills to portray a computer literate
individual. Simon et al. (1987) as cited by Oliver and
Tomei (2000) defined computer literacy as having
insight into computer characteristics, abilities,
practices, implementations and owning capability of
transferring this knowledge in terms of efficient usage
of computer implementations. However, the last
decade has experienced significant advancements in
communication technologies era which caused the
evolution of computer literacy concept. Gilster (1997)
as cited in Oliver and Tomei (2000) expressed that
changes in technology diversified notions of
computer literacy and many concepts associated with
computer literacy occurred such as information
technology literacy, digital literacy, online literacy or
net literacy. In the matter of information and
communication technology (ICT) literacy, the term
represents a wider framework stemmed from the
requirement of technology usage for obtaining
information and using it in a productive manner.
Using internet, world-wide-web and e-mail for
searching of information, sharing and communicating
are parts of ICT literacy (Oliver and Tomei, 2000).
Lau and Yuen (2014) stated that although there are
various terminologies for digital literacy it is basically
concerned with internet and computer literacy.
Markauskaite (2007) examined the level of ICT
literacy of trainee teachers based on information
literacy and digital literacy. Researcher determined
the main components of assessment to be the
cognitive capabilities and technical capabilities.
Cognitive capabilities involved problem solving and
communication and meta-cognition whereas
technical capabilities involve basic computer and
internet related capabilities. Educational Testing
Service (2007) developed a tool compromising
technical and cognitive sites of ICT literacy for
assessing ICT literacy levels. Taking into
consideration these arguments ICT literacy can be
considered as a generic term that includes information
literacy, computer literacy and internet literacy (Lau
and Yuen, 2014).
Many researchers have investigated ICT literacy
in education field and comprehensive tools assessing
both information and technology aspects have been
used. For instance, by means of ETS’s iSkills tool
ICT literacy levels of junior students were evaluated
and necessary precautions were taken in terms of
course contents (Somerville, Smith and Macklin,
2008). Again the same tool was used by Katz and
Mackin (2007) in 30 universities in U.S. to validate
the measurement tool and to improve ICT literacy.
“IEA International Computer and Literacy Study
(ICILS)”, “Programme for International Student
Assessment (PISA) Digital Reading Assessment” and
“Assessment and Teaching of 21
Century Skills
(AT21CS)” are other broad ICT literacy evaluation
mechanisms (Global Education Monitoring Report,
2016). Oliver and Towers (2000) studied on ICT
literacy of students depending on computer, software-
application, internet and www skills and developed a
measurement tool. Moreover, Dijk and Deursen
(2014) evaluated ICT literacy merely focusing on
internet skills.
This research developed a measurement tool on
ICT literacy of high school students in the wider
context of ICT literacy which integrates information,
computer and internet skills for evaluation.
This study aims to measure ICT literacy of high
school students and to analyze differences among
students based on variables such as school type,
gender, level of study, average school success and
frequency of computer and internet usage. In the way
of accomplishment research questions of this study
were as follows:
Proposal of a Framework for the Assessment of ICT Literacy and Examining the Structure of High School Students’ ICT Literacy: A Case
of Turkey