The Saliency Sandbox is still under development and
grows continuously in terms of available feature and
activation maps. Further, we will add functional-
ity for evaluation based on real gaze data. By inte-
grating algorithms for eye movement detection (e.g.
MERCY (Braunagel et al., 2016)) and scanpath anal-
ysis (e.g., SubsMatch (K
ubler et al., 2014)) in dy-
namic scenes, we will creating a basis for further ex-
tensions such as the explorative search for suitable
combinations of activation and feature maps or neu-
ral networks for a non-linear combination of activa-
tion maps. Here, the focus is primarily on dynamic
scenes instead of single frames, which evokes new
challenges since there are only few gaze points per
frame available. The goal is to create a comprehen-
sive environment in order to implement new saliency
maps quickly and comparable or to combine existing
approaches to design saliency maps for a particular
use case.
Source code, binaries for Linux x64, and extensive
documentation are available at:
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VISAPP 2017 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications