the world chunks is available (see 3.3.3), an ACT-R
model can help with finding problems related to cog-
nitive aspects. Failures of a model related to a missing
knowledge of the world chunk for a target (e.g. the
model is searching for alcohol-free-beer, it looks at
bottle shop but can’t retrieve a knowledge of the world
chunk linking bottle shop to to alcohol-free beer) can
be interpreted to solve those problems. For example,
a retrieval failure of the knowledge of the world chunk
can occur because it had too low of an activation value
and this should be interpreted as a bad labeling choice
(rename bottle shop).
Furthermore, our approach (other than machine
learning approaches) does not require a large amount
of data to work. Once the ACT-R model has been
tested for smaller empirical sample sizes (e.g. 20 par-
ticipants) it is possible to estimate reliable usability
criteria if it predicts the main usability criteria accord-
ingly. If the fit to the empirical data is satisfying, the
model should be tested with another similar app, and
if it is successful again, it will be incorporated in the
ACT-R’s level of detail on predicting visual processes
is not detailed enough to simulate how complex visual
information is processed and perceived, as is used in
map or game applications. Thus, deciphering usabil-
ity effects of such applications is out of the scope of
our tool. We are looking for cooperations with other
usability approaches that focus more on analyzing vi-
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Predictive Cognitive Modelling of Applications