extend user interests, and bring more choices.
Another reason is that those new generated topics
may be sub topics of the original one. For example,
topics “football”, “basketball”, and “NBA” can all
be included in the topic “sports”, whereas the new
topics would bring more details on user interests.
Therefore, it's important to select suitable scope and
theme of topics for personalized recommendation.
Indeed, different background, culture, and
mutual influence among users, as potential and
implicit features, may all affect the user interests,
since different approaches capture user interests
from different profiles and granularity. The results
also reveal that the micro-blogging systems should
select suitable length of N for personalized
In this paper, we comprehensively considered three
aspects of the information: the textual information,
the users' behavior, and the time factor to model the
user interests, and constructed Topic-STG model
and SVD model for tweet recommendation. Also the
parallel versions of Topic-STG and SVD models
based on Map-Reduce framework were provided to
achieve better performance. Experiments on massive
Sina Weibo dataset show the effectiveness of the
proposed models and algorithms. Still there are
several issues should be solved. The first one is that
the Topic-STG model brings more computational
cost comparing with the original STG model. We
should utilize some pruning strategies to improve the
performance. The second problem is that retweets
and comments present clear attitude to represent
user's strong interest or hate. We need to adopt
opinion mining approach to identify the subjective
information for the SVD model.
This work is supported by the National Key
Research Program of China ( No.2016YFB0501900).
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