(a): The recognition rate of Gaussian noise. (b): The recognition rate of salt-pepper noise.
Figure 7: The recognition rate of different degrees of noise.
A hierarchical random forest model based on AUs has
been proposed to improve the accuracy and efficiency
for facial expression recognition. Firstly, appearance
features (i.e., LBP, intensity and Gabor) are extracted
within AU region, then, a cascaded tree structure is
introduced to random forest model based on different
AU regions to the recognize expressions in a coarse-
to-fine way. The proposed approach has been
evaluated with both CK and JAFFE databases and
provides better performance than the SVM and RF
method under both clean and noisy conditions. The
experiment results show that the proposed method is
robust to the noisy and degrades elegantly with good
tolerance to varying degree of noise.
This work was supported by the National Social
Science Foundation of China (Grant no. 16BSH107).
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