If new images are to be added to the graph, this
can be achieved by searching four very similar
images and connecting them to the new image. This
will change the number of image links for the
connected images, however this does not pose a
severe problem because the visualization process can
cope with varying numbers of connections per image.
This is also true if images are removed from the
collection. For an image which is to be removed, all
its connections have to be removed as well. If the
image collection has undergone substantial changes,
then it might be useful to reorganize/reoptimize the
entire image graph in order to keep the number of
connections per image constant.
Future work will focus on starting the visual
image exploration using keywords. If keywords are
available for the images then it is very easy to use a
keyword search to directly access the most interesting
sub-graph for a particular query. Currently we are
working on enabling a keyword search also for
untagged images by determining representing feature
vectors for typical keywords. These feature vectors
can then be used to find the region of the graph with
the most appropriate images.
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