virtual cooperation directly in the system,
collaboration is accelerated and manual effort is
reduced. Moreover, data consistency can be increased
as the necessity for manual data input is decreased. In
addition, the task dashboard screen aims at
establishing awareness about the workload for each
participant in the costing process. Notifications
automatically inform users whenever there are new
tasks or changes. Automating the collaboration
process aims at increasing productivity and avoiding
mistakes resulting from manual efforts. Our approach
gives full flexibility for integrated virtual cooperation
by providing a subscription concept that allows each
user to decide which costing objects are of interest to
him or her. Likewise, the permissions concept enables
an easily adaptable authorization management in
order to define who should participate in the
collaborative process and which system areas they
should be able to access. In conclusion, the approach
for Business Domain-Specific eCollaboration covers
all identified requirements for integrated virtual
cooperation in product costing. Nonetheless, the
design principles also depict system constraints that
need to be fulfilled. We excluded them from our
investigations, as those are external limits given by
the costing systems in use.
The next step in our research project is the
evaluation of our approach for integrated virtual
cooperation in product costing. The validation should
help to further improve the concept for the
collaboration system that we later intent to test in a
real-world setting. Subsequent research could also
cover the investigation of further business domains
with relevance to this research topic.
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