must allows to solve in real time conflicts for shared
The main purpose of the scheduling technique is
then to find a sequence of activities, from Start place
to End place, which respect the set of time constraints
given by the visibility intervals associated to each ac-
tivity of the process.
The token player has a calendar of events (mini-
mum and maximum bounds of the visibility intervals
for each case) scheduled over time. Each time a min-
imum bound is reached, a token becomes available.
If this token enables a transition and if there is no
actual conflict for a shared resource, the transition is
fired; otherwise the conflict is isolated and a decision-
making mechanism is activated to verify if the tran-
sition can be fired at the minimum date indicated on
its visibility interval. If a transition is fired, a new
marking is produced and new visibility intervals are
computed; otherwise, the next event of the calendar
is treated. The decision-making mechanism is based
on the generation of class graphs and was presented
in (de Oliveira et al., 2008). If a maximum date of a
visibility interval is reached, then the death of a token
happens and a time constraint is violated. In this case,
there is no guarantee that deadliness of the process
will be respected.
The major contribution of this work concerns the im-
provement of a knowledge base system that defines a
set of time constraints that a token player must respect
during the execution of a real-time scheduling tech-
nique. The main objective is to produce for each case
of a workflow Net a sequence of activities that respect
a set of temporal constraints, given by a set of visibil-
ity intervals (date intervals that fix the starting dates
of the activities). In particular, the filtering technique
based on a kind of energetic reasoning and on global
and local conditions ensures that the existing incon-
sistent time windows will be removed and reallocated
in different dates in order to create favorable condi-
tions for the existence of an admissible scheduling so-
lution. Applying a kind of intelligent token player al-
gorithm with decision making mechanism to the new
knowledge base obtained after applying the energetic
reasoning, the quality of the produced scheduling so-
lutions (in particular the respect of deadlines associ-
ated to the cases of the process) will then be increased,
in particular if compared with basic strategies of the
type FIFO (First in First Out), which are generally the
ones applied to this kind of business systems.
A prototype of the presented approach was imple-
mented in Visual Prolog programming language.
As a future work proposal, a real time scheduling
strategy based on a kind of token player similiar to the
one presented in (Freitas et al., 2016) will be imple-
mented and validated on the Colored Petri net model-
ing and simulation tool known as CPN Tolls (Jensen
et al., 2007)
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