information requirements (i.e. indicators). GUI of
the iReq tool conforms to the requirement
formalization metamodel (Kozmina & Niedrite,
2014), is intuitive and user-friendly, and allows to
define an unlimited number of requirement
counterpart elements.
DW information requirements input by mean of
the iReq tool may take up more time, if a
requirement consists of a large set of counterpart
elements, because each element has to be added
separately using GUI. An experienced iReq user,
who has no difficulties with defining formal
requirements manually, might want to enter DW
information requirements as an input expression that
would be processed by iReq tool and saved into the
formal requirement repository. This feature is not
available in current version of the iReq tool, but is
planned to be added to iReq GUI in the future.
The aim of this paper was not to discuss further
use of the collected indicators with a purpose to
generate a DW candidate schema (i.e. pre-schema)
semi-automatically according to the process depicted
on Figure 1. Module of the iReq tool, which
generates pre-schemas, handles formal requirements
in compliance with particular algorithms (Kozmina
et al., 2013), optimization mechanisms, and
produces graphical representation of the DW pre-
schemas. It is planned to give user an opportunity to
manually accept, reject, or unite pre-schemas to
acquire an optimal DW conceptual model that is
aligned to user requirements. The analysis of such
functionality of the iReq tool, its implementation,
and practical evaluation of its adequacy in terms of
generation of the DW conceptual model are a
subject of a separate paper.
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