configured with several elements, in order to
generate the initial Pareto-optimal curve: (1) a data
model used to generate the full recommendation
space, (2) defined metrics for measuring each
recommendation, and (3) other miscellaneous
configuration points, such as number of
recommendations to produce.
The Recommendation Engine integrates with a
DGMS in order to generate the domain-specific
recommendations based on the input model.
Furthermore, the DGMS provides the capability of
calculating metrics on each recommendation. Any
DGMS can be seamlessly integrated into CAPORS
simply by implementing a JSONiq function that
conforms to a signature specified by CAPORS.
The JSON output of the recommendation engine
is fed directly to the user interface. The user
interface is written in HTML and JavaScript. The
JavaScript functions of the user interface perform
the following: (1) load the recommendation JSON
records; (2) bind JSON data to D3JS (Data Driven
Documents, 2016) charting library; (3) format the
recommendation chart; (4) determine the initial
Closer Consideration Set; (5) display Closer
Consideration Set in a table; (6) draw improved
recommendations onto chart; (7) handle all user
interactions (add, remove, replace, improve, accept).
In this paper we proposed a methodology for
generating composite alternative recommendations,
based on Pareto-optimal trade-off consideration and
continuous user feedback. The methodology
improves upon earlier research by introducing the
combination of optimized recommendations along a
Pareto-optimal curve with the ability of users to
repeatedly optimize an alternative metric until an
optimal recommendation is generated and accepted.
Furthermore, we presented a system, CAPORS,
which implements the proposed methodology.
CAPORS utilizes existing technologies such as
JSON, JSONiq, DGAL, and D3JS to provide a
working framework for the proposed methodology.
CAPORS is designed using abstractions such that
the system is domain-independent, a big
improvement over the majority of existing
composite recommenders.
This work is a first step in our work towards a
domain-independent, optimal, composite-alternative
recommender system. In future work, we will
extend the capabilities by introducing machine
learning and data mining concepts to the
methodology and system.
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