thanks to the enabling role of ICT. Institutions and
private partners must lead the change considering the
interdependent relationship between technology,
industry and society, so that the industry can respond
to technological progress ensuring all citizens have
access to new digital services.
Regarding the areas of intervention identified, the
existing synergies between them act on different
levels of supply and demand, relating both to the
public sector and, indirectly, to the private sector too
(through enhancement of public information, open
data, information security, digital identities, smart
communities, digital skills development).
The development of the digital administration and
economy, is not possible without an effective
securitisation of networks and information,
fundamental to obtain citizens’ trust towards the
online services provided. This condition is necessary
to allow people to autonomously operate and use the
services, raising the efficiency of the entire
economical system.
The recent and increasing attack rate, both on
private and governmental IT systems, injected new
life into this topic, especially when key or critical
infrastructures are the target of such assaults, such as
energy distribution facilities, the banking system and
financial institutions.
That of digital growth is a cross-cutting topic to any
area, from for tourism and culture, to craftsmanship
and digital manufacturing. It is very varied in terms
of possibilities, ranging from simple "online sales" of
products, the complete change of business models,
the opening of new markets, to the "makers"
movement. The completion of national and
international strategies related to ICT as KET in
Research & Innovation, is fundamental when
designing new policies for digital growth through
research and innovation. Such policies should aim at
creating a digital ecosystem that is dynamic,
competitive, productive, friendly, safe and full of
opportunities. This includes initiatives related to the
"Living Labs", the research on big data, the theme of
entrepreneurial discovery, the development of pre-
commercial procurement and the promotion of
public-private partnerships, the development of
advanced technologies needed for smart
communities. A further priority should be the
"Entrepreneurial discovery” intended as the process
which encourages companies, research centres and
universities to work together to identify the most
promising areas, but also the weak points that may
hinder innovation. ICT and digital ecosystem are key
enabling elements for the full development of the
potential of entrepreneurial discovery.
It is crucial in this scenario, to be aware that
technology evolves exponentially, and social
relationships too, but there is need of widespread
skills and increasingly powerful technological
infrastructure not losing competitiveness and socio-
economic growth capacity. Therefore, it is needed the
identification of a strategy to recognise strengths and
weaknesses, opportunities and threats, which can be
synthetically represented in the SWOT analysis that
6.1 Exponential Technology Growth
The technological growth, does not only represents an
instrumental element for any country, but it is also the
biggest strength to exploit to make eID spread. The
creation on a digitalization path, as well as a
regulatory framework and a system of priorities is, as
previously shown, essential. All progresses should be
of course measurable and executed rapidly, to better
take advantage of the technology growth. The
increase of internet use among citizens, will end the
Digital Divide and open to innovations (e.g. Smart
6.2 Need for Infrastructures and Skills
A digital revolution, can be pursued only when can
rely on an adequate infrastructure system and
widespread skills. The need of huge investments, both
in human and financial capital, represents a weakness
to which should be given attention.
All delivery, rollout and dissemination
mechanisms, must be set and perfectly working to
avoid the risk of duplication and misalignment of
confidential information.
6.3 Exploit the Actual Scenario and
Social Economic Capacity
The traction of eID can be exploited to start a
structured collaboration among all public actors,
creating a well-established, clear and common
strategy. The rollout of new services, will enable
mobile payment, remote access, loyalty programs and
peer-to-peer appliances, all based on the attributes
contained in CIP. Despite the scenario has good
perspective, threats coming from the scarce
utilization of economies of scale and synergies
(mainly due to fragmentation of resources and