Application of Heuristics in Business Process Models to Support
Software Requirements Specification
Fernando Aparecido Nogueira and Hilda Carvalho de Oliveira
Institute of Geosciences and Exact Sciences, São Paulo State University (Unesp), Rio Claro, Brazil
Keywords: Requirements Engineering, Business Process Model, BPMN, XPDL, Heuristics, UML.
Abstract: Requirements Engineering has suffered difficulties caused by communication failures between business and
Information Technology teams (IT). The knowledge of the enterprise's business domain is very important for
the systems analysts when developing software solutions to automate activities and processes. However, these
analysts come across frequent changes in the system scope and requirements descriptions incomplete or erro-
neous. This work presents a systematic process that takes into account the business process models to auto-
matically extract functional and non-functional requirements, which compose the Software Requirements
Specification document. This automatic process uses requirements heuristics implemented by a freeware soft-
ware system that generates software requirements documents with use cases and UML diagrams. The system-
atic process uses XML to facilitate systems integration, as well the re-use and visualization of the results.
Additionally, this work presents business heuristics that enable significant improvements in the documenta-
tion of the business process models, bringing advantages for the business and IT. Assessment tools for the
level of documentation level are proposed for both the business process models as for software requirements
The knowledge about the organization's business do-
main is very important for systems analysts when de-
veloping software solutions to automate activities and
processes. Kalinowski et al. (2015) observe that the
Requirements Engineering activities have suffered
from the difficulties caused by communication fail-
ures between the Business and Information Technol-
ogy (IT) teams. These teams use different vocabular-
ies, languages and technical models. This hinders the
elicitation and modeling software requirements
(Bousetta et al., 2013). Although there are standards
such as ISO/IEC/IEEE 29148:2011, Mafra et al.
(2016) note that there is a lack of a standard for the
software requirements specification document. The
consequence of all these problems can be seen in the
frequent changes in the system scope and the descrip-
tion of incomplete or erroneous software require-
This paper presents a solution that defends that
software requirements can be determined more asser-
tively if the organization's business process models
are considered. The more documentation software re-
quirements are similar to the organization's processes,
the greater the level of compliance of these require-
ments with the customer's needs (Vieira et al., 2012).
Consequently, the positive effects will affect the next
stages of software development. Thus, the software
product delivered to the end client will meet more ef-
fectively the needs of users and stakeholders of the
Well-defined business processes provide a better
understanding of what the company does in their
business and how the process is executed in different
departments. The cross-interaction between their dif-
ferent organizational divisions is documented by the
business process models. These models provide a
clear scenario for improvements in the processes ex-
ecution, considering the use of software and other re-
sources. This has helped to emphasize the adoption of
the BPM (Business Process Management) approach,
which involves the analysis, definition, execution,
monitoring and management of business processes
(Van der Aalst, 2013). For this, the BPMN business
process models are essential. They can be built by us-
ing various languages and notations, but the graphical
notation BPMN (Business Process Model Notation)
is considered the standard of the current market. Ac-
cording to BPMN specification maintained by the
Nogueira, F. and Oliveira, H.
Application of Heuristics in Business Process Models to Support Software Requirements Specification.
DOI: 10.5220/0006280400400051
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 2, pages 40-51
ISBN: 978-989-758-248-6
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Consortium OMG (Object Management Group), tex-
tual documentation of its elements can make to sup-
port the modeling of business processes.
In this context, this paper presents a systematic
process that takes into account the business process
models of an enterprise to extract requirements for the
systems analysts team, maintaining the vocabulary
and language used in the business environment. The
process automatically extracts functional and non-
functional requirements from the business process
models in BPMN v2.0 notation. For this reason, other
important instruments have been developed to sup-
port systems analysts. Because of the need for infor-
mation to compose the Software Requirements Spec-
ification document, some instruments to improve the
documentation of the BPMN elements have also been
developed. This way, the organization gains with a
more knowledgeable IT team in the business environ-
ment, with better software to their needs and with bet-
ter-documented models in business processes.
In order to apply this systematic, the business pro-
cess models in BPMN v2.0 must be converted to
XPDL (XML Process Definition Language) v2.2 us-
ing modeling systems available in the market. XPDL
establishes a structured format based on XML (eX-
tensible Markup Language) for representation of pro-
cess definitions. Thus, considering the specification
of single metamodel, different modeling tools can in-
teract and generate documents in the XPDL standard
from BPMN models, without losing information in
this transformation process (Van der Aalst, 2003).
The extraction of information from business pro-
cess models in XPDL is possible with the support of
heuristics set ("business heuristics") which helps to
identify the elements of functional and non-functional
requirements. The extracted content is structured in a
requirements document in XML, containing use cases
and diagrams in UML (Unified Modeling Language).
For the automation of the presented process, it
was developed a software system called SRPD (Soft-
ware Requirements from Process Definitions). The
inputs are XPDL files that represent the business pro-
cess model and the outputs are the functional and non-
functional requirements document in XML, that facil-
itates the viewing. These documents comprise the in-
itial version of the Software Requirements Specifica-
tion, in order to ease the communication between the
requirements analysts and the company and to im-
prove the time spent in the specification of software
requirements. In addition, it is worth mentioning that
this paper presents a feature that helps analysts in
evaluating the level of information in this document.
Based on this, Section 2 presents some works
that also use business process models to support the
elicitation of software requirements, although in a
different and more limited way. Section 3 presents
concepts related to business process models in BPMN
and XPDL, which are relevant to the job. The system-
atic process for automatic extraction of software re-
quirements from business process model is presented
in Section 4. This section includes various tools and
heuristics used in the systematic process as well the
SRPD system. Section 5 presents the application of
the proposed methodology, using real business pro-
cess models. The final considerations and perspec-
tives for future works are presented in Section 6.
There are some works in the literature that also pre-
sent approaches for extraction of software require-
ments from business process models of an enterprise.
These papers differ in many aspects, such as model-
ing notation, complexity, business processes details,
software requirements handling, among others. How-
ever, none of them proposes the automatic extraction
of requirements in the same way as this work does.
Although some studies use heuristics, they differ
from the heuristics defined in this paper regarding its
type, purpose, and scope.
Some papers consider BPMN notation for model-
ing business processes, such as Xavier et al. (2010),
Bousetta et al. (2013), Vieira et al. (2012), Macek and
Richta (2009) and Cruz et al. 2014). However, they
do not use the conversion of these business process
models to XPDL to extract software requirements, as
proposed in this paper. Moreover, Dias et al. (2006)
explore the relationship between activities from busi-
ness processes and use cases. However, business pro-
cess models are designed using UML language in-
stead of BPMN.
Bousetta et al. (2013), Dias et al. (2006) and Cruz
et al. (2014) use sentences in pre-defined formats for
the business process activities documentation. There-
fore, it requires that the process modelers and special-
ists are aware of these sentence patterns instead of us-
ing their own business language. For instance,
Bousetta et al. (2013) propose the use of a standard
documentation based on the concepts of “term” and
“fact” to describe business rules in business process
models. This standard allows the use of natural lan-
guage and aims to assist the generation of use cases,
class and sequence diagrams using UML. It is worth
mentioning that this is executed in a semiautomatic
mode in which the authors use a software tool, how-
ever, it is necessary to adjust manually the diagrams
generated at the end of the process.
Application of Heuristics in Business Process Models to Support Software Requirements Specification
In another direction, Xavier et al. (2010) highlight
that the BPMN notation does not provide elements to
represent explicitly non-functional requirements.
Then, the authors propose a technique that extends the
BPMN notation, placing labels on the activities that
present non-functional requirements. Non-functional
requirements are also considered in this work’s guide-
lines. They are described by using "extended attrib-
utes", which are available in BPMN and must be
added to the appropriate elements of the business pro-
cess models, as will be presented in Section 4.
Vieira et al. (2012) use instructions to guide the
systems analysts during the elicitation of require-
ments from the activities of business process models.
These instructions are called by the authors as "heu-
ristics" and they are performed manually. It is noted
that the business process models are designed by
Vieira et al. (2012) using BPMN. The use of heuris-
tics gives support to register, validate and repeat the
procedures performed. However, the application of
heuristics is restricted to a very small set of require-
ments by Vieira et al. (2012). In addition, the heuris-
tics do not consider resources of the business process
modeling tools, such as the indication of the activity
performer (actor) and the use of extended attributes.
However, the proposal presented in this paper, con-
sider these business process modeling tools features.
As shown in Section 4, this work also uses heuristics
to extract requirements from business process mod-
els, called "requirements heuristics". These heuristics
are principles automatically identified in the corre-
sponding XPDL code of the business model, allowing
the automatic generation of a requirements document.
Following this idea, it is emphasized that only the
procedures used by Dias et al. (2006) are performed
automatically. The authors use a specific software
tool that enables to model business processes in UML
and makes the extraction of requirements by trans-
forming them into UML diagrams. The procedures
are performed in a semi-automatic way by Bousetta
et al. (2013) and manually in the other works men-
tioned in this section, impacting the time required and
the results obtained.
The works of Bousetta et al. (2013), Dias et al.
(2006) and Cruz et al. (2014) generate UML diagrams
for use cases, while Macek and Richta (2009) only
generate activity diagrams. These papers do not use
any structure for the Software Requirements Specifi-
cation (SRS) document. This would help the business
and IT teams to understand and validate the software
requirements. On the other hand, the purpose of this
work generates a software requirements document ac-
cording to the ISO/IEC/IEEE 29148:2011 standard
and best practices of Requirements Engineering. The
requirements document is generated in XML, using a
metamodel, which defines a hierarchical structure for
the identified requirements representation.
In a different direction, Herden, Farias, and Albu-
querque (2014) present a way to support the prototyp-
ing phase in the agile approaches with use case de-
scriptions using the BPMN notation. However, the
authors do not explain how the information handled
by the process activities are represented. On the other
hand, the proposal presented in this paper uses the fol-
lowing BPMN elements for representing such infor-
mation: artifacts and data repositories. It is appropri-
ate to mention that Inayat et al. (2015) point out that
the use of agile methodologies can present negligence
about the non-functional requirements.
According to the CBOK (Business Process Manage-
ment Common Body of Knowledge) guide (ABPMP,
2013), business process modeling is the set of activi-
ties involved in creating representations of the exist-
ing or proposed business processes in a complete and
accurate way. These activities are critical to the man-
agement of an enterprise, supporting the understand-
ing, communication, and management of the business
processes (ABPMP, 2013). The representations can
be done by using graphical notations, although addi-
tional textual information is important to document
the resulting models.
According to Jung et al. (2004), business process
modeling can be done in two different ways: using a
graphical notation such as BPMN, EKD, and UML,
or through an execution language, such as BPML
(Business Process Modeling Language), BPEL (Busi-
ness Process Execution Language) and XPDL. Gen-
erally, these languages are based on XML and allow
the understanding of information that make the pro-
cess run. Considering the purposes of this paper, sub-
sections 3.1 and 3.2 approaches BPMN and XPDL,
3.1 Considerations on BPMN
The OMG Consortium is responsible for the BPMN
notation specifications. This paper considers the lat-
est version, v2.0, published in 2011, which includes
seventy-five graphic elements. It is a comprehensive
and flexible notation that can be used by professionals
with different levels of expertise. According to OMG
(2011), BPMN is currently the business process mod-
eling notation used by most of BPM professionals.
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The full specification of BPMN v2.0 defines attrib-
utes grouped into four basic categories of elements:
objects, connecting objects, swimlanes and artifacts.
Flow objects are the graphic elements represent
events, activities, and gateways (for decisions). Con-
necting objects interconnect Flow Objects through
different types of arrows. Swimlanes (Lanes and
Pools) group activities into separate categories, ac-
cording to their functional capabilities or responsibil-
ities. Artifacts add information to the process, such as
processed data or comments. Fig. 1 illustrates a busi-
ness process diagram, with some elements of BPMN
notation identified through information notes, high-
lighted in red.
Figure 1: An example of a business process diagram in
It is worth mentioning that OMG does not specify
the rules nor the elements for the documentation of
business processes. Because of this gap, business pro-
cess modelers systems in BPMN, which are part of
complete BPM systems, must implement effective
ways to document the elements of the business pro-
cess models. This documentation is critical to the
BPM lifecycle. However, the diversity of modeling
systems brings problems when exporting the com-
plete model (graphics and documentation) to other
modeling systems.
Another issue that deserves attention is the lack of
a guide of procedures for business process modeling
using BPMN. However, some studies suggest good
modeling practices so that the integrity and logic of
the processes execution are maintained (Correia and
Abreu, 2015).
3.2 Mapping from BPMN to XPDL
The Consortium Workflow Management Coalition
(WfMC) is responsible for the XPDL language spec-
ifications. This paper considers its latest version,
v2.2, published in 2012, the business process defined
by the XPDL structure can be interpreted by different
software tools. According to the XPDL specification,
the BPMN business process modeling tools should
provide two operations: (1) export a business process
model to XPDL, according to the tool's internal rep-
resentation for the business process definition; (2) im-
porting a business process definition from the corre-
sponding XPDL code. To perform these operations,
the BPMN modeling tool should conform to the XSD
(XML Schema Definition) schema provided by the
XPDL specification.
The XPDL language specification defines a basic
set of entities and attributes for representing lanes,
pools, processes, participants and message flows, as
well as different types of elements that represent the
flow control in the business process models. The
specification also defines the serialization of the busi-
ness process models in XML format, including con-
ceptual and graphical information for the representa-
tion of the processes (Weske, 2012).
Fig. 2 shows an example of the structure of a busi-
ness process in XPDL. It is possible to identify the
workflow process, which is the process definition for
the "Process A" process. Then, the activities identi-
fied as "A" and "B" are represented, highlighting the
"Transition" element (identified as "AB"), which con-
nects them.
Figure 2: An example of a business process in XPDL.
For this paper, business process models in BPMN
are exported to the XPDL format. Afterward, these
models are validated and processed by a software tool
presented in Section 4, which is responsible for the
automation of the proposed systematic process.
The OMG and WfMC consortia do not define rules
for mapping the elements of BPMN and XPDL mod-
els. The modeling tools must define and implement
how to associate each BPMN element with an XPDL
element (and vice versa). Due to the conceptual dif-
ference between these models, some graphics are not
used in XPDL, although the modeling tools export
them. Table 1 shows the main elements used in this
Application of Heuristics in Business Process Models to Support Software Requirements Specification
study to relate BPMN and XPDL elements, based on
the works of Van der Aalst (2003), Mora et al. (2007)
and White (2003). The complete set of mappings used
in this work and the description of requirements heu-
ristics will be presented in Section 4. This mapping
does not include all associations between BPMN and
XPDL elements but is sufficient for the extraction of
requirements proposed in this paper.
Table 1: The mapping between BPMN and XPDL elements
(White, 2003).
This section presents a systematization of the actions
to extract functional and non-functional requirements
from business process models of an enterprise, to sup-
port the development of software solutions for pro-
cess automation. Due to the complexity of a business
process model, with several sub-processes, it is rec-
ommended that the application of the systematic pro-
cess is done separately for each sub-process. The ap-
plication of the systematic generates a requirements
document, which is structured according to the guide-
lines in the ISO/IEC/IEEE 29148:2011. Eventually,
the requirements documents generated in each appli-
cation of the systematic process must be analyzed to
reach a set of requirements that is in accordance with
the scope of the software to be built. The final docu-
ment is an early version of the Software Require-
ments Specification, which will support systems ana-
lysts to understand the business.
In order to apply the systematic process, the com-
pany must have well-defined processes designed in
BPMN notation v2.0, including descriptive and tex-
tual parts of the model elements. The model must
have a start event, at least one end event, at least one
lane and one pool. The textual part of the model
should provide sufficient information to understand
the implementation particularities of the company's
business processes. This information must be clear
and accurate, covering the roles of the processes per-
formers, the documentation of the BPMN elements in
the chain of processes, existing software systems, and
other information relevant to the processes.
However, due the lack of a standard for the textual
description of the model and often the lack of skills
and time of the business process modelers, a consid-
erable part of all these information is missing or in-
complete in the business models. So, before applying
the systematic process, it is important that these
amount of information is properly present in the busi-
ness process models.
In this work, the extended attributes feature of
BPMN notation was used to facilitate the identifica-
tion of some software elements. These attributes are
structured according to the "key-value" pattern and
can be added to the documentation of any element of
a BPMN model using the modeling system interface.
Three types of extended attributes were defined in
this work, with the following identifications: "NFR",
to be added to the activities or decision flows, repre-
senting non-functional requirements; "ATTRIB-
UTES", for data repositories or artifacts, representing
their attributes and respective data types; "RULE",
for the business process activities, representing the re-
lated business rules.
The proposed systematic process is organized in
three steps that must be performed sequentially in this
STEP 1: exportation of the BPMN v2.0 model to
XPDL v2.2 using a modeling tool for business
processes. At this step, the input is the business
model in BPMN, and the output is composed of
XPDL files, where an XPDL file is generated for
the whole model and a file is generated for each
sub-process model if any;
STEP 2: execution of the SRPD system for each
XPDL file created in Step 1. The output is a re-
quirement document in ".xml" file extension,
which shall form the Software Requirements
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Specification (SRS) document. An XSLT (eX-
tensible Stylesheet Language for Transfor-
mation) stylesheet is attached to the ".xml" file
for formatting the requirement document and
thus improve the presentation of the content of
this document. The SRPD system (Fig. 3) per-
forms the following activities in this order:
2.1 - automatic extraction of functional and non-
functional requirements using a set of heuristics
("requirements heuristics"), presented in Sub-
section 4.1;
2.2 - automatic generation of an ".xml" file with
the specification of the use cases identified and
the following UML diagrams: use cases, classes,
and activities. The structure of the document and
the generation of diagrams are discussed in Sub-
section 4.2.
STEP 3: composition of the SRS document. The
inputs are the requirement document (".xml")
generated in Step 2. The systems analysts team,
to enable further adjustments, must compose this
initial version of the SRS document.
Figure 3. Overview of SRPD software.
It is recommended to repeat the implementation
of the systematic process if any changes are made in
the business process models. However, if the change
is made in a sub-process, the systematic process shall
be applied again only in the XPDL file for the sub-
process. Thus, the requirements documentation will
be updated and aligned with the company's business
processes. It is worth mentioning that Step 1 is the
only step in which manual intervention is required.
Step 3 can be performed automatically, although this
is not discussed in this article.
4.1 Automatic Extraction of Software
The input for the extraction phase for software re-
quirements is a XPDL file that represents a business
model for a process or sub-process. The SRPD system
inspects the XPDL file and applies nine heuristics,
called "requirement heuristics." These heuristics ena-
ble a mapping for the textual elements that will com-
pose the requirements document (part of the Software
Requirements Specification). Table 2 shows the cor-
respondence between the BPMN elements used in
this work, XPDL structures and the software require-
ments elements generated. It is important to observe
that all the associations between BPMN and XPDL
elements presented in Table 2 have been considered
in the automatic conversion performed by the model-
ing tools analyzed.
Table 2: The relation between BPMN, XPDL and software
XPDL element Software element
Diagram WorkflowProcess Scenario
Performer Performer Actor
Functional require-
ment / use case /
Route Business rule
Artifact DataObject Class and attributes
Class and attributes
The requirement heuristics are classified accord-
ing to the software requirements elements. The three
categories of these heuristics are shown in Tables 3 to
5, respectively: heuristics for extraction of use cases
scenario, heuristics to extract textual requirements
and heuristics to generate UML diagrams. Require-
ments heuristics are identified by "RH" and a sequen-
tial number. Each heuristic presents a principle that is
considered in the SRPD system instructions.
Table 3 shows that the RH1 heuristics are used to
identify the event that starts the process, to obtain a
pre-condition for the use cases. The documented in-
formation about this event will be mapped to the "Pre-
condition" section of the document. Similarly, the
RH2 heuristic is used to extract the post-conditions
from the documentation of the process end events.
The application of RH4 heuristic depends on the
annotation "NFR" in the documentation of the busi-
ness process models. It is observed that the inclusion
of multiple non-functional requirements in the same
activity, must use the character semicolon (";") to di-
vide the non-functional requirements.
The RH5 heuristic uses the documentation of the
decision flows of the business process diagrams to ex-
tract the software business rules. Decision flows rep-
resent decision-making to perform activities of one or
more different paths. The constraints associated with
Application of Heuristics in Business Process Models to Support Software Requirements Specification
decision-making must be documented in the respec-
tive decision flows of the model using natural lan-
guage, according to the organization's business
Table 3: Requirement heuristics to extract use cases scenar-
Heuristic Description
The start event element must be identified.
The precondition for performing the busi-
ness process must be registered in the
event documentation.
End events must be identified.
The documentation of the end event must
represent the post-condition required after
the execution of the business process.
The post-condition must be registered in
the “Post Conditions” section of the SRS
Table 4: Requirements heuristics to extract textual require-
Heuristic Description
The type of the activity must be identified:
“User”, “Service” or “Script”.
The extended attributes of the type “NFR”
must be identified in the activities.
ules (deci-
sion flows)
The decision flows must be identified.
The business rules must be identified from
the documentation of the decision flows.
ules (activ-
The activities with the types “User”, “Ser-
vice” or “Script” must be identified.
The business rules must be identified from
the extended attributes of the type “RULE”.
The type of the activity must be identified:
“User”, “Service” or “Script”.
The functional requirements must be iden-
tified from the textual documentation of
the activities.
On the other hand, there are business rules that are
not documented in the decision flow of the business
processes, for example, when a given task must be
performed in a certain time by a given user. This re-
striction should be recorded in their activity with the
insertion of extended attributes of the type “RULE”.
Then the RH6 heuristic can identify these attributes
in the business process activities.
The RH3 heuristic aims to establish a relation-
ship between the role of the activities in the business
process and the use cases. Similarly, the RH3 heuris-
tic aims to relate the role of the business process ac-
tivities and functional requirements of the software.
For this, RH3 and RH8 identify the activities of the
business processes that are "User", "Service" and
"Script". The activities of the type "User" represent
the execution of a task by a human being with the help
of a computational tool. "Service" represents actions
performed by a computer system only. "Script" are
performed using mechanisms created in a language
that is understood by the business process.
Table 5: Requirements heuristics to generate UML dia-
Use Cases
Use cases must be identified from activities
with the type “User”, “Service” and “Script”.
Actors must be identified from the resources
that perform the activity.
Domain classes must be identified from each
artifact and data repository.
Class attributes must be identified from the
extended attributes of the type “ATTRIB-
The activity diagram start must be identified
from the start event of the business process.
The activities of the activity diagram must be
identified from the activities with the types
“User”, “Service” and “Script”.
The end of the activity diagram must identify
from the end event of the business process.
Thus, functional requirements are identified and
recorded in the requirements document, at "Func-
tional Requirements" section, considering the docu-
mentation of each activity. The generation of the use
case diagram in UML is started when the executors of
each activity are identified; they will be the actors in
the use case diagram. This identification is provided
in the BPMN notation and XPDL language by using
information the "performer" information". The iden-
tified actors are recorded in the "Actors" section of
the document. The illustrations of the use cases are
generated from the textual description of each activity
selected and are represented with the respective actor
who implements it.
The identification of the software domain classes
is performed by RH7 heuristic (Table 5), using the
structured documentation of data repositories and
data objects from the business process diagrams as
well as the associations of these elements with the ac-
tivities. These elements represent information storage
objects that are managed during the execution of the
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
business process. Each data object and each data re-
pository correspond to a domain class. The attributes
representation of the identified classes is possible
with the use of the “ATTRIBUTES” extended attrib-
utes in the documentation of these elements in the
business process models. These extended attributes
must record the data attributes types of each data ob-
ject or data repository so that the area of representa-
tion is possible by RH7 heuristic.
The definition of a formal sentence for represent-
ing the attribute name and its respective data type
meant to reduce problems arising from the use the
natural language in the identification of these attrib-
utes process. In addition, a dictionary of terms for the
representation of data types was defined. This dic-
tionary was created for two reasons: ease the registra-
tion of the data types during the business process
modeling and restrict the use of natural language. The
data types of the attributes from the class diagrams
present in the software requirements document are
primitive type commonly used in programming lan-
guages, as shown in Table 6. The information about
the identifier and data type of each attribute is found
in the documentation of the extended attribute of the
type "ATTRIBUTES" in the model in BPMN. For ex-
ample, if the documentation of the extended attribute
"ATTRIBUTES" has the text "status: B;" then the
class attribute is identified as "status" with the data
type "boolean".
Table 6: The domain of data types for the design of UML
activity diagrams.
Symbol Description
Datatype in class
C Char char
T Text string
D Decimal float
I Integer int
B Boolean boolean
The data types of the attributes from the class di-
agrams present in the software requirements docu-
ment are primitive types commonly used in program-
ming languages, as shown in Table 6. The infor-
mation for these attributes is in the documentation of
the extended the attribute with the annotation "AT-
TRIBUTES "in the BPMN model. The identification
and type of each attribute of the class diagrams
depend on the documentation of the extended attrib-
ute "ATTRIBUTES". For example, if the documenta-
tion of the extended attribute "ATTRIBUTES" has
the text "status: B;" then the class attribute is identi-
fied as "status" with the data type "boolean".
4.2 Software Requirements Document
The requirements document generated by SRPD sys-
tem is structured according to the recommendations
of the ISO/IEC/IEEE 29148:2011 standard. This doc-
ument ".xml" also includes contents indicated by
Pressman (2015), Sommerville (2015) and Yayici
(2013). The requirements document consists in the
following sections, with the structure shown in Fig. 4:
Versioning: information about the considered
business process models;
References: provides information about the
XPDL document that contains the definition of
the business process;
Software features: textually describes the ac-
tors, functional requirements, non-functional
requirements, and business rules; it also presents
the pre-condition and post-conditions for imple-
mentation of use cases;
Requirements model: presents the following
UML diagrams: use cases, classes and activities.
Regarding the traceability of software require-
ments, a relationship between business process mod-
els and the extracted the software requirements has
been established. Textually, the features traceability,
sources, and dependencies are recorded is registered
in the generated requirements document.
Figure 4: The structure of the requirements document.
Each requirements document is associated with an
XPDL file, which represents a subprocess or the en-
tire business process model in BPMN. Thus, more
than one requirement document can be generated for
a business process model. These documents must be
gathered and organized by the systems analysts team
to compose the Software Requirements Specification
(SRS) document. Other documents and information
can complement this document, which will form the
basis for the alignment of the communication be-
tween business and software development teams.
Fig. 5 shows a metamodel in UML for the defini-
Application of Heuristics in Business Process Models to Support Software Requirements Specification
tion of the requirements classes considered in the re-
quirements document. This metamodel allowed to
create an XSD schema for serialization of the docu-
ment in XML format - which enables its use in other
phases of the software development (e.g.: design and
Figure 5: Metamodel for the requirements document.
It is worth mentioning that the activities of the
business process models processes can indicate the
use of software systems that are already in operation
in the process chain. In these cases, the requirements
document generated contains classes that represent
information that is maintained by these systems and
used in the implementation of the company's business
processes. Moreover, the use cases identified may
help to identify the activities that are already auto-
mated by these systems. This supports the process of
requirements analysis, identifying what should be au-
tomated by a software solution to be developed. It is
also possible to identify some characteristics of the
interaction between new systems and the already op-
erational ones, aimed at automation of the business
4.3 SRPD System for Automation of
Software Requirements Extraction
The SRPD (Software Requirements from Process
Definitions) system was developed for automation of
Step 2 in the proposed systematic process. The input
is an XPDL v2.2 file corresponding to the business
process model or a subprocess of this model in BPMN
v2.0. The output is a requirements document accord-
ing to the structure presented in the previous subsec-
tion. The SRPD system can be requested free of
charge for use and evaluation. The system was devel-
oped in Java SE (Standard Edition) V1.8 and can be
executed on Windows, Linux and Mac platforms.
The SRPD consists of two modules (Fig. 6):
XPDL Parser, which parses the XPDL v2.2
code and uses the requirements heuristics,
which were defined in Subsection 4.1;
XML Generator, which generates require-
ments document in XML and one XSLT style
sheet, in order to provide the visualization of
the XML document and the UML diagrams
using Web browsers.
Figure 6: Architecture of the SRPD tool.
The library PlantUML (Plantuml, 2012) was used
to generate the UML diagrams It is a free and open
source library that uses a proprietary language to gen-
erate several UML diagrams. The library can be used
together with many programming languages and de-
velopment tools. In this work, the diagrams were gen-
erated in PNG (Portable Network Graphics) format,
suitable for the structure of the XML document gen-
erated. The user interface allows the user to select the
desired XPDL file.
The progress of the process can be followed by
the user through a panel, which also displays error
messages in case of failure.
The systematic process and the SRPD system were
evaluated with business process models in BPMN
v2.0 available at the public repository: In that re-
pository, there are models with different complexities
and directed to different business areas. The textual
documentation of these models contributes to the un-
derstanding of the business domain of the companies
for which were designed. It must be observed that the
models from the repository use the modeling tool Bi-
zagi Modeler, which offers numerous features for tex-
tual and graphical documentation models in BPMN.
The models used to evaluate the proposed system-
atic process have the following characteristics: -
BPMN v2.0 notation; - More than one pool, which
means that the process activities are performed by dif-
ferent departments of the organization; - Activities
using actual forms and information that can be stored
using databases; - Documentation that identifies busi-
ness rules.
In this section, two business process models will be
discussed to show the applicability of the proposal:
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
(1) model for the accounts payable department of a
company, which has processes to validate the docu-
mentation submitted by suppliers and subsequent re-
lease of payment; (2) model for software permissions
control area department in an organization.
The original models were exported to XPDL v2.2
using two freeware modelers: Bizagi and Camunda.
So, each XPDL document was submitted to SRPD
tool for the generation of requirements documents.
The results were similar, regardless of the modeler
system, without interfering in the requirements result-
ing documents.
The evaluation of each requirements document was
performed manually, with the support of a classifica-
tion presented in Table 7. This rating scale is from 1
to 4, where 4 indicates the highest level of desirable
information in an element of the requirements docu-
ment structure. This classification allows analyzing
the adequacy of the documentation of each require-
ment element resultant from the SRPD system. In all
cases, the results showed that most of the elements in
the requirements structure have not reached the level
4, then BPMN models were not properly documented.
Thus, some adjustments were necessary for these two
business models, considering the insertion of ele-
ments such as data repositories, artifacts, and ex-
tended attributes. In addition, the textual documenta-
tion of the BPMN elements and the identification of
the executors and types of each activity were adjusted
when necessary.
The adjusted models were again subjected to the
same initial procedures, showing significant improve-
ment over the completeness and content of the re-
quirements document. This process was repeated un-
til the set of identified requirements were rated at
level 4, that is, the documentation is considered "com-
In addition to the models available in the repository
mentioned, other models were used, highlighting the
business process models of the Library of a public
University, with high organizational complexity. The
models of this Library used a variety of BPMN v2.0
notation elements which are not normally used in
most of BPMN models (based on literature and public
repositories). Furthermore, the models are composed
of several sub-processes and include activities auto-
mated by software systems and semi-automated ac-
tivities. These business process models were devel-
oped by members of a research group of the Univer-
The data shown in this section are related to the
business process models conducting training for stu-
dents and other users of the Library (Pucci, 2016).
The textual documentation of the BPMN elements al-
lowed applying the classification presented in Table
7. Most of the elements were classified as level 2 or
3, although some elements showed level 4. It must be
observed that few elements were without any docu-
mentation, but most of them were not in accordance
with the "term-fact" standard.
Table 7: Classification of the SRS elements.
Level Description
Undocumented: The requirement element was
not identified using the proposed technique.
Labeled: Only the name of the requirement el-
ement was identified. There is no detailed in-
formation in the documentation of the require-
ment element, or the information available is
syntactically invalid, according to the “term-
fact” expression;
Actor 1: manager
Syntactically documented: In addition to the
name (level 1), the requirement documentation
is enhanced with syntactically valid textual in-
formation, according to the use of the “term-
fact” expression.
Actor 1: Financial Manager The financial
manager is in charge of the Financial and Ac-
counting departments.
Complete: In addition to the level 3 premises,
the requirement element must have infor-
mation for the questions of the 5W1H tech-
nique, considered in the business heuristics.
Actor 1: Financial Manager The Financial
Manager is in charge of the management of the
activities of the Financial and Accounting de-
partments. The Financial Manager is hierarchi-
cally below the President of the company. Eve-
ryone that works at these departments is subor-
dinated to Financial Manager.
The original BPMN model was exported to XPDL.
As it has four sub-processes, five XPDL files were
generated (one for the main model). All underwent
SRPD system for document generation requirements.
The requirements were classified according to Table
7 and it was recorded for later comparison.
As an example in this section, the sub-process on
individual training or couple will be considered. In
this case, no requirement reached level 4, demanding
adjustments in the BPMN model documentation. This
Application of Heuristics in Business Process Models to Support Software Requirements Specification
involved the analysis of the documentation of the
BPMN elements together with the staff that design
the business process models. Thus, adjustments were
made in graphic and textual form. An example of
adjustment was to represent the forms to request
training as data repositories, with attributes to register
the information considered in the process: validation,
scheduling, and execution.
After the application of the adjustments, the ad-
justed model (Fig. 7) was converted to XPDL and
then submitted to SRPD tool. Figs. 8 and 9 show re-
spectively an overview of the requirements document
and UML diagrams generated. The requirements
were classified according to Table 7 and most reached
level 4, "complete". This was recorded for compari-
son with previous results.
Figure 7: Overview of the BPMN model for the Library
training schedule.
Figure 8: Parts of the SRS document generated from the
business process for the Library training schedule process.
Table 8 shows significant improvement in the
number of requirements obtained in the adjusted
model. However, the most important are that obtained
a number of conditions where most 4 has reached the
level "complete". Furthermore, the BPMN model had
significant improvements in its documentation, con-
tributing to the Library business processes.
In general, the results showed a considerable in-
crease in the quantity of identified requirements after
the application of adjustments to the BPMN models.
Given the identification of functional requirements, it
was found that the indication of the type of activity
plays an important role in the improvement of pro-
cesses allowing the identification of activities that
will be transformed into use cases.
Figure 9: Detail of the UML diagrams generated from the
business process for the library training schedule process.
Table 8: Summary of the results for the Library training
2 0 1 6 0
2 3 4 6 3
This paper presented a systematic process that takes
into account the business process models of a com-
pany to extract requirements for the systems analysts
team, maintaining the vocabulary and language used
in business environment. The business process model
can be composed of several sub-processes and in-
clude automated activities for an operating software
in the organization. The systematic process automat-
ically extracts functional and non-functional require-
ments business process model in BPMN v2.0.
For this, a system (SRPD) was developed to auto-
matically generate software requirements documents
with use cases structures and UML diagrams (use
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
cases, classes, and activities). Efforts are being in-
vested to enable the inclusion of other UML dia-
grams. The system uses a set of heuristics to inspect
XPDL files that represent models of business process
models. A technique that evaluates the degree of in-
formation of the requirements extracted was also de-
fined. If the software requirements document ob-
tained a low classification, the business analyst can
complete/adjust the model, bringing benefits to the
organization and improving communication with the
development team.
For future works, DMN (Decision Model and No-
tation) and CMMN (Case Management Model and
Notation) notations should be considered in business
process modeling.
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