tion from the scientific community, we claimed in
this paper that well-named REST APIs might attract
client developers to use them. A better comprehen-
sion of the technology involves the right choice of
lexicon used to describe the cloud computing APIs.
We supported our claim by performing, to the best
of our knowledge, the first study extracting, organis-
ing and analysing the lexicon of the REST APIs of
several cloud providers. We included in our study
the REST APIs provided by Google Cloud Platform,
OpenStack, and OCCI.
We thus presented three contributions. For our
first contribution, we presented CLOUDLEX, our ap-
proach to building the lexicon of cloud computing
REST APIs, introducing a conceptual model and pro-
viding a toolkit to extract and analyse the lexicon of
cloud computing REST APIs. For our second contri-
bution, we shared a full dataset of services, resources,
and terms used in the three studied REST APIs. Fi-
nally, analysing our dataset, we showed that the three
APIs formed a lexicon of 352 different terms (nouns
and verbs) to express all provided services, in which
there are only 17 shared terms, representing less than
5% (17/352) of terms used simultaneously by two
APIs. Thus, the three APIs do not share a common
lexicon, and we conclude that there is not a consen-
sus actually on which terms to use on cloud com-
puting systems. However, we found that the cloud
computing REST APIs follow, in general, the good
lexicon practices for REST APIs.
A part of our future work is related to threats to
validity presented in Section 3.5. Mainly, this in-
volves the analysis and contrast of more APIs with
more naming practices to cover other possible charac-
teristics. We plan to consider other REST APIs, from
other cloud providers, e.g., Amazon, open source im-
plementations, e.g., CloudStack, and standards, e.g.,
DTMF’s CIMI. Another future work is to build an on-
tology of cloud computing APIs, establishing seman-
tic joins between services and resources from differ-
ent providers in order to deal with semantic interop-
erability between clouds.
Last but not least, this work is the first contribu-
tion towards understanding cloud computing lexical
aspects, claiming that a deep understanding of the na-
ture of API and a common lexicon will further boost
the cloud computing adoption.
This work is co-funded by the French PIA OCCIware
research and development project (www.occiware.
org) and by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Re-
search Council of Canada (NSERC).
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Towards a REST Cloud Computing Lexicon