In this paper, we proposed a new framework based on
trusted server and developed by IBM platform Aglet
to prevent security issues over mobile agents. The
proposed approach evaluated how different types of
mobile agents can react based on real traces with
attacks. Our experimental results show that the
proposal mobile agent needs approximately 4x more
time than a normal agent to execute its job. This is
cause of the Generation of the keys, encryption of
partial information, verification of destination object
at each visited host and at last collecting the results
back to the Mobile Agent from the TS all add up to
form a big turnaround time. Indeed, we compared the
execution time for all Mobile Agent cases. As the
number of nodes to be visited is increased, we notice
that the turnaround time increases. This is tribute to
the fact that there are more jobs to be done.
In our future work, we will focus on detecting
flooding attacks over mobile agents. We will propose
a new framework for the detection of flooding attacks
by integrating Power Divergence over Sketch data
structure. The performance of the proposed
framework is investigated in terms of detection
probability and false alarm ratio.
We also intend to provide a method for reducing the
amount of monitoring data on high speed networks,
and to analyze the impact of sampling on the
precision of this divergence measure.
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