Improving the Quiz
Student Preparation and Confidence as Feedback Metrics
Pantelis M. Papadopoulos
, Antonis Natsis
and Nikolaus Obwegeser
Centre for Teaching Development and Digital Media, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark
Department of Management, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark
Keywords: Feedback, Group Awareness, Formative Assessment, Quiz, Confidence, Preparation.
Abstract: The study analyzes the potential of different feedback metrics that could improve learning in quiz-based
activities. For five consecutive weeks, a group of 91 sophomore students started their classes on Information
Systems with a short multiple-choice quiz. The quiz activity was organized into three phases: (a) provide
initial response to the questions, (b) view feedback on class activity and revise initial responses, and (c)
discuss correct answers and class performance with the teacher. The feedback included information on the
percentage of students that selected each choice, on students’ self-reported levels of preparation, and their,
also self-reported, confidence that their initial responses were correct. The students used an online quiz tool
that was developed for the study and were randomly distributed into four groups, according to the type of
feedback they received (only percentage; percentage & confidence; percentage & preparation; percentage,
confidence, & preparation). Result analysis revealed that students were relying first and foremost on the
percentage metric, even in cases where a wrong answer had the highest percentage value. However,
statistical analysis also revealed a significant main effect for confidence and preparation metrics in
questions where the percentage metric was ambiguous (i.e., several choices with high percentages).
Quiz activities, and multiple-choice instruments in
general, are widely used in different learning
settings. A quiz can be used in the beginning, the
middle, or the end of a class, inside and outside of
the classroom, and it can be administered by the
teacher or be optionally used by the student. When
used in the beginning of a class, a quiz can present
to the teacher a valuable picture of students’ prior
knowledge, making it easy to identify issues and
misconception. Similarly, short quizzes during the
class could act like clickers and reassure the teacher
that the students are able to follow the lecture (Buil
et al., 2016), while a quiz at the end of the class
could provide the opportunity for a review to the
In computer supported education, formative
feedback could include timely, personalized, and
customizable feedback (Sosa et al., 2011). This, in
turn, could provide additional opportunities to the
student for self-reflection and self-assessment
(Bransford et al., 2000; Kleitman and Costa, 2014;
Wang, 2008).
There is a plethora of open and free tools
available that allow the teacher to design, set up, and
administer quiz activities for different learning
purposes. Each tool could offer unique affordances
that would better match instructional needs, but the
basic premise remains selecting the correct answer
out of a predefined set of choices. For example,
allows the teacher to monitor student
progress through a series of quizzes, thus also
monitoring the progress of a student throughout a
semester. Quiz activities in PeerWise
are based on
student-generated questions. The system allows the
student to answer questions submitted by peers and
review their quality and level of difficulty. PeerWise
is also utilizing gamification, by including badges
and leaderboards (Denny, 2013). Finally, Kahoot
allows the user to create a range of different closed-
type game-like activities, such as multiple choice
questions, fill-in-the-blanks, etc. The tool
emphasizes its game-like characteristics, introducing
Papadopoulos, P., Natsis, A. and Obwegeser, N.
Improving the Quiz - Student Preparation and Confidence as Feedback Metrics.
DOI: 10.5220/0006283700590069
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2017) - Volume 1, pages 59-69
ISBN: 978-989-758-239-4
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
also competition between the users.
This research focuses on the uses of quiz
activities for formative assessment, and examines
metrics that could provide a better feedback to the
students, by integrating objective and subjective
information in depicting class knowledge.
2.1 Quiz and Group Awareness
The feedback the student receives in Socrative,
PeerWise, and Kahoot can be based both on
information previously submitted by the
teacher/designer (e.g., predetermined feedback for a
wrong answer in a question) and on information
related to fellow students’ activity (e.g., group score,
percentage of students selected each option).
Regarding the latter, Bodemer (2011) suggested that
comparability is an essential part of tools focusing
on group awareness, arguing that allowing students
to compare their knowledge with that of their peers’
can be beneficial for their learning. Despite this, it is
worth noting that the feedback that a student
receives in these three tools stays on the surface,
focusing only on the percentage of students under
each alternative choice in the quiz. Although the use
of the percentage metric could be easily understood
and useful for the students, it cannot provide
additional qualitative information that could be
useful for a student, in terms of comparison and self-
Several studies have already explored the
learning benefits from supporting group awareness,
analyzing the desirable characteristics of group
awareness tools (e.g., Janssen and Bodemer, 2013;
Lin et al., 2015, for a review). In general, group
awareness can refer to cognitive (e.g., what do the
peers know?) or social (e.g., what do the peers do in
the group?) information about the group members
(Buder, 2011). Since this study explores the
potential of multiple-choice quizzes, the term “group
awareness” refers to an aggregated view of the
group knowledge, as represented through different
In the context of the study, the group refers to the
whole class population, while the used metrics
include, apart from the percentage metric, subjective
information (i.e., peers’ self-reported levels of
confidence and preparation). Studies combining
objective and subjective metrics have already
suggested that this combination can be beneficial for
the students (e.g., Erkens et al., 2016; Schnaubert
and Bodemer, 2015). For example, Kleitman and
Cost (2014) reported that asking students how
confident they were that their answers were correct
improved their metacognition. We argue that,
similarly, the goal of increasing group awareness in
quiz-based activities could be better served when a
more detailed view of the class knowledge is offered
to the students, by including both objective and
subjective metrics in the feedback.
2.2 Student Learning and Engagement
Research findings have repeatedly underlined the
beneficial impact quiz activities could have on
students’ motivation and performance. Méndez-
Coca and Slisko (2013) used Socrative to engage
students in active learning. Students’ responses in
follow-up surveys showed a wide appreciation of the
approach, mentioning among others benefits that the
use of Socrative made them more involved in the
classes and stimulated their interaction with their
peers. The latter can be easily linked to the multifold
benefits of externalizing one’s knowledge. Even
though answering multiple-choice questions does
not provide the space that a writing task would on
justification, structure, and argumentation, making
students’ opinions explicit can provide a useful
foundation for meaningful peer interaction
(Papadopoulos et al., 2013). In their study (Méndez-
Coca and Slisko, 2013), teachers grouped together
students with different opinions, arguing that such a
pairing could promote dialogue amongst students.
Also in favor of quiz activities, students
appreciate, in general, this type of learning activity.
For example, DiBattista et al., (2004) analyzed
student attitudes towards multiple-choice testing
with immediate feedback assessment. Even though
their study focused on comparing an immediate
feedback system against multiple-choice tests
conducted by pen-and-paper, students’ opinions
were overwhelmingly positive towards the former.
What is more important is that this preference for
immediate feedback was not correlated to students’
actual performance or their personal characteristics.
Apart from the immediate feedback a computer-
supported quiz can offer, another reason of their
appeal is arguably their game-like nature. In-class
quiz activities often integrate gamification in the
learning process (Deterding et al., 2011). Getting the
correct answer translates into points, credits, badges,
better positions in a leaderboard and so on. Although
these game elements introduce rewards that are
usually detached from the learning process, their
impact on student engagement has been observed in
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
several studies (e.g., Denny, 2013; Wang, 2013). It
needs to be emphasized, though, that student
engagement that is based on quiz’s novelty effect or
superficial awards may decrease over time (Wang,
2013). Gamification needs to be part of a purposeful
instructional design, to avoid having students
“gaming the system” (Baker et al., 2008) or
disengaging because of the competition gamification
can inject in the learning process (Papadopoulos et
al., 2016).
2.3 Study Motivation
The current study discusses the impact of two
metrics, in addition to the percentage one, that could
better depict the knowledge level of students in the
class, namely their level of preparation and their
level of confidence. Both metrics are self-reported,
thus subjective. The preparation metric shows how
prepared the students feel, just before they take the
quiz, while confidence is a metric indicating how
sure the student is after having answered a question
in the quiz.
Finally, it is worth noting that the current study is
part of a larger research project focusing on the
potential of closed-type formative assessment tools
that could be easily used by the teacher to increase
student engagement and performance. The research
project also examines how multiple, short, quiz-
based activities can provide enough information to
build student knowledge profiles and how these
profiles can be later used and affect direct
collaboration activities that occur in the course (e.g.,
group project assignments). Nevertheless, the
discussion on the long-term outcomes of this project
spans outside the scope of this paper.
3.1 Participants and Domain
The study was conducted as part of the “Business
Development with Information Systems – BDIS”
course. BDIS is a 5 ECTS course, typically offered
in the third semester of the “Bachelor's Degree
Programme in Economics and Business
Administration” in the Department of Management.
The course is taught in English and it is designed to
train students to analyze, evaluate, and apply models
of information systems, decision making, and
business management into the context of a
comprehensive, semester-long case-study. The
lecture material (i.e., slides, literature, etc.) is made
available online one week in advance. Students are
expected to read relevant literature and the lecture
slides before coming to the class. To pass the course,
students have to work in small groups, hand in a
group case report, and pass an individual oral
examination that includes questions related to the
case and the conceptual knowledge of the domain.
Each year, approximately 180 sophomore
students enroll in the course. Lectures are given
weekly in an auditorium and last 2 hours. However,
since lecture attendance is not mandatory, the
number of students in the classroom varies each
week. The study activity was available to all
attending students. It is worth noting, though, that
the study findings are based only on the sample of
students that attended the course during all weeks of
the study duration. Students attending the course
only in some of the classes were also allowed to
participate, but their data were not included in data
analysis. Thus, only a total of 91 students
participated in the study. Students were randomly
distributed by the system into four groups, according
to the feedback they were receiving during the
revision phase (see next section). Student
distribution into the four groups was:
Control: 27 students;
Confidence: 22 students;
Preparation: 22 students;
Both: 20 students.
Students volunteered to participate in the activity,
which was not part of the official course assessment.
3.2 The SAGA System
The study used the “Self-Assessment/Group
Awareness – SAGA” online quiz system. SAGA
was developed by the research team of this study.
Having a tailored-made system allowed for greater
degree of flexibility in customizing the study
variables and monitoring student activity. The
system can provide the type of formative feedback
that is not present in other quiz systems, while the
ability to change its functionality allows the research
team to use this system in a series of studies in
different contexts and for different research
Before the quiz activity, students have to answer
a question in the system about the amount of time
they spent preparing for the day’s lesson: “Some of
the teaching material for today’s class became
available during the last week. Using a scale from
‘1: Not at all’ to ‘5: I have read it thoroughly’, how
much time did you spent preparing for today’s
Improving the Quiz - Student Preparation and Confidence as Feedback Metrics
Figure 1: Screenshot of the SAGA system during the revision phase for students in the Both group (all metrics (percentage,
confidence, and preparation are available).
class?”. Next, there is a series of eight multiple-
choice questions prepared by the teacher, with four
choices each. Each quiz question is accompanied by
a question on students’ confidence: “Using a scale
from ‘1: Not at all’ to ‘5: Very confident’, note how
confident you are that you have selected the correct
answer.”. Answering all questions (and their
accompanying “confidence” questions) is
mandatory. The questions are answered sequentially
and the initial phase of the quiz ends, when the
eighth question is answered.
In the revision phase that follows, students can
browse through the eight questions and change, if
they want to, their initial answers. For each of the
four groups, SAGA provides a different set of
information, based on the whole class population, to
help students decide whether they should change
their initial answers or not (Figure 1):
Control: the percentage of student in the class
that selected each option;
Confidence: the percentage and the average
confidence score of students that selected each
Preparation: the percentage and the average
preparation score of students that selected each
Both: the percentage, the average confidence,
and the average preparation scores of students
that selected each option.
After the completion of the revision phase, the
students are able to see their score and the correct
answers. The teacher is able to monitor student
progress and start the next phase of the quiz, when
all students have finished the initial phase. It is
important to have all students on the same phase to
ensure that all participants in the same study
conditions will receive the same feedback from the
All students are in the same phase
simultaneously during the activity and SAGA
provides monitoring functionalities to the teacher,
who is responsible for activating the next phase in
the process.
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
3.3 Procedure and Study Conditions
The study was conducted during the Fall semester of
2016. The total duration of the study was five weeks,
split into two parts, namely: the weekly quizzes (first
four weeks) and the retention test and the final
survey (fifth week).
During the first four weeks students in the BDIS
course started the class by going through the three
phases of the SAGA system (i.e., provide answers in
the initial phase, change the answers during the
revision phase, and see score and correct answers).
The students were informed about the research
nature of the activity and about the fact that they
may receive different feedback information in the
system than their fellow students.
A weekly quiz activity was designed to last up to
20 minutes, not to disrupt the lecture plan of the
teacher. It needs to be emphasized, that the current
study is part of a larger research project that explores
the potential of educational technology in an
efficient way for the teacher. This means that the
planned activity should be able to enhance learning
and engagement in a course, without increasing the
workload overhead for the teacher and without
taking too many resources (e.g., teaching or
preparation time). According to the plan, students
were given ten minutes to provide their initial
answers, five minutes to revise them (optionally),
and five minutes to discuss the correct answers with
the teacher. After the quiz activity, the lecture
proceeded as usual.
In the fifth week, students had to take an
unannounced retention quiz and provide their input
in a questionnaire recording their opinions and
attitudes towards the whole activity. The retention
test included four questions from the day’s lesson
and 16 questions that were previously included in
the weekly tests during the first four weeks. Because
of the length of the quiz, and since the goal was to
measure retention, there was no revision phase and
students skipped directly after the quiz to the correct
answers and their scores. The questionnaire included
open and closed-type questions, asking students to
share their opinions about the helpfulness of the
different feedback information they received, the
impact of the weekly quizzes on their preparation
strategies, and their suggestions for improvement.
The whole activity was individual and
anonymous. No personal information about the
students was recorded by SAGA, the researchers, or
the teacher. The study conditions were identical for
the four groups, except for the type of feedback they
were receiving during the revision phase and the
slightly different set of questions included in the
final questionnaire.
3.4 Research Design
The study employed a between-subjects 2x2
factorial design with the study conditions in each
group (i.e., type of feedback information, in addition
to the percentage that was available to all students)
being the independent variables (Table 1).
Table 1: Levels of independent variables and student
Confidence Feedback
No Yes
Control Confidence
Preparation Both
Students’ performance in the initial and the revision
phase of the quiz (and the respective improvement
recorded) throughout the five weeks and their
responses in the questionnaire were the dependent
variables of the study.
3.5 Data Collection and Analysis
A level of significance at .05 was chosen, for all
statistical analyses. The study used parametric tests
for the analysis of student performance and non-
parametric tests for the analysis of student responses
in the questionnaire, because for some of the
examined variables the normal distribution criterion
was violated.
Student performance analysis during the four
quizzes was performed in two steps. First, a
comparison between the groups in the four weekly
quizzes was performed, taking into account all used
questions (i.e., 32 in total; eight in each weekly
quiz). In the second step student performance
analysis focused only on a subset of the 32
questions. This analysis was conducted right after
the fourth week of the study. The reason for such an
approach was that it was not possible to identify
during the design time of the study the challenging
questions in which the feedback information that
was given additionally to the percentage (i.e.,
confidence and preparation level) would be helpful.
In other words, in case of an easy question, it was
expected that a great student majority would have
selected the correct choice during the initial phase of
the quiz. As such, a high percentage value during the
revision phase would have only provided
reassurance to the students, suggesting that no
revision is necessary.
Improving the Quiz - Student Preparation and Confidence as Feedback Metrics
Table 2: Student performance in the weekly quizzes, the subset of the 13 challenging questions, and the retention test.
Scales – Weekly quizzes: 0-8; Challenging: 0-13; Retention: 0-16.
Control Confidence Preparation Both
Week 1 M SD n M SD n M SD n M SD n
Initial 4.58 (1.53) 27 4.48 (1.19) 22 4.15 (2.34) 22 4.85 (1.73) 20
Revision 6.25 (1.32) 27 6.40 (1.29) 22 5.62 (2.22) 22 6.46 (1.39) 20
Week 2
Initial 3.50 (1.27) 27 3.64 (1.17) 22 4.13 (1.14) 22 4.06 (1.43) 20
Revision 4.35 (0.87) 27 4.01 (1.34) 22 4.69 (0.94) 22 4.50 (1.04) 20
Week 3
Initial 5.52 (1.64) 27 5.19 (1.74) 22 5.43 (1.59) 22 5.09 (1.63) 20
Revision 6.87 (1.10) 27 7.08 (1.38) 22 7.00 (1.00) 22 7.05 (1.25) 20
Week 4
Initial 3.73 (1.98) 27 3.52 (1.37) 22 4.14 (1.83) 22 4.05 (1.43) 20
Revision 5.76 (1.04) 27 5.26 (1.05) 22 6.14 (1.15) 22 6.06 (1.21) 20
Initial 4.44 (4.34) 27 3.82 (3.59) 22 5.27 (3.98) 22 4.40 (2.87) 20
Revision 4.00 (4.29) 27 4.90 (3.00) 22 6.36 (4.22) 22 6.60 (3.73) 20
Initial 10.00 (3.23) 27 10.86 (2.14) 22 10.68 (3.24) 22 10.80 (3.2) 20
* p<0.05
Percentage is a commonly used metric in quiz
systems and the expectation during the design of this
study was that students in SAGA would be relying
firstly on the percentage, before considering the
information provided by the other two metrics.
Following this line of argumentation, the claim was
that the impact of the confidence and preparation
feedback would only be observed in cases where the
percentage alone could not “clearly” point at the
correct choice.
The definition used in the study to identify these
“clear” cases included three conditions that had to be
true at the same time:
The correct choice was also the most selected;
The correct choice was selected by at least 50%
of the students;
The correct choice had a least 20 points
difference from the second most selected choice.
In all other cases, the percentage information was
considered either misleading (i.e., pointing at a
wrong choice) or ambiguous (i.e., not pointing
clearly at one choice). By applying this definition,
the analysis revealed a subset of 13 challenging
questions (four from the first, five from the second,
one from the third, and three from the fourth week).
Thus, the impact of confidence and preparation
feedback on students’ performance during the first
four weeks was analyzed against this subset.
The retention test was designed after the fourth
week and was compiled by (a) four new questions
addressing the lesson on the fifth week (for this this
reason, these four questions were not considered
while measuring retention – they were included only
because students were expecting questions for the
day’s lesson), (b) the 13 challenging questions, and
(c) three additional old questions that were close to
be categorized as challenging, in order to balance the
number of questions from each weekly quiz (four
from the first, five from the second, three from the
third, and four from the fourth week).
Table 2 presents students’ performance in the four
weekly quizzes, the subset of the 13 questions that
were identified as challenging, and the retention test
that included the 13 challenging questions, plus
three more, and was conducted on the fifth week.
4.1 Weekly Quizzes
As it is evident, students’ performance each week
varied, suggesting variations on their preparation
level or the difficulty level of the topics covered
through the questions. Two-way analysis of variance
showed that the four groups performed similarly in
the initial phase of the quiz in all first four weeks
(p > 0.05). Two-way analysis of covariance, using
students’ scores in the initial phase of the quiz as a
covariate, showed that the groups were also
comparable in the final score (i.e., revision phase) in
all four weekly quizzes (p > 0.05). In addition,
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
paired-samples t-test results reveled that students in
all groups improved their scores significantly from
the initial to the revision phase, in all four weekly
4.2 Subset Performance
Question analysis revealed that students relied
strongly on the percentage metric. Applying the
definition about “clearly” pointing to a correct
choice, analysis showed that the percentage metric
was pointing at a specific choice in 24 out of the 32
questions, during the initial phase of the quiz.
However, only 19 of these choices were actually the
correct ones, suggesting that many students that
consulted the percentage metric revised their
answers in these five questions to a wrong choice,
trusting the majority of the class that did the same.
The remaining 13 questions formed the challenging
subset that was mentioned previously.
By applying a similar definition for “clearly”
pointing at the correct choice for the confidence and
preparation metrics, the analysis revealed that the
confidence and the preparation metrics were
pointing at the correct choice in 8 and 7,
respectively, of the 13 challenging questions, in
which the percentage metric was ambiguous or
Paired-samples t-test results showed that in the
13-question subset Confidence (t[21] = 2.324,
p = 0.030, d = 0.720), Preparation (t[24] = 2.027,
p = 0.046, d = 0.630), and Both (t[19] = 2.979,
p = 0.008, d = 0.970) groups scores improved
significantly during the revision phase, while the
Control group was the only one that did not improve
(getting slightly worse scores during the revision
phase). Two-way analysis of covariance, using
students’ scores in the initial phase as a covariate,
showed a significant main effect for the confidence
(F(1,86) = 4.115, p = 0.046, η
= 0.046) and
preparation (F(1,86) = 7.153, p = 0.009, η
= 0.077)
metrics, but not for their interaction (p > 0.05).
4.3 Retention Test
Two-way analysis of variance showed that students
in all four groups performed similarly in the 16 old
questions that were included in the retention test
(p > 0.05).
4.4 Student Opinions and Behavior
Table 3 presents students’ responses in the most
important items of the final questionnaire. Kruskal-
Wallis and Mann-Whitney test results showed no
significant differences in the responses of the four
groups (p > 0.05). According to students’ opinions,
the most useful feedback metric for them was
percentage metric (M = 3.62, SD = 1.01), followed
by the confidence level (M = 3.32, SD = 1.20), and
the preparation level (M = 2.64, SD = 1.43). In
addition, students were asked to state their
preference on additional types of feedback that are
considered for future studies with SAGA:
confidence (M = 3.35, SD = 1.11), past performance
(M = 3.20, SD = 1.14), preparation (M = 3.15,
SD = 1.19), argumentation (M = 3.15, SD = 1.15),
and peer communication (M = 2.87, SD = 1.19),
sorted from most to least desirable. The questions
about confidence and preparation were addressed
only to appropriate groups. Past performance
referred to the average past scores (based on
previous weeks) of students that selected each
option; argumentation referred to a short argument
for each option, written by an anonymous fellow
student; and peer communication referred to the
opportunity to briefly text anonymously with fellow
In Q1, students were asked whether the weekly
quizzes increased the amount of preparation time
each week. No significant difference was measured
between the groups (p > 0.05), with students being
split in their answers (M = 2.49, SD = 1.28). What is
interesting though is that according to students’
answers on the preparation question in the beginning
of the quiz each week, it appears that students did
increase the time they spent preparing for the course.
Figure 2 presents the mean values for the
preparation level each week for whole participant
population. The results of the analysis of variance,
with repeated measures with a Greenhouse-Geisser
correction (sphericity assumption was violated),
showed that the mean value for the preparation level
were statistically significantly different
(F(3.306, 247.966) = 44.128, p = 0.00, η
= 0.370).
Pearson correlation coefficient test results
showed that confidence, preparation, and initial
performance scores were all significantly correlated
(p < 0.01) throughout the four weeks, suggesting
that students that felt confident and prepared were,
indeed, performing better in the weekly quizzes. In
addition, paired-samples t-test results showed that
students’ confidence increased significantly
(p < 0.05) from the initial to the revision phase of
the quiz, for all groups, in all four weeks, in which
revision phase was available.
In the open-ended items of the questionnaire,
students commented positively on the activity (“Nice
Improving the Quiz - Student Preparation and Confidence as Feedback Metrics
Table 3: Student responses in the questionnaire. Scale – 1: Not at all; 5: Very much.
n = 27
n = 22
n = 22
n = 20
n = 91
Q1. Has the quiz made you spent more time preparing during the week for each lecture?
2.17 (1.04) 2.90 (1.17) 2.68 (1.39) 2.17 (1.37) 2.49 (1.28)
Q2. Do you find the percentage values you see useful in choosing your final responses?
3.72 (0.89) 3.43 (0.87) 3.73 (1.12) 3.61 (1.15) 3.62 (1.01)
Q3. Do find the confidence values you see useful in choosing your final responses?
- - 3.33 (1.19) - - 3.30 (1.25) 3.32 (1.21)
Q4. Do find the preparation values you see useful in choosing your final responses?
- - - - 2.59 (1.53) 2.70 (1.39) 2.64 (1.44)
Q5. How useful do you think the confidence level (confidence level of fellow students that selected each option)
would be for you in choosing your final answers?
3.61 (0.85) - - 3.14 (1.28) - - 3.35 (1.12)
Q6. How useful do you think the preparation level (
average preparation level of fellow students that selected
each option) would be for you in choosing your final answers?
3.28 (1.22) 3.05 (1.20) - - - - 3.15 (1.20)
Q7. How useful do you think the past performance (
average past scores – based on previous weeks – of fellow
students that selected each option) would be for you in choosing your final answers?
3.83 (0.85) 2.95 (1.28) 3.14 (1.28) 2.00 (0.95) 3.20 (1.14)
Q8. How useful do you think argumentation (
a short argument for each option, written by a fellow student –
anonymity remains) would be for you in choosing your final answers?
2.72 (1.36) 3.05 (0.97) 3.18 (1.25) 3.22 (1.04) 3.06 (1.15)
Q9. How useful do you think peer communication (
opportunity to briefly text anonymously with fellow
students) would be for you in choosing your final answers?
2.78 (1.06) 2.95 (1.16) 2.95 (1.49) 2.78 (1.08) 2.87 (1.20)
program design, well-put questions.”; “The quiz is a
good starting point for the lectures, however they
should be kept short.”; “I really like that you asked
us about these things. I am a huge fan of giving
feedback and striving for improvement. I am a
highly competitive person and the quizzes are
compelling to me.”).
Regarding suggestions for improvement in future
implementation of SAGA, students suggested
gamification (“Maybe a leaderboard/high score
list.”), information on the wrong answers (“It might
be nice to know which answers we already got
wrong.”), additional information on peers (“How
many lectures the persons have participated in.”),
feedback from a specific group of people (“my
study-groups feedback.”), and splitting the two
phases of the quiz before and after the lecture
(“Reading the actual curriculum before the class OR
repeat the second phase [i.e., revision] of the quiz at
the end of the class to actually see if we are taking
something out of the lecture.”).
Finally, it is worth mentioning that although the a
weekly quiz activity was designed to last up to 20
minutes, SAGA log files revealed that students
needed on average six minutes for the initial phase
and 4 minutes for the revision one. This gave more
time to the teacher, who was able to spend more
time on discussing the questions and revisit them
during the lecture, when related material was
Figure 2: Student preparation values.
Week1 Week2 Week3 Week4 Week5
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Results analysis showed that when taking into
account a whole quiz, student performance is
comparable in the four groups. As explained, this
could have been expected, since the need for
additional feedback increases in cases of uncertainty
and ambiguity. The number of such cases in the
weekly quizzes could not be foreseen. A series of
factors such as student preparedness level, difficulty
and complexity of course topics, expectancy of
certain questions could all affect students’
performance in the initial phase of a quiz, leaving
either too much or too little space for considering
revisions. The small number of challenging
questions that would require additional support to
the students even out any observed differences,
while can only hypothesize that significant
differences may be discovered in longer quizzes.
The absence of significant differences in the
retention test can be easily explained by the fact that
the weekly quizzes were administered in the
beginning of the lesson and the teacher had the
remaining of the two hours to present the day’s
topics and resolve any misconceptions revealed by
examining students’ quiz performance. In this way,
it can be argued that the quiz served its instructional
purpose by making misconceptions obvious and
allowing the teacher to tailor the lecture accordingly.
It is worth noting that the average score the four
groups achieved in the retention test is considered
satisfactory (with 10% of the student population
achieving a perfect score), especially since some of
the questions were related to topics that had been
covered a month ago.
Case-by-case analysis showed that students
relied heavily on the percentage metric in identifying
the correct answer and it was revealed, they did so,
even in cases where the suggested choice was
wrong. Despite that, the percentage metric still
remains a commonly used way to provide a picture
of a group’s position on an issue and this study is not
arguing, of course, for the abandonment of this
metric. The percentage metric is objective, easily
understood, and satisfactory in indicating the correct
answer (19 out of 32, in this study). However, what
it is argued in this study is that the percentage does
not carry any information about the people that are
behind the figures, and this information may be
vital, in cases where the population is split.
Confidence and preparation metrics, on the other
hand, provide qualitative information on the
participants, but they both rely on participants’
metacognitive level and their ability to accurately
assess their preparation and confidence levels. In the
current study, both metrics were significantly
correlated to the initial performance, suggesting that
they could both indicate adequately the correct
answer. The question that rises, though, is whether
students appreciate these metrics are useful and if
they base their activity on them. In the
questionnaire, students evaluated positively the
percentage and confidence metrics, while they were
split about the preparation one. One reason for this
may be that students value the confidence metric
more because it provides a picture of peers’
understanding after a question was answered, while
the level of preparation is noted in the beginning of
the activity, before any of the quiz questions
becomes available.
Nevertheless, student performance analysis on
the subset of questions in which percentage could
not provide enough support clearly revealed that all
treatment groups outperformed the Control group.
This finding provides evidence on how simple
metrics, such as the confidence and preparation,
could be easily integrated in quiz activities and
enhance student performance.
Regarding student behaviors and attitudes
towards the activity, students’ increased level of
preparation throughout the study duration is a very
positive indication of the kind of impact such quiz
activities could have on student engagement in the
course. This increase on preparation time is not
attributed to a specific study condition and it
apparent in all groups.
According to students’ statements, the activity
was positively received and several of the
suggestions for improvement are already included in
design of planned studies. Regarding feedback types
that could be added in SAGA, peer confidence was
the most desirable option amongst the students in the
Control and Preparation groups. Students’ past
record came second, suggesting that students are in
favor of objective metrics, even though, good past
performance does not guarantee high performance in
a new topic. It is worth noting that, although they
were the least desirable, reading an argument for
each group choice and directly texting anonymously
with a peer were both evaluated positively.
The study provided useful evidence on how
additional subjective metrics could complement an
objective metric, such as the percentage, and provide
better support to students in multiple-choice quiz
Improving the Quiz - Student Preparation and Confidence as Feedback Metrics
activities. The implications for designers and
teachers that use quiz tools suggest that metrics that
would better describe the participants are easy to use
and have a significant effect on students’
performance. The level of confidence and
preparation (in addition to the other scaffolding
methods mentioned in the questionnaire) could be
translated to questions an individual could ask
himself/herself about his/her peers: What do the
others say (percentage)? How good are they (past
performance)? How much have they studied
(preparation)? Why did they say that
Future studies will focus on additional metrics,
addressing also some of the limitation in this study.
As such, future studies are planned with larger
audiences, different subject matters, and
multimodality in representation of the metric
information (e.g., combination of text with graphs
and color schemes). Finally, as it was already
mentioned, another side of this series of studies is
focusing on the effect these shorts quizzes could
have on student engagement and performance in the
course. A future study is planning to compare
classes with and without the quiz activities.
This work has been partially funded by a Starting
Grant from AUFF (Aarhus Universitets
Forskningsfond), titled “Innovative and Emerging
Technologies in Education”.
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Improving the Quiz - Student Preparation and Confidence as Feedback Metrics