Professionals and academics in gerontology,
technology and political science argue that there are
several areas of concern about which it is necessary
to bring clear information to the elderly. These seven
areas are: (1) health care and welfare services; (2)
social services; (3) financial services; (4) culture,
informal; education and entertainment; (5) security
services; (6) local authority services and (7)
transport services.
While the literature review focused on foreign
articles, it seems that the information needs of the
elderly are quite similar among peers from other
countries around the world.
One of the promising fields to conduct further
research is relative to the macro-area of transport. It
is understandable that one of the ways to promote
the active aging of individuals is to promote their
inclusion and participation in the activities of
society. However, showing schedules, routes and
other issues related to public transports is technically
complicated for the development of +TV4E
platform. It should be noted that for a first prototype,
it is intended that this platform should be intuitive,
with a high degree of usability, and with a low
degree of intrusiveness. So, it is suggested as future
research the study of the importance of the transport
service available in platforms as the +TV4E, and in
what way this information can be broadcasted to the
The research leading to these work has received
funding from Project 3599 – Promover a Produção
Científica e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico e a
Constituição de Redes Temáticas (3599-PPCDT)
and European Commission Funding FEDER
(through FCT: Fundação para a Ciência e
Tecnologia I.P. under grant agreement no.
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