services, (Federated) service contracting,
CSLA provision, users management,
security management and creation of the
aggregated services in the FCSB.
Service operation, including CB CSLA
monitoring, legislation compliance due to
changes in the legislation, data
migration/portability, service metering,
billing to the user, and CP costs estimation.
Service termination: including service
withdrawal and service contract termination
3.3 Deployment Options and
Technologies to Be Used
There are different elements to consider when
deciding the deployment of the presented solution,
and the technologies to be used:
The application architecture and stage
(monolithic, modular, service oriented,
The forecasted demand and its possible
Additional NFRs, such as profitability,
high-availability, scaling, etc.
Taking all the above into account, it is important
to focus the application architecture and
development towards the most flexible result. We
need an application that is capable to be deployed
anyway, anywhere and supported by anyone. And an
application that is prepared to scale and provide
additional NFRs.
To achieve that purpose we envision to:
Implement a micro-cloud approach: split
the application in components and place
each component in a container. This will
allow in the future scaling independently
each component.
Package the code in installable binaries
*.deb, *.rpm, etc.
Use popular technologies: Those with a
significant user base.
Avoid vendor locking: Avoid proprietary
solutions with vendor locking effects. And
in case, there is no alternative, wrap the
vendor locking technology or XaaS.
Split since the beginning those components
that are subject to XaaS, i.e. databases,
notification, storage, etc.
Focus on technologies that can be used by
many instances of the same component:
databases, memcached, object storage,
block storage servers.
Decouple as much as possible also in data:
avoid big databases; differentiate between
static, dynamic and temporal information;
do not share databases among components;
minimize information writing and
centralize that writing in one component.
Besides, during the development we propose to
use a DevOps approach to streamline the
development and systematize the operation and
maintenance activities.
Summarizing the list of technologies proposed to
the implementation of the design contained are:
Mature and highly used programming
languages: Java, Javascript, Python,
Dependency management technologies
such as maven for java, or distutils and
set up tools for python.
Repository (Git or svn) for application
code, configuration, installation binaries
or infrastructure specification.
Package management systems such as
apt-get or yum
Container technologies such as docker,
openshift, cloudfoundry, …
Database for information storage
relational or non-relational
Cache technologies, such as
memcached or redis, technologies when
3.4 Other Aspects of the FCSB
PAs need to be enabled to seamlessly change the
service provider including all services, dependencies
and associated data to avoid vendor lock-in and to be
able to quickly react in situations like bankruptcy of
the cloud provider or any other cases which causes
outage of the service. This imposes to adhere to
existing and established standards, standard
interfaces, paradigms and certifications.
In the proposed technical design the seamless
change of cloud provider, that is, the portability
between two different providers will be supported by
the Intelligent Service Discovery module and the
Interoperability module. These modules, and
therefore, the FCSB will support the following
standards: CDMI (SNIA, 2016) , OCCI (OCCI
Working Group, 2011), TOSCA (OASIS, 2015),
IEEE P2301: P2302 (IEEE, 2016).
For the FCSB to be adopted by European Public
Administrations, the FCSB must be aligned and
comply with EU standards and existing legislation.