myBee: An Information System for Precision Beekeeping
Luis Gustavo Araujo Rodriguez
, Jo
ao Almeida de Jeus
, Vanderson Martins do Ros
Anderson Faustino da Silva
, Lucimar Pontara Peres
, Heberte Fernandes de Moraes
and Claudio Luis de Amorim
Department of Informatics, State University of Maring
a, Colombo Avenue, 5790 - Block C56, Maring
a, PR, Brazil
Department of Zootechny, State University of Maring
a, Colombo Avenue, 5790 - Block J45, Maring
a, PR, Brazil
Parallel Computing and Mobile Systems Laboratory, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro,
City University - Block I - Room I-232, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
Mobile Computing, Information Systems, Precision Beekeeping, Computing Platform, Wireless Computing.
Over the last few years, beekeepers have become aware of the necessity of integrating Information Technology
into Apiculture. As a result, Precision Beekeeping emerged, which is an area that applies the said technology to
monitor bees and, consequently, the state of the colony. However, the development of these platforms is com-
plex due to the requirement of them adapting to various heterogeneous environments and constantly-updated
technologies. Thus, the objective of this paper is to propose and develop a Precision Beekeeping Information
System, called myBee, whose infrastructure is flexible, secure, fault tolerant, and efficient in decision-making.
A real case study shows that myBee is an efficient information system that supports beekeepers in maintaining
their apiaries.
A healthy ecosystem is indispensable for human life,
animals and natural resources. Honey Bees are nat-
ural sensors of ecosystems and one of the most im-
portant insects. They possess the ability to pollinate
(Magno et al., 2015; Murphy et al., 2015), conse-
quently providing nutrients for humans and animals,
as well as aiding in ecosystem health. Thus, it is in-
dispensable to preserve them, as they play a major
contribution to ecosystems, as well as to the global
economy (Zacepins et al., 2016).
Recently, beekeepers have perceived the necessity
of adopting Information Technologies (IT) into the
agricultural field (Kviesis and Zacepins, 2016). This
occurs not only for the important role of honey bees in
crop production, but also due to the fact that bee pop-
ulation has been decreasing over the last few years
(Kviesis et al., 2015; Murphy et al., 2015; Zacepins
et al., 2016). Therefore, monitoring these insects has
become a crucial activity (Magno et al., 2015; Za-
cepins et al., 2016).
In this context, Precision Beekeeping (PB)
emerged, which is a subdivision of Precision Agricul-
ture that applies IT in order to determine the state of
the bee colony and improve its preservation (Zacepins
et al., 2015).
Since bees are important worldwide (Murphy
et al., 2015), several Information Systems (IS) have
been developed (Zacepins et al., 2015; Kviesis et al.,
2015) and applied to PB. However, it is worth men-
tioning that although different platforms have been
implemented, PB is still in development stages (Za-
cepins et al., 2015; Magno et al., 2015; Kviesis and
Zacepins, 2016; Zacepins et al., 2016). In addi-
tion, the majority of Precision Beekeeping Informa-
tion Systems (PBIS), proposed in the literature, do not
include the distinguishing characteristics of a well-
developed IS.
A well-developed IS has the following character-
simplifies the development and maintenance pro-
provides reusability of modules and subsystems;
has modules and subsystems that are plug-and-
provides compatibility for different devices;
provides compatibility for stationary and mobile
Rodriguez, L., Jeus, J., Rosár io, V., Silva, A., Peres, L., Moraes, H. and Amorim, C.
myBee: An Information System for Precision Beekeeping.
DOI: 10.5220/0006285205770587
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterpr ise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 2, pages 577-587
ISBN: 978-989-758-248-6
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
provides security; as well as,
provides quality of service.
The objective of this paper is to describe the well-
developed Precision Beekeeping Information System
(PBIS), called myBee, whose objective is to support
beekeepers in maintaining their apiaries. A real case
study shows that myBee is an efficient PBIS.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 presents related works in regards to Precision
Beekeeping and Information Systems. Section 3 de-
scribes the PBIS, myBee. Section 4 presents myBee
in a real-world environment. Finally, Section 5 dis-
cusses the conclusions and future works.
The following related works are divided into two cat-
egories: Precision Beekeeping Systems and Informa-
tion Systems.
2.1 Precision Beekeeping Systems
Armands Kviesis et al. (2015) proposed a PB sys-
tem platform that utilized a SHT15 sensor to measure
temperature and humidity. A total of eight beehives
were placed outdoors, each with measurement nodes
in closed boxes and protected with waterproof mate-
rial. All temperature and humidity data were stored
in a SQL database, which can be visualized in a web
Gatis Riders et al. (2015) proposed a decision-
support module to better-comprehend the collected
data and, consequently, execute reliable actions. The
sensor utilized in the experiment was DS18S20,
which measures temperature. The sensors were con-
nected to a Raspberry Pi and data was sent to a server
and stored in a MySQL database. Two systems were
developed, the first monitored ten honey bee colonies
inside a wintering building, while the second moni-
tored ten honey bee colonies outside. The data can be
visualized in either a web or desktop application, pro-
viding the option to view the maximum, minimum,
median and average temperatures, by day, for all in-
stalled sensors. Both systems have a decision-support
and analysis module.
Marco Giammarini et al. (2015) developed a mon-
itoring system to collect temperature and humidity
data of two beehives in the summer. One beehive was
placed in a wooden box, while the other in a plastic
box. A GSM modem was implemented for sharing
and downloading data; remote monitoring; and soft-
ware debugging.
Fiona Edwards Murphy et al. (2015) imple-
mented a system, utilizing a Wireless Sensor Network
(WSN), to monitor a bee colony. The platform col-
lected data such as temperature, carbon and nitrogen
dioxide, humidity, pollutants and battery percentage
of the device being utilized. The researchers applied
WSN due to being a non-intrusive technology, thus,
allowing more accurate data collection. The informa-
tion can be accessed through a web interface or mo-
bile device.
Michele Magno et al. (2015) implemented a pro-
totype to collect images and audio within a beehive.
The platform utilizes a Libelium Waspmote and Rasp-
berry Pi in order to process and store the data. Ad-
ditionally, microphones, accelerometers, thermal and
infrared cameras were used, along with emergency
notifications to the user in case an undesirable event
occurs to the beehive. The goal was to utilize the said
equipments to collect data in a discreet manner.
2.2 Information Systems
Wilson Goudalo et al. (2016) mention how, currently,
Information Systems play a significant role for En-
terprises. Thus, they proposed various methods to
provide simple user interfaces for managing security.
The authors applied seven principles of the ISO 9241-
11 (ISO, 1998), which are: clarity, discriminabil-
ity, brevity, consistency, detectability, readibility and
comprehensiveness. All these principles, including
security concerns, were all taken into consideration
when implementing myBee.
Delfina Soares et al. (2014) defined interoperabil-
ity as a characteristic in which entities preserve au-
tonomy and independence. Thus, myBees architec-
ture and protocol can be categorized as interoperable
due to exchanging information while being indepen-
dent from one another. The authors also recalled the
importance of a social-technical perspective for infor-
mation systems, which we believe applies to myBee as
well, due to offering data reports that influence user-
decisions and system operations.
Hadi Kandjani et al. (2013) proposed a frame-
work to classify system-planning methodologies. The
authors stated that selecting a proper methodology
to develop an information system is a key factor for
its success. We believe the methodology utilized
to implement myBee was a success due to the ob-
tained observations. In addition, the authors men-
tioned that several methodologies for implementing
and planning information systems are available, thus,
myBees architecture is flexible to be utilized in vari-
ous fields, which simplifies and streamlines the devel-
opment process.
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Ovidiu Noran (2013) proposed enhancements,
based on interoperability, to Disaster Management In-
formation Systems, using an enterprise architecture
perspective and artifacts. The author claimed that
these types of systems are important due to allow-
ing a collaboration for environmental incidents. This
statement can also be applied to myBee, which pro-
vides crucial data for beekeepers and, therefore, col-
laborates and supports the environment. In addition,
myBees architecture is based on interoperability, al-
lowing communication and easy access between each
Jorge Aguiar et al. (2013) proposed an improve-
ment for Decision Support Systems corresponding to
Intensive Care Units based on TAM (Technology Ac-
ceptance Model). The architecture for an ICU infor-
mation system can be divided into two subsystems:
one to collect the data and another to process and
display data. This statement can also be applied to
myBee, which is divided into two flexible and efficient
subsystems (stationary and mobile). As in (Aguiar
et al., 2013), we proposed improvements to an infor-
mation system, which will contribute on improving
and supporting a specific area (Precision Beekeep-
3 myBee
This paper proposes a PBIS called myBee, which is
based on two approaches described by Kviesis & Za-
cepins (2015):
1. using an interface device for each beehive; and
2. sending data to a remote computational center.
Therefore, this platform will offer a more detailed
analysis of the bee colonies, resulting in a better main-
tenance and preservation of Honey Bees.
A well-developed IS requires a flexible (Rabaey
et al., 2006), scalable and efficient architecture. In
fact, Zacepins & Stalidzans (2012) claim that infras-
tructures with sub-elements are needed for PB. Thus,
myBees architecture was developed pursuing the fol-
lowing characteristics:
1. Flexibility: the PBIS has to be based on simplic-
ity. As a result, myBee can be easily maintained
and modified to better suit the beekeeper’s needs.
2. Fault Tolerant: the PBIS has to efficiently han-
dle potential errors. Thus, myBee was imple-
mented with several precautionary measures in-
cluding data redundancy.
3. Security: the PBIS has to provide security mecha-
nisms to ensure that the data is not violated. Thus,
myBee uses a secure protocol.
4. Efficiency in Decision-making: the PBIS has to
simplify the maintenance of bee colonies. As a
result, myBee provides several reports, estimates
future conditions and warns about undesirable be-
Figure 1 outlines myBee.
Figure 1: PB System Platform.
As indicated in Figure 1, myBee is divided into two
1. the Stationary System; and
2. the Mobile System.
The Stationary System consists in collecting and
storing the data. The Mobile System consists of the
software to monitor the collected data. A brief de-
scription of myBee is as follows: DHT22 sensors lo-
cated at the center of the beehives monitor the condi-
tions, collecting pieces of information, which are sent
through a wireless network to a server. Therefore, us-
ing the Mobile System beekeepers can monitor, via
a web interface on a computer or mobile device, the
conditions of the bee colonies.
3.1 The Stationary System
The Stationary System, whose objective is to provide
a well-defined and developed IS, is a three-layered ar-
chitecture divided by a middleware component. The
architecture was designed to provide flexibility and
simplicity in accessing the layers. Thus, the mid-
dleware component is the most important and distin-
guishing characteristic of the proposed infrastructure.
In addition, a Management/MachineLearning compo-
nent permits the user to configure or modify the op-
erations, protocols, storage and physical components.
Furthermore, it estimates future conditions of the bee
Figure 2 displays the layered-based infrastructure
for the Stationary System platform.
It is worth mentioning that the Stationary System
architecture can be utilized in a wide range of sce-
narios and is not limited to the PB branch. As stated
myBee: An Information System for Precision Beekeeping
Figure 2: Stationary System Architecture.
before, this is due to the middleware, which provides
scalability and flexibility.
3.1.1 The Layers
Service Layer. The Service Layer focuses on the
three basic operations of an IS:
Monitoring/Input: consists in collecting the data
and then sending it to the Processing module.
Processing: consists in manipulating the col-
lected data. In addition, this module determines
the type of output, whether it will be stored, sent
to the base station/server, or both.
Transmission/Output: consists in transmitting
the information, using the protocol in the Network
Layer, to the server.
Network Layer. The Network Layer offers func-
tionalities such as protocol configuration, and en-
abling and disabling data transmission. myBee was
designed to offer flexibility, scalability and compati-
bility. Thus, the user can add several protocols to the
PBIS, which are handled by the Management module.
Hardware Layer. The Hardware Layer offers func-
tionality to add, configure, enable and disable the
physical components, which are also controlled by the
Management module. The hardware devices consist
of microcontrollers, sensors and transmitters.
3.1.2 The Implementation
In order to implement a software architecture that is
flexible and simple to maintain, a class structure was
designed and specialized to add specific functionali-
ties (components). Thus, it is possible to modify the
architecture to provide new functionality, such as us-
ing a different communication protocol, or even sup-
porting a different device. Basically, the software ar-
chitecture has the following classes:
Monitor: provides the functionality to monitor a
certain condition of the environment.
Process: provides the functionality to process the
monitored data.
Transmit: provides the functionality to receive
and transmit the data.
Protocol: provides the functionality for communi-
cation between devices.
Microcontroller: provides the functionality to
manage a microcontroller.
Sensor: provides the functionality to manage a
Transmitter: provides the functionality to manage
the transmitter/receiver.
Middleware: provides the functionality for com-
munication between the layers.
Management: provides the necessary functional-
ity to manage the entire architecture, as well as the
computational intelligence.
In fact, the aforementioned classes are abstract,
meaning they must be specialized to provide concrete
functionality, with the exception of the Middleware
and Management classes.
3.1.3 Some Details
myBee has a basic functionality with specialized ab-
stract classes that compose the software architecture.
This functionality allows myBee to: use low-cost de-
vices and a database system manager; monitor the
temperature and humidity of the beehives; organize
monitoring-devices in a mesh network; provide re-
ports and statistics; and anticipate future behaviour.
Temperature and humidity sensors were chosen due
to being the most appropriate way to monitor bee
colonies (Zacepins and Meitalovs, 2014).
Hardware. Currently, the Stationary System sup-
ports a Raspberry Pi, DHT22 sensor, and the micro-
controllers GPIO7 and GPIO18. This indicates that
the said system uses low-cost hardware, which is able
to: deactivate the sensor DHT22 for a certain time;
collect the temperature and humidity of the beehive;
store data; and transmit/receive data.
Database. The Stationary System supports the
database management system, MySQL. The data is
stored on a database as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Database.
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Protocol. The monitoring-devices that compose the
Stationary System automatically organize themselves
as a mesh network.
A mesh network differs from a traditional network
because each node has the responsibility of serving as
an access point. Thus, each node behaves as a router
and, therefore, composes a single network which can
be accessed from any point.
Since mesh networks have several access points,
this allows for a simpler implementation and higher
fault-tolerance. This is because the network adapts
to movements, inclusion and even exclusion of nodes
automatically - without the need to reconfigure them
(Lent, 2008).
In a mesh network, the packet jumps from one
node to another until it reaches its final destination.
Thus, a node does not need to be visible - if it is within
reach - for the data to be sent.
A technique to organize a mesh network is to
utilize an Interest Ad-hoc Network (Radnet), which
communicates through a protocol based on interests.
Radnet is a network model based on user interests
and characteristics, and permits:
a collaboration between the network nodes. The
messages are delivered by jumping between the
a routing based on user characteristics; and
a message delivery approach to users who have
the same interests.
Radnet belongs to the Publisher/Subscriber
model, which is an asynchronous model that consists
of a publisher node sending the messages to a certain
interest and all the subscribers of that respective in-
terest receiving them. Although some messages may
not be delivered due to communication errors (Dutra,
The address of network devices and users is per-
formed through the Active Prefix (Dutra et al., 2012),
which is divided into two fields, namely: prefix; and
The prefix, which represents user characteristics,
is used as an Internet Protocol (IP) address. How-
ever, the difference is that the Prefix is linked to each
application and not to the equipment. Unlike the IP,
several users can have exactly the same prefix. The
interest is a field that stores and represents an interest
of the application.
The Radnet Protocol is responsible to forward the
messages between the network devices (Dutra et al.,
2010; Dutra and Amorim, 2010). A neighbor node
can return a message that is being forwarded. Thus,
the message can be received by a node that processed
it. To avoid reprocessing, every message is inserted,
at a certain time, into the hash table. Therefore, the
table is consulted whenever a message is received.
The aforementioned protocol was developed for
mobile and low-power applications. Its main features
are: energy-saving; and sending packages indirectly
to the receiver and through multiple nodes that have
common interests. A mesh network adapts to node
failures or removals. As a result, Radnet guarantees
that the network will automatically configure itself if
nodes are added or removed (Dutra et al., 2012).
It is worth highlighting that Radnet was devel-
oped with security in mind, attaining Active Prefix
messages by either cryptographic signatures or pass-
words (Dutra et al., 2012). Based on these advan-
tages, this protocol was chosen for our PBIS.
Computational Intelligence. myBee provides in-
formation about possible-future values of the moni-
tored elements, which is performed by the Computa-
tional Intelligence. Basically, when the said function-
ality is triggered, the Stationary System activates arti-
ficial intelligence algorithms to estimate values of the
monitored data, from the existing database. When-
ever an inference is made, the data will be validated
as soon as the system obtains it. If the inference is
wrong, a warning is issued to the user.
Client/Server Side. The characteristics of the Sta-
tionary System architecture allow both clients and
servers to be created. The former monitors the en-
vironment and sends the data to the server. The latter
persists the data into a database and sends it to a re-
mote computer or storage.
3.2 The Mobile System
The Mobile System has three objectives:
1. visualize the data monitored by the Stationary
2. provide data and statistics; and
3. provide notifications about undesirable be-
The Mobile System architecture is composed of 2
layers: Service and Management. Figure 4 displays
the layered-based architecture for the Mobile System
Figure 4: Mobile Architecture.
myBee: An Information System for Precision Beekeeping
3.2.1 The Layers
Service Layer The Service Layer focuses on three
Monitoring: consists in monitoring real-time
data on a mobile device.
Reports: provide information based on the col-
lected data.
Decision-making: permits user decisions based
on reports.
Management Layer. The management layer is
composed of a middleware, which connects the Mo-
bile System and Stationary System.
3.2.2 The Implementation
The Mobile System consists of a Web interface to
monitor the bee colonies. Figure 5 displays the Web
The Web System has the following functionality:
displays the monitored data;
generates graphs;
provides reports;
provides statistics;
provides notifications; and
provides future-behaviour statistics.
The system-visualization module graphically dis-
plays the collected data, allowing the user to select
the time period. The report module provides detailed
reports, including: description of each beehive, loca-
tion, monitoring time and date. Both graphs and re-
ports can be exported, with different extensions, and,
thus, used separately.
The statistics module provides numeric values of
the monitored data, which are: general mean, stan-
dard deviation, variance, minimum and maximum
value. The first three can be viewed in reports, while
the remaining two are displayed graphically.
The said functionality can be applied to each Sta-
tionary System individually. Thus, a single Mobile
System is used to monitor all Stationary Systems in-
stalled on different beehives. It is worth mentioning
that the Web System provides five data filters, which
are applied when viewing the data, and they are:
all data monitored thus far;
data monitored between 12:00 AM and 6:00 AM
(0h - 6h);
data monitored between 6:00 AM and 12:00 PM
(6h - 12h);
data monitored between 12:00 PM and 6:00 PM
(12h - 18h);
data monitored between 6:00 PM and 12:00 AM
(18h - 24h);
The notification module provides warnings to the
user, indicating that the conditions of the bee colony
are undesirable. Thus, the user can make appropriate
decisions depending on the issued notifications.
Finally, the Web System provides the user with
information estimated by the Computational Intelli-
gence module that exists in the Stationary System.
Beekeeping is a sustainable activity that generates
positive impacts on social, economic and environ-
mental areas. This activity provides: income to bee-
keepers though the commercialization of their prod-
ucts; benefits to the environment through pollination,
which favors the balance and maintenance of biodi-
versity (Camargo et al., 2002).
Controlling temperature and humidity is essential
because biological processes can be modified and/or
altered by high variations. Thus, it is important to
implement technologies in order to maintain adequate
beehive conditions.
Therefore, the objective of the case study is to
monitor the internal temperature and humidity of the
beehive corresponding to the Apis Mellifera species.
4.1 Experiment Area
myBee is currently used in the Experimental Farm of
Iguatemi (EFI), viewed in Figure 6. The EFI is lo-
cated at a latitude of 23
25’ S; 51
57’ O, an altitude
of 550 meters and area of 170 hectares. This location
provides a suitable environment to develop projects
on agriculture and animal husbandry.
The apiary is composed of 10 beehives, which are
arranged in two types of boxes:
Styrofoam and
Different materials are used in order to evaluate
the conditions of the beehives, each with distinctive
The boxes were certified by the Forest Steward-
ship Council (FSC) and arranged in contrast to one
another. These boxes were directly exposed to the
weathering of the climate, reducing interference of
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
(a) Realtime
(b) History
Figure 5: The Web Interface.
myBee: An Information System for Precision Beekeeping
Figure 6: Experimental Farm of Iguatemi, Source: Google
non-climatological factors in the experiment. The ex-
periment area is surrounded by an eucalyptus plan-
tation. The beehives were homogenized and stan-
dardized, being considered for: two combs, three
with eggs and larvae, three with reserved food and
two with alveolate wax (comple plaque), totalling 10
combs for each beehive. It was necessary to feed the
bee colonies with water and sugar syrup in a 1:1 ratio
during the standardization of the swarms (Camargo
et al., 2002).
The placement of the Wooden and Styrofoam
boxes can be visualized in Figure 7.
Figure 7: Apiary.
The red-dotted line represents data transmission.
This means that each collected information is sent to
every node, through Radnet, for backup purposes. In
other words, this means that each Stationary System
was implemented as a server. This data-redundancy
guarantees that the data will be stored regardless of
equipment failure.
4.2 Observations
This section presents data collected over a period of
10 days. The data was analyzed using the method
of Least Square with the Statistical Analysis System.
The adjusted averages were compared with Tukey’s
Test (P0.05).
Controlling the internal temperature is important
for several reasons. Boyle-Makowski (1987), for ex-
ample, stated that the colony’s increased internal tem-
perature has significant influence on bees and their
forage throughout the day. It has been shown that,
while worker bees can survive temperatures above
C (Coelho, 1991), temperatures above 36
C dur-
ing an extended period of time can cause death or ab-
normal development of the Apis mellifera offspring
(Winston, 1991).
The analysis of variance in Table 1 showed that
there was a significant difference for each type of box,
the materials and periods corresponding to both the
temperature and relative humidity (P>0.05). There
was a small contrast (P>0.05) between the relative
humidity, whose average was 60% for the entire data-
collection period.
Table 1: Average temperature and relative air humidity (*:
significant (P<0.05); NS: not significant (P>0.05)).
Source of variation Degrees of T
Collections 1 0.45* 19.39
Days (Collection) 10 0.08
Period 3 0.26* 176.98*
Material 1 0.29* 855.49*
Box (Material) 7 0.81* 615.77*
Residue 374 0.05 21.15
- 0.30 0.43
Coefficient of Variation (CV) - 0.65 7.67
According to Southwick (1985) & Stabentheiner
et al. (2003), endothermic heat production and site
isolation allow bees to regulate the temperature of the
breeding chamber within the range of 32-36uC.
The values described above corroborate with those
obtained in Figure 8. Both materials did not inter-
fere in the temperature homeostasis of the swarm, al-
though a significant difference was acquired.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Temperature (C)
Wood Styrofoam
Figure 8: Temperature.
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The humidity, as shown in Figure 9 was signifi-
cant, obtaining a higher stability for swarms placed in
a styrofoam box.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Humidity (%)
Wood Styrofoam
Figure 9: Humidity.
According to Seeley (2006), controlling the tem-
perature of a beehive can be seen as one of the greatest
Honey bees, between the beginning of autumn and
the end of winter (annual period of bee development),
maintain the temperature in the middle of the beehive
between 33 and 36
C, with an average of approxi-
mately 34, 5
C, and usually ranging at least than 1
per day (Hess, 1926; Himmer, 1927).
The values obtained in the four periods of 6
hours/day, as shown in Figure 10 and 11, were within
the values of homeostasis and showed that a higher
temperature is expected during the night.
In terms of bees, thermoregulation is possible
within certain limits. Body-warming occurs by ab-
sorbing heat from the environment. Thus, bees can
raise their internal temperature above the ambient
temperature. In addition, musculature contractions
also contribute to heat-generation inside the body of
the said insect. This thermoregulatory potential seems
to emerge early in the worker bee’s life, as they gen-
erate heat only after a few days of being born (Esch,
1976; Heinrich, 1975).
The analysis of variance showed that there was a
significant different between the boxes, materials and
periods for both air temperature and relative humidity
There was a small contrast (P>0.05) between the
relative humidity, whose average was 60% for the en-
tire data-collection period.
4.3 Validation
An infrared camera-system was utilized to analyze the
internal temperature of the beehive, as shown in Fig-
ure 12.
The use of such a strategy has two problems:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Temperature (C)
0−6h 6−12h 12−18h 18−24h
(a) Temperature
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Humidity (%)
0−6h 6−12h 12−18h 18−24h
(b) Humidity
Figure 10: Wood.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Temperature (C)
0−6h 6−12h 12−18h 18−24h
(a) Temperature
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Humidity (%)
0−6h 6−12h 12−18h 18−24h
(b) Humidity
Figure 11: Styrofoam.
1. the use of infrared images is susceptible to a
known error of 2%; and
2. the user plans to handle each beehive to identify
its condition.
Comparing the data monitored by myBee with the
myBee: An Information System for Precision Beekeeping
Figure 12: Infrared image of a part of the beehive.
data collected by the infrared camera, it is demon-
strated that myBee has the following advantages:
the data monitored by myBee are statistically the
same as those obtained by the infrared camera;
the collected data is not susceptible to an error
there is no need to handle each beehive to identify
its condition;
there is no need to process the data to obtain re-
ports and statistics;
an unfavorable condition in the beehive is known
in real time.
Using myBee in a real-world environment demon-
strates its ability to monitor the conditions of the bee
colony in order to perceive the alterations and to ana-
lyze the effects of environmental variables (tempera-
ture, humidity) on different boxes.
Currently, beekeeping provides an income of billions
of dollars. Thus, efficiently maintaining bee colonies
has become a goal for beekeepers. Temperature and
humidity are among the environmental variables that
affect the said area. Several techniques and technolo-
gies are used to capture, analyze and monitor bee
In order to monitor the said variables efficiently
and in real-time, this paper describes myBee, which
is a well-developed PBIS that supports beekeepers in
maintaining their apiaries.
The evaluation of myBee in a real-world environ-
ment proves its efficiency in monitoring bee colonies,
taking into consideration climatic alterations and the
effects of different types of boxes.
A future challenge is to add sensors to the system
in order to monitor and analyze sound and weight of
the bee colony.
We offer our sincere gratitude to CNPq and UFRJ for
their support. This article would not have been possi-
ble without their collaboration.
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myBee: An Information System for Precision Beekeeping