model for this problem is as a nonlinear mixed in-
teger problem. We slightly modified the reformula-
tion (Re IPImPMP) the problem proposed in (Aghez-
zaf et al., 2016) that solves the problem as a lin-
ear mixed integer program. There are a few major
limitations for this reformulated model, including the
time consuming as well as the increased number of
variables and constraints for the large and medium-
sized problems. We applied the Relax-and-Fix/Fix-
and-Optimize heuristics and the Dantzig-Wolfe De-
composition (DWD) methods to select the suitable
strategies to solve the proposed optimization models.
The developed algorithm are tested and compared for
CPU time and gap. The results from the numerical
examples and computational experiments showed that
the developed algorithm for solving the Re IPImPMP
problem has a very good solution quality with reduced
computational time. Further studies are currently in-
vestigated to improve the DWD method in order to
obtain better quality solutions and increase computa-
tional time savings, especially for large scale, block
structured, and linear programming problems of inte-
grated production planning and imperfect preventive
We would like to express our sincere appreciation
to the reviewers for their helpful comments. These
helped improve the quality of this research work.
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ICORES 2017 - 6th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems