Student Groups as Tutors in Information Systems Education
Students’ Perspectives on Collaboration and Outcomes
Antonis Natsis
, Pantelis M. Papadopoulos
and Nikolaus Obwegeser
Centre for Teaching Development and Digital Media, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark
Department of Management, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark
Keywords: Peer-tutoring, Collaboration, Research-teaching Nexus, Learning Strategies.
Abstract: The study explores the potential of the research-teaching nexus in a peer-tutoring setting. During the Fall
semester of 2016, students in an Information Systems course worked collaboratively on domain topics,
assigned to them by the teacher and created educational material for their fellow students. Students’ tutoring
role was concluding with a class presentation and a discussion session in each course lecture. The study
focuses on students’ perspectives in the collaborating groups and the audience and analyzes how learning
strategies in self-regulation, peer learning, and help seeking affect students’ experiences during group work.
Analysis of student activity revealed four distinct patterns of collaboration. Findings suggest that students
that rely more on group members for help were less satisfied by the communication among them. However,
students were in general satisfied with their collaboration, being able to adapt the activity to their needs.
Similarly, the teacher and the audience (students attending the student-tutoring sessions) evaluated
positively students’ performance as teachers.
Integrating research and teaching is viewed by many
scholars as a desired goal to be achieved in higher
education settings. Once these are linked together,
they can promote learning (Brew, 2003) and an
increasing number of studies conclude that students
benefit in their learning process, when they actively
participate in research activities and are instructed
by active researchers (Healey, 2005; Jenkins et al.,
Healey (2005) proposed a generally accepted
model on the different ways that research activities
and the students’ role can be integrated in a course
(Figure 1). According to this model, students can act
as audience or as participants and the emphasis of
the curricula can be driven either to the research
content or to the research processes or problems.
When acting as audience, students learn through
publications of their teachers combined with the
teachers’ personal research experience. When acting
as participants, students are actively engaged in
research design, outcomes and publications or they
are asked to conduct their own research regarding a
topic. Furthermore, they can act as tutors for their
peers by presenting and discussing with them the
findings of their research. The types of research
activities may depend on the subject areas (Griffiths,
2004). Yet, the sum of activities in which students
are engaged during a course does not necessarily fall
into one unique category.
No matter the role students have when engaged
in research activities, it is imperative that they have
to accomplish tasks, which require the
comprehension and processing of scientific articles.
Students often face difficulties in accomplishing
such tasks. Inadequate knowledge about the
scientific domain and failure to apply appropriate
reading strategies are considered the main reasons
for performing inefficiently in such tasks (Kolić-
Vrhovec et al., 2011; McNamara et al., 2007).
Instead of working individually, collaborative
learning can further facilitate students’ processing of
academic literature (Eryilmaz et al., 2016; van der
Pol et al., 2006). In the context of a successful
collaboration, students are engaged in explaining
(Webb et al., 2009), questioning (King, 1998), or
arguing (Noroozi et al., 2012) and through these
activities, they can acquire both domain-specific
knowledge and cross-domain skills such as
collaboration, argumentation or peer-assessment
skills (Vogel et al., 2016).
Natsis, A., Papadopoulos, P. and Obwegeser, N.
Student Groups as Tutors in Information Systems Education - Students’ Perspectives on Collaboration and Outcomes.
DOI: 10.5220/0006286700370045
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2017) - Volume 2, pages 37-45
ISBN: 978-989-758-240-0
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Curriculum design and the research-teaching nexus (Healey, 2005).
In such group settings, students’ characteristics
can affect the outcome of collaborative learning
(Noroozi et al., 2012). An important student
characteristic is the effective use of learning
strategies (Solimeno et al., 2008). Among them, self-
regulated learning (SRL), peer learning (PL) (Pifarre
and Cobos, 2010) and help seeking (HS) (Kyza et
al., 2013) are considered to influence the success of
collaborative learning. While self-regulated learning
has been extensively studied regarding individual
learning, less focus has been given for its
contribution in collaborative learning (Dettori and
Persico, 2008; Panadero et al., 2015).
Based on the above, the aim of this study is to
investigate the way students evaluate the process of
their collaboration when engaged in research-tutored
activities in small groups in the domain of
Information Systems (IS). More specifically, we
examine whether the use of different individual
learning strategies influences the assessment of the
way a group collaborated and the participation
during the group work. To explore these
relationships, we observed groups of first semester
graduate students working together in order to
critically engage with scientific papers, represent the
knowledge acquired from these papers in different
ways (e.g., identifying and extracting highlights of
the paper, summarizing the text etc.) and prepare a
presentation and discussion session in front of their
2.1 Participants and Domain
The course “Information System Development and
Implementation in a Business Context – ISDI” is a
10 ECTS course, offered in the first semester of the
“Master Degree Programme in Economics and
Business Administration” in the Department of
Management and runs over 11 weeks with a total of
120 teaching hours. The course is taught in English
and it aims at giving students an understanding of
the diverse challenges, risks and complexities of
developing and/or implementing IS in organizational
environments. After the course is finished, the
students are expected to be able to describe, analyze,
evaluate, reflect upon, and apply models of
information systems development in a business
The course is heavily influenced by real-life
context, making the research-teaching nexus an
integral part of the learning design. In the course,
students are experiencing the connection between
research and learning in several ways (Table 1),
playing both the roles of a peer-tutor (students as
tutors, ST) and the audience (students as audience,
SA). The current study focuses on the research-
tutored collaborative activity, in which students have
to work together on a teacher-assigned topic. Their
task is to analyze scientific literature and produce a
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 1: Activities the students are engaged in during the course.
Research Quadrant Student Activity
Research-led Students learn about research findings through their teachers’ own research activities.
Research-tutored Students work in groups of three or four. They are given a publication on a specific topic
and are asked to prepare five different types of deliverables, including a presentation
followed by a discussion session in front of their peers and their teacher.
Reseach-oriented Students have to critically reflect and discuss the research design and methods of seminal
IS papers.
Research-based Students have to hand-in a group report a month before the final exam. The exam itself is
conducted orally in a form similar to a thesis defence and is individual for each student.
Each group of students can decide the actual topic and research design by themselves.
set of five deliverables that can be used as learning
material by their fellow students. Their role as peer-
tutors ends with the presentation of their assigned
topic in the class. In addition, the student audience
needs to provide feedback on the structure,
usefulness, and overall quality of the material
produced by the student-tutors. Students’ research-
oriented (discussion of research methodology),
research-based (final report) and research-led
(teacher’s own research) activities complete the
course canvas. However, analysis on student activity
in these other quadrants span outside the limits of
this study and will not be discussed, since the course
is still ongoing.
A total of 65 freshmen students formed 18
groups of three or four members and participated in
the activity, which was a mandatory, non-graded,
part of the course. Seven of those groups consisted
of three students and 11 groups consisted of four
students. Regarding students’ background, 34 of
them were majoring on “Information Management”,
28 on “Business Intelligence”, while the rest were
studying “Logistics and SCM” and “Technology
Governance” programs. Finally, 13 students were
international/exchange students.
2.2 Research Instruments
The study employed three instruments: the
Motivated Strategies for Learning (MSLQ)
instrument (Pintrich et al., 1993), the student-tutors’
questionnaire, and the audience/teacher
MSLQ was used to measure students’ strategies
related to self-regulated learning (SRL), peer
learning (PL), and help seeking (HS). MSLQ is a
comprehensive measurement instrument that can be
used in its entirety or in parts. The instrument is
divided into two sections and includes a total of 81
questions grouped in 15 scales. The three scales used
in this study (i.e., SRL, PL, HS) were selected
because they are the ones that influence more the
collaborative activity. The version of the MSLQ
used in this study included 19 closed-type questions
(SRL: 12; PL: 3; HS: 4), each one using a 7-point
Likert scale.
The student-tutors (ST) questionnaire, developed
by the authors for the purpose of this study, was
filled in individually by the students and used to
record students’ attitudes and opinions on the
collaborative activity. More specifically, the
questionnaire focused on how each student
experienced collaboration in his/her group, in
relation to aspects such as the volume and format of
communication, role assignment, and own
contribution. Both the volume and format of
communication were assessed by a set of four
closed-type questions, each one using a custom 5-
point Likert scale. Role assignment was assessed
against a scale ranging from “One of us was
responsible for producing the final version” to “We
worked together on the same parts producing
together the final version”. Students’ contribution to
the creation of each artifact ranged from
“Discussant” to “Leader” in a 5-point scale.
Furthermore, this instrument also included a
dichotomous item on students’ general preference
towards collaborative/individual activities and a set
of four open-ended questions in which students
could further elaborate on peer support, reaching
consensus, sharing understanding, and
communication satisfaction.
Finally, both the students audience (SA) and the
teacher completed the same questionnaire to
evaluate the peer tutoring session in terms of
structure of the presentation, quality of material
used, effectiveness of presentation, and student-
tutors’ ability to respond to audience questions and
provide clarifications on the presented topic. This
instrument included six 5-point Likert scale
questions and was used after each peer tutoring
Student Groups as Tutors in Information Systems Education - Students’ Perspectives on Collaboration and Outcomes
session by the SA (i.e., students attending the class)
and the teacher.
2.3 Procedure
In the beginning of the course, students were asked
to respond to the adjusted MSLQ instrument.
Students were also asked to provide their names in
all instruments, to allow the researchers to follow
their activity throughout the study. Students were
aware of the research aspect of the course
assignment, knowing also that their identities and
responses would not be shared with their fellow
Next, students formed groups of three to four
members and were assigned a course topic by the
teacher. Each group received a seminal scientific
paper on a course-related topic and had to produce
five deliverables:
An annotated version of the paper, with
comments and emphasized parts;
A list of five highlights, providing a concise
view of the paper;
A list of five questions, along with their answers,
that would cover the major issues discussed on
the paper;
A short summary of 200-300 words;
A comprehensive presentation of the topic for
the peer tutoring session that could use slides or
any other material. The total duration of the
presentation should not exceed 40 minutes,
including a discussion session with the class
audience and the teacher.
After each peer tutoring session, these deliverables
were made available to all students as part of the
course material. To assist the work of the group
acting as a peer-tutor and to create a homogenous set
of learning material, the teacher provided detailed
instructions and generic examples of how these
deliverables should look like. In addition, each
group received access to a separate Google Drive
folder containing the necessary assignment material,
along with empty templates for the five deliverables.
The three main reasons for using Google Drive tools
were that (a) students were familiar with these, (b)
the tools allowed for real-time co-authoring, and (c)
these tools provide a revision history log, offering
the possibility of examining students’ co-authoring
strategies during the semester. Nevertheless, it
should be noted that working online was not
mandatory for the students (e.g., students could
upload their deliverables after producing them
offline or with other tools). Each group had two
weeks to prepare its peer-tutoring session and
present the topic in the class.
To support meaningful collaboration, students
were given general guidelines. However, since we
were interested in understanding emerging
collaboration patterns and their relationship to
different learning strategies, we purposefully
allowed for a high degree of self-regulation within
the groups. More explicit collaboration scripts may
have provided better scaffolding for some students,
but at the same time potentially influence the impact
of personal strategies on collaborative activities. In
particular, the students were advised to:
Communicate as much as necessary and have all
group members on the same page;
Contribute to all group deliverables, even if it is
on different levels;
Reach a shared understanding, demonstrated by
the ability to explain, analyze, argue, and answer
questions on all deliverables;
After each peer-tutoring session, student tutors (STs)
filled in the student-tutor questionnaire. At the same
time, the teacher and the remaining students in the
audience (SA) evaluated the presentation, by using
the SA/teacher instrument.
The assessment of the rest of the deliverables
(i.e., annotated version, highlights, summary,
questions & answers) is planned to be conducted at
the end of the semester after the students have
studied this material for their exams.
2.4 Data Analysis
For all statistical analyses, a level of significance at
.05 was chosen. In order to explore whether
students’ learning strategies influenced students’
assessment of group communication and
collaboration as well as of student participation, the
sample was half-split in low and high level MSLQ
subscales (SRL, PL, HS), using the respective
median as the cut-off point.
Independent-samples t-tests were conducted to
compare the volume of communication, the
collaboration among group members and the
participation in the deliverables’ creation with High
and Low groups of SRL, PL and HS. To investigate
whether there is an association between the
preference in individual or collaborative working
and the MSLQ subscales, a series of Chi-square tests
for independence was conducted.
Paired-samples t-tests were conducted to
examine the difference in students’ knowledge
before and after the presentations.
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Finally, a qualitative analysis of students’
responses in the instruments was carried out to
identify the collaboration patterns in the group work
and examine whether these patterns were influenced
by the self-regulated learning, peer learning, and
help seeking learning strategies.
3.1 Students as Tutors (ST)
The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for the self-
regulated learning, peer learning and help seeking
subscales of MSLQ were 0.82, 0.73, and 0.71,
respectively, indicating satisfactory reliability. In
general, the students scored (scale 1-7) rather high in
the SRL (M = 4.36, SD = 0.93, min = 2.50,
max = 6.50) and HS (M = 4.27, SD = 1.21,
min = 1.50, max = 6.50) subscales, while they were
split in PL (M = 3.96, SD = 1.35, min = 1.33,
max = 6.67), with 22 students having a negative
disposition towards peer learning.
Table 2 presents student responses in the
questions regarding the volume and format of
communication. In addition, response analysis
showed a strong students’ preference in organizing
meetings with all the group members in a
synchronous manner either face-to-face or online,
i.e., chatting, mainly in Facebook. This finding from
the students’ answers was further supported by
examining the revision history of their co-authoring
activities in Google Docs. The low number of
different versions in students’ deliverables suggests
that the majority of groups completed the larger part
of the assignment offline and used the Google Docs
templates for minor edits or for submitting the final
draft of their deliverables.
Figures 2 and 3 present student responses in the
questions concerning the way their groups worked
during the collaborative activity and their level of
responsibility during the process. It can be seen that
students collaborated less during the production of
the annotated version of the paper, while the
presentation was the deliverable in which most of
the collaboration happened.
In order to examine whether all members of each
group perceived the same volume of communication
and collaboration during the group work, the
coefficient of variation (CV) for the questions Q1
and Q4 was computed and used as an indicator. A
group was classified as perceiving the same volume
of communication and collaboration, when CV < 0.3
and having different perception when CV 0.3. No
differences were found regarding the perceived
volume of communication between the members of
all groups. As far as the perceived volume of
collaboration is concerned, differences were found
in 10 groups. The differences in all of these groups
were attributed to the way members perceived their
collaboration in the creation of the annotated version
of the paper. Only in three of these groups there
were also differences observed in the list of
highlights, list of questions and short summary. No
differences were found regarding the perceived
volume of collaboration for the presentation.
The analysis of the students’ answers in the
open-ended questions revealed that their main
problem during the collaboration was to arrange
meetings with all members of the group. Apart from
that, the vast majority of the groups (15 out of 18)
stated that they were satisfied with their
communication and collaboration in accomplishing
the group task. Their members participated equally
and they were engaged in transactive discussions
while they were trying to give or receive support
about their tasks or trying to reach common
understanding of the paper. In three groups the
problem identified in the collaboration was the ‘free
riding’ behavior by one of the members in each
group, which caused frustration and complaints by
the rest of the members. These groups are the same
as the aforementioned groups in which the
differences in perceived collaboration among their
members were observed.
Table 2: Student responses in the student-tutor questionnaire, regarding the volume and format of communication.
Question M SD
Q1. How much communication happened in your group? (1: A little; 5: A lot) 4.28 (0.71)
Q2. How much of this communication was one-to-one (one member communicating directly with another member)?
(1: A little; 5: A lot)
2.63 (1.39)
Q3. How much of this communication was one-to-many (one member communicating directly with two or more
members)? (1: A little; 5: A lot)
4.00 (1.21)
Student Groups as Tutors in Information Systems Education - Students’ Perspectives on Collaboration and Outcomes
Figure 2: Student responses (N=65) in the student-tutor (ST) questionnaire regarding the way their groups worked (Q4.
“For each of the learning artifacts, select the phrase that describes best the way your group worked.”).
Figure 3: Student responses (N=65) in the student-tutor (ST) questionnaire regarding their level of responsibility (Q5. “For
each of the learning artifacts, select a value that describes best your level of responsibility.”).
Table 3: Patterns of collaboration among groups (N=18).
Pattern Student participation
Equal participation - group members worked together on the same
parts producing together the final version
2 1
Mainly collaboration
Equal participation in most of the deliverables – in some
deliverables one was responsible for the final product incorporating
feedback from the other members
3 2
Mainly cooperation
Students split the work in most of the deliverables - one was
responsible for the final product and the others had to provide
3 5
Students split the work in all the deliverables – one was responsible
for the final product and the others had only to approve it
2 0
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
T-test result analysis revealed that students with
extreme values in the HS subscale had a significant
difference on their perception of the volume of
collaboration that occurred in their groups (HS
M = 3.18, SD = 0.93; HS
: M = 3.86, SD = 0.98;
t[63] = 2.57, p = 0.01). Students who characterized
themselves as ‘help seekers’ perceived the way their
group worked as less collaborative. Chi-squared
tests for independence indicated a significant
association between preference in group working
(question Q6 in the ST questionnaire) and the
students’ score in the PL subscale (χ
(1, 65) = 6.78,
p = 0.01), as expected. Conversely, no significant
association between Q6 and the use of SRL and HS
strategies was found.
As far as the collaboration patterns that emerged
in the groups are concerned, comparative analysis of
group member responses in Q4 and Q5 and their
statements in the open-ended items of the student-
tutor questionnaire revealed four distinct patterns
(Table 3). Three groups worked collaboratively,
with all members participating equally in all of
them, by working either together for all the different
parts of the deliverable or in separate parts which
they had to compile later in the final version after
reaching consensus. Another five groups worked
mainly collaboratively for the majority of the
deliverables while in some other deliverables, one
member had the leader role and was responsible for
the final product incorporating feedback from the
others. The rest of the groups applied patterns that
resemble different aspects of cooperation by
splitting the workload and working individually (see
Dillenbourg (1999) for a detailed discussion on the
nature of collaboration).
To examine whether the observed collaboration
patterns were influenced by the learning strategies of
the students, each group was first characterized as
homogeneous/heterogeneous. The coefficient of
variation (CV) for the three MSLQ subscales was
used as an indicator of homogeneity for the group. A
group was classified as homogeneous, when
CV < 0.3 for all three MSLQ subscales, and, as
heterogeneous when CV 0.3 at least in one of the
three subscales. According to this process, ten
groups were characterized as homogeneous and
eight as heterogeneous. Specifically, no differences
was observed in the self-regulation subscale between
the members of any of the groups, while one group
was characterized as heterogeneous because of
differences in HS and seven additional groups for
differences in PL (two of them also varied on the HS
subscale). However, analysis did not reveal any
visible link between group homogeneity and
collaboration patterns, since the groups appeared
equally distributed into the four observed patterns
(Table 3).
3.2 Students as Audience (SA)
Table 4 shows the mean and standard variation of
the evaluation of the 18 student presentations by the
teacher and the audience (students attending the
class on the day of the presentation). The population
of the audience varied during the semester
(approximately 50 on average each week) and the
aggregated values refer to the overall structure and
quality of all the ST presentations through the course
Table 4: Evaluation of student-tutor presentations (N=18) by the audience and the teacher.
Audience Teacher
Questions M SD M SD
Q1. What is your opinon about the organization/structure of the presentation? (1: Several
issues on structure and/or time; 5: Timely and well-organized)
3,69 (0,61) 4,00 (1,00)
Q2. What do you think about the presentation material (slides)? (1: Too packed, boring, or
confusing; 5: Clear, easy to follow, and aesthetically nice)
3,69 (0,65) 3,68 (0,97)
Q3. What is your opinion about the effectiveness of the presentation? Were the topics
explained clearly? (1: The paper was poorly outlined; 5: The main topics were clear
and easy to understand)
3,54 (0,64) 3,45 (1,16)
Q4. What is your opinion about the group’s responses to audience questions?
(1: Confusing or incomplete answers; 5: Clear and correct answers)
3,46 (0,66) 2,77 (1,17)
Q5. How knowledgeable were you on the topic, before the presentation? (1: Not at all;
5: Very much)
2,07 (0,57) - -
Q6. How knowledeable do you feel on the topic, after the presentation? (1: Not at all;
5: Very much)
3,47 (0,56) - -
Student Groups as Tutors in Information Systems Education - Students’ Perspectives on Collaboration and Outcomes
As it can be seen from Table 4, both the audience
and the teacher evaluated positively the structure,
the quality, and the effectiveness of the student-
produced presentations. This evaluation by both of
them suggests that the group work resulted in
cohesive and aesthetically pleasing presentations
whose main topics were clear and understandable.
The discussion sessions, which followed the
presentations, received the lowest scores by both the
audience and the teacher, despite the discrepancy in
the respective scores. This indicates that the
students-tutors may have not been well-prepared to
provide appropriate answers to their peers. Yet,
paired-sample t-test showed that the audience
knowledge increased significantly during the
student-tutor presentations for all presenting groups
(p<0.05). Furthermore, there was agreement among
students and the teacher in the ranking of the
respective presentations in all the assessed factors,
suggesting that students in the audience could
accurately differentiate the quality of the different
The analysis of the students’ comments in the
open-ended questions regarding the activity showed
their positive attitude towards the deliverables. It
also showed that they considered them useful and
helpful as preparation material for the final exam.
Results analysis shows that students were
successfully engaged in collaborative research-
tutored activities in the domain of Information
Systems. Analysis also shows that students did not
fully exploit the available digital tools that could
facilitate their collaboration. As such, they faced
difficulties in time management and mainly, in
arranging meetings with all the members of the
group. However, they were satisfied with their
collaboration. They managed to communicate
adequately and almost every student in a group
contributed to all group deliverables, although to a
different extent. Finally, they reached a shared
understanding, as demonstrated by their ability to
present the topics in a clear and understandable way
and answer questions on all the group deliverables.
Four collaboration patterns were identified. The
majority of the groups preferred to set a student as a
leader for the creation of each deliverable and the
role of the other members was either to just approve
the prepared deliverable or provide constructive
feedback and help in producing the final deliverable.
The presentation was the deliverable in which
students collaborated the most, probably because
they had to be also prepared to answer their peer’s
questions in the discussion session followed the
The aforementioned patterns were not influenced
by the variance of group members regarding their
self-regulated learning, peer learning and help
seeking strategies. The preference for face-to-face or
online synchronous meetings, in order to
communicate and collaborate along with the
difficulty of finding common meeting hours, might
have led to the patterns identified.
Students with higher scores on the help seeking
scale were concerned of the way their group
collaborated. One explanation for this could be that
these students had higher communication demands
and were relying more on help coming from their
fellow students in their groups.
Self-regulated and peer learning strategies did
not seem to influence the students’ self-assessment
of group collaboration nor their role during the
activity. Regarding self-regulated learning strategy,
the study sample consisted of graduate students who
all had relatively high scores and thus, showed few
differences among them. As for peer learning
strategy, the fact that the students had not been given
a detailed collaboration script may have led them to
adapt the activity, creating a flexible space that
allowed even students with extremely low scores on
the peer learning scale to participate in a self-
satisfying manner.
Students also played the role of the audience and
evaluated their peers in the presentation and
discussion sessions. The evaluation of the
presentations by both the students as audience and
the teacher showed that the groups managed to
create high quality presentations of the topics under
study. In addition, all the students were significantly
more knowledgeable of the topic under study after
the presentation and discussion session with their
In conclusion, this study provides preliminary
evidence that engaging students into collaborative
activities that utilize the research-teaching nexus
offers the students the opportunity to apply and
develop their skills in processing, presenting, and
discussing academic work, assuming also the
responsibilities of a tutor. It should be noted that the
long-term evaluation of the examined approach of
the research-teaching nexus will have to be
corroborated through future studies in different
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
contexts. Nevertheless, the current study provides a
useful reference for further discussion.
This work has been partially funded by a Starting
Grant from AUFF (Aarhus Universitets
Forskningsfond), titled “Innovative and Emerging
Technologies in Education”.
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Student Groups as Tutors in Information Systems Education - Students’ Perspectives on Collaboration and Outcomes