A Computer Platform to Increase Motivation in Programming
Students - PEP
Paula Correia Tavares
, Pedro Rangel Henriques
and Elsa Ferreira Gomes
Departamento de Informática, Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, Porto, Portugal
Centro Algoritmi & Departamento de Informática, Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal
INESC TEC, Portugal
Keywords: Motivation, Program Animation, Automatic Evaluation, Immediate Feedback.
Abstract: Motivate students is one of the biggest challenges that teachers have to face, in general and in particular in
programming courses. In this article two techniques, aimed at supporting the teaching of programming, are
discussed: program animation, and automatic evaluation of programs. Based on the combination of these
techniques and their currently available tools, we will describe two possible approaches to increase
motivation and improve the success. The conclusions of a first experiment conducted in the classroom will
be presented. PEP, a Web-based tool that implements one of the approaches proposed, will be introduced.
According to Hundhausen and Douglas (2000) or
Proulx (2000) and many other authors, including the
various notes included in the Computer Science
Curricula of ACM/IEEE Guideline of 2013
(ACM/IEEE, 2013), confirmed by our professional
experience teaching courses on introduction to
computer programming, learn to program is an
arduous and complex task that raises many
challenges both to teachers and students. The lack of
motivation is one of the main reasons for the
students’ failure in programming courses (Santos
and Costa, 2006; Ramos, 2013). There are many
reasons for students to fail in learning programming
(Proulx, 2000) but the truth is that given the slightest
difficulty in understanding the statement, in
developing an algorithm or in the use of a
programming language, discourage learners and they
immediately give up. The project, in which the work
here reported is inserted, aims: to understand the
actual reasons for the difficulties which arise in the
process of teaching/learning computer programming
(discussed in (Tavares et al., 2015a)); to study
computer-supported approaches to combat this
failure (discussed in (Tavares et al., 2015b)); and to
suggest ways to combine those approaches to
increase the involvement of students in order to
overcome such difficulties (Tavares et al., 2016b). In
this paper, two techniques designed to support the
teaching of programming are presented in particular:
an older one, Program Animation that aims at taking
advantage of our visual acuity and the effect of
simulation to help understanding the algorithms and
programs; and another, more recent, which focus on
the use of systems for the Automatic Evaluation of
Programs to encourage students to go on working
providing them immediate feedback as soon as they
finish writing a program. These two topics will be
introduced briefly in section 3, aiming to support the
combined approaches that are proposed.
As mentioned above, the first objective of this
study focus on the difficulty intrinsic to the process
of teaching/learning programming and the
consequent failure. Thus, the project here discussed
is based on deep research study concerned with the
failure of learn to program and consequently in
developing proposals to increase motivation and
self-confidence of the students of introduction to
programming courses. Experimental studies at the
school level are essential for the development or use
of learning aid platforms. These tools will be
elements of teaching support to increase students'
ability to solve their problem. It is important to help
students in the transition from basic knowledge to
the comprehension of an algorithmic solution. The
goal is to get students to increase their ability to
practice programming regularly since the first day,
because we believe that in this way their success in
Tavares, P., Henriques, P. and Gomes, E.
A Computer Platform to Increase Motivation in Programming Students - PEP.
DOI: 10.5220/0006287402840291
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2017) - Volume 1, pages 284-291
ISBN: 978-989-758-239-4
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
school will increase. With regard to the resources
currently available for animation and automatic
evaluation of programs, we propose two alternative
approaches, described in section 4 and 5, in order to
expedite the process of teaching learning
programming. To check these two alternatives,
which are complementary, we conducted a
classroom test following the first approach,
AEv&Anim (summarized in section 4), and
developed a tool that materializes the second
approach, Anim&AEv (introduced and discussed in
section 6). In the next section, we present a short
survey about the basic subject underlying all our
work: Human Motivation.
As will be seen below, several theories have been
developed to explain the motivation from the
beginning of the history of psychology as a science.
Because it is a complex phenomenon, the subject has
been studied under different prisms (Williams and
Williams, 2011; Almeida, 2012). Some of them
claim that people are motivated by material rewards,
others by increasing their power and prestige in the
world, or by an interesting work, enriched
environments, recognition, or to be respected as an
individual. The fact is that humans in general have
very complex needs and desires. Motivation is one
of the keys to understand the human behaviour; it
acts on the thought, attention, emotion and action of
the Human Being, involving desire, effort, dreams
and hope (Williams and Williams, 2011; Almeida,
People are driven by very different factors, with
varied experiences and respective involvement. The
motivation leads to an action directed to a particular
goal, being regulated by biological or cognitive,
factors of each person. This action is enabled by the
needs, emotions, values, goals and personal
expectations, constituting a single intentional and
multifaceted phenomenon (Ryan and Deci, 2000).
According to Susana Ramos and colleague (2011),
there are theories of motivation that characterize the
individual as unique, but also try to analyse the
motivational phenomenon in its origins, evolution
and direction. Susana Ramos (2013) says that these
theories can be classified in Satisfaction Theories -
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, McGregor's Theory
X & Y, Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory - and
Theories of Progress - McClelland's Need Theory
and Vroom's expectancy theory.
Motivate students is one of the biggest
challenges that teachers have to face. In
programming is particularly difficult. For the teacher
play an important role in the learning process that
occurs in the classroom, the teacher would have to
have control over the external factors that influence
the behavior and involvement of students (Callahan,
2010). The level of motivation needed to involve
each student in a given task is determined by his
expectation for success and the value that the student
gives to that particular task. This theory suggests
that students can succeed if they dedicate with effort
and appreciate the activities in which they enrolled.
As Almeida (2012) stated, it’s important to
understand why students do not have motivation.
Many students attribute this problem to the behavior
of the teachers and the school in general, with the
expectation that they are active elements in their
learning. To verify this statement we designed a
questionnaire to survey students’ actual opinion; as
soon as we finish the analysis of the collected
answers we will publish the study. On the other
hand, the teacher assign the difficulties to the
students, with the expectation that they are
interested, auto-regulated, with energy to search for
knowledge, and responsible for their own
motivation. In this way, there is a conflict between
students’ expectations, and teachers, who expect a
general behavior distinct from that, manifested by
students (Almeida, 2012). The motivation is not only
a unitary phenomenon, which refers to the concept
of quantity. More than a lot of motivation, there are
variations in levels and motivational guidelines. In
this way, it is possible to ask what is the reason that
leads to a more or less motivated behavior. To
reason about motivational quality it is crucial to
consider the attitudes and goals that move people
towards an action. A good example is the motivation
that compels a student to do his homework. He can
do it without any curiosity or interest, simply
looking for the approval of the teacher or parent;
but, in the other way around, he can be motivated to
acquire new knowledge, or face new challenges
because he understands that his attitude brings
advantage and values; or he can still be motivated
because the knowledge acquired will give him a
position to attain better grades or a better social life.
In this example, the motivation may not vary
quantitatively, but its nature (the quality) can be
definitively distinct (Almeida, 2012). Distinguish
between quantitative and qualitative aspects of
motivation enlarges the view on it, as shown in
Figure 1.
A Computer Platform to Increase Motivation in Programming Students - PEP
Figure 1: Factors involved in Motivation and its impact.
As can be seen in Figure 1, the motivation is
directly related to different factors ranging from,
physiological or emotional to intellectual and moral
Motivation is like an impulse, a feeling that
moves people to act to obtain their goals. Is what
makes the individuals do their best, do what they can
to get what they want.
According to the theory of self-determination,
the motivation can be intrinsic or extrinsic. The
intrinsic motivation does not need any external
factor. It derives from the student himself as the
dedication, competence, willingness and ability to
accomplish a task. Extrinsic motivation is the result
of external factors, such as the resources that the
student has, the rewards, and the environment where
it develops his tasks (Silva et al., 2014). Both work
together and the result will set the student's behavior,
as shown in the Figure 2.
Figure 2: Student/Teacher and Motivation.
According to Deci and Ryan (2000), motivation has
different degrees that in a continuum range from
demotivation (absence of motivation), to intrinsic
going through extrinsic motivation as depicted in
Figure 3 (adapted from (Deci and Ryan, 2000)).
Figure 3: Different degrees of Motivation.
The motivational and emotional factors have a direct
relation with the learning process. So, teachers have
to understand it to improve their role in the
Among many techniques that have been studied to
help on teaching of programming, two that are
particularly interesting will be discussed in this
context: program animation, and automatic
evaluation of programs. For the sake of space, the
deep survey of these two areas, in which our work is
based, cannot be presented in detail. So, we
recommend the reading of (Tavares et al., 2015b).
3.1 Animation
The animation of an algorithm is a type of dynamic
visualization of its main abstractions. The
importance of this technique lies in the ability to
describe in a visible mode the essence or logic of an
algorithm (Pereira, 2002). The relevance of
algorithms animation in learning is justified because
many times the teacher resorts to the use of visual
representations to help students understand the
essence of algorithms, and the dynamic behavior of
programs. The animation can be composed of a set
of views more or less interactive. Ari Korhonen
(2003) explains how we should apply these
techniques in order to help students deal with
complex concepts. According to this author, from a
pedagogical point of view, it will be more interesting
to illustrate the logic and behavior of an algorithm
than the implementation details. It must be ensured
that this approach causes, at least, one level of
progress on learning. This methodology requires an
environment that provides feedback about student
achievements. This statement partially inspired our
proposal to be introduced later. In this context, there
are several tools in order to assist students on
learning programming, aimed at introducing basic
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
algorithmic concepts through a familiar and pleasant
context. These animation tools were enumerated in a
previous paper (Tavares et al., 2015b). The detailed
study underlying that survey supported our choice.
So, in the proposal below we use the Jeliot tool
(Ben-Ari et al., 2011; 2002), an easy to use and
effective Java animator.
The animation becomes a facilitator of the
learning process since the presentation of abstract
concepts is more didactic, improving the quality of
the class support materials. It is clear that if the
student acquires a good knowledge basis, his
performance increases producing better results, and
better professional abilities (Santos and Costa,
3.2 Automatic Evaluation
It is very important to give students the opportunity
to practice and solve programming exercises by
themselves. However, the maximum effectiveness of
this approach requires the teacher's ability to review,
mark and grade each solution written by students.
Instant feedback is very important for the acquisition
of knowledge. Independently of the particular
learning strategy, it motivates students. However, in
large classes and with few lecture hours, this
approach is impractical. Individual feedback may
consume too much teacher´s time with risk that
students do not benefit from it in due time (Queirós
and Leal, 2015).
It is difficult to find a tool that incorporates all
the different advantages of the various existing tools.
To improve the learning of programming it is
important to be able to provide, at least, a
combination of a virtual environment and a
submission system. First it shall be provided support
for solving problems in an individual study, and
second, the environment shall support various
formats for the submission of questions and
evaluation. In other words, the teacher has to
provide to students an automatic evaluation system
able to return instant feedback.
New tools have emerged to facilitate and enable
their use in teaching activities, allowing students to
incorporate tests in their work. These tools, that have
been surveyed in the above referred paper (Tavares
et al., 2015b), increase the level of satisfaction and
motivation of students. According to teachers and
students, feedback should be provided and detailed
as quickly as possible. These tools do not replace the
teacher, but provide help and increase the value of
time in the classroom. Teachers should be able to
select the problems they intend to present to the
students according to their level of difficulty (Verdú
et al., 2011). Different teachers can adopt different
strategies, depending on their specific goals and
objectives of the course, especially of their own style
and preferences (Joy et al., 2005). So, students must
receive feedback at the right time to benefit from it.
In our proposal we adopted Mooshak tool (Leal and
Silva, 2008), a general purpose evaluation system
used in many universities in our country.
According to teachers and students, the
automatic feedback produced by those systems must
be improved; it should be faster and more detailed to
enable the improvement of the program quality,
getting a nicer solution when the original one is
poorly coded or too complex. This feedback is
obtained from the execution of a series of tests,
showing the results of each run, those who have
passed and those who failed. This interactivity with
the student tries to engage students in the course and
so help improve learning and, consequently, reduce
the failure (number of students unsuccessful).
In this approach, the student is exposed directly to
the resolution with use of automatic evaluation and
its feedback; and after that first individual trial, he
has to analyze the correct solution using the
animation tool. To adopt this approach, the teacher
prepares for each subject to teach a number of
problems relating to that topic with similar
difficulty. For each problem of the set, asks the
student to analyze the statement, develop the
algorithm and code it, passing to the test it with the
AES. After some time, the teacher provides his
solution and asks the students to analyze carefully
using the animation tool, looking to assimilate the
knowledge derived from it.
To validate this, we prepared an experimental
setting to get real feedback from its application in
classroom. The main objectives for this first
experiment were:
Understand the behavior of students facing a
new and different situation;
Observe if students are involved and
Understand the main difficulties faced by first
year students, when they are engaged with a
programming task: the interpretation of the
A Computer Platform to Increase Motivation in Programming Students - PEP
statement, the development of algorithms or
their coding in a specific language;
Check the effectiveness of the proposed
This approach assumes that the teacher selects a
powerful Animation tool, easy to use, and chooses
an AES that is user-friendly and returns a feedback
as complete as possible (with a diagnosis for the
errors found). It is also desirable that AES comments
the code quality. For our experiment, we chose Jeliot
and Mooshak, as said above.
In our case, to teach the introductory topic
sequential numeric processing and conditional and
iterative control structures we wrote three exercise
statements. After deciding the concrete tools to use,
the topic of the experimental lesson, and the
exercises to solve, it was necessary to write down a
careful plan for the lesson, so that all the students
enrolled could understand what they are asked to do
and how should they proceed—as the experiment
conducted in two classes with 25 students is not the
focus of this paper we suggest the reading of the
paper (Tavares et al., 2016a) for a detailed
description and discussion of the results. However
we report in the sequel a summary of the main
outcomes: it is possible to affirm that the evolution
of the behavior of the students during the class of
two hours showed that this approach led to a better
performance of the students. On one hand, it was
noted that the number of students with accepted
submissions increased and, on the other hand, that
the number of submissions increased and that the
number of compilation errors decreased. As students
did not gave up soon as the first error appear (they
keep searching for a correct solution) we concluded
that their motivation has increased; a second effect
of the increased effort is the number of base
mistakes that have been reduced. Motivation was
one of our main concerns. The experiment presented
also allowed us to understand the best way to
conduct future tests, for example, allowing greater
flexibility in the management of time during the
lesson. This means that we intend to propose the
three exercises at the beginning and allow students
to choose the time intervals to use in each of them;
In this way, they can explore the animation more
deeply if they find it important to sediment
knowledge before progressing to a new
While AEv&Anim, described in the previous
section, is specially tailored to be applied in the
classroom following the traditional teaching method,
the next one, that we introduce in this section, is
thought to be used in a self-study process, at home.
In this approach, first the student is exposed to the
analysis of the problem and its resolution, with the
support of the Animation; then he goes on to a self-
resolution phase using automatic evaluation and its
rapid feedback. For each topic to be taught, the
teacher will prepare two sets of similar exercises.
For the exercises in the first set the teacher discusses
the statement, the resolution (outlines an algorithm)
and presents the program that solves it so that the
student can make his animation and thus analyze /
understand the solution.
For the exercises of the second set, after
discussing the statement, the teacher asks the
students to solve it and test the solution created
through an automatic evaluation system. In a third
moment, the teacher discusses with the students the
feedback received from the evaluator.
Following Anim&AEv, a web-based information
system (known as PEP, Plataforma para o Ensino
da Programação) was developed to support the
teacher in laboratory classes and, above all, provide
students with the possibility of doing study sessions
outside the classroom.
PEP platform will allow: (i) the teacher to carry and
maintain the exercises (organized by topics and
difficulties) to be used in each session, as well as to
plan the sessions; (ii) the student runs one or more
sessions to practice a particular theme, animating the
exercises and then solving them and testing them
with immediate feedback. PEP will also allow the
teacher to receive back information about how each
student's work session was performed (date and
time, sequence of solved exercises, time spent, etc.).
As can be seen in Figure 4, the system will consist
of two main components: the Back-office (BO) and
the Front-office (FO).
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 4: PEP System Architecture.
The first one supports all database management
tasks with the questions that will later be used by the
second module to construct the sessions that will be
presented to the students. In the BO only the
teachers will have access and it is from there that
they can manage exercises (create, edit and delete),
plan sessions, as well as analyze the sessions
submitted by the students. In addition BO has two
more essential components: the compiler that reads
the formal specification of each session (written in a
specific domain language, DSL, which we have
created specifically for this purpose) and generates
the necessary code for the FO to mount the sessions;
and the analysis module that recover from the
database the information related to each session of
each student and presents it to the teacher so that it
can follow the learning process.
The Front-Office is intended for students, where
the sessions will be listed as well as saved the
information about each session, i.e. the identification
of the student who performs the session, the date, the
sequence of exercises, as well as the duration. All
this information will be stored in the database for
later possible analysis.
In Figure 5 there is a diagrammatic
representation of the interaction flow possible in the
interface presented to the student.
A simple access control mechanism is
implemented through the registration in the
platform. After the choice of the session, the user
will be confronted with two new options: part 1 that
uses animation techniques; and part 2 supported by
an automatic evaluation system to test students
solutions (recommended only after completing
Figure 5: Interaction Flow Diagram.
If student choose Part 1 (Animation), he has
access to a description of the problem as well as its
solution (Java code). He shall use Jeliot tool to
animate the resolution of the problem to a deep
understanding of the solution provided. In part 2
(Evaluation), only a description of a problem to
solve is presented to the student who is then asked to
solve it. Here the Mooshak Automatic Assessment
tool is used so that students can verify whether their
resolution is correct or not.
PEP Front-Office is illustrated by the screenshots
shown in Figures 6 through 9.
Figure 6: Listing course Sessions.
Figure 7: Access to Parts 1 and 2 of a Session.
A Computer Platform to Increase Motivation in Programming Students - PEP
Figure 8: Part1-navigation buttons to invoke the Animator.
Figure 9: Part1- Problem statement.
PEP is an easy to use tool, accessible as a Web
application that can be used to increment motivation
for self-study activities -- we strongly believe this
will improve the overall learning process.
This paper discusses the need to find ways to
improve the teaching / learning process in courses of
introduction to programming. We studied and
discussed methods to act as external factors in the
extrinsic motivation and self-confidence of students
who easily disinterest when faced with difficulties.
In this sense, a combination of two existing tools has
been proposed in order to get more a effective
method: the animation of programs, to help
understand how programs really behave to solve the
problems; and the automatic evaluation of programs,
to provide students with immediate feedback on the
solutions they develop. Two approaches
(AEv&Anim and Anim&AEv) were then presented
that combine in opposite orders the two techniques
mentioned. The first of these has already been the
subject of an experimental analysis in the classroom,
as described; the second led to the implementation
of the Platform for Teaching Programming (PEP),
which may be used to help the teacher in class or the
student at home. As future work we plan to define
new classroom experiments and also to study how
PEP can be improved with gamification artefacts to
increase students motivation.
This work has been supported by COMPETE:
POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007043 and FCT
Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the
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