
to the demands. If the analyst wants to exactly lo-
cate the payload within the malware code or wishes a
high value of correctness in the family identification,
MC should be used. However, this approach requires
a greater computational time than ML. Instead, if the
analyst is interested in achieving a high correctness in
family identification, is not looking for the payload lo-
cation, and the efficiency has a priority higher than the
effectiveness, the choice should fall on the ML with f
feature. Finally, if the analyst wants to achieve a high
correctness in malware detection, the ML should be
employed, by using the f
, f
or f
features. Unfortu-
nately this will require a longer execution time.
Recognizing malware families (Zhou and Jiang,
2012) is a primary goal of malware analyst and sev-
eral approaches have been developed to face this is-
sue. In this work we have compared two static
approaches. The first one is a Machine Learning
based approach, differently the second one is a Model
Checking based approach. We have investigated
strengths and weaknesses of the two approaches. As
future work, we want to compare them with dynamic
techniques in order to have a clearer and wider pic-
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“Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who is the Fairest One of All?” - Machine Learning versus Model Checking: A Comparison between Two
Static Techniques for Malware Family Identification