On the Detection of Replay Attacks in Industrial Automation Networks
Operated with Profinet IO
Steffen Pfrang and David Meier
Fraunhofer IOSB, Fraunhoferstr. 1, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany
Industrial Networks, Replay Attacks, Port Stealing, DCP Reconfiguration, Intrusion Detection, Attack
Detection Modeling.
Modern industrial facilities consist of controllers, actuators and sensors that are connected via traditional IT
equipment. The ongoing integration of these systems into the communication network yields to new threats
and attack possibilities. In industrial networks, often distinct communication protocols like Profinet IO (PNIO)
are used. These protocols are often not supported by typical network security tools. In this paper, we present
two attack techniques that allow to take over the control of a PNIO device, enabling an attacker to replay
formerly recorded traffic. We model attack detection rules and propose an intrusion detection system (IDS)
for industrial networks which is capable of detecting those replay attacks by correlating alerts from traditional
IT IDS with specific PNIO alarms. Thereafter, we evaluate our IDS in a physical demonstrator and compare it
with another IDS dedicated to securing PNIO networks.
Automation systems play a key role in modern indus-
trial facilities and are therefore an important part of
our economy. New technology tries to maximize the
efficiency of such systems by simplifying the instal-
lation of automation systems, as well as providing the
available data to the business level. In recent years,
this was achieved more and more by the introduc-
tion of well-known IT technology into areas where
in the past dedicated and incompatible technologies
were used. While automation and control systems
still have certain requirements, new standards aim to
provide these requirements using standard IT tech-
nology. One such standard is Profinet IO (PNIO), as
specified in (IEC 61158-6-10, 2007). This Industrial
Ethernet standard has the possibility to connect vari-
ous automation systems and provide them with real-
time communication. PNIO, as most new automation
standards, is mostly concerned with providing reli-
able services and does not provide any distinct secu-
rity mechanisms.
This situation, combined with the already men-
tioned process of networks getting connected to more
and more services, renders the threat of cyberattacks
into a realistic scenario. Even if there are no inherent
security controls in PNIO
, it is crucial to be able to
detect attacks targeting PNIO devices. Because such
attacks require little to no knowledge about the in-
dustrial process being run and are easy to adopt, this
makes them a rewarding target for any attacker.
In this work, we will show how the missing se-
curity in automation protocols can facilitate the abil-
ity to successfully attack control system equipment by
using a replay attack method on PNIO. We will then
show how it is possible to detect these attacks, taking
multiple information sources as an input for an intru-
sion detection system (IDS). To be able to understand
the attack and proposed detection model, this work
also includes a brief overview of the relevant details
of PNIO.
In this section, we will give background information
on the relevance of PNIO and the protocol specifica-
tions which are important in our study. The second
This means that such a PNIO network should be op-
erated in a completely separated environment without any
link to the outside.
Pfrang, S. and Meier, D.
On the Detection of Replay Attacks in Industrial Automation Networks Operated with Profinet IO.
DOI: 10.5220/0006288106830693
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2017), pages 683-693
ISBN: 978-989-758-209-7
2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
part of this section is dedicated to related work avail-
able in the area of control system security and on the
security of PNIO.
2.1 Background
According to a recent study (HMS Industrial Net-
works, 2016b), Ethernet-based fieldbuses have a mar-
ket share of 38% within industrial automation sys-
tems, while classic fieldbuses have 58% and wireless
variants 4%. The annual growth of Ethernet-based
fieldbuses is estimated with 20%, whereas Siemens
is the market leader in Europe and China with its
“Profibus family” including PNIO (HMS Industrial
Networks, 2016a). In total, 21% of the sold Ethernet-
based automation systems are running PNIO.
In the following, we will provide technical details
about the PNIO protocol behaviour relevant to the
presented scenario: A programmable logic controller
(PLC) controlling a PNIO device (a stepping motor).
Starting with the discovery and configuration proto-
col DCP and the context management protocol CM,
we describe the startup phase of a PNIO network like
it happens when the power returns after an outage.
The last subsection covers the alarm management of
PNIO devices.
2.1.1 PNIO Discovery and Configuration
DCP (Discovery and Configuration Protocol) is an
Ethernet-based protocol within the PNIO protocol
suite. Using the DCP Set Request, a controller is
able to configure a PNIO device. Such a request can
contain multiple configuration blocks, for example to
set the name and the IP address using only a sin-
gle packet. The request is then answered by a DCP
Set Response that signals what configuration options
were tried to be set and if the request could executed.
It does not contain the actual values from the DCP Set
2.1.2 PNIO Context Management
CM (Context Management) is a UDP-based PNIO
protocol to setup the application relation (AR) be-
tween PNIO controllers and devices. The controller
is sending a CM ConnReq request, specifying vari-
ous properties of the communication channel, includ-
ing its communication relations (CR). These can be
data inputs and outputs (IO), as well as properties
for alarm handling. The properties of IO CR include
values for the DataHoldFactor, SendClockFactor and
ReductionRatio. From these values, the DataHold-
Time of the respective CR is calculated, as shown in
equation 1.
DataHoldTime = DataHoldFactor
× SendClockFactor
× ReductionRatio
× 31.25µs
A watchdog timer of that duration is set every time
data is received for the respective CR. When this timer
expires, it will trigger an PN-RT alarm frame with an
appropriate error message.
The PNIO device replies to the CM ConnReq with
a CM ConnResp response. This response can ac-
knowledge the request or deny it, for example if there
are no resources left for a new AR. In case of a suc-
cessful connection request, the already established
CRs will start exchanging data and the controller can
proceed establishing further CMs. When all desired
CMs are established, the controller will send a CM
Control Req request signaling the end of parameter
transmission, that will again be acknowledged by the
PNIO device through an CM Control Resp. After-
wards, the device is sending a CM Control Req sig-
naling application readiness. After the controller has
acknowledged this request, the communication estab-
lishment is complete.
2.1.3 PNIO Startup
When an industrial setup operated with PNIO starts
up, the sequence of network packets shown in Figure
1 can be discovered. We will focus on the connec-
tion establishment between the PLC (as PNIO con-
troller) and the motor (as PNIO device). Additionally,
we consider the case that all the components are con-
figured for operation. That means, that the process
is already running which is a reasonable assumption
when dealing with real production environments.
From the Profinet protocol suite, there are three
protocols involved: DCP, CM and RT (Real Time).
Additionally, PNIO makes use of ARP (Address Res-
olution Protocol). CM is an UDP-based protocol,
while the other protocols are operating directly on the
MAC layer (Ethernet).
The startup process is initiated by the PNIO con-
troller. It asks with a multicast DCP Ident Request for
a device with the PNIO name that has been config-
ured initially in the PLC program. The PNIO device
with that particular name replies to that request with
an unicast DCP Ident OK that is directed to the PLC.
The Ident OK message includes, amongst other infor-
mation, the IP address configuration of that device.
Subsequently, the controller starts an ARP request
for the IP address given by the PNIO device. If the
device is not yet configured with that IP address, the
controller sends a DCP Set Request, setting the IP ad-
dress configuration of the PNIO device in order to be
ForSE 2017 - 1st International Workshop on FORmal methods for Security Engineering
DCP IdentReq D
DCP IdentOk D
ARP Who has?
ARP Is at ...!
CM ConnReq
CM ConnResp
CM Control Req
CM Control Resp
CM Control Req
CM Control Resp
Figure 1: The regular startup process of a PNIO network at
the example of a PLC and a motor.
able to communicate with it using UDP for the next
step, the PNIO-CM.
2.1.4 PNIO Alarm Management
The signaling of errors and warnings is also an inte-
gral part of PNIO. On the network level, this signal-
ing is achieved by the usage of special alarm frames.
There are multiple alarm types, depending on the ori-
gin and cause of the alarm. For example, process
alarms are originating from the executed process on
a field device, while diagnosis alarms are originating
from the field device itself (Popp, 2014). Only pro-
cess alarms have their priority set to HIGH, while all
other type have a LOW priority. Alarms are queued into
a buffer according to their priority and only removed
from the buffer once they are acknowledged. Every
alarm is therefore assigned a sequence number which
also needs to be part of the acknowledgment of the
communication partner, i.e. the PNIO controller or
device. This means other alarms of the same prior-
ity are not reported until all alarms prior to them are
removed from the queue buffer. The alarm buffer is
cleared when the application relation (AR) between
controller and device is terminated, for example by a
new connection request.
The PNIO standard holds a predefined list of
alarm messages that can be extended by manufacturer
specific messages. Alarms are sent within an acyclic
PN-RT frame, the alarm frame (PN-AL), specifying
the alarm type, alarm origin and structure of the alarm
2.2 Related Work
A broad overview of the state of the art in indus-
trial control system security has already been given
(McLaughlin et al., 2016). This work promotes the
idea of using industrial control system (ICS) testbeds
for helping to identify, exploiting and mitigating cy-
bersecurity vulnerabilities. It follows a security as-
sessment approach to analyze the ICS architecture
and identify vulnerabilities. The authors identify
the attacks on controllers and sensors as two attack
classes in the current ICS threat landscape and the
false data injection (FDI) as one of the emerging
threats in this domain.
A compact overview of the system architecture of
PNIO and its functionality can be found in (Popp,
2014). More details about the alarm management in
PNIO networks are being described in (Ferrari et al.,
2006). However, this work focuses mainly on the per-
formance aspects of a PNIO system.
Replay attacks in the control system domain have
been studied in (Mo and Sinopoli, 2009). Here, the
authors are assuming an attacker trying to disrupt the
operation of a control system by injecting control in-
puts without being detected. The main contribution of
this work is a new problem formulation providing in-
formation on the feasibility of replay attacks on con-
trol systems.
The vulnerability of PNIO to Man-in-the-middle
(MitM) attacks when using PNIO conformance class
A has already been addressed (Baud and Felser,
2006). For this conformance class, classical net-
work infrastructure components, like standard Ether-
net switches, are allowed and do not need to be cer-
tified for the usage in a PNIO network. In this work,
the authors describe the communication setup process
and possible errors that can occur during the setup,
like the duplicate assignment of station names or IP
addresses. By using open-source tools like ettercap,
the authors tried a MitM approach that was not suc-
cessful because of the PNIO cycle speeds, as sug-
The security of PNIO was also explored in
Akerberg and Bj
orkman, 2009b). Here, the authors
followed two attack scenarios. In the first scenario,
the systems are using a shared medium for their com-
munication, while in the second one, the systems are
On the Detection of Replay Attacks in Industrial Automation Networks Operated with Profinet IO
communicating via a packet switched network. In the
shared media scenario the attack method is to inject
PNIO frames so that they will reach the target before
the correct frame which is requiring highly accurate
timing and sound understanding of the protocol. In
the packet switched scenario, a MitM attack is used
to intercept and alter PNIO frames. This is a far more
simple approach than in the first scenario, as the at-
tacker only has to wait for frames to arrive and for-
ward them after they are altered without the need to
know any details about the AR between PNIO con-
troller and device. While being successful in imple-
menting the attack, the author noticed a certain un-
reliability due to the fact that their PC-based attack
system is partially delaying the frame processing.
Two attack types, the Denial-of-service (DoS) and
the MitM attack, and corresponding attacks on PNIO
have also been studied by (Paul et al., 2013). The at-
tack on the DCP protocol relies on fabricated DCP
Ident Requests frames preventing the successful as-
signment of a device name. Similar to that, the IP
address assignment can also be prevented by send-
ing malicious DCP or ARP frames. Both of these at-
tacks will result in a DoS. The presented MitM attacks
are divided into attacks during the startup process and
during the operational stage. The MitM attacks rely
on the port stealing method which is manipulating the
switch to be able to capture the traffic between PNIO
controller and device. In this work, the authors also
investigate the setup of an intrusion detection system
for ICS based on anomaly detection and show that this
IDS is able to detect the described DoS and MitM
attacks. The proposed anomaly detection is thereby
only using the sequence of DCP frames to determine
abnormal behavior, without incorporating indicators
from the PNIO protocol or using means to detect the
port stealing itself. In section 4.1, we will use this
work for a comparative evaluation of our proposed so-
There have been further efforts to study the se-
curity of PNIO. The security of PROFIsafe (an
additional layer on top of PNIO dealing with
safety aspects) has been examined in (
Akerberg and
orkman, 2009a). Recommendations on the en-
hancement of PNIO in terms of security have also
already been given by (
Akerberg and Bj
2009c), where PNIO is recommended to be extended
by the introduction of security modules based on the
concept of the safety profile in PROFIsafe. This ex-
tension should be comprised of an additional layer
ensuring authenticity, integrity and confidentiality for
PNIO process data. Currently, no such extension was
introduced in the PNIO standard.
This section is divided in three main sections: The
environment setup, the attack selection and execution,
and the attack detection.
3.1 Environment Setup
The scenario for this paper is implemented in an
industrial IT security laboratory. This lab consists
of both a physical part and a virtualization environ-
ment. (Reference removed for anonymity reasons.)
Within the physical part, real industrial components
like PLCs, sensors and actors, switches etc. are con-
nected to each other using typical industrial protocols
like PNIO, Siemens S7 and OPC UA.
In the virtualization environment (in the follow-
ing, we will call it “cloud”), different networks have
been set up using virtual switches as well as vir-
tual firewalls. Virtual machines connected to these
networks provide components of automation systems
(e.g. PLC programming stations, SCADA servers),
management tools as well as different attack and de-
tection tools.
This scenario (see Figure 2) makes use of a
Siemens PLC (S7-300), a stepping motor (Schnei-
der Electric mdrive), a human machine inter-
face (Siemens KTP-700) and an industrial switch
(Hirschmann RS-20) in the physical part. The switch
is connected to the virtualization environment provid-
ing data exchange as well as a mirror stream of the
network traffic within the physical part to be used by
the detection tools.
The physical process implemented in the scenario
turns a disk which is mounted on the motor shaft
clockwise from one position to the next with a pause
of 2 seconds. The real industrial process from which
our demonstration setup was derived, consists addi-
tionally of a driller which drills a hole in a workpiece
if and only if a workpiece was transported by the disk
to the drilling position.
3.2 Attack Selection and Execution
In order to steer the stepping motor, we focus on re-
playing network traffic. This a very general attack
which can be performed even without having knowl-
edge about the process that is implemented, only the
ability and time for watching and recording the traf-
fic that is flowing through the network is needed. A
limitation of that approach is that you can only record
For obvious reasons, attacks causing irreversible dam-
ages and possibly injuring people are not allowed to be per-
formed in our lab.
ForSE 2017 - 1st International Workshop on FORmal methods for Security Engineering
Detection tools
Physical part
Figure 2: The base scenario is set up using a PLC with a
HMI and a motor in a star topology with a switch that con-
nects the local network to a cloud network which hosts the
detection tools.
actions that occur while you are watching the traffic.
But we don’t consider this as a major drawback be-
cause most industrial processes rely on a very correct
, so you can harm the system even by trigger-
ing valid actions in an invalid time slot. For exam-
ple, see the drilling example from above with a driller
drilling a hole into the disk instead of the workpiece.
3.2.1 Taking Over Control
Replaying traffic in order to attack a specific PNIO
device requires the attacker to take over control of at
least one connection to it. For that, we selected two
types of attacks which turned out to be suitable. The
first one is a classical way to attack Ethernet-based
protocols: Using port stealing.
Usually, a network switch learns which device is
connected to which hardware port by maintaining a
lookup table. If it receives an Ethernet packet with the
source MAC address M
from its port P
, it learns that
packets with the destination MAC address M
have to
be delivered to port P
. Former entries with the same
MAC address get lost. This standard mechanism is
useful because it adapts itself when new devices are
added to the switch or when the topology changes.
The port stealing attack exploits this behaviour as
follows: The device to be attacked has the MAC ad-
dress M
and is attached to port P
. The at-
tacker is attached to port P
and sends any kind
PNIO supports up to 5ms cycle time (1ms in the
isochronous real-time class).
of Ethernet-based packets with the source MAC ad-
dress M
. The switch now learns that packets for
have to be delivered to P
. If the victim
sends itself a network packet, the switch will recover
the original relation of M
on port P
, but the
attacker sends its port stealing packets in such a high
frequency that these changes won’t last for a longer
period of time.
In our work, the PLC acted as the victim for the
port stealing attack. Figure 3 illustrates the attack se-
quence with the corresponding network communica-
tion. When the motor sends packets to the PLC, they
will not arrive at the PLC anymore but at the switch
port of the attacker. Meanwhile, the attacker is able
to send packets directly to the motor. The real PLC
would be able to send packets to the motor as well,
but that does not pose as a problem for the attacker,
because the PNIO standard specifies, that if there is
no real-time response from the communication part-
ner, an existing connection has to be closed.
PN-AL ”expired”
PN-AL ”expired”
Port steal
Port steal
Port steal
Port steal
Figure 3: The attacker performs a port stealing attack tar-
geting the PLC via the hardware switch. This results in the
attacker taking over the RT connection to the motor from
the PLC.
The second attack type is specific for PNIO op-
erated devices: A reconfiguration attack using DCP.
Caused by the design of this protocol without any au-
thentication measures, each device that is located in
the same subnet is able to reconfigure a PNIO device.
There are two options available: Set IP and Set Name.
Since the identifier of a PNIO device is its name, we
chose that option for the attack.
In Figure 4, the sequence diagram of the DCP re-
configuration attack is shown. There are three devices
involved with both their IP and MAC interface: The
On the Detection of Replay Attacks in Industrial Automation Networks Operated with Profinet IO
DCP SetReq D
PN-AL ”station name ch”
PN-AL ”alarm”
DCP IdentReq D
Figure 4: The attacker reconfigures the motor using DCP.
In consequence, the real-time communication between the
PLC and the motor will be terminated.
PLC, the motor with its original device name D
the attacker. Before the attack happens, PLC and mo-
tor exchange real-time data (RT).
The attacker asks the motor to change its name to
by sending a DCP Set Request. The motor emits
a PNIO alarm frame “device name changed” to its
Profinet communication partner, the PLC. The PLC
acknowledges the alarm frame, and the connection
between the PLC and the motor will be terminated.
As a last step, the motor acknowledges the DCP Set
Request by sending a DCP Set Response to the at-
tacker. On a regular basis, the PLC keeps on asking
for a device with the name D
which is still config-
ured in its setup, but will not receive any response, as
no device is configured to react on that name now.
3.2.2 Replaying Traffic
Replaying traffic successfully in a PNIO operated sys-
tem requires, besides a communication connection,
the application relation (AR) as mentioned before
(section 2.1.2). Once a PNIO device like the stepping
motor has established an application relation with its
PLC, it refuses each further communication request,
responding with an error reply. Hence, the existing
communication relation between the PLC and the mo-
tor has to be interrupted before continuing the replay.
Fortunately, both types of attacks described in sec-
tion 3.2.1 ensure that the original communication re-
lation gets interrupted: In the port stealing case, the
PLC does not receive real-time data from the motor
anymore, because this data is now redirected to the
attacker. After the DataHoldTime, as described in
section 2.1.2, has passed without any message from
the motor, it terminates the connection and sends an
alarm frame. As a consequence, the motor will also
stop receiving real-time data from the PLC and will
terminate its communication in the same way. In the
case of the DCP reconfiguration attack, the connec-
tions gets lost immediately.
Once the motor isn’t involved in a communica-
tion relation anymore, the attacker is able to setup
a new connection with the motor. The attacker now
starts with CM Connect Request that is answered by
the motor with a CM Connect Response. After that,
the attacker sends a CM Control Request, which is an-
swered with a CM Control Response by the motor. In
the original traffic, the motor proceeds by sending a
CM Control Request, but the attacker does not have
to reply to that request and can directly start replay-
ing the PNIO real-time packets. As a side note, the
attacker does not even need to process or react on the
replies of the motor.
3.3 Attack Detection
In this section, we will start with a model for detecting
the attacks being described in the previous sections.
In a second part, we explain how we implemented or
plan to implement this using our existing open-source
based intrusion detection framework.
3.3.1 Model for Attack Detection
In the case of the port stealing based replay attack,
there is the evidence of the packets used for the port
stealing. So in general, one could be suspicious if
such unusual traffic can be observed in the network.
Since the port stealing approach is based on the at-
tacker sending forged packets in a limited period of
between a correct packet from the device under
attack and the response to this packet, the attacker has
to produce lots of packets in time. A method to de-
tect this huge amount of traffic is by using flow-based
intrusion detection systems. Those systems aggregate
single packets by considering source and destination
as well as some other configurable keys to flows of
packets. Another method for detection would be a
switch configuration that emits alerts when MAC ad-
dresses change from one interface to another. We will
call that evidence h port-stealing i and the tool per-
forming that analysis Port stealing detector.
Additionally, there will appear two PNIO alarm
frames of the type AR consumer DHT/WDT expired
(RTA ERR ABORT)” at the network: The first one
from the PLC that does not receive cyclic data from
the motor anymore (h al-plc-expired i), and a second
one from the motor complaining about the PLC stop-
ping to send cyclic data (h al-motor-expired i).
In tests, we discovered answer times less than 1 ms.
ForSE 2017 - 1st International Workshop on FORmal methods for Security Engineering
Detecting the DCP reconfiguration attack is very
different because there will not be any packets present
that are unusual for the specific networks. Neverthe-
less, industrial networks tend to be very stable and are
run for a long time. So reconfiguring devices isn’t part
of the daily work and for that reason, detecting DCP
packets that change the name of a device seems to be
. We will call that packet h dcp-setname i.
In order to refine the detection, a PNIO alarm
frame station name changed will appear on the
network if the exchange of name was success-
fully completed (h al-station-name-changed i). This
alarm gets acknowledged by the PLC with an alarm
(h al-generic i). And further on, the PLC will send
regularly DCP Ident Requests asking for the initial
name of the motor (h dcp-ident-req-oldname i).
Summarizing, the port stealing attack can be dis-
covered using the following evidence:
h port-stealing i AND
h al-plc-expired i AND
h al-motor-expired i
In case of the DCP reconfiguration attack, we ex-
perience the following evidence:
h dcp-setname i AND
h al-station-name-changed i AND
h al-generic i AND
h dcp-ident-req-oldname i (repeated)
It has to be noted that not each evidence of the
AND clauses is really needed for assuming that there
is an attack ongoing: In the first case, it would
be sufficient if you discover h port-stealing i and
one of h al-plc-expired i or h al-motor-expired i be-
cause you are able to infer that when one partner
of the communication quits, the other one will fol-
low soon. In the second case, h al-generic i and
h dcp-ident-req-oldname i only improve the accuracy
of the detection. This is an important notice because
in some topological constellations, not every packet is
visible for the IDS (see section 4).
3.3.2 Attack Detection Implementation
Figure 5 depicts a schema of the attack detection sys-
tems. It has to be noted that parts of the implemen-
tation are still work in progress. The mirroring of the
network traffic in the physical environment is ensured
by the hardware switch which monitors the specific
ports of the PLC and the motor. Since the distributed
IDS resides in the virtual part of the laboratory, the
In order to eliminate false positives, we expect the op-
erator receiving alerts from the IDS will be aware of any
maintenance work.
mirrored traffic has to be forwarded using a generic
routing encapsulation (GRE) tunnel into the cloud.
Mirror stream
Physical network
GRE tunnel
Alert Alert
Distributed IDS
Figure 5: Schema of the implementation comprising attack
detection tools in the cloud being fed by a mirror stream
from the physical part of the network where the attacks take
On the one hand, the PNIO detector receives the
network packets from the mirror stream. In our
case, it consists of a Python script, running in back-
ground and employing the “Network packet and pcap
file crafting/sniffing/manipulation/visualization secu-
rity tool” Scapy (Biondi, 2010). It filters the Ether-
type 0x8892 of PNIO and generates an alert when it
receives either a specific PNIO alarm frame (see sec-
tion 2.1.4) or a DCP packet (see section 2.1.1). The
reason for not using a standard network-based IDS
like Snort (Roesch et al., 1999) is that those tools are
based on IP traffic, while PNIO is based on Ethernet.
On the other hand, the Port stealing detector sniffs
the packets from the mirror stream. The open IP-
FIX standard (Internet Protocol Flow Information Ex-
port, (Claise, 2015)) specifies flow keys for layer 2
communication like MAC source and destination ad-
dresses. Unfortunately, the current implementations
of the common open-source flow-based IDS Flow-
tools (Fullmer and Romig, 2000), Silk (McHugh,
2004) and nfdump (Haag, 2005) do not support those
keys, as they are limited to layer 3 communication.
For that reason, we are currently not able to use a
flow-based IDS as a port stealing detector.
As an alternative solution for implementing the
port stealing detector, we have set up the switch con-
necting the physical components to send alerts to the
correlator when MAC addresses change from one in-
terface to another. The great advantage of this solu-
tion is that it is available. The drawback is the fact
that it needs reconfiguration of the switches which is
not feasible in every production environment.
The Correlator receives alerts from both the PNIO
detector and the port stealing detector. It is able to
On the Detection of Replay Attacks in Industrial Automation Networks Operated with Profinet IO
aggregate the alerts and generate new alerts which can
be sent to the operator.
In this section, we will evaluate our approach to de-
tect the two replay attacks dedicated to PNIO net-
works described in section 3.2. For that reason, we
performed and recorded several tests in different se-
tups. We will conclude this section with a compara-
tive evaluation of our solution.
Figure 6: The demonstrator with a stepping motor turning a
disk used for performing the replay attacks.
Figure 6 depicts the base setup with the PLC (up-
per middle) and the motor (on the left) in a star topol-
ogy connected by a switch (lower middle). In the up-
per right resides an embedded PC which is connected
both to the mirror port of the switch and a cloud up-
link. An HMI, reflecting the status of the system, is
placed in the lower right.
Table 1 enumerates the scenarios considered in
our evaluation. The first column represents the identi-
ficator of the scenario. The second column describes
the topology of the demonstrator: In case of the “star”
topology, both PLC and motor are connected to the
switch. In the “line” case, the motor is attached di-
rectly to the second Ethernet port of the PLC.
The attacks can be performed either by using a
laptop that gets connected to the switch on a port that
is configured with the same VLAN as the PLC and
the motor, or from the cloud using the same VLAN
as well. This distinction is related to the effort an at-
tacker has to make: In the local case, an attacker has
to gain physical access to the switch, whereas in the
cloud case, an attack even from remote may succeed.
This is being represented by the column “Origin”.
The column Action” tells which type of action
has been performed in the specific scenario: Mainly
the two types of attacks, but additionally, two cases
have been considered in which we expected PNIO
alarm frames similar to the ones being observed in
the attack case. On the one hand, this is the removal
of either the plug of the PLC or the plug of the mo-
tor from the switch. On the other hand, this is the
substitution of the PNIO name by the respective pro-
gramming station: In case of the PLC the Siemens
TIA portal, in case of the motor, the Lexium Software
In the column “Evidence”, we have listed abbre-
viations of the evidence being described in section
3.3.1: PS stands for h port-stealing i. The different
PNIO alarm frames are prefixed with their origin: P
stands for an alarm that has been issued by the PLC,
M for one that has been sent by the motor. The index
denotes the type of alarm: ex for h al-
-expired i,
snc for h al-station-name-changed i and gen for
h al-generic i. There are also abbreviations for sev-
eral DCP packets: SET stands for h dcp-setname i,
while ID stands for h dcp-ident-req-oldname i.
The next column “Detection” bares witness of the
fact whether our proposed IDS detected an attack or
In our evaluation, we considered 14 different sce-
narios. The first eight cases arise from the topology
permutation of the demonstrator, the origin and the
type of the attack. Case #9 up to #12 reflect the per-
mutation of the location where the cable has been un-
plugged and the topology, while the last two cases de-
scribe the interaction of both the PLC and the motor
with their repective management stations located only
in the cloud.
First of all, it has to be noted that both types of
replay attacks succeed in the case of a star topology.
However, if the physical components are connected in
a line topology, replaying does not succeed using the
port stealing attack, but it still does when employing
the DCP reconfiguration attack.
The proposed detection works in case of an at-
tacker that sends the replay packets from the cloud.
In case of a line topology, the port stealing attack
fails (case #7), but the DCP reconfiguration attack
succeeds (case #5) with a false negative. The reason
for not detecting the attack in that case is that PNIO
alarms do not protrude the connection between the
PLC and the motor. To overcome this issue, it is nec-
essary to place a network tap in between both physical
components and forward these packets also to the mir-
roring stream. The drawback of this solution is that
it does not scale with larger installations. Neverthe-
less, we consider attacks from the cloud more proba-
ble than those where the attacker has to gain physical
access to the switch.
In the case of the DCP reconfiguration attacks in
the line topology (cases #6 and #8), only the DCP
packets can be discovered. Nevertheless, it is not im-
possible to derive from the observed DCP Set Request
ForSE 2017 - 1st International Workshop on FORmal methods for Security Engineering
Table 1: The different setups examined in the evaluation of the Replay attacks.
# Topology Origin Action Evidence Detection Remarks
1 star local port stealing PS, P
, M
2 star local DCP reconfig SET, M
, P
, ID yes
3 star cloud port stealing PS, P
, M
4 star cloud DCP reconfig SET, M
, P
, ID yes
5 line local port stealing PS no false negative
6 line local DCP reconfig SET, ID yes
7 line cloud port stealing PS no unsuccessful attack
8 line cloud DCP reconfig SET, ID yes
9 star PLC plug removed M
10 star motor plug removed P
11 line PLC plug removed no motor keeps spinning
12 line motor plug removed no motor stops
13 star cloud PLC change name no Siemens S7 traffic
14 star cloud motor change name no proprietary protocol
and the subsequent repeated DCP Ident Requests that
an attack has taken place.
In order to validate the proposed IDS, we under-
took tests which might result in similar alarms: Re-
moving a cable from the switch in the star topology
case results in either an “expired” alarm from the mo-
tor or the PLC. Since there is neither a port stealing
attack active nor any DCP packets can be discovered,
the IDS does not generate an alert. That happens as
well for the management station changing the names
of the devices: Neither the Siemens TIA portal nor
the Lexium Software Suite make use of DCP. Both use
their own protocols for that purpose: Either Siemens-
S7 or a proprietary protocol. Summarizing, in none
of the tested cases appeared a false positive.
4.1 Comparative Evaluation
The IDS proposed by (Paul et al., 2013) (in the fol-
lowing referred to as PAUL) also focuses on intrusion
detection for PNIO networks. For that reason, we will
try to perform a comparative evaluation with our ap-
proach. However, since there is not any implemen-
tation of PAUL available, we will have to restrict the
comparison to the conceptual level.
PAUL derives n-grams of DCP packets from the
mirrored network stream. Each n-gram that appears in
a learning phase is considered a good one. Any other
n-gram that can be observed in the regular operation
phase is considered a bad one, depicting an attack.
In contrast to PAUL, we propose an IDS which
does not need any learning phase but works out of the
box once it has been configured for detecting security
breaches in PNIO networks. Learning phases in in-
dustrial automation systems can be leveraged only in
very rare cases since availability is the most important
parameter. For example, in order to detect DCP pack-
ets which rename a PNIO device, you would have to
interrupt existing communication relations and prob-
ably stop the industrial process.
As a second difference, our solution follows a dual
approach combining both intrusion evidence from the
well-known IT world with anomaly evidence from
automation protocols. Whereas PAUL is limited to
PNIO DCP, our IDS takes into account additional pro-
tocols of the PNIO protocol suite like CM and alarm
frames. That renders our IDS to be more comprehen-
sive than PAUL.
In this paper, we took a look at the security of the
industrial Ethernet protocol Profinet IO which is one
of the most common automation protocols being in-
stalled in Europe. We explained relevant functions
and mechanisms during the startup phase and while
running. Afterwards, we introduced the scenario in
which we performed our research. In an attack case
study, we motivated why we choose replay attacks as
the means of attack, how we performed the attacks
and conclude with a model for an IDS being able to
detect the attacks.
We then evaluated our detection approach which
takes into account both alarms from the well-known
IT world and different protocols of the Industrial Eth-
ernet world. In 14 different test cases, we ended
up with no false positive and one false negative in a
special constellation without any proper mirroring in
place. Additionally, we compared our approach with
On the Detection of Replay Attacks in Industrial Automation Networks Operated with Profinet IO
another one and were able to show the advantages of
the proposed solution.
Taking care of replay attacks is very crucial since
PNIO devices are a worthwhile target. This is the case
because an attacker does not need any special skills
or knowledge of the process being controlled, making
these attacks easy to perform.
In order to enable data exchange with other sys-
tems in the use case of the so-called “Industry 4.0” or
“Internet of Things”, many companies connect their
industrial networks with their office networks and the
Internet. Improper and unsecure configurations of
these connections are raising risk and danger. And
the danger is proverbial: Industrial processes control
real devices. If e.g. motors, valves, robots do not be-
have as expected, serious physical damage to property
and lives may happen.
This strengthens the need for intrusion detection
systems adapted for the industrial environment. Oth-
erwise, if anything gets damaged by a cyber attack,
like the replay attacks presented in this paper, it will
not be possible to identify the reason of the attack.
This is the case because of the PNIO inherent features
which restore the initial connection and do not persist
any evidence in the network.
5.1 Future Work
Performing replay attacks in automation systems is
only one type of possible means to disturb or destroy
an industrial processes, yet a simple and easy to per-
form one. There are many more attack vectors, like
the tampering of data that is presented in visualiza-
tions, worth being considered and assessed. Evalua-
tion criteria include the amount of knowledge about
the industrial process an attacker needs, how easy the
attacks are to employ and the extend of possible dam-
age. This work will be extended by an overall at-
tack case study of the used demonstrator including the
PLC, the motor, the local HMI as well as an HMI that
accesses data from the PLC and presents it on a web
interface in the cloud.
Many automation systems in Europe are operated
with PNIO. Nevertheless, there are many other au-
tomation protocols which are widespread. We will
setup demonstrators with protocols besides PNIO (for
example with EtherCAT) and will try to transfer our
attack and detection techniques.
An ongoing task is the implementation work in
our distributed open-source IDS. This task deals with
the main problem that common IDS start with the IP
layer. They do not support Ethernet-based protocols
as they are usually used in industrial automation net-
works and are not able to pay attention to the real-time
requirements of such networks. An effort to close this
gap is the development of a preprocessor for the pop-
ular IDS Snort which enables it to deal with PNIO
traffic. Another effort is the work on different corre-
lation techniques that have to be employed in a central
correlation engine that controls the possible flood of
different alerts from both the IT and the automation
process side.
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