Internal Network Monitoring and Anomaly Detection through Host
W. J. B. Beukema
, T. Attema
and H. A. Schotanus
Design and Analysis of Communication Systems (DACS), University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands
Cyber Security and Robustness, The Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO),
The Hague, The Netherlands
Internal Network Traffic, Intrusion Detection, Host Clustering, Anomaly Detection, Advanced Persistent
Internal network traffic is an undervalued source of information for detecting targeted attacks. Whereas most
systems focus on the external border of the network, we observe that targeted attacks campaigns often involve
internal network activity. To this end, we have developed techniques capable of detecting anomalous internal
network behaviour. As a second contribution we propose an additional step in the model-based anomaly
detection involving host clustering. Through host clustering, individual hosts are grouped together on the
basis of their internal network behaviour. We argue that a behavioural model for each cluster, compared to a
model for each host or a single model for all hosts, performs better in terms of detecting potentially malicious
behaviour. We show that by applying this concept to internal network traffic, the detection performance for
identifying malicious flows and hosts increases.
In order to detect activity related to targeted attacks
most network intrusion detection systems monitor the
borders of network infrastructures, in an effort to
make it harder for attackers to penetrate into the net-
work or exfiltrate data from the network. By focusing
on this approach, the internal network is largely left
unmonitored (Shiravi et al., 2012). Both (Hutchins
et al., 2011) and (Dell SecureWorks, 2013) indicate,
however, that a significant part of the life cycle of
a targeted attacks is execute within the targeted net-
work. Targeted attacks that are in these stages cannot
be detected by measures taken on the border of the
network, but may be detected by monitoring internal
network traffic. The attack phase Expand access and
obtain credentials of the SecureWorks kill chain (Dell
SecureWorks, 2013) might, for example, result in an
unusual high volume of traffic from an infected host
to authentication servers or other hosts.
Intrusion detection algorithms can generally be
classified into two different categories; misuse-based
approaches and anomaly-based approaches (Sabahi
and Movaghar, 2008). Misuse-based approaches try
to extract signatures of known threats such that they
can be detected, whereas anomaly-based approaches
try to detect substantial deviations from behaviour
that is considered to be normal. Misuse-based ap-
proaches are very effective in finding known threats,
missing however new threats that behave differently.
Anomaly-based approaches are aimed to detect also
new deviations from normal and benign network be-
haviour. The major challenge in applying anomaly
detection to internal network intrusion detection lies
in balancing the false positive and true positive rate.
In some traditional network-based anomaly detec-
tion approaches, a model is created for each individ-
ual host in a network. Such a model is a represen-
tation of normal behaviour for that host. Based on
these models, the intrusion detection system analyses
all network traffic for each host and tries to detect de-
viations. However, this approach suffers from several
drawbacks. For instance, individual host models often
result in high false positive rates, caused by the fact
that minor changes in the host’s behaviour are con-
sidered to be anomalous. Additionally, this method
does not scale well to large networks, making this ap-
proach impractical for deployment in larger networks.
Another approach is creating a single model for a
network as a whole. Although this solves scalability
issues, the pitfall of this approach is that by taking too
many hosts together, important details get lost. Con-
Beukema, W., Attema, T. and Schotanus, H.
Internal Network Monitoring and Anomaly Detection through Host Clustering.
DOI: 10.5220/0006288606940703
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2017), pages 694-703
ISBN: 978-989-758-209-7
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
sider, for example, a workstation that starts behaving
like a server. This behaviour is clearly anomalous,
but if both workstations and servers are included in
the same model the behaviour of this host is unlikely
to be detected.
In other words, the problem with existing ap-
proaches is that despite currently being the best op-
tion to identify undiscovered threats, anomaly-based
intrusion detection suffers from some serious limita-
tions which may make its use impractical. The ques-
tion therefore is how anomaly-based intrusion detec-
tion can be improved such that it is feasible to be used
it in practice.
The research presented in this paper is conducted
in the partial fulfilment of the requirements for the de-
gree of Master of Science at the University of Twente.
A more comprehensive description of the methods
and results can be found in (Beukema, 2016). This
research is aimed at developing techniques that con-
tribute to the detection targeted attacks.
To this end, we propose a novel anomaly detec-
tion algorithm that is based on internal network traf-
fic, i.e. network traffic between hosts on the internal
network that does not cross the border with the (exter-
nal) Internet. We argue that internal network traffic is
a valuable source of information in detecting network
intrusions and we have developed new techniques to
make use of this source.
Secondly, we propose the use of clustering tech-
niques to enhance our anomaly detection approach.
These techniques allow us to group the hosts in a
network that display similar behaviour together. As
we will show, separately modelling the different clus-
ters results in models that are on the one hand ro-
bust to minor behavioural changes of hosts and on the
other hand capturing only a specific type of behaviour.
Hence, for each cluster, a model is created, describing
how entities within the cluster are expected to behave.
We will specifically focus on the internal network be-
haviour that is displayed by hosts.
The novelty of this study is twofold. First of all,
the presented approach models internal network be-
haviour and detects deviations from this behaviour.
Secondly, host clustering is used to improve the in-
trusion detection algorithms that are used.
More generally, the proposed clustering tech-
niques may be applied in other domains as well. Even
though this research focuses on internal network traf-
fic, the proposed method may be applied to solutions
such as user behaviour analysis and host behaviour
analysis. In this sense, a more general contribution
of this research is providing a new way of enhancing
anomaly detection when dealing with vast amounts of
1.1 Related Work
Research in the field of targeted attack detection is
progressing rapidly. More and more intrusion de-
tection systems (IDSs) are becoming available, aim-
ing to mitigate cyber-security risks. In (Sabahi and
Movaghar, 2008) a taxonomy of different character-
istics of existing IDSs is given. This taxonomy in-
dicates that IDSs can be differentiated based on the
data source they use. Host-based IDSs, such as virus
scanners and other end-point protection mechanisms,
are installed on individual hosts and monitor in much
detail the behaviour of the host (Scarfone and Mell,
2007). In contrast, network-based IDSs monitor the
network traffic generated by hosts.
In (Ehrlich et al., 2010) network traffic is analysed
in order to detect spam bots and their controllers. This
article present a Bayesian classification algorithm to
distinguish between legitimate mail servers and spam-
mers. In (Xiao et al., 2015) a method for detect-
ing temporal inconsistencies in network traffic is pre-
sented. Many aspects of network behaviour are con-
sistent over time and inconsistencies can be a sign of
malicious behaviour. A more exhaustive overview of
network traffic detection techniques is given in (Roy
and Chaki, 2014).
As was mentioned before, one can also differ-
entiate between misuse- and anomaly-based IDSs.
A survey of commonly used techniques is given
by (Lazarevic et al., 2005). Despite the progress made
in the field of anomaly detection, available IDSs still
tend to focus on misuse-based techniques that require
knowledge about cyberattacks and system vulnerabil-
ities (Research and Markets, 2015).
Clustering techniques have been studied even
more extensively. Overviews of various network- or
graph-based clustering techniques are given in (Xu
et al., 2005) and (Akoglu et al., 2015). More re-
cent the concept of host clustering has also been stud-
ied (Xu et al., 2011; Wei et al., 2006). These studies
focus on clustering hosts that are active on the Inter-
net in order to detect, for example, botnets. The idea
of making use of clustering techniques to improve
anomaly-based approaches has been applied before.
(Hutchins et al., 2011) apply clustering techniques to
the results of their anomaly detection approach in or-
der to detect false positives. To the knowledge of the
authors, the use of clustering techniques to separately
model hosts with similar behaviour has not been pro-
posed before.
Internal Network Monitoring and Anomaly Detection through Host Clustering
With existing, common IDS technologies, networks
are often protected according to the eggshell princi-
ple (Shiravi et al., 2012): strong on the outside, soft
on the inside. In other words, the border between the
internal network and the (external) Internet is well-
monitored, while the activity of hosts on the internal
network is hardly taken into account. This implies
that once an attacker has gained foothold in the tar-
get environment, it can relatively easily move around
the network in order to expand its access, making it
more likely the attacker will be able achieve its goal.
In this section we argue that internal network traffic,
i.e. traffic inside the internal network, is another valu-
able source in detecting targeted attacks. Depending
on the amount and geographical dispersion of hosts
that are monitored, the internal network be anything
from a Local Area Network to a Wide Area Network.
The attack surface of common day networks is ever
increasing and the first line of defence may not be
able to mitigate all attacks. Making use of this addi-
tional source of information provides monitoring be-
yond the first line of defence to provide a more com-
plete overview of possible attackers activity.
2.1 Attack Campaigns
The life cycle of targeted attacks, such as presented
in (Dell SecureWorks, 2013) model the typical be-
haviour of targeted attacks. These life cycles de-
scribes the different phases of attack campaigns, start-
ing with the phase Define Target and ending with the
phase Cover Tracks.
As can be inferred from this life cycle, a number
of the attack phases involve Internet traffic. However,
there are also some attack phases that take place be-
tween the borders of the targeted network. The phases
Expand access and obtain credentials, Strengthen
foothold and in some cases the phase Cover tracks
hardly result in any external network traffic and there-
fore go undetected by most existing IDSs.
As intrusion detection ought not to depend solely
on intercepting attacks in the phases that generate
external network traffic (Byrne, 2013), it is vital to
develop methods to detect intrusions in the other
stages as well. As the aforementioned phases have
a strong component of internal network traffic, it is
worthwhile to investigate this area further. In the
next paragraphs, some bigger, well-described attack-
campaigns are evaluated for their internal network as-
Stuxnet (Langner, 2011) was an advanced attack
employing worms, targeted at an Iranian nuclear facil-
ity. This attack successfully changed the rotor speed
of the facility’s centrifuges causing them to be de-
stroyed. Stuxnet made use of several zero-day vul-
nerabilities to automatically spread itself within the
network in order to find and infect the systems con-
trolling the centrifuges. Moreover, a P2P network
structure was set up between the infected hosts part
of the same (internal) network. This P2P network en-
abled the infected hosts to distribute updates among
each other. Since the targeted network was not con-
nected to the Internet this attack could not have been
detected by monitoring external network traffic.
Duqu (Bencs
ath et al., 2012) was an attack that
is supposedly related to Stuxnet. Duqu seemed to
be aimed at acquiring sensitive information by col-
lecting, for example, keystrokes, screenshots, browser
history and system logs from the infected hosts. Sim-
ilar to Stuxnet, Duqu made use of a P2P network aim-
ing to connect protected systems to the Internet via
less protected hosts that were connected to the Inter-
Flame (Virvilis and Gritzalis, 2013) (also known
as Flamer or Skywriter) was an attack with the main
objective of espionage, for example making screen-
shots and microphone recordings. An advanced way
in which Flame propagated itself through the network
was by impersonating the Windows Update Server.
Moreover if Flame would infect a domain controller,
it would infect the controlled hosts as well by creating
backdoor accounts.
Carbanak (Kaspersky, 2015) was an attack cam-
paign targeting financial institutes. Carbanak enabled
cyber criminals to steal large sums of money (esti-
mations vary between 300 million USD and 1 bil-
lion USD). By taking its time to learn typical user
behaviour, the attackers were able to infect the right
systems and stay under the radar at the same time.
Each of the studied attack campaigns show that
there is a strong internal network traffic aspect
present. Particularly in the Expand access and obtain
credentials, Strengthen foothold and Perform attack
stages of the attack life cycle of (Dell SecureWorks,
2013), it can be shown that an targeted attack might
lead to abnormal internal network traffic patterns once
the attacker has completed the initial intrusion. Sup-
ported by this, we argue that it is beneficial to take
internal network traffic into account when looking for
advanced network intrusions.
ForSE 2017 - 1st International Workshop on FORmal methods for Security Engineering
Another important aspect of targeted attacks is that
they are typically highly sophisticated and targeted at
specific organisations or sectors making use of new
techniques and vulnerabilities. For this reason, we
aim to develop an anomaly-based approach in detect-
ing malicious internal network patterns that have not
been seen before. In particular, we are interested in
detecting unexpected and deviating communication
behaviour of hosts on the internal network.
The challenge in developing this anomaly-based
solution lies in creating an accurate model that de-
scribes normal communication behaviour of hosts.
Not all hosts will display similar behaviour. A net-
work consists of many different types of hosts such
as workstations, file servers, domain controllers and
printers. Behaviour that is typical for one type of host
might be anomalous for another type of host. There-
fore creating a single model for all hosts in a network
might result in an inability to detect relevant anoma-
lies. On the other hand, creating a different model for
each of the hosts might result in very specific models
that will detect even minor behavioural changes. As
reasoned before, this is likely to significantly increase
the false positive rate, decreasing the overall accu-
racy of the intrusion detection. For this reason, we
propose to enhance the anomaly detection approach
by making use of host clustering. Host that exhibit
similar behaviour are clustered together and for each
of the resulting clusters a behavioural model will be
created. The behavioural model indicates which be-
haviour that is expected to be observed. Network ac-
tivity not adhering to this model is marked as anoma-
In many domains it is useful to identify patterns in a
given set of data for analysis of other (similar) data.
In other words, given training data, one wants to come
up with a pattern that helps predicting the behaviour
of (unseen) test data, or one wants to determine
whether (unseen) test data is part of the same cate-
gory as the training set. The process of recognising
a pattern, called learning, is divided into supervised
learning and unsupervised learning, also known as re-
spectively classification and clustering (Jain, 2010).
The main goal of data clustering is to “discover
natural grouping(s) of a set of patterns, points, or ob-
jects” (Jain, 2010). In literature, there are many ways
to determine such natural groupings. There are nu-
merous clustering methods available, all using dif-
ferent algorithms that may result in different clus-
tering for the same input data. Research by Jain et
al. (Jain et al., 2004) compared 35 different clustering
algorithm and they were able to show that these al-
gorithms can be divided into three groups (heuristic-
based, density-based and model-based) giving similar
results within these groups.
By means of these clustering techniques, it is pos-
sible to create groupings of hosts that are in some
respect similar. This aspect of similarity might be a
valuable contribution in creating a wider understand-
ing of user behaviour.
The behaviour of hosts in a network follows to
some degree regular patterns, with many small and
harmless deviations, however. These deviations might
cause high false positive rates in the case of modelling
a single host. Clustering might overcome this phe-
nomenon by taking the ‘average’ behaviour of similar
hosts together. Since the hosts in a single cluster are
in some respect alike, it can be argued that the differ-
ences in behaviour between the hosts are acceptable,
and hence fall within the bounds of normal behaviour.
Using this ‘common’ or ‘average’ behaviour of the
clustered hosts, it might be possible to create a more
accurate definition of what normal behaviour is for
the hosts concerned.
Following this line of reasoning, this approach
will reduce the number of false positives, as what
might be seen as an anomaly for an individual host
might not be an anomaly for hosts of the same clus-
ter, hence not marking such events as anomalous. Yet,
it is expected that it will not reduce the true positive
rate, as true abnormalities are expected to be anoma-
lous compared to the cluster’s common behaviour as
In this work, k-means (MacQueen, 1967), Mean
shift (Comaniciu and Meer, 2002), Louvain Com-
munity Clustering (Fortunato, 2010) and Stochastic
Blockmodel Clustering (SBM) (Holland et al., 1983)
are compared in the context of host clustering-based
anomaly detection. The main differences between the
algorithms are provided in table 1.
Table 1: Overview of the reviewed clustering methods, with
their classes and type of input.
Clustering method Class Type
k-means Heuristic-based Pattern-based Vector quantisation
Mean shift Density-based Mode seeking Vector quantisation
Louvain Density-based Graph-based
Stochastic Blockmodel Model-based Graph-based
k-means and Mean shift are both based on vector
quantisation, meaning that the data subject to the clus-
tering method has to be expressed as points in a multi-
dimensional vector space. In this work, we investi-
gate vector-based clustering methods based on host-
Internal Network Monitoring and Anomaly Detection through Host Clustering
features such as the number of outgoing/incoming
connections, the number of bytes sent and received,
and the communication protocols used.
Graph-based clustering techniques focus on the
communication partners of hosts, whereas vector-
based approaches look at how (e.g. the number of
bytes and the protocols used) a host is communicat-
ing. Louvain and SBM, on the other hand, are graph-
based. Algorithms of this type of clustering require a
graph, of which the connectivity (i.e. the adjacency
matrix) is used to derive a clustering. As internal host
networks data is relational, this type of clustering can
be applied.
An overview of the proposed anomaly detection
method is provided in figure 1. See also (Beukema,
2016) for a more detailed description of the proposed
Training Phase. Training data is the data used to
create the model, which will serve as ’ground truth’.
The behaviour of this data is assumed to be the ‘nor-
mal behaviour’ of the network under investigation.
The data used in both training and test stage is flow
data (Claise et al., 2015). Flow data is a common way
of summarising network activity. Capturing flow data
requires the network environment to have deployed
internal network traffic flow probes, which are ag-
gregated at a single system so they can be analysed.
Table 2 shows the relevant flow information that was
captured and that is used for clustering and anomaly
Normalisation. After collection, the data is nor-
malised first, which involves parsing the data into a
common data format. Table 2 contains both numeri-
cal and categorical features. The categorical features
are transformed into numerical ones by applying one-
hot encoding (Harris and Harris, 2012). Moreover,
any noise present in the data is removed in this phase.
Typically lots of traffic is communicated over the net-
work making it challenging to extract the relevant in-
formation. Network scans by other security products
might, for example, obfuscate the relevant host be-
haviour. Removing noise from the data set is there-
fore an important step in order to reveal the relevant
information. This is done by consulting experts with
good knowledge of the network under consideration.
These experts enable us to filter out network traffic,
such as network scans, which is obfuscating relevant
Host Clustering. After the normalisation, it is
possible to obtain a clustering of the hosts in the net-
work by applying one of the aforementioned cluster-
ing techniques. The result of this stage is a mapping
for each IP address to a single cluster. The two vector
quantisation clustering methods (Table 1) group the
hosts based on the numerical features obtained in the
previous normalisation phase. The graph-based clus-
tering methods group only make use of the (weighted)
graph structure of the network. In this graph the nodes
represent the hosts and the weight of the edges is de-
termined by the number of flows from the source to
the destination host.
Modelling. The obtained clustering is used as in-
put for the modelling stage, in which for each clus-
ter a definition of common behaviour is determined.
This definition consists of several features that de-
scribe certain aspects of the behaviour of hosts within
the cluster.
Typically, histogram-based approaches have been
used in the past for this type of anomaly detec-
tion (Denning, 1987; Eskin, 2000; Eskin et al., 2001).
Sometimes referred to as frequency or counting-based
approaches, it is a simple non-parametric statistical
technique in which histograms are used to maintain a
profile of the ‘normal’ data.
There are some strong drawbacks to the
histogram-based approach. Most importantly,
considering combinations of features is inefficient
using this approach. For n features, one could just
consider n histograms. However, with this approach,
combinations of values are not taken into account
(e.g. bytes vs. duration, destination vs. port number).
In the end, n! histograms are needed to cover all
possible combinations of features. To overcome this,
we use Support Vector Machines (SVM) (Boser et al.,
1992; Sch
olkopf et al., 2001) to model the normal
behaviour of the different clusters. SVMs have been
as a network-based anomaly classifier before in other
works (Zhang et al., 2015), (Eskin et al., 2002),
(Li et al., 2009). The big advantage of choosing
SVM over an histogram-based approach is that all
combinations of features are automatically taken
into account. In other words, each entry is evaluated
in terms of how anomalous the combination of all
features taken together is.
Thus, an SVM is created for each cluster and
trained with flows from the training data. Specifically,
each flow is represented in the SVM using the follow-
ing seven features:
Bytes A B Bytes AB Relative Start
Packets AB Packets AB Duration
Destination Cluster
Except for the last attribute, all are numeric at-
tributes and can therefore be directly processed by an
SVM. The latter is a categorical attribute, and hence
ForSE 2017 - 1st International Workshop on FORmal methods for Security Engineering
Figure 1: Flow diagram of the proposed host clustering-based anomaly detection algorithm.
Table 2: Overview of used IPFIX fields for anomaly detection.
Name ID Description
octetDeltaCount 1 The number of octets since the previous report (if any) in
incoming packets for this Flow.
packetDeltaCount 2 The number of incoming packets since the previous report
(if any) for this Flow.
deltaFlowCount 3 The conservative count of Original Flows contributing to
this Aggregated Flow.
sourceTransportPort 7 The source port identifier in the transport header.
sourceIPv4Address 8 The ipv4 source address in the IP packet header.
destinationTransportPort 11 The destination port identifier in the transport header.
destinationIPv4Address 12 The ipv4 destination address in the IP packet header.
flowEndSysUpTime 21 The relative timestamp of the last packet of this Flow.
flowStartSysUpTime 22 The relative timestamp of the first packet of this Flow.
postOctetDeltaCount 23 The number of octets since the previous report (if any) in
outgoing packets for this Flow.
postPacketDeltaCount 24 The number of outgoing packets since the previous report
(if any) for this Flow.
sourceIPv6Address 27 The ipv6 source address in the IP packet header.
destinationIPv6Address 28 The ipv6 destination address in the IP packet header.
ipVersion 60 The IP version field in the IP packet header.
is converted to a numerical one by applying one-hot
encoding. Hence, the number of attributes per flow is
equal to a = 6 + c for c the total number of clusters.
After the training is complete, each SVM de-
scribes the boundaries in which the training data op-
erates. These boundaries are different for each cluster
and will be used in the next phase to identify anoma-
Test Phase. Test data (sometimes validation
data’) refers to the data being tested, i.e. the data
in which the algorithm will look for anomalous be-
haviour. It should be captured in similar circum-
stances as the training set in order to be able to make a
valid comparison with the training data. The test data
is normalised in the same way the training data is. In
this phase, the actual anomaly detection takes place.
Classifier. The classifier takes the model derived
at the training phase and the normalised data from the
test phase and compares them. It is assessed whether
the characteristics of the network traffic as observed
in the test data matches the behaviour as defined in
the model. In other words, for each flow, it is tested
whether it adheres to the behaviour as defined in the
model corresponding to the cluster the host initiating
the flow belongs to.
Each flow in the test data is compared to its cor-
responding SVM, which was created during the train-
ing phase. The SVM will return the distance to the
derived boundary for each test data flow, which is an
indication of the extent to which the flow is similar to
the training data. If behaviour of a host is anomalous
to such an extend that it exceeds a set threshold, the
behaviour will be marked as anomalous.
Events. After the classifier has completed its
work, it will return a set of events that should be in-
vestigated further. The resulting events have to be
evaluated by the operator of the proposed detection
system, upon which it might be decided to take fur-
ther action. These evaluations may be used for addi-
tional training of the model. The advantage of this is
twofold: the system gets new, labelled input that will
increase its ability to distinguish between anomalous
and non-anomalous behaviour, and secondly it allows
the system to learn and adapt to changing behaviour.
Internal Network Monitoring and Anomaly Detection through Host Clustering
Using the UNB ICSX 2012 set (Shiravi et al., 2012),
the methodology as set out in section 5 is carried out.
The set comprises seven consecutive days (11th of
June - 17th of June 2012) of IPFIX flow data (Ta-
ble 2). The data included in the set is simulated data
based on characteristics of real network data. For each
day of the data set, there are up to 145 different hosts
generating up to 74, 370 internal network flows. Most
interestingly, three of the seven days contain mali-
cious internal network flows (Sunday 13 June - Tues-
day 15 June). Since most data is labelled (albeit only
the last six days), this set is suited for our purpose
of evaluating the proposed methodology. Data from
Saturday 12 June is used for model creation, while
the proposed intrusion detection system is evaluated
against the labeled data of Sunday, Monday and Tues-
The flow-based detection aims to detect anoma-
lous network flows. Hence each network flow is com-
pared to the SVM that is created in the modelling
phase. Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC)
curves for flow-based anomaly detection are given
in Figure 2 (a-c). These ROC curves plot the ratio
of true positives against the ratio of false positives.
ROC curves enable us to compare the performance of
different detectors. The four clustering methods are
compared to single model and per-host model bench-
mark approaches.
There are a number of conclusions that can be
drawn from these results. First of all, it shows that
all six different approaches are able to detect the ma-
licious network traffic at the cost of some false pos-
itives. Hence by monitoring internal network traffic
we are indeed able to detect malicious network traf-
fic. Moreover, we see that in most situations cluster-
ing performs better in terms of detection compared
to using no clustering or per-host modelling. We see
that Stochastic Blockmodel clustering in all cases is
better than applying no clustering. Both Mean-shift
and Louvain compare in some cases better, in some
cases worse than no clustering. k-means performs in
almost all cases worse than applying no clustering.
Within the scope of detection of targeted attacks,
it is more relevant to look at the classification of hosts
rather than the classification of flows. For instance,
an infected machine might initiate flows that are in
itself barely anomalous, but the number of these flows
together makes the machine’s behaviour anomalous
altogether. One could therefore accumulate the scores
of each flow initiated by a host, and assign that score
to the host. This enables us to identify anomalous
hosts rather than just anomalous flows.
Therefore, it is also useful to consider ROC graphs
for the detection rate of anomalous hosts. Figure 2 (d-
f) shows the ROC curves per clustering method for
Sunday the 13th of June till Tuesday the 15th of June,
using Saturday the 12th of June as a training data.
Within this dataset hosts are labelled as malicious or
infected when they initiate at least one labeled con-
nection. Note that in the dataset used, the number of
hosts is rather small. Therefore these ROC curves are
based on significantly less evaluations, hence the low
resolution of the ROC curves.
For the 13th of June, it does not matter whether
or not clustering is applied - this is probably due to
the fact that the attack carried out on that day is so
obvious that traditional methods are able to detect it
as well. For the 14th of June, all clustering methods
perform better on almost all false-positive ranges than
both not applying clustering and clustering per host.
The same conclusion applies to the 15th of June, al-
though the difference is slightly smaller.
The results lead to the conclusion that internal net-
work traffic is a useful source of information that can
enable detection of malicious activity inside a net-
work. Important phases of targeted attacks can be
detected through analysis of internal network traffic,
which remains unnoticed by most IDSs that focus on
external network traffic.
Moreover, the clustering approach we propose,
improves the performance of anomaly-based detec-
tion mechanisms. We have shown that there is al-
ways at least one clustering approach that performs
better than the two benchmark approaches. Also,
we showed that all clustering methods perform better
when the method is applied to identifying malicious
hosts. Specifically, SBM clustering offers a consis-
tently better detection performance for detecting ma-
licious flows. Hence, it is important to carefully con-
sider the clustering method depending on the type of
anomaly that must be detected.
If we compare the the trade-off between the pro-
cessing burden and the performance, the proposed ap-
proach is the best option as well. The computational
complexity of SVM is O(n
) for n training samples
(Bordes et al., 2005); therefore it is more efficient to
have multiple SVM instances with some training sam-
ples than a single SVM with all the training samples.
As such, detection applying a single model is com-
putationally demanding, whereas per-host modelling
has a relatively low computational cost. In this re-
spect, our approach is in between of these two. Hence,
the proposed approach improves the detection accu-
racy and diminishes the processing burden in com-
parison to single-model detection.
ForSE 2017 - 1st International Workshop on FORmal methods for Security Engineering
Figure 2: ROC curves for the UNB ICSX 2012 data set.
The increasing complexity of targeted attacks was
primary motivation for this research. New and un-
seen attacks are frequently not detected by misuse-
based approaches whereas high false positives rates
may plague anomaly-based detection. Moreover, in-
ternal network traffic is often overlooked by many in-
trusion detection systems yet still is a valuable infor-
mation source. We investigated how well anomaly
detection applying host clustering based on internal
network traffic performs, in order to improve current
detection mechanisms, focusing on detection of tar-
geted attacks.
We have developed an anomaly detection system
based on internal flow data as an initial demonstra-
tion of the usefulness of internal network traffic anal-
ysis. Other information sources, for instance DNS-
queries, Identity and Access Management logs and
proxy logs, may also also suitable for revealing in-
ternal communication patterns and finding anomalous
behaviour therein. Since the developed framework is
generic further research could focus on the applica-
tion of the proposed methodology on other informa-
tion sources.
For furture work, the authors suggest evaluating
more clustering techniques and anomaly detection al-
gorithms. There are many more techniques available.
Furthermore, the choice for the optimal clustering
technique highly depends on the detection algorithm
that is used. Hence, further research is necessary to
apply application of clustering to be used for anomaly
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