to maintain the consistency and integrity of artifacts.
Part of the challenge stems from the fact that
requirements and architectures use different terms
and concepts to capture the model elements relevant
to each (Grunbacher et al., 2004). Because OntoUML
is ontology-based, the conceptual models constructed
are assumed to be more expressive and to represent
the real world of the domain more faithfully than do
other languages of conceptual representation.
In the study presented by Henderson-Sellers et al.
(2015), one of the items in the authors’ wish list is for
conceptual models to have more semantics. A recent
review (Verdonck et al., 2015) also indicated that,
although ontology-oriented conceptual models are
proposed, which allows more semantics, people do
not know the reason for their application. Our study
has a very clear view of the purpose of using
Considering that OntoUML is a language that
proposes elements that allow more semantics, there is
the possibility of building more expressive models
than, for instance, models represented in UML
language. The result of a more expressive conceptual
model reflects the better domain representation,
which can consequently reduce the requirement
changes and the efforts to maintain the traceability of
the generated artifacts.
With the purpose of evaluating the possibility of
deriving DFR in a systematized manner, a heuristic
was proposed. This heuristic was obtained with the
reading and interpretation of nine conceptual models
represented in OntoUML. After the heuristic was
obtained, it was applied in a systematized manner to
six models. The heuristic allowed the navigation
through all elements in the model and the extraction
of related DFR. As mentioned in the introduction
section, the proposal intention is to use ontological
conceptual models to derive the possible high level
functional requirements. To generate a detailed and
complete list of functional requirements it is needed
to move on to the next phases of software
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