Table 2: Experimental error percentages.
Relative error () Max. Min. Mean
Algorithm Eje x 8.35% 0% 2.19%
Eje y 2.69% 0 % 0.49%
Algorithm +
Eje x 4.98% 0 % 0.95%
Eje y 1.05% 0 % 0.19 %
With this experimental study, it is concluded that the
maximum error that the system can have is below
5% for the X axis and below 1% for the Y axis.
A cellular localization system has been developed
based on the occupation maps generated by electrical
impedance spectroscopy. The localization system has
been able to generate the approximated cell position
in a culture, with a maximum relative error of 4.98%,
and a typical error of 1%, when it is provided
feedback to the algorithm. Although sometimes the
feedback does not reduce the error, in most cases
improves it, decreasing the error by half. The
proposed tracking algorithm enables CMOS
technologies for Lab-on-a-Chip systems for cell
motility assays, particularly useful in cancer research.
In order to expand the study, possible cellular
trajectories have been randomly generated following
the modeling of the Brownian system. Starting from
the trajectory it will be possible to perform studies on
the cellular behavior in different situations of interest,
as can be the effects of drugs in the cellular activity.
From the results obtained in this study, new lines
of research are opened that can be of great scientific
interest. Firstly, the cellular morphology is very
uneven and irregular, so the modeling of the cell in a
circular form does not resemble the reality, and
supposes an excessively simple model. A possible
improvement of the system would be to use modeling
of cells with more common form, for example, as an
ellipse. Tests with real cases can also be carried out,
using electrode arrays and a cell line of interest, to
characterize its trajectory and study its behavior.
Furthermore, variable side electrodes that do not
occupy the entire pixel could be used, and study, this
way, how to solve dead zones where no information
is collected and can be occupied by the cells.
This work was supported in part by the Spanish
founded Project: TEC2013-46242-C3-1-P: Integrated
Microsystem for Cell Culture Assays, co-financed
with FEDER.
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