or markets, which can differentiate greatly in char-
acteristics or velocity distribution, can be developed.
The possibility of generating a large quantity of dif-
ferent cycles and using them during the development
process makes the avoidance of phenomena such as
cycle beating possible.
The main focus was not only on the generation of
RDE cycles, but these cycles were also supposed to
cause a larger quantity of emissions in the assessed
vehicles. To meet the requirements in a first step,
the maximum permitted dynamics in the contest of
RDE ambient conditions were demanded. Addition-
ally, considerations were presented which increase
emissions due to the chosen sequence of operational
conditions, regardless of strictly set requirements.
In the future, RDE cycles will play an important
role in both the vehicle development and the assess-
ment of vehicle emission values. At present, RDE
drives are commonly selected on the basis of impre-
cise compilations of driving road criteria (see Table 1)
and then traced on real roads. This procedure is on the
one hand very time-consuming, and on the other hand
does not guarantee that RDE requirements will be
met, especially when unpredictable disruptions such
as traffic jams occur. At some point, the recording
of RDE measurement drives will predominantly take
place on chassis dynamometers, since these can be
adapted to be nearly identical to the chosen ambient
conditions and can also follow the set velocity course
During vehicle development, the usage of simula-
tions and procedures such as the model-based calibra-
tion will gain more importance due to RDE require-
ments. Even now, engineers face the challenge of
constantly reducing development periods and steadily
increasing numbers of vehicle variants while still us-
ing conventional development methods. Thus, the
majority of calibration will be executed at the com-
puter and at test benches of different complexity. A
significant part of this practice will be various driv-
ing cycles, because they constitute the most realistic
testing scenarios in vehicle development.
Further contributions can continue the gradual
generation of RDE worst-case cycles (see Section
2.1). Correspondingly, an elevation profile will be
overlaid in a next step, after which vehicle-specific
cycles can be derived. Based on this procedure, one
obtains a set of cycles representing the worst-case
case concerning emissions for the respective vehicle.
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