This paper describes factors and conditions enabling
BI information to integrate and impact real-time on
ERP processing. From a theoretical perspective a
process model showing the sequence of factors is
presented which includes a successful BI and ERP
installation followed by developing relevant BI ca-
pabilities and a BPM framework and finally RTBI.
Fifteen sub-factors enabling these factors were iden-
tified and eight of these were evaluated as critical
and hence should be considered and addressed in the
From a practical perspective the factors provided
in the framework can assist organizations in better
understanding how to get BI and ERP more closely
integrated and enable process intelligence to impact
real time on ERP processing. A limitation of this
research is that only three organisations were found
integrating BI into ERP. This is a new area of re-
search that needs more investigation especially the
combined impact of unstructured web data and in
memory reporting on enterprise information systems
and the resultant infrastructure and organizational
impacts as well as gaining a deeper understanding of
the cost benefit analysis. Design science or action
research studies working with practitioners to re-
solve these challenges is required and as these tech-
nologies mature future research could look to vali-
dating these factors more broadly.
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