similar role) suggest it is a good candidate issue. But
both issues need further validation.
Is this list complete? We have no real reason to
claim that. On the other hand, the list by itself could
explain all problems, challenges and risks taken from
the documentation. Also, only two additional issues
were identified, although under unfavorable
circumstances. Completeness of such a list can never
be guaranteed, but it seems plausible that we have
obtained a relevant and significant subset.
Such an overview can be used as the basis for a
number of future research activities. Obvious next
steps are further validation and enrichment of the list.
The current list can also serve as a start to investigate
each issue separately so as to provide guidance on
handling them. The case organization itself already
made a start with this. The interviews have provided
insights into possible mitigating measures to avoid
problems. These were gathered and reported back to
the organization as a basis for improvement. There is
also the interesting aspect of the (relative) degree of
importance of issues. This is probably very much
context dependent although some issues will tend to
crop up everywhere. For practical usage, local
assessment will be be needed to make a “common
criteria list” operational for a specific organization.
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