An Overview of Risk Estimation Techniques in Risk-based Access
Control for the Internet of Things
Hany F. Atlam
1, 2
, Ahmed Alenezi
, Robert J. Walters
and Gary B. Wills
Electronic and Computer Science Dept., University of Southampton, University Road, SO17 1BJ, Southampton, U.K.
Computer Science and Engineering Dept., Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Menoufia University, 32952, Menouf, Egypt
Keywords: Internet of Things, Security Risk, Access Control, Risk Estimation, Risk-based Access Control.
Abstract: The Internet of Things (IoT) represents a modern approach where boundaries between real and digital domains
are progressively eliminated by changing over consistently every physical device to smart object ready to
provide valuable services. These services provide a vital role in different life domains but at the same time
create new challenges particularly in security and privacy. Authentication and access control models are
considered as the essential elements to address these security and privacy challenges. Risk-based access
control model is one of the dynamic access control models that provides more flexibility in accessing system
resources. This model performs a risk analysis to estimate the security risk associated with each access request
and uses the estimated risk to make the access decision. One of the essential elements in this model is the risk
estimation process. Estimating risk is a complex operation that requires the consideration of a variety of
factors in the access control environment. Moreover, the interpretation and estimation of the risk might vary
depending on the working domain. This paper presents a review of different risk estimation techniques.
Existing risk-based access control models are discussed and compared in terms of the risk estimation
technique, risk factors, and the evaluation domain. Requirements for choosing the appropriate risk estimation
technique for the IoT system are also demonstrated.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is growing in different
ways. It is considered the next stage of the evolution
of the Internet. In addition, the IoT is moving towards
a stage in which all items around us will be connected
to the Internet and will have the ability to
communicate with each other with the minimum
human intervention (Shanbhag and Shankarmani,
2015). The IoT faces many challenges that stand as a
barrier to the successful implementation of IoT
applications. Security and privacy are considered the
most difficult challenges that need to be addressed.
These challenges are complicated due to the dynamic
and heterogeneous nature of the IoT system (Shaikh
et al., 2012; Ricardo dos Santos et al., 2013).
Authentication and access control models are the
essential elements to address security and privacy
challenges in the IoT. They prevent unauthorized
users from gaining access to system resources,
prevent authorized users from accessing resources in
an unauthorized manner whilst still allowing
authorized users to access resources in an authorized
manner (Chen et al., 2007; Yin et al., 2006).
Due to the dynamic nature of the IoT, traditional
access control approaches cannot provide the
necessary security levels as they are context
insensitive and require a complex authentication
infrastructure. Dynamic access control approaches
are more appropriate to IoT systems. This is because
they are characterized by using not only the policies
but also environment features that are estimated in
real-time to determine access decisions. The dynamic
features can include trust, risk, context, history and
operational need (Kulk et al., 2009; Ni et al., 2010).
A risk-based access control model is one of the
dynamic models that permit or deny access requests
dynamically based on the estimated risk of each
access request (Chen et al., 2007). This model
performs a risk analysis on each user access request
to make the access decision (Dos Santos et al., 2014).
Risk estimation process is one of the primary tasks in
the risk-based access control model. This process is
concerned with estimating the risks that have been
specified and creating the data that will be needed for
making decisions. The objective of the estimation
Atlam, H., Alenezi, A., Walters, R. and Wills, G.
An Overview of Risk Estimation Techniques in Risk-based Access Control for the Internet of Things.
DOI: 10.5220/0006292602540260
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2017), pages 254-260
ISBN: 978-989-758-245-5
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
process is to establish a way of arranging risks in the
order of importance and using the risk numeric values
for making the decision (Yin et al., 2006).
The main objective of this paper is to provide a
review of different risk estimation techniques that
have been used in existing risk-based access control
models. Furthermore, discussing requirements for
choosing the appropriate risk estimation technique for
the IoT system.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows:
Section II presents the concept of the access control
and different access control models; Section III
presents the risk-based access control model; Section
IV presents different risk estimation techniques;
Section V discusses the IoT requirements to
determine the appropriate risk estimation technique,
and Section VI is the conclusion 2.
To ensure confidentiality and integrity of system
resources, an access control is used to guarantee that
only authorized users granted the appropriate access
permissions. There are several access control models
which can be divided into two classes; traditional and
dynamic access control models (Liu et al., 2012; Ye
et al., 2014).
Traditional access control approaches are based
on policies that are static and rigid in nature. These
policies are predefined and always give the same
outcome regardless of the situation. This static
approach fails to adapt to varied and changing
conditions when making access decisions in the IoT
system (Chen et al., 2007). There are three main
traditional access control models; Discretionary
Access Control (DAC), Mandatory Access Control
(MAC) and Role-based Access Control (RBAC). On
the other hand, dynamic access control approaches
are appropriate to the IoT system. This is because
they take into consideration not only access policies
to make access decisions, but also dynamic
contextual features which are estimated in real-time
at the time of making the access request. These real-
time features can include trust, risk, context, history
and operational need (Kulk et al., 2009; Ni et al.,
Using the security risk to make the access decision
is a promising research point in the IoT. The NIST
(Stoneburner et al., 2002) surveyed different access
control models in terms of flexibility as shown in
Figure 1. It showed that Risk Adaptable Access
Control (RAdAC) model provides more flexibility in
accessing system resources which make it as a
suitable model for the IoT.
Figure 1: Progression of access control models in term of
flexibility (Zhi et al., 2009).
The risk can be defined as the possibility of loss or
injury. Generally, the risk is about some event that
may occur in the future and cause losses. One such
risk is the leakage of sensitive information by users.
An access control is one of the approaches used to
mitigate against the security risk (Langaliya and
Aluvalu, 2015). Risk-based access control model
permits or denies access requests dynamically based
on the estimated risk of each access request (Chen et
al., 2007). This model performs a risk analysis on
each user access request to make the access decision
(Dos Santos et al., 2014). Mathematically, the most
common formula to represent the risk in quantitative
terms is:
Quantified Risk= Likelihood × Impact (1)
Where likelihood represents the probability of an
incident to happen while impact represents the
estimation of the value of the damage regarding that
incident (Chen et al., 2007).
There are several approaches for creating risk-
based access control models. These approaches share
some general characteristics from diverse models. An
overview of the risk-based access control model is
shown in Figure 2. There are three modules. The
access control manager is the main module. It
receives requests from users, analyses them, collects
other context parameters and sends the data to risk
estimation module. The risk estimation module is the
key part of the model. It estimates risk values based
on the input data collected by the context retrieval
module. After that, the access decision is made for
An Overview of Risk Estimation Techniques in Risk-based Access Control for the Internet of Things
each access request based on the estimated risk value
(Diep et al., 2007).
Figure 2: Risk-based access control overview (Diep et al.
The security risk can be used as an access control
feature where a risk analysis is performed on each
access request to make the access decision (Dos
Santos et al., 2014). The security risk can be defined
as the potential damage that can emerge from an
operation and is generally represented by the
probability of occurrence of an undesired incident
multiplied by its impact.
Clearly, the essential stage of developing a risk-
based access control model in the IoT is the risk
estimation process that based on the possibility of an
information leakage in the future and the value of this
information. The risk is estimated in different ways.
The objective of the risk estimation operation is to
create a way of arranging risks in the order of
importance and use risk numeric values for making
the decision. The risk estimation process can be
qualitative or quantitative (Yin et al., 2006). In this
paper, only quantitative risk estimation techniques
will be discussed. Quantitative risk estimation
attempts to attach specific numerical or linguistic
values to risks. These values can be like very risky,
not so risky; high, low, medium, high medium, and
low medium. Numerical techniques for decision
analysis are used in this approach (Kulk et al., 2009).
Quantitative risk estimation techniques are preferred
since it results in a numeric value for the risk.
Risk estimation process faces many challenges for
various reasons. For instance, the goal of the risk
estimation process is to predict the future possibility
of information disclosure that results from the current
access. Determining such a possibility is not an easy
task (Habib and Leister, 2015). Moreover, if the
estimation has relied on incomplete or imprecise
information and knowledge about relevant risk
features, it will result in difficulties in identifying the
value of information (Ni et al., 2010). Therefore, a
complete investigation about different risk estimation
techniques that are related to dynamic access control
models needs to be performed so as to select the
appropriate risk estimation technique for the IoT. An
overview of the most common risk estimation
techniques is provided in this section. These
techniques are as follows:
4.1 Fuzzy Logic
Fuzzy logic is a set of mathematical rules for
representing the knowledge that based on degrees of
membership. It manages degrees of membership and
degrees of truth. Moreover, it ensures that we do not
neglect human common sense, intuition, and
experiences (Li et al., 2013). Fuzzy logic and fuzzy
set operations enable characterization of defined
fuzzy sets of likelihood and consequence severity and
the mathematics to combine them using expert
knowledge (Abul-Haggag and Barakat, 2013). A
typical fuzzy logic estimation process comprises of
three stages: (1) Fuzzification of inputs, (2) Imprecise
reasoning using fuzzy rules, and (3) Defuzzification
of outputs. Input and output parameters can be either
linguistic or numeric. Fuzzification is the process of
finding the membership of an input variable with a
linguistic term. While the membership function can
be either defined by experts or analytically extracted
from data, and fuzzy rules are usually defined by
experts. Finally, defuzzification provides a crisp
number from the output fuzzy set (Pokorádi, 2002).
Many researchers are attracted to use the fuzzy
logic to estimate the risk in access control models.
Chen et al. (2007) used the fuzzy logic to build a
fuzzy Multi-Level Security (MLS) access control
model to allow humans to access information from
IBM systems. This fuzzy MLS model estimates the
risk of the access request based on differences
between the subject security level and the object
security level. For instance, the larger the difference
is, the higher the risk is. The result is described as a
real number in the interval [0, 1], where 1 represents
an absolute deny (the highest risk), and 0 represents
an absolute permit (the lowest risk). The fuzzy MLS
model further divides the interval [0, 1] into n
subintervals referred to as risk bands. If the risk of an
access request is evaluated to a band, then the request
is allowed only if the risk mitigation measures
associated with the band are applied. Also, Li et al.
(2013) presented a fuzzy modelling-based approach
IoTBDS 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
for evaluating the risk associated with the access
request of a healthcare information access. In this
model, the risk value that is associated with the data
sensitivity, action severity, and risk history is
determined as a fuzzy value, which is used to
determine appropriate controls of the healthcare
information access in a cloud environment.
model showed that the fuzzy logic approach can
generate accurate and realistic outcomes in assessing
current risk and forecasting the scope and impact of
different risk factors. Ni et al. (2010) introduced a
fuzzy inference technique to estimate the risk. This
approach is used for estimating access risks and
develop an enforcement mechanism for the risk-
based access control model. The estimated risk is
computed by using the object security level and the
subject security level. However, the scalability of the
fuzzy inference-based access control model faces
some issues. The fuzzy inference system needs large
time to estimate risks especially when there are tens
of parameters and hundreds of fuzzy rules.
Furthermore, the access control model may need to
serve billions of users. Therefore, a fuzzy inference-
based access control model might be too
computationally expensive.
4.2 Risk Assessment
Risk assessment is one of the most important
processes in the risk management methodology.
People use the risk assessment to define the extent of
the potential threat and the risk associated with an IT
system. The goal of the risk assessment is to
determine the risk context and acceptability that can
be done by comparison to similar risks. The type of
risk analysis should be appropriate for the available
data and severity of potential loss. A successful risk
assessment offers many advantages. For instance, a
well-defined assessment of risks can provide a
rational basis for injury prevention and exposure
prevention (Stoneburner et al., 2002).
The risk assessment has been used in the existing
risk-based control models. For instance,
Khambhammettu et al. (2013) introduced three
different approaches that conduct a risk assessment
framework for the risk-based access control. The
three approaches are based on the object sensitivity
level, the subject trustworthiness level and the
difference between object sensitivity and subject
trustworthiness. This framework demonstrated that
risk estimates differ based on the risk assessment
approach that has been selected. The selected
approach can be based on the context of the
application or the priority of organizations.
Moreover, Diep et al. (2007) proposed an approach
for access control that based on risk assessment and
context. The risk assessment estimates the risk value
based on outcomes of actions in term of availability,
confidentiality, and integrity and context of the user,
environment, and resource. The risk value is
compared with the threshold, and then access control
manager returns the decision.
4.3 Game Theory
Game theory is a branch of applied mathematics that
has been used in many fields like economics, political
science, evolutionary biology, information security
and artificial intelligence. Game theory consists of
four elements: the players, their strategies, payoffs
and the information they have. The players are the
strategic decision makers within the context of the
game. Whereas, the strategy is the plan that the player
has to use in response to the contender’s movement.
Therefore, it is essential to find out the appropriate
strategies for the players. The payoff of a given player
is affected by both the actions performed by him and
the other player (Rajbhandari and Snekkenes, 2011).
Using game theory, the risk analysis can be based on
priority or values related to benefit which users can
provide rather than the probability. In addition, it can
be used in situations where no actuarial data is
available. This may increase the quality and
suitability of the overall risk analysis operation
(Hamdi and Abie, 2014).
Game theory has been used in the risk-based
access control. Rajbhandari and Snekkenes (2011)
presented a risk analysis approach that based on
preferences or values of benefit which the subjects
can provide rather than subjective probability using
the game theory. Moreover, a simple privacy scenario
between a user and an online bookstore is introduced
to provide an initial perception of the concept.
4.4 Decision Tree
A decision tree model is used to simplify decision
making based on a set of rules presented as a tree. It
uses the attributes of objects for classification and
decision. To develop a decision tree model, data are
divided into training and validation sets. Training
data are used to identify appropriate rules and find the
best partition for certain attributes using techniques
such as recursive partitioning. While validation data
are used to validate the decision tree and make
necessary adjustments to the tree (Shang and Hossen,
Decision tree paradigms are easy to understand
An Overview of Risk Estimation Techniques in Risk-based Access Control for the Internet of Things
and valuable for classification. They can work well
with insufficient data if all the rules can be
determined by experts. However, in a classical
decision tree model, the partition of attribute values is
based on classical set theory. A small change in the
value of an attribute could lead to a different
conclusion due to the discreteness of the partition.
Moreover, when the scale of the decision tree
becomes large, it will be difficult to understand and
more data will be needed to identify and validate the
rules (Wang et al., 2016).
4.5 Monte Carlo Simulation
The Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) is a very
powerful method for estimating risks of a system by
calculating risks of hundreds or thousands of possible
scenarios. It produces a complete probability
distribution associated with risks and can provide
very realistic results. In the MCS method, the system
random behaviour is represented by performing a set
of experiments on the system in the form of
simulations (Goerdin et al., 2015a). The MCS method
requires high computing power and have become
increasingly interesting due to the availability of
high-speed computers. An advantage of the MCS is
that it can work with large complex systems.
Moreover, it can process the probabilistic behaviour
of multiple inputs to the system which in the
analytical technique are supposed to be constant
values (Goerdin et al., 2015b).
4.6 Expert Judgment
Expert judgment is an important source of
information in risk estimation in risk-based decision-
making processes that rely significantly on a
quantitative risk assessment that requires numerical
data describing the event frequencies and conditional
probabilities in the risk model (Kahneman et al.,
1974). In some cases, it will be very difficult to
quantify the risk value using traditional methods but
with an expert judgment, a correct value regarding a
specific scenario can be specified. Security experts
are asked to define a weight for the potential damage
regarding a specific security breach associated with
risk factors. Experts should be selected from diverse
fields to provide different points of views. In order for
the risk-based access control model to be valuable, a
larger number of experts in each field would need to
be interviewed (Pluess et al., 2013).
This section provides a summary of the risk-based
access control models that mentioned earlier as
shown in Table 1. It contains the risk estimation
technique that has been used, risk factors used to
estimate the risk value and the domain where the
model is evaluated.
Table 1: Some of the risk-based access control models.
Risk factors
(Chen et
al. 2007)
Fuzzy MLS
between subject
security level and
object security
(Li et al.
Fuzzy Model
Data sensitivity,
action severity,
and user risk
(Ni et al.
Object security
level and subject
security level
et al.
subject trust, and
between object
sensitivity and
subject trust
(Diep et
al. 2007)
Outcomes of
A case
study of a
dari &
s 2011)
Game Theory
Access benefits
of the subject
of online
The distributed and dynamic nature of the IoT system
demands many requirements that should be taken into
consideration when choosing the appropriate risk
estimation technique of the risk-based access control
model for the IoT system. These requirements
Dynamic interaction: The access control
model required for the IoT should not be static
and predefined. It should be adjustable,
predictable, and specified in a dynamic and
continuous way by considering context
changing during the access control process
(Fremantle et al., 2014). Hence, the risk
estimation technique should have the ability to
adapt to environment changes and uses real-
time contextual information.
Scalability: The IoT system connects billions
of devices. The increasing rate of newly
connected objects should be taken into
IoTBDS 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
consideration when selecting the risk
estimation technique. Also, the performance
should not be affected.
Limited resources: The resources associated
with IoT devices such as energy, memory, and
processing power are limited due to the small
size of these devices (Adda et al., 2015).
Therefore, the risk estimation technique
should support efficient solutions.
Data availability: In order to accurately
calculate the risk associated with a particular
factor, data is needed. Once real world data is
collected, it can be used in various probability
distributions to calculate a much more
accurate risk value. So the availability of the
proper data will allow to analytically
determine the appropriate risk estimation
technique for the IoT.
The IoT has become the current technology
revolution that is intended to convert the existing
environment into a more pervasive and ubiquitous
domain. The successful deployment of the IoT in our
environment is related to conquer security and
privacy issues specifically authentication and access
control issues. Risk-based access control model
provides a dynamic and efficient way to make the
access decision depending on the risk estimates of
each access request. Risk estimation is a complex
operation that requires the consideration of a variety
of factors in the access control domain. Selecting the
appropriate risk estimation technique for the IoT is
not an easy task. In this paper, we provided an
overview of different risk estimation techniques that
are used in existing risk-based access control models.
Also, we have presented some of the IoT
requirements for selecting the appropriate risk
estimation technique. Our future direction would be
to empirically compare among these risk estimation
techniques to select the most appropriate technique
for the IoT system. However, the lack of the proper
data will be a big issue.
We acknowledge Egyptian cultural affairs and
mission sector and Menoufia University for their
scholarship to Hany Atlam that allows the research to
be undertaken.
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