Improvement of the Detection of the QRS Complex, T and P Waves in an
Electrocardiogram Signal using 12 Leads versus 2 Leads
Maxime Yochum
, Charlotte Renaud
and Sabir Jacquir
LTSI UMR 1099 Inserm, Universit
e de Rennes 1, 35042 Rennes, France
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire, 21000 Dijon, France
Le2i FRE 2005, CNRS, Arts et Mtiers, Univ. Bourgogne Franche-Comt, 9 avenue Alain Savary, 21078 Dijon, France
ECG, P, QRS, T Waves, Delineation, Wavelet Transform.
The electrical field potential of the heart recorded from the thoracic part of the human body is depicted by the
electrocardiogram signal. This last one is complex and depends on many factors: Position of heart, thickness
of the body skin, surface electrode conductivity, acquisition noise and many others. In clinical use, the ECG
signal is analysed using twelve leads but in many works in the literature, the analysis methods of the ECG
is based on two leads. We present a new method to delineate QRS complexes and T and P waves from
electrocardiogram signal. It is based on the continuous wavelet transform. The method is applied on several
leads, recorded simultaneously, to improve the localization of the detection. Indeed, if a delineation method is
applied on only one lead with some disturbances in it, the result of the delineation could be affected. As the
method proposed here merges the result of several leads, the delineation is less affected by disturbances on
few leads. The results from this method and from a doctor in medicine are compared. That shows the good
ability to separate waves and the enhancement of delineation accuracy when several leads are used.
The QRS, P and T waves detection in the electro-
cardiogram (ECG) represents a great interest to di-
agnose pathological conditions (Navoret et al., 2013;
Mahamat et al., 2016a; Mahamat et al., 2016b). How-
ever, their extraction from ECG is not an easy task.
Some methods exist, including mathematical mod-
els (Madeiro et al., 2013), peak detection (Zhu and
Dong, 2013), nonlinear transforms (Sun and Sup-
pappola, 1994), filtering (Bashir et al., 2014). The
shapes of QRS, P and T waves are well known, es-
pecially their time and frequency components which
depend on the physiological characteristics of peo-
ple. It may be difficult to extract ECG complexes be-
cause their frequency compositions are close to some
noises. The algorithm presented here uses the contin-
uous wavelet transform (CWT) which keeps a good
frequency resolution. Wavelet transforms (Addison,
2005; Li et al., 1995; Zidelmal et al., 2012) have al-
ready been applied to ECG signals to enhance QRS
detection, to delineate the ECG feature, and to re-
duce computation time. However, the major part of
ECG delineation methods deals with Discret Wavelet
Transform, which loses frequency resolution due to
re-sampling at each decomposition. That is not the
case in CWT. The method was tested with The Com-
puters in Cardiology Challenge 2011 database be-
cause it contains 12 leads for each ECG. From this
collection, a set of fifty 12 leads ECGs, chosen in
the ”acceptable records” list given by Physionet, was
used for our tests. In addition, this database provides
ECG from patients with different pathologies leading
to some irregularities in ECGs. Therefore, our algo-
rithm (Yochum et al., 2016) was tested on several par-
ticular ECGs such as arrhythmias and extrasystoles.
Our method uses the 12 leads together to extract QRS,
P and T waves from each ECG, which improve the lo-
calization. The method performs a serial detection of
the components of the ECG signal as these compo-
nents usually follow a decrease in their energy (QRS
complexes contain more energy than T wave, and T
waves contain more energy than P waves). Results
show the use of 12 leads simultaneously reinforces
the detection and also avoids misdetections if distur-
bances exist on few leads.
Yochum, M., Renaud, C. and Jacquir, S.
Improvement of the Detection of the QRS Complex, T and P Waves in an Electrocardiogram Signal using 12 Leads versus 2 Leads.
DOI: 10.5220/0006293300730078
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk (COMPLEXIS 2017), pages 73-78
ISBN: 978-989-758-244-8
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