that the proposed model has equal accuracy with the
ARIMA model. Since there is no indication that the
predicted values have normal distributions, we used
the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. The test showed that
at significance level of 0.05 the null hypothesis could
be rejected for all the aforementioned benchmarking
cases. Therefore, we can claim that the proposed
model presents statistically significantly better
accuracy from the ARIMA model in all cases.
In this paper we introduced a novel hybrid method for
short-term traffic prediction under both typical and
atypical traffic conditions. We introduced a SVM-
based AID model that identifies the presence of
atypical conditions. We use the ARIMA parametric
model or the k-NN non-parametric regression model
if the AID identifies typical or atypical conditions,
respectively. We evaluated our model using real open
data from the Caltrans PeMS and showed that it
outperforms the benchmarking models in terms of
prediction accuracy under both typical and atypical
The proposed model can be implemented using
either speed or flow data. In this work, we selected
speed data because speed is a traffic variable that
provides clearly interpretable results regarding the
traffic state of a network and also it can be easily
converted to travel time, which is a useful metric for
many ITS applications like vehicle routing.
Future work involves experimenting with
additional feature extraction techniques for
improving the accuracy of the proposed AID model.
Furthermore, more extensive comparison of the
proposed model against additional prediction models
using larger data sets is essential for further
investigating the conditions under which the
proposed model provides the best performance.
This work has been partially supported by the
European Commission through the project
RESOLUTE (ID: 653460), funded by Horizon 2020.
The opinions expressed in this paper are those of the
authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the
European Commission.
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