A Quantitative Methodology for Cloud Security Risk Assessment
Srijita Basu
, Anirban Sengupta
and Chandan Mazumdar
Centre for Distributed Computing, Jadavpur University, 188 Raja S. C. Mullick Road, Kolkata, India
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, 188 Raja S. C. Mullick Road, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India
Keywords: Asset Dependency, Cloud Security, Cloud Service Provider, Risk Assessment, Security Concern.
Abstract: Assets of Cloud stakeholders (Service Providers, Consumers and Third Parties) are the essential elements
required to carry out necessary functions / services of the cloud system. Assets usually contain
vulnerabilities that may be exploited by threats to jeopardize the functioning of the cloud system. Therefore
a proper risk assessment methodology is required to determine the asset-specific and stakeholder-specific
risks so as to be able to control them. Existing methodologies fail to comprehensively evaluate various risk
elements like asset value, vulnerabilities and threats. This paper is an attempt to quantitatively model all risk
elements and devise a methodology to assess risks to assets and stakeholders of a cloud system.
Advances in Cloud Computing technologies have
resulted in rapid growth in the adoption of Cloud-
based services by small and medium-sized business
organizations. However, it has been discovered by
the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) (CSA 2014) that
inadequate due diligence by such organizations is
one of the top threats to cloud computing. Usually, a
Cloud Service Customer (CSC) enters into an
agreement with a Cloud Service Provider (CSP)
before initiating the process of service provisioning;
this is referred to as a Service Level Agreement
(SLA). Proper insight of both the parties regarding
security and compliance requirements of their
organizational data is essential before signing the
SLA. Such requirements can be identified by
performing a correct assessment of security risks
that may arise due to provisioning of a cloud service.
Security risks may emanate from multiple sources.
For example, presence of inherent vulnerabilities
within the assets of CSP and / or CSC, combined
with the existence of relevant threats, may give rise
to risks in cloud services. Besides, legal and
regulatory issues regarding cross-border transfer of
sensitive data, encrypted storage etc. (Janson and
Grance 2011) may also give rise to risks that need
proper management. The situation gets further
complicated when a third-party service provider
(CTS) is involved. In some cases, CSP outsources
certain tasks (like auditing, billing, etc.) to a third
party. Therefore, identification and management of
security risks associated with third parties is critical
in such situations.
Though there have been some preliminary
research regarding the above issues, there is a dearth
of proper quantitative risk assessment methodologies
that can address the security issues which are
specific to cloud-based services. This paper attempts
to address this research gap by proposing a
quantitative Cloud risk assessment methodology.
Some of the fundamental notations and constructs of
this work have been derived from (Bhattacharjee,
Sengupta and Mazumdar 2013). The proposed
methodology identifies the Cloud assets and
evaluates those considering inter-asset dependencies.
The vulnerabilities within those assets are identified
and their Severity and Exploitability values are
calculated. Also, values of Likelihood of Occurrence
(LoC) of relevant threats are computed. Finally, two
categories of Risk Factors (Asset-specific and
Stakeholder-specific) are determined by combining
the above values. It may be noted that the Cloud
Computing Reference Architecture (CCRA) (ISO/
lEC 17789:2014(E)) has been used in this work to
describe the Cloud components (functional units and
Rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section
2 presents a survey of related work. Section 3
describes the process of identification of Cloud
assets and Section 4 presents their valuation
considering various inter-dependencies. Section 5
details the process of computing vulnerabilities and
Basu, S., Sengupta, A. and Mazumdar, C.
A Quantitative Methodology for Cloud Security Risk Assessment.
DOI: 10.5220/0006294401200131
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2017), pages 92-103
ISBN: 978-989-758-243-1
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
threats. Section 6 describes the computation of risk
factors. Section 7 illustrates the proposed
methodology with the help of a case study. Finally,
Section 8 concludes the paper.
Cayirci et. al. (Cayirci Et. Al. 2014) proposed a
“Cloud Adoption Risk Assessment Model”
(CARAM). Here Cloud risk is classified under 3
heads viz. Security, Privacy and Service. The model
assesses risks for a particular CSP-CSC pair based
on Cloud Assessment Initiative Questionnaire
(CAIQ) of Cloud Security Alliance. An algorithm
has been designed that converts the answers of
CAIQ to discrete values. The probability and impact
factor of a Cloud-based incident, along with the
CAIQ values, are used to map the risk values on a
qualitative scale. Moreover a maximum acceptable
value of risk (R
) is calculated for each CSP which
is later used to select the best CSP from a group of
probable candidates whose risk values are less than
Djemame (Djemame Et. Al. 2016) proposed a
“A Risk Assessment Framework for Cloud
Computing” which assesses and even tries to lessen
Cloud risks at various stages of a Service life-cycle
of an Infrastructure Provider. The Risk Assessment
methodology followed here may be summarized in
six steps: 1) Preparation of Risk Inventory (elements
of Risks for Virtual Machines, Physical Hosts, and
SLA); 2) Vulnerability Identification (Using
Vulnerability Vectors represented by binary values);
3) Threat Identification (represented by binary
values); 4) Data Monitoring (Data requirement
which needs support are identified with the help of
Cloud Monitoring Infrastructure (Djemame Et. Al.
2016)); 5) Event Analysis (Likelihood of
Occurrence of a threat acting over a vulnerability);
and 6) Quantitative Risk Analysis (Based on
Likelihood of an event and its impact).
ENISA (ENISA 2009) provides a list of 35
incident scenarios, 31 Cloud Specific Vulnerabilities
and 23 classes of CSC assets that can be affected as
a result of Cloud service adoption. It provides a
method of predicting the levels of risk on the basis
of likelihood of a risk scenario mapped against the
estimated negative impact. This has been used in
many works for determining the risk factor of an
enterprise (Kaplan 1981)
Luna et. al. (Luna Et. Al. 2012) discussed Cloud
Security Level Agreements (SecLA) and proposed a
methodology to benchmark SecLA of CSPs with
respect to CSCs’ requirements (Luna Et. Al. 2012).
Both CSP SecLA necessities and user requirements
are depicted using a specific data structure termed as
Quantitative Policy Tree. It facilitates expressing
controls with varied granularity: CCM control areas,
control groups, and controls (corresponding to CAIQ
answers). The proposed approach utilizes the
Reference Evaluation Methodology (Casola Et. Al.
2005) as a technique to quantitatively evaluate
security policies. The authors describe their scheme
using data of several CSPs from Cloud Security
Alliance’s Security, Trust & Assurance Registry
(CSA STAR), by calculating security levels for
respective controls and control groups.
All the above approaches assess Cloud risks
either quantitatively or qualitatively. However, these
approaches are too generic and fail to address asset
dependencies. Besides, a comprehensive
mathematical approach to model all relevant factors,
namely Cloud asset values, vulnerabilities, threats,
and risks are not present in any of the above
methodologies. The proposed work tries to address
these gaps by formulating a mathematical model to
identify and assess Cloud-specific risks.
As mentioned in Section 1, realization of cloud-
based services may involve three kinds of
stakeholders / organizations:
i) Cloud Service Provider (CSP)
ii) Cloud Service Customer (CSC)
iii) Cloud Third-Party Service Provider (CTS)
A risk assessment procedure generally begins
with the identification and evaluation of assets of
each of these stakeholders. Assets can be classified
into two major categories: Primary assets and
Supporting assets (ISO/lEC 27005 2011). Primary
assets are those that are absolutely critical for the
existence of the Cloud stakeholder. They are of two
types: (i) Cloud processes and activities, and (ii)
Cloud information assets. For example, the Cloud
business support systems process encompasses the
set of business-related management capabilities
dealing with customers and supporting processes
(ISO/ lEC 17789 2014). On the other hand,
information assets comprise of documents, records
as well as user credentials necessary for running
business operations, and maintaining information
security and compliance requirements, of the CSP.
Supporting assets are those that help to carry out
the service provisioning process of the CSP, while
maintaining the information assets required for the
A Quantitative Methodology for Cloud Security Risk Assessment
same. Thus, primary assets depend on supporting
assets to fulfil their objectives. Important supporting
assets are hardware, software, network and
personnel (ISO/lEC 27005 2011).
Table 1: CSP Asset list.
Asset Name P / S Asset Type
Datacenter S Hardware Asset
Host/Server S Hardware Asset
Resources S Hardware/Software
Virtual Machine (VM) S Software Asset
Virtual Machine Image
P Information Asset
Virtual Network S Network Asset
Personal Data of CSC P Information Asset
User Credentials P Information Asset
Data Storage (Files/disk
blocks) in the form of
P Information Asset
Services P Cloud processes
and activities
Security Logs P Information Asset
Functional Components
(Required for Support,
Patch and change
monitoring, security of
the deployed/offered
cloud services (ISO/
lEC 17789:2014(E)))
P Cloud processes
and activities
SLA (Software Level
Agreement) (with CSC
as well as CTS)
P Information Asset
Cloud Service
Management Interface
S Software Asset
Some of the important assets that are used by
CSP are shown in Table 1. The categories and types
of those assets have also been mentioned. In addition
to these, a CSP usually consists of the following
types of personnel (ISO/ lEC 17789 2014): i) Cloud
Service Operations Manager, ii) Cloud Service
Deployment Manager, iii) Cloud Service Manager,
iv) Cloud Service Business Manager, v) Customer
support and Care representative, vi) Inter-Cloud
Provider, vii) Cloud Service Security and Risk
Manager, and viii) Network Provider.
Responsibilities and functions of each of these
personnel have been detailed in (ISO/lEC 17789
Relationships between assets of the CSP are
defined in terms of the interactions they have with
each other. The following example illustrates such
an interaction.
Example: The security and risk manager is
responsible for ensuring that the CSP appropriately
manages the risks associated with the development,
delivery, use and support of cloud services. The
manager also ensures that all relevant security
policies and controls, mentioned in the SLA, are
maintained. For carrying out this particular task, the
manager is required to access the following
processes and activities: i) Manage security and risk,
ii) Design and implement service continuity, and iii)
Ensure compliance. These activities in turn access
several information assets like SLA, security logs,
etc. to carry out the necessary functions. Finally,
relevant hardware and software assets like VM,
physical hosts, IDS/IPS, firewall, etc. need to be
configured correctly to ensure protection of the
cloud management network and maintain privacy
and security of customer data and applications.
Thus, there exist inherent dependencies between
various assets of a CSP. Similar types of
dependencies exist between assets of CSC and CTS
as well.
Table 2: CSC Asset list.
Asset Name P / S Asset Type
User/Organization Data
(Includes PII i.e. Personally
identifiable information, Other
application data, data in form
of pictures, videos, etc.)
P Information
Encryption Keys S Software
Functional Components
(Required for Service Trial,
Monitoring, administering
security services, etc(ISO/ lEC
P Cloud
SLA (Software Level
Agreement) (with CSP as well
as CTS)
P Information
Cloud Service Management
S Software
Audit Report P Information
Table 2 lists the important assets of CSC. It
should be noted that a CSC may act as a CSP in
some cases. E.g. Suppose Organization A provides
IAAS (Mell and Grance 2011) (Infrastructure as a
Service) to Organization B. Organization B, in turn,
provides SaaS (Mell and Grance 2011) (Software as
a Service) to Organization C. Therefore
Organization B is the CSC with respect to
Organization A while it acts as a CSP with respect to
Organization C. Such cases should be considered
CLOSER 2017 - 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
while identifying and establishing dependencies
between assets.
A Cloud Third-Party Service Provider (CTS) is
engaged in support of, or auxiliary to, the activities
of either the CSP or CSC, or both (ISO/lEC 17789
2014). The important assets of CTS are depicted in
Table 3.
Table 3: CTS Asset list.
Asset Name P / S Asset Type
Market Information (Includes
present market status/services
offered of/by various CSP and
P Information
Functional Components
(Design Compose, Test
services, etc (ISO/ lEC
P Cloud
SLA (Software Level
Agreement) (with CSP as well
as CSC)
P Information
Cloud Service Management
S Software
Audit Report P Information
After identifying all assets within the scope of risk
assessment, their values need to be assigned, or
computed. In a Cloud environment, Asset Value
(AV) can be computed based on the following
Security (SR): This comprises of
confidentiality (C), integrity (I) and
availability (A) needs of an asset. SR may
be computed as follows:
SR = x*C + y*I + z*A, such that (x + y + z
= 1).
x, y and z are the relative weights associated with
each security requirement and may be configured by
the Cloud stakeholders based on their requirements
and kind of asset considered.
Auditability (AR): Auditability may be
defined as the need for collecting, and
making available, necessary evidential
information related to the operation and use
of a cloud service, for the purpose of
conducting an audit (ISO/lEC 17789 2014).
Thus, AR denotes the significance of an
asset in the context of an overall audit.
Governance (GR): This consists of
External Governance (EG) and Internal
Governance (IG). EG defines some sort of
agreement between the CSP, CSC and
CTS, or relevant regulations, for the use of
Cloud services. IG refers to the set of
internal policies followed by each of the
stakeholders for assuring the expected
delivery of services (ISO/lEC 17789 2014).
Asset Value may be calculated as follows:
AV= ceil(a*SR + b*AR + c*GR)
such that (a + b + c = 1).
Each of the above asset requirements may
assume an integer value within the range 1-5. a, b, c
are the relative weights associated with each asset
requirement and may be configured by the Cloud
stakeholders based on their requirements. Table 4
presents a set of guidelines that may be used by
different categories of organizations for assigning
values to asset requirements. It should be noted that
asset valuation is usually organization and sector
specific. The guidelines given in Table 4 are generic
in nature and may be tailored to suit the needs of a
particular organization.
The following section describes the
dependencies between different assets and shows
how the values of assets may be adjusted
4.1 Asset Dependency
Identifying and analyzing the existing asset
dependencies is essentially required for realizing the
varied relationships that exist between the assets of
an organization/stakeholder (CSP/CSC/CTS).
Based on the organizational framework of a
Cloud system, two types of dependencies may be
considered: Physical dependency and Logical
dependency. An asset is physically dependent on
another asset if it is connected to it, or included
within it (Sengupta, Mazumdar and Bagchi 2009). In
a Cloud environment, physical dependency may be
manifested as connections between host machines,
host and client machines, and host machines and
storage devices. Such connectivity is implemented
with the help of a physical network structure.
Another type of physical dependency occurs owing
to inclusion of documents/files within a VM or
physical hosts of a data center.
On the other hand, logical dependency exists due
to the need to know (read access) or need to use of a
particular asset (write, execute or modify accesses).
E.g. Processes pertaining to the management of
A Quantitative Methodology for Cloud Security Risk Assessment
Table 4: Guidelines for assigning values to asset requirements.
Asset Values 5 4 3 2 1
C Govt.
Defense Data,
Encryption Keys
Public Sector
Enterprise Data
(Medium Sized)
Enterprise Data
or Service
(Small Sized)/
Customer Id,
Product details
I Govt.
Defense Data,
Public Sector
Enterprise Data
(Medium Sized)
Enterprise Data
(Small Sized)/
Customer Id,
Product details
A Data Centre Physical Hosts VM
ion/Data (Mail
Service/ Bank
Network, SLA
Audit Report
Auditability (AR) Cloud Data/
Services (Govt.
Records, VM,
Public Sector
Enterprise Data
(Medium Sized)
Enterprise Data
(Small Sized)/
Customer Id,
Product details
Governance (GR) Data/
with certain
Internal Policy
VM,VMI that
should follow
constraints in
order to ensure
delivery of
Physical Hosts
that should
follow certain
constraints in
order to ensure
delivery of
Data centre,
Virtual Network
security risks access the SLA (read) to ensure that
proper security controls are being implemented.
Similarly, audit processes prepare audit reports
(read, write, modify), thus having logical
dependency with them.
It is important to note that, the values of asset
requirements (discussed in the previous section)
need to be adjusted based on identified
dependencies. Lack of such adjustments may lead to
undervaluation of an asset which, in turn, may give
rise to various risks. This is discussed in the
following section.
4.1.1 Physical Asset Dependency
In case of physical dependencies the asset values
may be adjusted as follows:
1. Assets a
, a
,… a
are included in another
asset a
In case of cloud, a common inclusion relation is:
Where A<B signifies that asset A is contained in
or part of asset B
We now look at ways by which values of
security (SR), auditability (AR) and governance
(GR) requirements of asset a
can be adjusted in the
presence of included assets.
The adjusted SR value of asset a
can be
computed as
ai1, ai2,… ain
= Max(SR(a
), SR(a
), SR(a
ai1, ai2,… ain
can be interpreted as the
adjusted SR requirement value of asset a
owing to
existence of inclusion relations with assets a
, a
. From this point onwards, we will use a more
compact notation as follows:
) = Max(SR(a
), SR(a
Values of AR and GR can be computed
similarly. Thus,
) = Max(AR(a
), AR(a
), AR(a
) = Max(GR(a
), GR(a
), GR(a
CLOSER 2017 - 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
2. An asset a
is connected to another asset a
In case of connection relations, only SR
requirements of assets need to be adjusted. This is
owing to the fact that breach of security of an asset
may result in the propagation of the same to other
connected assets. However, the same does not hold
for other kinds of requirements.
Connection may result in two types of situations:
i) the value of SR of a
is greater than or equal to that
of a
The value adjustment can be carried out as follows:
Let SR(a
) SR(a
). Then
= SR(a
) (3a
Since, the SR value of a
is greater than that of a
no adjustment is needed.
ii) the value of SR of a
is less than that of a
In this case, the proposed value adjustment may be
carried out as follows:
) < SR(a
). Then
= ceil(SR(a
) + ½ (SR(a
) - SR(a
Thus, the SR value of a
is increased by 50% of
the difference in values between a
and a
. This is
done to consider the security requirements of
connected assets, without being too conservative.
4.1.2 Logical Asset Dependency
As already mentioned, logical asset dependency
implies the access dependency between assets. This
may be illustrated with the help of the following
Example: Processes pertaining to maintenance
of service levels need to have read access on the
SLA document in order to execute relevant actions.
Similarly, an asset may need write, modify,
delete or execute access on another asset in order to
carry out specific tasks. Each of these accesses may
either cause information flow or modification of
assets, or both. Hence, it is obvious that the security
requirements (SR) need to be adjusted accordingly.
We have adopted aspects of BellLaPadula rules
(Bell and LaPadula 1976) to propose the following
scheme for adjusting asset values considering logical
If asset a
is allowed to have read or execute
access on asset a
, then
) = Max(C(a
), C({a
}) (4a)
If asset a
is allowed to have write, modify or
delete access on asset a
, then
) = Max(I(a
), I{a
}) (4b)
) = Max(A(a
), A{a
}) (4c)
This implies that security requirements of assets
need to be adjusted considering logical
After the computation of asset values has been
completed, the vulnerabilities within assets, and
their corresponding threats, need to be identified.
These are discussed in the following sub-sections.
5.1 Vulnerabilities
Vulnerability is defined as an inherent weakness in
an asset that can be exploited by threat(s) to breach
security of assets (ISO/lEC 27005 2005). This
breach may be realized in one of the following ways:
1) Unauthorized subjects at CSP end may have
logical access to the CSC assets
2) Unauthorized subjects at CTS end may have
logical access to the CSC assets
3) Unauthorized customers (other CSCs) may
have logical access to the CSC assets
4) Unauthorized subjects at CSC/CTS end may
have physical/logical access to the CSP assets
5) Unauthorized subjects at CSP/CSC end may
have physical/logical access to the CTS assets
Vulnerabilities can be formally modelled with
the help of two properties - severity and
exploitability (Bhattacharjee, Sengupta and
Mazumdar 2013).
5.1.1 Severity
Severity (Sev) of vulnerability indicates how critical
the vulnerability is. In some cases, exploiting
vulnerability within an asset might result in other
(related or connected) assets to be impacted as well.
We have modelled severity of vulnerability on a 5-
point scale, as shown in Table 5.
A Quantitative Methodology for Cloud Security Risk Assessment
Table 5: Severity of Vulnerability.
Severity Interpretation
High (5)
Unauthorized subjects (CSP, CTS and
other CSCs) can obtain logical access to
multiple CSC assets
Unauthorized subjects (CSC and CTS) can
obtain both physical and logical access to
multiple CSP assets
Unauthorized subjects (CSP and CSC) can
obtain both physical and logical access to
multiple CTS assets
High (4) Unauthorized subjects (CSP and CTS) can
obtain logical access to multiple CSC
Unauthorized subjects (CSC or CTS) can
obtain both physical and logical access to
multiple CSP assets
Unauthorized subjects (CSP or CSC) can
obtain both physical and logical access to
multiple CTS assets
Unauthorized subjects (other CSCs) can
obtain logical access to multiple CSC
Unauthorized subjects (CSC or CTS) can
obtain either physical or logical access to
multiple CSP assets
Unauthorized subjects (CSP or CSC) can
obtain either physical or logical access to
multiple CTS assets
Low (2) Unauthorized subjects (other CSCs) can
obtain logical access to a single CSC
Unauthorized subjects (CSC or CTS) can
obtain either physical or logical access to a
single CSP assets
Unauthorized subjects (CSP or CSC) can
obtain either physical or logical access to a
single CTS assets
Low (1)
Vulnerability allows neither physical nor
logical access to unauthorized subjects
5.1.2 Exploitability
Exploitability (Exp) of vulnerability denotes the ease
with which the vulnerability can be exploited by a
threat. It can be determined with the help of the
following factors (Mell et. al. 2007):
Physical Access Vector (PAV) - This indicates
the physical proximity requirement of the agent
(attacker) that may exploit the vulnerability. It can
assume values on a 3-point scale: (i) if local access
(access from the same VM where the asset with the
concerned vulnerability resides) is required, then
PAV = 1; (ii) if the attack can be launched from any
adjacent VM (i.e. within the same Physical Host) to
the one where the target asset (containing the
vulnerability) resides, then PAV = 2; (iii) if the
attack can be launched from any physical host, then
PAV = 3.
Logical Access Vector (LAV) - This denotes the
access requirement of the agent (attacker) that may
exploit the vulnerability. It can assume values on a
3-point scale: (i) if write, modify or delete access is
required for the attacker, then LAV = 1; (ii) if
execute access is required for the attacker, then LAV
= 2; (iii) if read access is required for the attacker,
then LAV = 3.
Attack Complexity (AC) - This factor signifies
the amount of difficulty that needs to be encountered
for launching a successful attack. Higher is the
complexity, lower is the corresponding exploitability
of vulnerability. This may include the cost
(financial/time/bandwidth etc.) that is associated
with launching an effective attack. AC assumes
subjective values as High (3), Medium (2), and Low
Authentication Level (AL) - This denotes the
number of authentication stages that are needed for
gaining access to the target asset. It can assume
values on a 3-point scale: (i) if multiple instances of
authentication are required before being granted
access to the target asset, then AL = 1; (ii) if a single
instance of authentication is needed, then AL = 2;
(iii) if no authentication needed, then AL = 3.
Based on the values of the factors stated above,
exploitability of vulnerability v is computed as:
Exp(v) = ceil((PAV * LAV * AL) / (6 * AC))
Integer 6 is used in the denominator to scale
down the value. Thus, Exp(v)
= ceil((3 * 3 * 3) /
(6 * 1)) = 5 and Exp(v)
= ceil((1 * 1 * 1) / (6 *
3)) = 1
Hence, Exp(v) є {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
CLOSER 2017 - 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
5.2 Threats
Threat is defined as an active agent that can exploit
vulnerabilities to cause harm to an asset (ISO/lEC
27005 2005). It comprises of: agent (primary and
secondary), motive, resource, and result. Primary
agents are the sources which initiate the exploitation
of vulnerability. These can be of the following types
(Bhattacharjee, Sengupta and Mazumdar 2013):
1) Nature (E.g. Earthquake, Flood, etc)
2) Environment (Power Fluctuation, Chemical
Contamination, Fire, etc)
3) Human Beings (Internal Stakeholders,
External Stakeholders)
The above mentioned agents may directly
exploit vulnerabilities or may use secondary agents
for the same. Secondary agents in a Cloud
environment include accounts, services, data,
interface, VM, VMI, hypervisor, virtual as well as
physical networks, and physical hosts.
Motive is related to primary agent; it indicates
the purpose or intent of the agent. Types of motives
are Deliberate (Malicious) intent and Accident.
Malicious intent is associated with human beings;
accidents can be caused by human beings as well as
the environment (e.g. fire); while, Nature has no
specific motive or agenda.
Different resources may be required for the
realization of a threat. Types of resources are: (i)
financial resource; (ii) manpower; (iii) knowledge or
expertise; (iv) tools, techniques, and infrastructure;
(v) time; and vi) administrative rights
The result (impact) caused by the exploitation of
vulnerabilities by threats in a Cloud environment can
be one or more of the following (Hashizume et. al.
1) Account or service hijacking: Account theft
may affect the confidentiality, integrity as
well as the availability of the associated
2) Data scavenging: In certain cases, data may
not be permanently deleted and may be
recovered by some malicious user. This
mainly affects the confidentiality of service
3) Data Leakage: Data leakage happens when
it is accessed by an unauthorized user while
it is being transferred, stored, audited or
processed. This may again affect C, I, A
requirements of the data.
4) Denial of Service: This mainly affects the
availability of the services as well as data.
EDoS (Economic Denial of Sustainability)
is specific to Cloud environment which
results in exploitation of financial resources
of the concerned stakeholder.
5) VM escape: This is caused by exploitation
of the hypervisor (code) resulting in the
transfer of control of the underlying
hypervisor to the attacker. This mainly
causes loss of integrity of the infrastructure
(as a whole).
6) VM hopping: A VM may illegally gain
access to the resources as well as data of
another VM by manipulating hypervisor
code or by covert channel. It may be the
case that an illegal Virtual Network has
been set up between the two VMs for this
7) Malicious VM creation: An attacker who
manages to create a valid user account in
the CSP end may upload malicious VMIs
(containing malware) into the Cloud VM
repository. A normal user who accesses this
VMI gets affected. The user’s data as well
as the CSPs infrastructure is
as an effect of this action.
8) Insecure VM migration: Exposure of VM
metadata and sensitive data within the VM
remain vital issues in the context of VM
migration. Both, during the migration of
VM through the network, and after the
migration is completed to some other
physical host, the VM data/metadata may
be compromised.
9) Sniffing/Spoofing virtual networks: This is
similar to (6) where virtual networks may
be utilized for establishing unauthorized
communications between two VMs
(Address Resolution Protocol spoofing may
be used to redirect packets illegally).
Threat can be formally modelled with the help of
its likelihood of occurrence.
Likelihood of Occurrence: Likelihood of
occurrence (LoC) defines the probability of
occurrence of a threat. This can be determined by
the following factors:
Past occurrences: This represents previous
incidents that have occurred due to the threat (being
considered). This includes incidents both in the
recent past as well as distant past (with appropriate
weights). This is denoted by t
Sengupta and Mazumdar 2013). t
can be calculated
depending on the i) no. of occurrences of threat t;
and ii) time (year) when threat occurred.
A Quantitative Methodology for Cloud Security Risk Assessment
For example, if a 5-year period is considered,
and if “t” has occurred twice during the previous
year, 3 times during the year before, and so on, then
= 2 * 5 + 3 * 4 + ... , with greater weight having
been assigned to incidents that have occurred more
recently. Moreover, a threshold value is chosen for
no. of occurrences i.e. for 5 or more than 5 incidents
the value taken for calculation is 5 and for lower
occurrences that particular occurrence value is taken
for the calculation. Again, certain weights are
assigned depending on which year the incident had
occurred. A recent incident is assigned a higher
weight i.e. if an incident has occurred in the previous
year then the weight assigned is 5, if it has occurred
during the year before then the weight assigned is 4
and so on. This period may even be taken as a
“month”/ “week”/ “day” / “hour” depending on the
particular threat. Thus,
= ceil(Σ(count(t) * weight(period)) / Σ
weight(period)), when count(t) > 0
= 1, when count(t) = 0
It can be seen that
) = ceil((5 * 5 + 5 * 4 + 5 * 3 + 5 * 2 +
5 * 1) / (5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1)) = ceil(75/15) = 5.
Hence, t
є {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
Proximity of assets to threat-prone areas: This
is mostly applicable to natural and environmental
threats. It represents the physical proximity of assets
to areas that are prone to threats. It is denoted by a
(Bhattacharjee, Sengupta and Mazumdar 2013). It is
determined on a 3-point scale. The areas where
natural threats (Earthquake prone regions, Volcanic
regions, High altitude areas etc.) exist can be
categorized into “danger zone” (most threat-prone),
“striking zone” (less prone to threats i.e. some
environmental threat like power fluctuations might
occur), and “safe zone”. If asset “a” is within the
“danger” zone, then a value of 3 may be assigned to
; if it is within “striking” zone, a value of 2 may be
assigned; anything beyond has value 1. If this is not
applicable for a threat, then a value of 1 is assigned
to a
(for ease of computation of LoC). Hence,
є {1, 2, 3} (6c)
Combining the above factors the likelihood of
occurrence of threat may be given by:
LoC(t) = ceil((t
* a
) / 3) (6d)
Integer 3 is used in the denominator to scale
down the value.
Thus, LoC(t)
ceil((5 * 3) / 3) = 5 and
= ceil((1 * 1) / 3) = 1
Hence, LoC(t) є {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} (6e)
After computing asset, vulnerability and threat
values, the security concern and risk factors need to
be determined. Security concern (SC) may be
defined as the apprehension of the exploitation of a
particular vulnerability in an asset by some threat. It
can be mathematically expressed in terms of severity
of vulnerability (Sev) and Breachability.
Breachability defines the potential of a threat being
able to exploit a given vulnerability (Bhattacharjee,
Sengupta and Mazumdar 2013). Intuitively, this is
possible when vulnerability is exploitable and both
motive, as well as resources, for realization of a
threat, is present. Therefore, Breachability can be
computed as:
BT(t,v) = ceil((LoC(t) * Mvn(t) * Res(t) *
Exp(v)) / 5), when Mvn(t)=Res(t) = 1
= 1, otherwise
Here, LoC(t) is the likelihood of occurrence of
threat t, Mvn(t) denotes the existence of motive of
threat t, Res(t) denotes resource availability for t,
and Exp(v) is the exploitability of vulnerability v.
Both Mvn(t) and Res(t) can be modelled on a binary
scale, with 0 representing absence of motive, or
resource, and 1 denoting presence of the same. It
may be noted that the formula for Breachability has
been devised in a way such that its minimum value
is 1. This has been done to reflect the fact that any
vulnerability is breachable, sooner or later. It
depends on the availability of resources, motive, etc.
Absence of sufficient threat factors at a particular
moment does not imply that the vulnerability will
never be breached.
It is obvious from (5b) and (6e) that
BT(t,v) є {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
Security concern is computed as:
SC(t, v) = ceil((BT(t, v) * Sev(v)) / 5)
Here, SC(t, v) is the concern that threat “t” will
exploit vulnerability “v”, BT(t, v) is the
CLOSER 2017 - 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
breachability of vulnerability v against threat “t”,
and Sev(v) is the severity of vulnerability “v”. The
denominator helps to scale down the value of SC.
Now the Max and Min values for SC(t, v) are as
SC(t, v)
= ceil(5 * 5 / 5) = 5
SC(t, v)
= ceil(1 * 1 / 5) = 1
Thus, SC(t, v) є {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
Finally, asset value and security concern are
combined to obtain the value of risk. As stated in
Section 1, the proposed methodology computes and
presents risk values in two forms – Asset-specific
risk and Stakeholder (CSP, CSC and CTS) specific
Assets of a stakeholder can be evaluated as
shown in Section 4. Moreover, the security concern
values for a stakeholder can be computed by
considering severity and breachability values for
only that particular stakeholder. These can be
combined to obtain stakeholder-specific risk values.
Let a
be an asset of CSP. Since, an asset may
contain multiple vulnerabilities, there will be
multiple security concern values corresponding to
each threat-vulnerability pair. Let SC
denote the
maximum security concern value for asset a
. Then
the risk factor corresponding to asset a
is given by
) = ceil((AV
* SC
) / 5)
where, AV
denotes the asset value of asset a
. It
can be seen from (1) and (8b) that
) є {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
The combined risk value for all assets of CSP
can be computed as:
= RoundOff((RF(a
) / n)
where, i = 1,…,n, and “n” denotes the no. of
assets of the CSP.
It is obvious from (8b) that
є {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
The risk values for CSC and CTS can be
computed following a similar approach. The values
of RF may be interpreted as follows:
= 5 “Very High Risk”
= 4 “High Risk”
= 3 “Medium Risk”
= 2 “Low Risk”
= 1 “Very Low Risk
Analyses of the value of risk factor (RF) show
that it is directly proportional to the values of (i)
security requirement (SR); (ii) auditability
requirement (AR); (iii) governance requirement
(GR); (iv) severity of vulnerability (Sev); (v)
likelihood of occurrence of threat (LoC); and (vi)
exploitability of vulnerability (Exp). This follows
from equations (1), (7a), (8a) and (9a). Hence, any
increase / decrease in values of those parameters
cause the risk factor to proportionately increase /
decrease. The percentage of change in the value of
RF is exactly same as that of the percentage of
change in the values of Sev, LoC and Exp. However,
the amount of change in RF vis-à-vis SR, AR and
GR would depend on the values of relative weights
of those parameters (a, b, c in Eq. 1).
It is important to identify stakeholder-specific
risk when a CSC selects a particular CSP for
availing its services. This is also required during the
selection of CTS by a CSP. The current risk value
helps a stakeholder evaluate the security posture of a
probable provider / partner, before availing of its
services. The calculation of stakeholder-specific risk
may be done by a third-party (e.g. Cloud Broker) or
the stakeholder itself. When a particular organization
opts for a Cloud-based service, the Cloud Broker or
the stakeholder can provide the values of RF to the
organization. This would help the organization to
make an informed decision regarding stakeholder
A case study is described here which applies the
proposed methodology to compute risks to assets of
a Cloud enterprise (CSP1). The enterprise has assets
as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: CSP1 Infrastructure.
H1& H2 are Physical Hosts residing in the CSP
premises. VM1 is the Virtual Machine in H1 and
VM2 is the Virtual Machine in H2. Service S1 is
deployed in VM1 and Data file D2 is stored in VM2.
Hosts H1 and H2 share the Bridge Network Br0
(assets may be referred from Table 1). The asset
values (with dependencies) for the above mentioned
assets have been listed in Table 6; these are based on
the guidelines depicted in Table 4.
A Quantitative Methodology for Cloud Security Risk Assessment
Table 6: Asset Values of CSP1.
H1 5 4 5 4 3
H2 4 3 4 4 3
VM1 5 4 5 4 3
VM2 4 3 4 4 3
S1 1 4 5 4 3
D2 4 3 2 4 3
Br0 1 1 5 2 2
Here RF(a
is calculated for each asset
depending up on the AV and SC values for each.
The Final value AV (Asset Value) for each asset is
calculated as follows:
= 5*.3 + 5*.3 + 4*.4 = 4.6 and AV
ceil(4.6*.3 + 4*.3 +3*.4) = 4
= 4*.3 + 3*.4 + 4*.3 = 3.6 and AV
ceil(3.6*.3 + 4*.3 +3*.4) = 4
= 5*.3 + 4*.4 + 5*.3 = 4.6 and AV
4.6*.3 + 4*.3 + 3*.4 = 4
= 4*.3 + 3*.4 + 4*.3 = 3.6 and AV
ceil(3.6*.3 + 4*.3 +3*.4) = 4
= 1*.5 + 4*.3 + 5*.2 = 2.7 and AV
ceil(2.7*.5 + 4*.1 +3*.4) = 3
= 4*.3 + 3*.4 + 2*.3 = 3 and AV
ceil(3*.4 + 4*.2 +3*.4) = 4
= 1*.3 + 1*.4 + 5*.3 = 2.2 and AV
ceil(2.2*.4 + 2*.3 +2*.3) = 3
The list of vulnerabilities and threats considered,
along with their corresponding values, has been
shown in Table 7.
Table 7: Vulnerability & Threat list.
Vulnerability Sev
Threat LoC
about the
location of
the data
usually is
or not
disclosed to
3 Data Scavenging
+ Data Leakage
placement of
VM images
in public
4 Malicious VM
5 Account/ Service
Next the Exp values for V1, V2, and V3 are
calculated using Equation (5a).
Exp(V1) = 4, Exp(V2) = 4, Exp(V3)= 5
Considering α=0.5, β= 0, γ=0 and δ=0.5 (In Eqn.
BT(T1,V1)= ceil(3 * 4 / 5)= 3
BT(T2,V2)= Roundoff (3 * 4 / 5)= 3
BT(T3,V3)= Roundoff (4 * 5 / 5)= 4
Next the Security Concern, SC is computed as
Eq. 8a
SC(T1,V1) = ceil((BT(T1, V1) * Sev(V1))/5)
= ceil (3*3/5) = 2
SC(T2,V2)= ceil (3*4/5) = 3
SC(T3,V3)= ceil (4*5/5) = 4
RF(H1) = ceil((AV
* SC
) / 5)
= ceil((4 * 2) / 5) = 2
Similarly, RF(H2) = 2, RF(VM1) = 2, RF(VM2)
= 2, RF(S1) = 3, RF(D2) = 4, & RF(Br0) = 2.
Therefore the value of RF
RoundOff ((2+2+2+2+3+4+2)/6) = 3
Thus, assets of CSP1 exhibit “Medium Risk”
The quantitative Cloud risk assessment
methodology, proposed in this paper, models assets,
vulnerabilities, threats and computes the individual
risks associated with an asset. The methodology also
computes combined risk values from the perspective
of CSP, CSC and CTS. The proposed scheme first
lists the various assets of a Cloud organization.
Values are assigned to these assets after considering
the possible physical and logical dependencies
between them. The vulnerabilities associated with
these assets are modelled using their Severity and
Exploitability values. Similarly, modelling of threats
is performed using LoC (Likelihood of Occurrence)
values. Then, Breachability value is calculated for
threat-vulnerability pairs and Security Concern is
derived from Breachability and Severity values.
Finally, risk factors are computed for assets and
It should be noted that the Asset-specific risk
factor is essential for a particular Cloud organization
for deciding the specific measures (mitigation/
prevention/ transfer/ acceptance) that should be
implemented to protect its assets. On the other hand,
when a Cloud organization needs to utilize the
services of another organization, the Stakeholder-
specific risk should be considered for choosing a
suitable service provider.
CLOSER 2017 - 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Future work is geared towards the validation of
the proposed methodology in actual organizations
and subsequent development of a tool based on this.
Moreover, we intend to include information
regarding cloud security capabilities (e.g. Data at
rest encryption, multi-factor authentication, Trusted
Cloud Computing Platform) of the provider during
computation of risk factors. This would help provide
assurance about the security measures that are
deployed by the cloud service provider.
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A Quantitative Methodology for Cloud Security Risk Assessment