to introduce such exercise and wellness health strat-
egy framework and related academic program within
the European Union. Its attempt is to create profes-
sionals who are capable influence self-care practices
positively, reinforce healthy habits and prepare re-
sponsible citizens for the future. This innovative, ap-
plied and unique initiative combines three tradition-
ally exclusive disciplines (Etiology of Chronic Dis-
ease, Exercise Science and Behavioral Psychology)
into one comprehensive curriculum that addresses
two major front page challenges in Europe: chronic
disease management and sedentary lifestyle. It is be-
ing applied through extensive clinical and fieldwork
experiences, the degree will provide students with the
theoretical knowledge, practical skills, and prerequi-
sites that are necessary to provide a professional guid-
ance during lifestyle changes.
Such exercise and wellness health strategy frame-
work needs a supportive software infrastructure that
besides others promotes collection of health related
data and metadata followed by their further annota-
tion, processing and visualization. This paper intro-
duces the first version of such software infrastruc-
ture,a software prototype that focuses on definition
and automation of the data collection process in order
to capture a huge amount of heterogeneous health re-
lated data from many users in various environment in
a short time. It is assumed that the procedure of data
collection has to be as short and user friendly as pos-
sible to significantly promote the initial participants’
motivation to cope with the most important step, a de-
sired change of participants’ behavior leading to their
better physical, emotional and mental health.
The paper is organized in the following way.
The next section discusses some questions related to
chronic illnesses, personal physical, emotional and
mental well-being and the necessity of exercise and
wellness strategy framework to cope with these mat-
ters. The third section introduces a supportive soft-
ware infrastructure for such a framework. The sub-
sections then present the first version of this software
infrastructure from architectural, implementation, de-
ployment and testing points of view. The last section
brings concludingremarks and introduces future steps
and improvements.
Chronic illness has profound effects on a persons
physical, emotional, and mental well-being, which of-
ten make it difficult to carry on with daily routines and
relationships. Over the past decades, considerable
knowledge has accumulated concerning the signifi-
cance of exercise in the treatment of a number of dis-
eases, including diseases that do not primarily mani-
fest as disorders of the locomotive apparatus. Today,
exercise is indicated in the treatment of a large num-
ber of additional medical disorders. In the medical
world, it is traditional to prescribe the evidence-based
treatment known to be the most effective and entail-
ing the fewest side effects or risks. The evidence sug-
gests that an exercise therapy is just as effective as
medical treatment in selected cases and even more ef-
fective or improving the final effect in special situa-
tions. In this context, exercise therapy does not repre-
sent a paradigm change, it is rather that the accumu-
lated knowledge is now so extensive that it has to be
There is a growing interest in the use of exercise
for clients with chronic diseases and disabilities. It
is thus suitable to provide a framework for determin-
ing functional capacity and developing exercise strat-
egy in persons with chronic diseases and/or disabil-
ities. The basic principles for exercise testing and
training stated provides the foundation for program
design. However, some special situations created by
a disease pathology, disability, or treatment alter these
basic principles. For example, exercise testing is an
important aspect of the approach used, but some peo-
ple will not have completed an exercise test before
starting an exercise program. Participation in regular
physical activity can enhance functional capacity, and
a primary goal is to get more individuals physically
active. Thus, for many people, exercise testing may
not be absolutely necessary before starting a low-level
physical activity program.
Many people who have chronic disease or disabil-
ity enter a downward spiral toward exercise intoler-
ance, so exercise intervention programs should be de-
signed to resist this spiral and optimize functional ca-
pacity. Within any given population, there is a wide
range of abilities determined by several factors; pro-
gression of the disease, response to treatment, and
presence of other concomitant illnesses. Expected
outcomes of exercise training are not always known.
Realistically, optimal exercise and medical program-
ming may yield improvements or merely prevent fur-
ther deterioration. There may be recommended tests
or programs that have not been validated, but that ex-
perience has shown to be successful. It is hoped that
optimal management will bring the individual greater
independence and improved quality of life.
In general, our society has a bias toward curative
rather than palliative medicine, toward making the