The work presented in this paper is an end-to-end
procedure to perform a global path planning for a
UGV, starting from a digital elevation model built
from an aerial photographic acquisition, carried out
by a UAV, of the field over which the ground
vehicle has to move. This approach is particularly
relevant for search and rescue scenarios, where the
environment to cope with is strongly unstructured,
heterogeneous and not known a priori.
Thanks to the simple kind of analysis performed
on the surface model, the procedure allows to obtain
a traversable path in a very brief time interval,
avoiding dangerous steep slopes and steps. In this
manner, the vehicle is capable to start operating over
the area to be rescued, while more task-specific
missions can be planned in a longer time. Moreover,
the solution here presented can constitute a good
background to be integrated with a local obstacle
avoidance controller, supported by the optimized
replanning method of the D* algorithm.
A future development could be to move to a full
3D representation of the outdoor environment, for
instance by using octomaps (Hornung et al., 2013),
or dense point clouds. In this manner overhanging
structures, which are quite often present in disaster
areas, and terrain roughness analysis could be
included, thus allowing to find more traversable
paths. Moreover, some solutions to obtain the
environment reconstruction in real-time could be
introduced such as the one reported in Pizzoli,
Forster and Scaramuzza (2014).
However, the work here reported, even if much
simpler, could be smartly integrated into a more
complex solution to reduce computing burden, for
instance, focusing only on those traversable terrain
areas identified by the costmap generation process.
Another point to be enhanced is the overall
system robustness. The communication system
should not only rely on the ROS framework, which
is more suitable for reliable communication network.
The capability of moving also in GPS-denied
environments should be included, by resorting to
SLAM or Visual Odometry, as done by Siegwart et
al. (2015) and Weiss, Scaramuzza and Siegwart
(2011), thus avoiding to trust only on GPS
information, not always available in disaster areas.
Matlab and ROS have been used in this prototyping
phase to study the first results of the procedure;
however, everything should be embedded in a
companion PC on-board to the vehicle, thus making
the whole planning strategy much less “manual”,
once platform-dependent parameters have been
properly tuned.
Finally, while computing the path, the orientation
of the platform with respect to the terrain was not
considered. This would result in too much of a
conservative representation of the area, in terms of
traversability, because for each terrain cell only
maximum slope is considered. Therefore a first
integration will be to use a modified version of the
D* planner and to consider also the physical size of
the platform and not just schematize it as a point
This work was carried-out in the framework of the
CLARA PON project. The Project CLARA (CLoud
plAtform and smart underground imaging for natural
Risk Assessment) is funded by MIUR under the
program PON R&C SCN_00451.
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