Target-dependent Sentiment Analysis of Tweets using a Bi-directional
Gated Recurrent Unit
Mohammed Jabreel
and Antonio Moreno
Intelligent Technologies for Advanced Knowledge Acquisition (ITAKA), Departament d’Enginyeria Inform
atica i
atiques, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Av. Pa
ısos Catalans, 26, 43007 Tarragona, Spain
Computer Science Department, Hodeidah University, Alduraihimi, 1820 Hodeidah, Yemen
Twitter, Target-dependent Sentiment Analysis, Recurrent Neural Networks.
Targeted sentiment analysis classifies the sentiment polarity towards a certain target in a given text. In this
paper, we propose a target-dependent bidirectional gated recurrent unit (TD-biGRU) for target-dependent
sentiment analysis of tweets. The proposed model has the ability to represent the interaction between the
targets and their contexts. We have evaluated the effectiveness of the proposed model on a benchmark dataset
from Twitter. The experiments show that our proposed model outperforms the state-of-the-are methods for
target-dependent sentiment analysis.
Automated sentiment analysis is the problem of iden-
tifying opinions expressed in text. It normally in-
volves the classification of text into categories such
as positive, negative and neutral. Opinions are central
to almost all human activities and they are key influ-
encers of our behaviors.
Due to the ubiquity of the Internet and the recent
emergence of social networks, sentiment analysis has
been applied to analyze opinions on Twitter, Face-
book or other digital communities in real time. Senti-
ment analysis has now a wide range of applications in
fields like marketing, management, e-health, politics
and tourism (Liu, 2011). For instance, it can enhance
the capabilities of customer relationship management
systems and recommenders by finding out which fea-
tures customers are particularly interested in or avoid-
ing the recommendation of items that have received
unfavourable feedbacks.
Target-dependent sentiment analysis is the prob-
lem of identifying the opinion polarities towards a
certain target in a given text (Jiang et al., 2011; Dong
et al., 2014; Vo and Zhang, 2015). Atarget is an entity
(person, organisation, product, object, etc.) referred
to in a text, about which an opinion is expressed. The
context of the target is the text surrounding it, that pro-
vides information about the polarity of the sentiment
towards it. For example, the sentence ”I have got a
new mobile. Its camera is wonderful but the battery
life is too short” has three targets (”mobile”, ”cam-
era” and ”battery life”) and the sentiment polarities
towards them can be seen as ”neutral”, ”positive” and
”negative”, respectively.
The importance of target information has been
proven by previous studies. It has been shown (Jiang
et al., 2011) that about 40% of the errors of sentiment
analysis systems are caused by the lack of information
about the target.
Extracting syntactic, semantic and sentimental in-
formation to represent the relatedness between targets
and their contexts in a given text is the key step of
targeted sentiment analysis systems. Due to the diffi-
culty of dealing with this step, designing a powerful
and robust targeted sentiment analysis system remains
a challenge.
This problem can be addressed manually by de-
signing a set of target-dependent features and pass-
ing them into feature-based classifiers such as Sup-
port Vector Machines (SVM). For instance, the work
presented in (Jiang et al., 2011) uses a rich set of fea-
tures over part-of-speech (POS) tags and dependency
links of a given text to extract target sentiment polar-
ities. However, this approach has many drawbacks.
First, feature engineering is a very intensive and time-
consuming task. Second, sparse and discrete features
are not good enough in encoding information like the
target-context relatedness.
Recently, neural networks and deep learning ap-
proaches have been used to build target-independent
Jabreel, M. and Moreno, A.
Target-dependent Sentiment Analysis of Tweets using a Bi-directional Gated Recurrent Unit.
DOI: 10.5220/0006299900800087
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2017), pages 80-87
ISBN: 978-989-758-246-2
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
and target-dependent sentiment analysis systems.
Such systems have the capability of learning automat-
ically a set of features to overcome the drawbacks of
the handcrafted approaches (Deriu et al., 2016; Tang
et al., 2014a; Tang et al., 2014b).
The most successful targeted sentiment analysis
systems that use neural networks rely on the idea of
splitting the sentence into three parts (target, left con-
text and right context) with the aim of modeling the
interaction between the targets and their contexts. For
example, (Vo and Zhang, 2015) divided the enclos-
ing sentence into three segments and then they used
pooling functions on each part to extract features for
the left context, the target and the right context, re-
spectively. These features were then passed through a
linear classifier for sentiment classification.
This idea helps to improve modeling the related-
ness between the targets and their contexts. However,
disconnecting the three parts may cause the loss of
some necessary information. For example, let us con-
sider the entity ”Facebook” as a target in the follow-
ing sentence ”Before I used Twitter, I liked Facebook
but now I hate it. The left context (”Before I used
Twitter, I liked”) contains the word like which is posi-
tive, so it reflects a positive opinion. The right context
(”but now I hate it.”) contains the negative word hate,
so it expresses a negative opinion. Thus, there are two
contradictory opinions on the same target in a single
We believe that it is very important to consider the
full sentence when representing the contextual knowl-
edge about the target. This intuition motivated us to
investigate a powerful neural network model, which
is capable of representing the interaction between the
targets and their contexts without losing the connec-
tion between the tokens of the text.
Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) have been
proved to be a very useful technique to represent
sequential inputs such as text in the literature. A
special extension of recurrent neural networks called
bi-directional recurrent neural network (BRNN) can
capture both the preceding and the following contex-
tual information in a text.
In this paper we propose a neural network model
based on gated recurrent units (GRU) and a bi-
directional recurrent neural network. We have devel-
oped a model called target-dependent bi-directional
gated recurrent unit (TD-biGRU) to deal with the
problem of target-dependent sentiment analysis. TD-
biGRU models the relatedness between target words
and their contexts by concatenating an embedded vec-
tor that represents the target word(s) with two vectors
that capture both the preceding and the following con-
textual information.
The proposed model has been evaluated on a
benchmark dataset from Twitter. Experiments show
that our proposed model outperforms the state-of-the-
art methods for target-dependent sentiment analysis.
Empirical results prove that considering the full text
to represent the contextual information and integrat-
ing it with the target information improves signif-
icantly the classification accuracy. We used Keras
(Chollet, 2015) with theano back-end (Theano De-
velopment Team, 2016) to implement the model. We
plan to make our model and the source code publicly
available to be used by other researchers that work on
sentiment analysis.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. Sec-
tion 2 presents some related work found in the liter-
ature of target-dependent sentiment analysis. In Sec-
tion 3 the proposed model is described. The experi-
ments and results are presented and discussed in Sec-
tion 4. Finally, in the last section the conclusions and
lines of future work are outlined.
This section explains briefly the state-of-the-art stud-
ies related to this work. We start by reviewing the
approaches used in sentiment analysis and then we
summarize the existing models on target-dependent
sentiment analysis.
2.1 Sentiment Analysis
Most of the current studies on sentiment analysis are
inspired by the work presented in (Pang et al., 2002).
Machine learning techniques have been used to build
a classifier from a set of sentences with a manually
annotated sentiment polarity. The success of the ma-
chine learning models is based on two main facts: the
availability of a large amount of labeled data and the
intelligent manual design of a set of features that can
be used to differentiate the samples.
In this approach, most studies have focused on de-
signing a set of efficient features to obtain a good clas-
sification performance (Feldman, 2013; Liu, 2012;
Pang and Lee, 2008). For instance, the authors in
(Mohammad et al., 2013) and (Jabreel and Moreno,
2016) used diverse sentiment lexicons and a variety of
hand-crafted features in their sentiment analysis sys-
Neural network and deep learning approaches
have recently been used to build supervised, unsu-
pervised and semi-supervised methods to analyze the
sentiment of texts and to build efficient opinion lex-
icons (Severyn and Moschitti, 2015; Tang et al.,
Target-dependent Sentiment Analysis of Tweets using a Bi-directional Gated Recurrent Unit
2014a; Tang et al., 2014b). The main advantage of
neural models is their capability to learn a contin-
uous text representation from data without any fea-
ture engineering. For example, the work presented
in (Severyn and Moschitti, 2015) trained a convolu-
tional neural network (CNN) to learn the best features
and used it to classify the sentiment of the tweets.
The work in (Tang et al., 2014b) proposed a model
to learn sentiment-specific word embeddings, which
were combined with a set of state-of-the-art hand-
crafted features to learn a deep model system.
Most of the previous studies on sentiment analy-
sis have two main steps. First, they use continuous
and real-valued vectors learned from scratch to rep-
resent the words (Bengio et al., 2003; Mikolov et al.,
2013; Pennington et al., 2014; Tang et al., 2014b; Liu
et al., 2015). Then, they learn a sentence representa-
tion by using a compositional approach like recursive
networks (Socher et al., 2013), convolutional neural
networks (Kim, 2014), and recurrent neural networks
(Liu et al., 2015).
2.2 Target-dependent Sentiment
Target-dependent sentiment analysis is also regarded
as a text classification problem in the literature. Stan-
dard text classification approaches such as feature-
based Support Vector Machines (Pang et al., 2002;
Jiang et al., 2011) can be used to build a sentiment
classifier. For instance, (Jiang et al., 2011) manu-
ally designed target-independent features and target-
dependent features with expert knowledge, a syntactic
parser and external resources.
Recent studies, such as the works proposed by
(Dong et al., 2014) , (Vo and Zhang, 2015), (Tang
et al., 2015) and (Zhang et al., 2016), use neural net-
work methods and encode each sentence in a contin-
uous and low-dimensional vector space without fea-
ture engineering. (Dong et al., 2014) transformed
a sentence dependency tree into a target-specific re-
cursive structure, and used an Adaptive Recursive
Neural Network to learn a higher level representa-
tion. (Vo and Zhang, 2015) used rich features in-
cluding sentiment-specific word embedding and sen-
timent lexicons. The work presented in (Zhang et al.,
2016) modeled the interaction between the target and
the surrounding context using a gated neural network.
(Tang et al., 2015) developed long short-term mem-
ory models to capture the relatedness of a target word
with its context words when composing the continu-
ous representation of a sentence. Most of those stud-
ies rely on the idea of splitting the sentence/text into
target, left context and right context.
Unlike previous studies, we propose a target-
dependent bi-directional gated recurrent unit (TD-
biGRU), which is capable of modeling the relatedness
between target words and their contexts by concate-
nating an embedded vector that represents the target
word(s) with two vectors that capture both the preced-
ing and following contextual information. The next
section describes the proposed model in detail.
Figure 1 shows the proposed model for the problem
of target-dependent sentiment classification. Its main
steps are the following. First, the words of the input
sentence are mapped to vectors of real numbers. This
step is called vector representation of words or word
embedding (subsection 3.1). Afterwards, the input
sentence is represented by a real-valued vector using
the TD-biGRU encoder (subsection 3.2). This vector
summarizes the input sentence and contains semantic,
syntactic and/or sentimental information based on the
word vectors. Finally, this vector is passed through
a softmax classifier to classify the sentence into posi-
tive, negative or neutral (subsection 3.3).
3.1 Vector Representations of Words
Word embeddings are an approach for distributional
semantics which represents words as vectors of real
numbers. Such representation has useful clustering
properties, since the words that are semantically and
syntactically related are represented by similar vec-
tors (Mikolov et al., 2013). For example, the words
”coffee” and ”tea” will be very close in the created
The main aim of this step is to map each word
into a continuous, low dimensional and real-valued
vector, which can later be processed by a neural net-
work model. All the word vectors are stacked into a
matrix E R
, where N is the vocabulary size and
d is the vector dimension. This matrix is called the
embedding layer or the lookup table layer. The em-
bedding matrix can be initialized using a pre-trained
model like word2vec or Glove (Mikolov et al., 2013;
Pennington et al., 2014). In this work, the embedding
layer contains a pre-trained model which was learned
using the Glove algorithm (Pennington et al., 2014)
on a large corpus of two billions of tweets.
WEBIST 2017 - 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 1: TD-biGRU model for target-dependent sentiment classification.
3.2 Sentence-target Representation
using TD-biGRU
A recurrent neural network has the ability to repre-
sent sequences, e.g. sentences. However, in practice
learning long-term dependencies with a vanilla RNN
is difficult due to vanishing/exploding gradients (Ben-
gio et al., 1994). Gated recurrent units (Cho et al.,
2014) were designed to have more persistent memory,
making them very useful to capture long-term depen-
dencies between the elements of a sequence.
Gated recurrent units are the basic components of
our model. Figure 2 shows a graphical depiction of a
gated recurrent unit. This kind of units have reset (r
and update (z
) gates. The former has the ability to
completely reduce the past hidden state if it finds that
is irrelevant to the computation of the new mem-
ory, whereas the later is responsible for determining
how much of h
should be carried forward to the
next state.
We describe in this section how we extended this
baseline model to represent the syntactic and seman-
tic information of the sentence and the interaction be-
tween the sentence and the target.
Let x
, x
, ...x
, ...x
be the sequence of word vec-
tors of the sentence obtained in the previous step,
where n is the length of the sentence and x
is the vec-
tor representation of the target word(s). If the target is
a single word, its representation is the embedding vec-
tor of that word. If the target is composed of multiple
words, such as ”screen resolution”, its representation
is the average of the embedding vectors of the words
(Sun et al., 2015).
We use two GRU neural networks: a forward-
GRU, which processes the sentence from left to right,
and a backward-GRU, which processes the sentence
in reverse order. Each of the GRU units processes
the word vectors sequentially. Starting with an ini-
tial state h
, they compute the sequence h
, h
, ...h
= σ (W
· [h
] + b
) (1)
= σ (W
· [h
] + b
) (2)
= tanh(W
· [(r
] + b
) (3)
= (1 z
) h
+ z
Figure 2: Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU)
In these expressions r
, z
denote to the reset and
update gates,
is the candidate output state and h
the actual output state at time t. The symbol stands
for element-wise multiplication, σ is a sigmoid func-
tion and ; stands for the vector-concatenation opera-
tion. W
and b
, b
, b
the parameters of the reset and update gates, where
Figure source:
Target-dependent Sentiment Analysis of Tweets using a Bi-directional Gated Recurrent Unit
is the dimension of the hidden state. The fi-
nal states from the forward-GRU and backward-GRU
units are denoted by h
and h
, respectively. Finally,
the sentence-target input is represented by the con-
catenation of the vectors h
, h
and x
, formally:
X = [h
] (5)
3.3 Softmax Classifier
The sentence-target vector representation
is passed through a softmax layer,
which computes the probability of classifying the
sentence as positive, neutral or negative (thus, this
output layer has size three). The softmax function is
calculated as follows:
P(y = i|X) =
X +b
X +b
, i = 1, ...C (6)
In this formula C is the number of classes, and
and B R
are the parameters of the
softmax layer (i.e. the weight matrix and the bias),
with w
W and b
B .
3.4 Model Training
The objective function is the cross-entropy error.
J =
(s)log(P(y = c|s)) (7)
In this expression S is the training set and G
{0, 1} is the ground-truth function which indicates
whether class c is the correct sentiment category for
sentence s.
The derivative of the objective function is taken
through back-propagation with respect to the whole
set of parameters θ = [W
, b
, b
, b
,W, b] , and
the parameters are updated with stochastic gradient
descent. The learning rate is initially set to 0.1 and
the parameters are initialized randomly over a uni-
form distribution in [0.03, 0.03]. For the regular-
ization, dropout layers (Hinton et al., 2012; Srivas-
tava et al., 2014) are used with probability 0.5 on the
lookup-table output to the GRU input and on the con-
catenation output to the softmax input.
4.1 Dataset
We evaluated the effectiveness of our model by using
it in the supervised task of target-dependent sentiment
classification on the benchmark dataset provided in
(Dong et al., 2014). The dataset contains 6248 train-
ing examples and 692 examples in the testing set.
Each example in the dataset contains the sentence, the
target and the label of sentiment polarity. The numer-
ical description of the positive, negative and neutral
examples is shown in table 1.
Table 1: Numerical description of the dataset.
Training Testing Percentage
#Positives 1562 173 25%
#Neutrals 3124 346 50%
#Negatives 1562 173 25%
Total 6248 692
4.2 Parameter Settings
Table 2 lists the values of the hyper-parameters of the
model. All the values have been experimentally tuned
using 5-fold cross-validation on the training set.
Table 2: Values of the hyper-parameters used in our model.
Parameter name Symbol Value
Model hyper-parameters
Lookup pre-trained model Glove
Embedding vector dimension d 100
Hidden state dimension d
Number of classes C 3
Training hyper-parameters
Learning rate 0.1
Learning rate decay 0.0001
Momentum 0.9
Dropout probability 0.5
4.3 Comparison with other Methods
We compared the proposed model with the state-of-
the-art methods used in the task of target-dependent
sentiment classification, including:
SVM-indep: SVM classifier built with target-
independent features, such as unigram, bigram,
punctuations, emoticons, hashtags and the num-
bers of positive or negative words in the General
Inquirer sentiment lexicon (Jiang et al., 2011).
SVM-dep: SVM-indep model extended by
adding a set of features that represent the target
(Jiang et al., 2011).
AdaRNN: extension of the recursive RNN
which uses more than one composition func-
tion and adaptively selects them according to
WEBIST 2017 - 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
the input(Dong et al., 2014). AdaRNN has
three variations: AdaRNN-w/oE, AdaRNN-w/E
and AdaRNN-comb. Unlike AdaRNN-w/oE,
AddRNN-w/E model uses the dependency type
in the process of composition function selection.
AddaRNN-comb combines the root vectors ob-
tained by AdaRNN-w/E with the unigram and bi-
gram features, and then they are fed into a SVM
Target-ind/Target-dep: SVM classifiers based
on a rich set of target-independent and target-
dependent features (Vo and Zhang, 2015). This
model has an extension, called Target-dep+, in
which sentiment lexicon features have been incor-
LSTM, TD-LSTM, TC-LSTM: these methods
are based on the long short-term memory model
(LSTM) proposed by (Tang et al., 2015). In the
LSTM model the target is ignored. The idea be-
hind TD-LSTM is to use two LSTM neural net-
works, so that the left one represents the preceding
context plus the target and the right one represents
the target plus the following context. TC-LSTM
is an extension of TD-LSTM in which a vector
that represents the target is concatenated to each
context word.
The evaluation metrics were the classification ac-
curacy (the percentage of examples that are correctly
classified) and the Macro-F1 measure (the averaged
F1 measure over the three sentiment classes).
4.4 Results and Discussions
We evaluated the effectiveness of our system by com-
paring it with the state-of-the-art models mentioned
above. The values under the section ”A” in Table 3
represent the results of the baseline model (basic bi-
directional gated recurrent units - biGRU - without
incorporating target information) and the new TD-
biGRU model. Section ”B” contains the results of
the compared models (obtained from their associated
papers). With the exception of AdaRNN, each ap-
proach presented in Table 3 has a target-independent
version (which does not incorporate any information
about targets) and two or three target-dependent ver-
sions. For instance, in our case biGRU is the target-
independent version.
As it can be observed from the reported results,
the target-independent models (SVM-indep, Target-
indep, LSTM and biGRU) have a worst performance
than the corresponding models that consider the target
information (SVM-dep, Target-dep*, TD-LSTM, TC-
LSTM and TD-biGRU). This conclusion confirms the
Table 3: Comparison of different methods on target-
dependent sentiment classification. Evaluation metrics are
accuracy and macro-F1. Best scores are shown in bold.
Model Accuracy Macro-F1
A.Our model
biGRU 69.94 68.40
TD-biGRU 72.25 70.47
B. State-of-the-art systems
SVM-indep 62.70 60.20
SVM-dep 63.40 63.30
AdaRNN-w/oE 64.90 64.44
AdaRNN-w/E 65.80 65.50
AdaRNN-comb 66.30 65.90
Target-ind 67.30 66.40
Target-dep 69.70 68.00
71.10 69.90
LSTM 66.50 64.70
TD-LSTM 70.80 69.00
TC-LSTM 71.50 69.50
fact that ignoring the target information causes about
40% of sentiment analysis errors (Jiang et al., 2011).
It may also be notived that neural-based models per-
form better than the feature-based SVM classifiers.
The novel TD-biGRU model outperforms the
state-of-the-art models both in terms of accuracy and
Macro-F1. To get more insight on this result, we an-
alyzed the confusion matrix to figure out which are
the most common incorrect cases. Figure 3 shows the
confusion matrix obtained by applying TD-biGRU.
As observed, the matching between the true and the
predicted labels is quite high (matrix diagonal). Out
of the 192 misclassified samples, 76 (39.6%) of them
were misclassified between negative and neutral (i.e.,
either negative samples were misclassified as neutral
or viceversa) and 31 (16.1%) samples were misclas-
sified between negative and positive. The number of
samples misclassified between positive and neutral is
85 (44.3%). This analysis shows that most of the
misclassified examples are related to the neutral cate-
gory. We believe that this problem can be handled by
adding more information (e.g. lexicon information).
We leave the study of this hypothesis for the future
We have developed a novel target-dependent Twit-
ter sentiment analysis system called TD-biGRU. The
proposed model has the ability of representing the re-
latedness between the targets and its contexts. The
effectiveness of the proposed model has been evalu-
Target-dependent Sentiment Analysis of Tweets using a Bi-directional Gated Recurrent Unit
Figure 3: Confusion Matrix.
ated on a benchmark of tweets, obtaining results that
outperform the state-of-the-art models. We conducted
some experiments to compare LSTM with GRU, and
we found that the results are similar. We finally de-
cided to use GRU because it has a number of param-
eters lower than LSTM. The confusion matrix of the
results obtained by TD-biGRU shows that most of the
misclassified examples are related to the neutral cate-
gory. In the future work we plan to extend our model
to handle this weakness by integrating more informa-
tion such as lexicon information and/or the depen-
dency tree.
The authors acknolwedge the support of Univ. Rovira
i Virgili through a Mart
ı i Franqu
es PhD grant and the
Research Support Funds 2015PFR-URV-B2-60.
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