Table 1: Results of tests obtained with BTransformer tool.
Comple- Number of Comple- Behav-
teness of processes teness of ioural
elements relations safety
Hospital X 22 X X
In order to enforce the realization of feasible chore-
ographies within the realm of business proceses, we
have presented a feasible formalization of a subset of
BPMN 2.0 constructs.
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ography realization problem is presented here by
encoding BCD (BPM 2.0 Choreography Diagrams)
modelling-entities into a proces calculus named
CSP+T. In this way, we can analyze and automatically
verify the realizability of a defined choreography into
services that communicate through messages in a gen-
eral, distributed, and highly parallel system.
In a longer term perspective, we also aspire to de-
velop supporting tools for business analysts and mod-
elers to find a way to improve the quality of their busi-
ness models.
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