Perceptions of Digital Footprints and the Value of Privacy
Luisa Vervier, Eva-Maria Zeissig, Chantal Lidynia and Martina Ziefle
Human-Computer Interaction Center, RWTH Aachen University, Campus Boulevard 57, Aachen, Germany
Keywords: Information Privacy, Privacy Paradox, Privacy Calculus, Privacy Awareness, Information Sensitivity.
Abstract: Nowadays, life takes place in the digital world more than ever. Especially in this age of digitalization and Big
Data, more and more actions of daily life are performed online. People use diverse online applications for
shopping, bank transactions, social networks, sports, etc. Common to all, regardless of purpose, is the fact
that personal information is disclosed and creates so-called digital footprints of users. In this paper, the
questions are considered in how far people are aware of their personal information they leave behind and to
what extent they have a concept of the attributed importance of particularly sensitive data. Moreover, it is
investigated in how far people are concerned about their information privacy and for what kind of benefit
people decide to disclose information. Aspects were collected in a two-step empirical approach with two focus
groups and an online survey. The results of the qualitative part reveal that young people are not consciously
aware of their digital footprints. Regarding a classification of data based on its sensitivity, diverse concepts
exist and emphasize the context-specific and individual consideration of the topic. Results of the quantitative
part reveal that people are concerned about their online privacy and that the benefit of belonging to a group
outweighs the risk of disclosing sensitive data.
Nowadays, a huge portion of everyone’s life takes
place in the digital world. It exceedingly permeates
into our everyday life as more and more formerly
offline tasks can now be performed online – e.g.,
shopping, bank transactions, communication. For
many adolescent and younger adults – the generation
of the Digital Natives (Helsper, 2010) the fact that
these tasks used to be carried out exclusively offline
is not even imaginable anymore. This digital
development and era of big data accelerates the
market, facilitates to stay socially connected, and
offers many more advantages. Every day, new
applications are developed and improved and reach
more and more formerly offline areas of life e.g.
health care, driving, fitness. Using those online
possibilities does have another side to it, however. It
goes hand in hand with the sharing of data and
disclosure of private information since all
applications collect and aggregate data about their
users. As the Internet of Things grows in importance
and ubiquity and formerly private areas of life get
“online”, keywords such as “information privacy
concern” or “risks of disclosure” are common issues
to be discussed in the public. Science did not fall short
in noticing and many studies in the last decade report
that most Internet users are quite concerned about
their information privacy and the risks of disclosing
information (e.g., Bansal et al., 2010; Rainie et al.,
2013; Data Protection Eurobarometer, 2015;
TRUSTe, 2014). Paradoxically, digital user behavior
does not necessarily reflect this attitude, a
phenomenon commonly referred to as the “Privacy
Paradox” (Norberg et al., 2007). The theory of the
Privacy Calculus (Krasnova and Veltri, 2010) seeks
to explain this discrepancy between attitude and
behavior. It hypothesizes that users evaluate and
weigh the risks and benefits for a decision about
whether to use an application or disclose information
(e.g. Dinev and Hard, 2006). Ideally, users are aware
of all the risks and benefits and therefore able to
evaluate them rationally. In reality, though, a decision
whether to disclose or share information is made in
limited time, with sometimes limited knowledge of
the consequences, and affectively (e.g. Acquisti et al.
,2015; Kehr et al., 2015). Empirical studies show that
people are concerned, they rate risks high, and know
much about data collection malpractices the latter,
however, they only voice when explicitly asked about
it (Data Protection Eurobarometer, 2015). But do
they consider these aspects every time they make a
Vervier, L., Zeissig, E-M., Lidynia, C. and Ziefle, M.
Perceptions of Digital Footprints and the Value of Privacy.
DOI: 10.5220/0006301000800091
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2017), pages 80-91
ISBN: 978-989-758-245-5
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
decision about data disclosure?
In the first part of this study, we took a step back and
empirically assessed how aware young adults are
about data collection and privacy issues awareness
in this context meaning to take these issues
intentionally into consideration without them being
pointed out explicitly. Understanding individual
behaviors, two focus groups were carried out, guided
by the questions a) where digital footprints are left, b)
what data types are disclosed when using the Internet,
and c) how data is categorized into more or less
sensitive data. Complementing this exploratory
approach, an online survey of German Internet users
was conducted, in a second step. This aims to contrast
the “implicit” method (focus group) with “explicitly”
asking about the importance of privacy (online
questionnaire), the prevalent concerns, and the actual
privacy protection behavior. Additionally, reasons
within the privacy calculus are assessed.
1.1 Information Privacy
Privacy is a multifaceted construct that has been
defined by researchers of different areas and
intentions. Definitions range from the “right to be left
alone” (Warren and Brandeis, 1890), a “state of
limited access or isolation” (Schoeman, 1984) and the
“control” of access to the self and of information
disclosure (Altman, 1975; Westin, 1976). The
digitalized world and Bid Data put into focus one
subset of privacy: the concept of information privacy
("the claim of individuals, groups, or institutions to
determine for themselves when, how, and to what
extent information about them is communicated to
others”, Westin, 1967). Not only is the concept and
its definition rather vague. Also, its measurement is
proving to be difficult. Often, the concern for
information privacy construct is used to get an idea of
what privacy means to individuals (Kokolakis, 2015).
To understand privacy attitudes the actual behavior
regarding privacy and data disclosure should to be
taken into account as well (e.g. Acquisti et al., 2015;
Keith et al., 2013; Ziefle et al., 2016).
1.2 Privacy Paradox
Several studies report a high level of information
privacy concern of Internet users but the actual
behavior regarding privacy protection and data
disclosure deviates (e.g. Norberg et al., 2007;
Carrrascal et al., 2013; Taddicken, 2014). This
discrepancy between attitude and exhibited actual
behavior is known as the privacy paradox. Studies
have shown that, in general, people voice concern for
their data, want to protect it, and want control over
who has access (Bansal et al., 2010; Acquisti and
Grosklags, 2005). Nevertheless, people disclose a
multitude of personal information, sometimes even
without any restrictions concerning the recipients or
erroneous conceptions of their privacy settings (e.g.,
Lewis et al., 2008; Chakraborty et al., 2013; Van den
Broeck et al., 2015). How does that come about? One
possible explanation is the so-called privacy calculus.
1.3 Privacy Calculus
The Privacy Calculus Theory assumes that people
decide whether to disclose information or use an
application based on several factors, in a given
situation. If the perceived benefits outweigh the
perceived risks, information is more likely to be
disclosed; whereas if perceived risks outweigh the
possible benefits, disclosure is less likely to happen
(e.g., Li et al., 2010; Dinev and Hart, 2006). Hui et al.
(2006) have identified seven possible benefits for
information disclosure: monetary savings, time
savings, self-enhancement, social adjustment,
pleasure, novelty, and altruism. These factors are
oftentimes dependent on a single situation and the
decision is made more in the spur of the moment than
with a lot reasoning (cf. Acquisti et al., 2015; Kehr et
al., 2015). Choices are often made by valuating
instant gratification more than possible of longtime
risks or ramifications (ibid). Optimism bias, the
tendency to believe that the risks for oneself is less
compared to others (Cho et al., 2010), and affective
states influence risk assessment (Kehr et al., 2013).
Privacy decisions are made in a state of incomplete
information and bounded rationality (Acquisti and
Grossklags, 2005). Users lack the ability and
necessary information to rationally and completely
evaluate privacy risk and disclosure benefits
(Kokolakis, 2015). Studies show, that risks are
evaluated high if asked about them (e.g., Bansal et al.,
2010; Rainie et al., 2013; Taddicken, 2013; European
Commission, 2011; Protection Eurobarometer, 2015;
TRUSTe, 2014). Young people do adjust their
privacy settings in online social networks (Boyd and
Hargittai, 2010), a field that has been thoroughly
discussed in media. Other areas of Internet usage have
not been covered that much in media and society. Are
risks even considered in those short moments, for
example when deciding to install a new smartphone
application? Is it not rather that risks are ignored or
are unconscious in most situations? Do users even
consider all their knowledge about risks, how much
or little it may be? Based on the limited time span in
the actual usage situation most users take to make
Perceptions of Digital Footprints and the Value of Privacy
decisions, it can be hypothesized that only the most
obvious risks are considered, if at all.
1.4 Privacy Awareness
The concept of privacy awareness has been studied
as an antecedent to privacy concerns (e.g.: Smith,
Dinev and Xu, 2011; Xu et al., 2008; Brecht et al.,
2011). It is defined as the “extent to which an
individual is informed about organizational privacy
practices and policies” (Xu et al., 2008). The scales
used to measure privacy awareness obtain users’
knowledge that privacy issues exist and media
coverage of the topic (e.g. “I am aware of privacy
issues and practices in our society”, Xu et al., 2008,
Xu et al., 2011). These measures cannot obtain
whether this knowledge is taken into consideration
when making privacy decision. The term awareness
is also used in this paper, but meant is a more implicit
awareness or consciousness: are users considering
their knowledge about privacy risks without them
being emphasized e.g. by the context of a privacy
survey or experiment?
1.5 Information Sensitivity
Not all types of information are equally sensitive and
they do not bring about the same risks. Mothersbaugh
et al. (2012) define sensitivity of information as “the
potential loss associated with the disclosure of that
information”. When users weigh privacy risks and
benefits of disclosure to make a privacy decision, they
have to consider the types of information they know
will be affected. Thus, if risks are aware in users’
reasoning about privacy decisions, risks should be
considered when evaluation the sensitivity of data
In this paper, individual awareness of data footprints
in the Internet, type of data, and conceptions of
different sensitivity categories of data are explored
qualitatively. Furthermore, attitudes towards privacy
concerns in the context of internet usage, security
behavior, as well as the privacy calculus are explored
Two focus groups aimed at exploring the
awareness of data collection and privacy risks without
asking about them directly. Furthermore, they were
meant to reveal if a mental concept of privacy issues
with online services existed in the young and
technology-adept Internet users. Since the methodical
approach of the focus group intended to collect
different opinions of people´s points of view, very
general questions were guiding the group discussion:
(1) Where do you leave so called “data tracks”? (2)
What kind of data do you leave in the Internet when
using it? and (3) Are there different types of data
which have a stronger meaning to you than other
The second, quantitative study focused, firstly, on
privacy attitudes and protection behavior and,
secondly, on reasoning within the privacy calculus
model. Questions guiding the research were (1) In
how far do people care about privacy dealing with
internet usage in general? (2) Do age or gender have
an impact on data protection behavior? and (3) Do age
or gender have an impact on the privacy calculus?
In Figure 1, an overview of the study process is
Figure 1: Overview of research process.
IoTBDS 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
The aim of the focus group approach was to identify
and discuss young adults’ ideas of individual digital
footprints left in the digital world when using devices
and applications connected with the Internet,
association of data types, and distinction of data types
due to their personal perceived sensitivity. To this
end, two consecutive focus groups were run.
3.1 Methods
Participants were introduced to the motto of the focus
group: “self-confident in the digital world.” In the
introductory part, participants were encouraged to
talk about all kinds of digital applications they use in
daily life and what kind of data they disclose in this
context. A general question (“Where do you leave so
called data tracks?”) was raised in the beginning.
As a stimulator for the discussion, pictures were
shown to the first group, and videos to the second one.
The pictures featured familiar providers and brands;
the videos described smart phone apps that collect
sensitive data. This stimulation was indented to
reveal, whether more digital footprints are “known”
when hints are shown. Therefore, they were given at
a point where the participants did not come up with
more data tracks on their own. The different data
types mentioned were written on paper and collected
on a pin board.
In a next step, participants were asked to
individually arrange data types into categories of how
sensitive they perceive them to be.
In the end, a short questionnaire was applied. Its
items were taken from literature (e.g. Morton, 2013)
and discussions with experts in the field and had to be
answered on 5-point Likert scales.
Familiarity with the topic: “How much have you
dealt with the topic privacy so far?” (1= it´s the first
time I have heard about itto 5=”I am very familiar
with this topic”).
Privacy and data protection: “How important is
privacy to you?”, “How important is it for you to
protect your information privacy?”, and “How
intensively do you protect your data?” (1=very
unimportant” to 5=“very important.”)
Desire for privacy: “I'm comfortable telling other
people, including strangers, personal information
about myself.”, “I am comfortable sharing
information about myself with other people unless
they give me a reason not to.“, “I have nothing to
hide, so I am comfortable with people knowing
personal information about me. (1=I do not agree at
all” to 5= “I totally agree”).
Last but not least, attitudes to the statement “The
digital world is for me…” were assessed with a
semantic differential (Heise, 1970) where 19 bipolar
word-pairs had to be evaluated in the context of using
digital media, e.g. “important-unimportant,”
“interesting - uninteresting,” innovative -
uninspired”. The full list of word-pairs can be taken
from figure 6.
3.2 Participants
The focus groups were conducted with 14 participants
in total but split into two sessions. The sample was
composed of eight female and six male students with
an age range from 19 to 29 years (M=23.2, SD=3.3).
The courses of studies covered a broad range
(technical communication, political science,
teaching, architecture, biology, and health
3.3 Results
Data of the qualitative focus group studies regarding
awareness of personal digital footprints and
sensitivity rankings were analyzed descriptively, with
qualitative data analysis by Mayring (2010).
General attitudes towards privacy
In general, participants reported to be familiar with
the topic privacy (M=4.1/ 5 points max, SD=0.6).
Asked about how important it is to protect their
general privacy, they also scored quite high (M=4.3;
SD=1.0). Questions concerning the importance of
protecting their information privacy was rather
important (M=3.7, SD=0.9) as well as the intensity of
protecting personal data with M=3.7 (SD=0.9). The
three items which measured a dispositional privacy
concern, like an individual level of need or desire for
privacy, were merged into one overall score. With a
mean of M=1.9 (SD=0.9), a general low desire for
privacy was noticed.
Awareness of Digital footprints
In the beginning, participants were encouraged to
brainstorm about all the applications they use
(“Where do you leave so called data tracks?”). The
intention behind this question was to point out the
participants’ digital footprints. First answers to the
questions contained those data types that people often
must actively provide when registering or signing in
to Web Services, as well as obvious data that is
collected within social media. Especially in the first
Perceptions of Digital Footprints and the Value of Privacy
focus group of very young students, the
brainstorming often came to a halt because the
participants needed time and inquiries to come up
with more applications and data types. Data types that
are more “covertly” collected, such as location data
or interests, were not as present in the beginning. The
stimulation media (pictures or videos) induced more
ideas, especially concerning applications of “the
Internet of Things,” where the data collection is less
obvious: cars collecting driving behavior and
location, activity trackers revealing everyday routines
and habits, etc. Participants seemed to know about
many data collection practices when pointed to them,
but they did only come up with a few of them on their
own and needed a long time. In the end, 45 fields were
mentioned, illustrated in the word cloud (Figure 2).
Figure 2: Reported providers where personal data is left
(N=45 mentions).
The mentioned fields compassed a wide range of
several providers. 12 categories were identified from
these: social media, location, messenger, entertain-
ment, booking, banking, connected systems, health,
service, free time and leisure activities, information,
and organization. In a next step, participants reported
which kind of data they leave when using the
mentioned Internet or app providers. The following
word cloud portrays the 42 mentioned data types
(Figure 3).
Figure 3: Reported data types (N=42 mentions).
16 categories arose out of the mentioned data types
such as personal data, profession, finances, biometric
data, state of health, medical information, fitness
behavior, political orientation, social contacts,
photos/videos, interests/hobbies, communication,
location, club membership, purchase behavior,
mobility behavior.
While summing up the data types a male participant
(26 years old) spoke out loud his thoughts and
How seldom you actually think about this
where you indicate your data or when you
download apps and accept all
authorizations. You seldom wonder about
exactly this background.”
Delving deeper in the topic, participants began to
deal stronger with their own awareness of data they
leave behind:
“(..) once thinking about this topic you
realize that you still use it (applications)
(male, 26 years old).
Doubts came up concerning the usage of different
apps, participants described that it has become an
integral part of people´s life and one can no longer do
without it. Also, social Incentives played a part:
The social incentive is just too great,
especially with Facebook. If I would not be
member of some Facebook groups of
university, I would miss a lot of information
since E-mails are not sent anymore”
(female, 26 years old).
As well as habituation as reasons for using
different apps:
“You have once reached a point where
things are incredibly prevalent and you do
not have the possibility to withstand it
anymore” (female, 23 years old).
Sensitivity of data
Once all mentioned data fields and types were
collected, the question was posed if there are different
types of data which have a stronger meaning to the
participants than other data. Without naming the topic
privacy, it was intended to draw attention to it. The
tenor of the responses was comparable across
participants and could be summarized in one
comment, a male, 22 years old participant stated:
“Declare as little as possible online.”
In order to receive some more opinions, the question
was emphasized and it was inquired if there is
information which deserves more protection.
Participants reported that
Everything that involves information about
a person such as name and address needs to
be protected” (male, 25 years).
IoTBDS 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Another female participant stated that everything
must be protected that can be used against oneself.
Reversely, a male participant stated his opinion that:
”Depending on who receives data it
sometimes seems positive and negative in the
same way to me. Talking about fitness or
health it is positive for me if science can
conclude something out of my data. In this
case, I would agree to disclose my disease
data. However, if the same data goes to
insurance companies I would deny it.”
(male, 25 years).
The group drew the conclusion that the way of
protecting or disclosing data is strongly individual
and a contextual consideration, depending on the
characteristics of the receiver of data.
In the further course of the group discussion,
participants were encouraged to contemplate about
different sensitivity rankings. In the end, five
different ideas were created and presented by the
focus group participants. One participant suggested a
two-stage classification, distinguishing between data
which is okay to disclose and other data which seem
to be more sensitive and needs further restrictions
when sharing (Figure 4).
Figure 4: Two-step sensitivity ranking.
Moreover, two three-step classifications were
presented with data participants are willing to share,
data which depends on where it is retained, as well as
data which is considered as very much in need of
protecting. Exemplarily, one is shown for both ideas
since distinction (Figure 5).
Figure 5: Three-step sensitivity ranking.
A further classification was created with four steps by
a participant. The idea was almost like the three-step
version with the difference that the fourth step was
called “not relevant” and included the example “car
control”. As a last idea regarding the question in how
many sensitivity steps all the different data should be
divided, one participant came up with a 6-step
ranking (Table 1).
Table 1: 6-step sensitivity classification.
do not disclose at all
disease and health data
very sensitive
bank data, credit card data,
and moving profile
more critical
search history, purchase
history, photo analyses,
vacation time
group of friends
club membership
activities and interests
I do not care
name, address, profession
While contemplating the categorization, the
participants worked out some important factors that
significantly influence their openness to share
information: characteristics and type of the receiver
of the information, the purpose of information
collection, context of disclosure, and familiar
practices to what information is already or rather
usually known.
In the end, participants were asked to assess a
semantic differential which measured the connotative
meaning participants associate with the statement:
“For me, the digital world seems…”
Figure 6: Semantical differential (N=14 participants).
Perceptions of Digital Footprints and the Value of Privacy
Generally, the perceived digital world was
positively connoted, with positive associations such
as it is important, interesting, and helpful. However,
distrust and concern were also shown by negative
associations such as not trustworthy, unemotional,
incalculable, non-credible, uncontrollable, and
confusing, among others (Figure 6).
In a quantitative approach, general attitudes towards
Internet privacy, behavior of personal data protection
was focused at as well as the phenomenon of the
privacy calculus. In contrast to the implicitly
questioning in the focus groups, the online survey
aimed at explicitly posed question regarding the
above-mentioned aspects. The aim was to quantify
how relevant privacy aspects are for participants in
The questionnaire was sent out by email to a wider
audience of the university, including staff, but also
private contacts of the authors.
4.1 Methods
The questionnaire was sent out consisted of four
parts. First, demographic data (gender, age) was
assessed. Then it was surveyed to what an extent
participants have ever been concerned with the topic
information privacy and in how far participants have
dealt with the topic of data protection so far, using a
10-point scale (1=“it´s totally new to me” to 10=“I
am familiar with it”).
In a second part, general privacy attitude was
investigated with the item “Protecting my privacy is
very important to me”, using a 5-point Likert-scale
(1=“I do not agree at all” to 5=“I totally agree.”)
The third part surveyed data protection behavior
with three items that were taken from Buchanan
(2007): (1)“I am exerted to protect my privacy in the
Internet by e.g. erasing cookies, installing specific
software and/or changing settings.” (2) “I am trying
to actively protect my data in the Internet, by, e.g.,
erasing cookies, installing specific software and/or
changing settings.” (3) “I have once refrained from
the usage of an application, because I have seen my
privacy being at risk.” Again, a 5-point Likert scale
was used (1=“I do not agree at all” to 5=“I totally
The last part contained statements outlining
aspects of the privacy calculus (items were based on
findings in the focus groups study): (1)“I would
always disclose my data for applications many of my
friends /colleagues/relatives use, in order to not be
excluded.”(social pressure) (2) “Protecting my
privacy on the internet (even better) is too time-
consuming for me.” (effort) (3) “I would disclose
more data, if I received money for it”(reward).
4.2 Participants
The questionnaire was completed by 78 participants
(33 women and 45 men) in an age range between 28
and 66 years (M=31.9 years, SD=11.7). For an age
comparison regarding the different items, the sample
was split by median into two groups: 35 participants
fell into the “younger group” (< 28 years, 13 women
and 22 men) and 42 into the “middle-aged group”
aged (> 28 years, 20 women and 22 men). In general,
the sample was more familiar with the topic privacy
(M=7.3/10 points max, SD=2.1 than with the topic of
data protection (M=6.7, SD=2.4).
4.3 Results
The data from the questionnaire dealing with the
participants´ attitude towards privacy concern and
their actual behavior was analyzed with non-
parametric tests due to the small sample size (Mann-
Whitney-U-Test). In the analysis, we put a focus on
age and gender as potential influencing factor of
privacy and data protection attitudes.
Importance of privacy
In general, the importance of personal privacy
appeared overall high, with a mean of M=4.4
(SD=0.7). In this context, a significant gender effect
was found: the importance to protect one’s own
privacy was rated significantly (U=513, p=0.010)
higher by female participants (M=4.6; SD=0.6) than
by male participants (M=4.2; SD=0.8).
Protection Behaviors
When looking at the reported protection behaviors we
registered a high awareness of the importance of
protection behaviors. Participants reported to protect
their privacy by taking actions, such as erasing
cookies or installing specific software (M=3.7;
SD=1). Almost the same response pattern occurred
when asked about protection behavior regarding
personal data with a mean of M=4.2/5 points max
(SD=1). In addition, participants fully supported the
statement that they have once refrained from the
IoTBDS 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
usage of an application because they have seen their
privacy being at risk (M=4.2; SD=1.0) (Figure 7).
Interestingly, the protection behaviors were
comparably high in both, gender and age groups,
showing to be insensitive to user diversity.
Figure 7: Age comparison of data protection behaviors
(means) for younger (<28; N=35) and middle-aged persons
(>28 years; N=42).
Privacy Calculus
The results regarding aspects of the privacy calculus
are pictured in Figure 8. Asked about the time effort
participants would tolerate to protect their privacy
(“Protecting my privacy in the Internet (even better)
is too time-consuming for me.”) was mostly
confirmed (M=3.2, SD=1.1). However, the question,
if participants would disclose more information if
they received monetary compensation, was mostly
denied (M=2.0; SD=1.1). In this regard, again, female
and male as well as both age groups responded in the
very same way. A significant age difference (U=505;
p=0.014) was observed in the privacy calculus
regarding social pressure (“I would always disclose
my data for applications many of my friends use, in
order not to be excluded”). Here, younger
participants stated to rather disclose information in
order to stay socially connected with friends via
applications (M=3.1, SD=1.0) while participants
Figure 8: Age comparisons with respect to the privacy
calculus for younger (<28; N=35) and middle-aged
persons (>28 years; N=42).
belonging to the middle-aged group (M=2.5, SD=1.0)
were less willing to do so. No gender effects were
found (Figure 8).
In this paper, we sought to shed light on the
“phenomenon” of privacy perceptions and the
importance of data protection, exclusively taking a
user-centered perspective. The overall research focus
was directed to the question to what extent people are
aware of personal information they leave behind and
in how far they have a cognizant mental concept of
the attributed importance of particularly sensitive
data. Moreover, it is investigated in how far people
are concerned about their information privacy and for
what kind of benefit people decide to disclose
In a first step, focus groups were run, in which we
analyzed users’ awareness of data footprints in the
Internet, type of data, and conceptions of different
sensitivity categories of data. As focus groups intent
to understand individual habits, predominately
qualitative data was collected. In a second step, an
online questionnaire was sent out in which privacy
attitudes, and behaviors in the context of data
disclosure vs. protection was quantitatively
determined. Findings were analyzed with a diversity
focus, thus, comparing gender and age groups
respecting privacy attitudes and behaviors.
As participants, we focused predominately on the so-
called “Digital Natives” which are described as a
generation that has spent their entire lives surrounded
by and using computers and digital applications
(Prensky, 2001). This generation is assumed to have
a “natural” relation to using digital media and to have
a quite elaborated practise and experience. In order to
see if digital natives behave and think differently we
had a somewhat “older” control group in the
questionnaire study (30-66 years of age).
Insights won from the focus group study show that
participants are not cognizant about their digital
footprints. While personal data are rather prominent
in participants’ mind as sensitive, data types that are
more “invisibly” collected, such as location data,
usage behavior, or interests are to a lesser extent
mentally represented as digital footprints. Basically,
participants seemed to be aware of privacy as a
general good and regarded it as a societally important
phenomenon, but when it came to the personal
relations of themselves and digital footprints,
participants had some difficulties to connect personal
Perceptions of Digital Footprints and the Value of Privacy
habits and digital behaviors, overall hinting at a low
personal awareness of data footprints.
It seemed that only with the help of extra stimuli
(pictures and video sequences) participants did start
to contemplate and think about it more strongly.
To sum up the focus groups’ findings, we
observed a diffuse picture. When directly asked for
the importance privacy and data protection,
participants attached high importance to both.
Digging deeper, it was found that participants seemed
to have only rudimentary awareness for their own
behaviors, as if young users lack reflection on their
own behaviors (Bennett et al., 2008). However, due
to the small sample size in focus group studies, we
cannot generalize these findings as typical for the
whole group of digital natives but should validate
these findings with a larger sample size. The task to
categorize data types considering sensitivity was also
not easy to accomplish for the participants, as the idea
of “sensitivity of data” was not an obvious one.
Finally, four central aspects were developed by focus
group participants which were mentioned to have an
impact on the decision to disclose data: (1) the
receiver of the information (science (tolerated) vs.
companies or insurances (not tolerated)) (2) the
purpose of information collection (benefit for society
(tolerated) vs. e-commerce or data malpractice (not
tolerated)), (3) the context of disclosure (health data
(tolerated) vs. information collected by third parties,
the government (not tolerated)), and (4) familiar
practices to what information is already or rather
usually known (clubmembership, age (tolerated) vs.
passwords, bank data (not tolerated)).
When looking into argumentation lines,
participants stressed that they wish to protect their
data, want to control who might have access to the
data but still, social (being part of a group) or
technical (accessibility, efficacy) benefits outweigh
their decisions of sharing data. It turns out that
participants seldom consciously realize what kind of
information they factually disclose. It is much more
that convenience and attractiveness of applications
are more prominent, deflecting attention from the
awareness which data footprints they leave behind.
Moreover, social incentives offered by social media
(e.g., the benefit of belonging to a group) outweigh
the potential risk of disclosing personal data,
corroborating earlier findings (Hui, 2006; Morando
et al., 2014; Kowalewski et al., 2015).
When looking to the outcomes in the
questionnaire study, again, it was corroborated that
persons attach a high importance to privacy and data
protection as a general good. This is true for the whole
sample, still, privacy is significantly more important
to female users in comparison to men.
Active protection behaviors were reported by all
participants, however, protection behaviors turned
out to be age-sensitive. On the one hand, middle-aged
users report to have a stronger protection behavior
(changing settings, using protection software) in
contrast to younger users. On the other hand, younger
persons are more willing to disclose their data
whenever they have the chance to stay connected with
their peers in contrast to middle-aged users which are
more reluctant in this regard. Thus, when it comes to
social adjustments, younger participants perform a
calculus between the expected loss of privacy and the
potential gain of disclosure and finally decide for the
social aspect and against the potential risk of privacy
loss (Debatin, 2009).
While the social reason to stay connected is a
strong argument for disclosing data, a potential
monetary reward is not perceived as attractive. On the
contrary, the whole sample rather denies that getting
money back (for data disclosure) would change
attitudes and behaviors. This is an interesting finding
as the relation between monetary rewards and data
protection or disclosure is well-known. In daily life,
many shops offer pay back benefits for data
disclosure and many people use it frequently. Also,
there is experimental evidence that monetary
incentives motivates people to disclose more data
(Carrascal et al., 2013) or, inversely, lead persons to
pay extra money in order not to disclose data and keep
their privacy (Beresford et al., 2012). Future studies
will have to explore under which circumstances data
disclosure can be motivated by different kinds of
monetary rewards and which persons might be
especially attracted by financial benefits in the
context of privacy and data protection.
Even though the study revealed first findings into
users’ awareness of digital footprints, and underlying
attitudes and behaviors in the context of data
protection, still, outcomes represent only a first
glimpse into a complex topic.
A first limitation regards the methodology used.
Focus groups and questionnaire assess users’
attitudes and beliefs with respect to a certain topic,
however, it is questionable if attitudes mirror what
people actually do when it comes to data disclosure
in real digital usage contexts. Here, experimental
studies could be helpful in which persons decide
IoTBDS 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
under which conditions and usage contexts they share
their data. A second research duty regards the
question how effective education programs regarding
digital awareness and digital protection behaviour
have to be designed. Delivering information only
seems to be of limited power - as persons “know”
much about the importance of privacy and the risk of
malpractice in the context of Big data. However, they
are not able or not willing to relate the knowledge to
their own behaviors. Therefore, practical,
demonstrative and concrete training programs should
be developed which allow persons to see and feel
consequences of their digital traces in the Internet,
thereby possibly influencing their digital behaviors to
the better. This could be of specific educative benefit
not only for younger people, but also for the digital
immigrants (Prensky, 2001), older Internet users,
which need to be supported in using digital media
From a didactic point of view, it is a basic
question how concrete trainings programs should be
in order to provoke a cognizant attitude towards
Internet behaviours in general and privacy-sensitive
behaviors in particular. Definitively, it is not enough
to merely inform persons about risks, as from a
psychological point of view the relation between
benefits and risks is complex and considerably
impacted by affective usage motives (Alhakami,
Many learners refuse to respond to dictating tutor
systems with a superior attitude in the sense “you
should” or “you must”. Therefore, privacy behaviors
need to be mediated by quite seamless assistant which
let the users know about their current digital traces
and how valuable the data might be for external or
illegal access.
A running project funded by the German Federal
Ministry of Education and Research seeks to support
digital citizenship (responsible and mature behaviors
with digital data and services). “Mynedata”, the
project which we are involved in, catches up on the
situation that many Internet companies make money
through the re-utilisation of personal user data of their
customers. Usually, the individual user has no chance
to control the utilization of his/her data and receives
none of the generated profit. The idea of the project is
to offer a technical solution which turns the use and
exchange of personal data in a more transparent
process and allows the individual user a more self-
confident attitude in the digital world. Therefore, we
are currently exploring on a kind of data-cockpit
which allows users to manage the disclosure of own
data more consciously in all online services and
digital applications. The project pursues three aims:
first of all, data needs to be protected adequately.
Individually adjustable procedures of anonymising
data and privacy warranties are developed. For this
reason, the cockpit is supposed to offer the user a
classification of own data types into sensitivity grades
or rather privacy protection grades. First sensitivity
tendencies could already be found in this reported
research. Secondly, the user perspective receives
special interest. Right from the beginning a user-
centred design is chosen, to develop the technical
solution according to the user’s needs. Research
findings of empirical user studies are immediately
entering the technical development of the cockpit. A
third aspects lies in the individual profit of data
transfer. Disclosure of personal data is supposed to be
rewarded with a benefit e.g. in a monetary kind. That
way not only businesses profit from data disclosure
but also users, the actual data owners itself. At the
moment a study is running, investigating on the
acceptance and the different functions regarding the
privacy protection such a cockpit should contain.
Besides the scientific user perspective point of view,
also technical and security related, as well as juristic
and economic aspects are considered and taken into
account for the interdisciplinary approach.
We thank all participants for sharing their experience
and thoughts and we thank Sarah Völkel and
Katharina Merkel for valuable research support. This
project is funded by the German Ministry of
Education and Research (BMBF) under project
MyneData (KIS1DSD045).
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Perceptions of Digital Footprints and the Value of Privacy