canvas is a helpful tool to describe decisions. It makes
the characteristics of a decision explicit and thus pro-
vides a sound basis for discussions. The GRADE de-
cision canvas supports the discussion around a deci-
sion, but it is insufficient to describe a decision with-
out a consensus discussions. In other words, the
GRADE canvas is primarily a facilitator for discus-
sions around a decision. Thus, the GRADE decision
canvas can be used to illustrate in a comprehensive
and structured way decision scenarios even from dif-
ferent individuals. It can serve as a common vocab-
ulary and basis to capture, understand and communi-
cate decisions, as well as reflect on decision-making.
One important limitation of the canvas is the diffi-
culty to effectively visualize the relations between the
elements describing a decision and even the relations
between different decisions. This makes it difficult to
carry out trade-off and impact analysis of the options
within a decision. We are currently investigating pos-
sible ways to overcome this issue and thereby making
those analyses possible for the GRADE canvas.
The work is partially supported by a research grant
for the ORION project (reference number 20140218)
from The Knowledge Foundation in Sweden.
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ENASE 2017 - 12th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering