The correlation matrix shows the strength of
relationship between the components. The
correlation gives us information to decide whether it
was reasonable to assume that the components were
not related (the assumption underlying the use of
varimax rotation) or whether it is necessary to use,
and report the oblimin rotation in the previous
section. When applying correlation between the
extracted factors, the correlation matrix retrieved is
shown in Table 3. The results shows the significant
correlations for the factors related to this research. In
this case, most of the correlations value is between
0.2 to 0.3.
Conceptually, the factors has a moderate relationship
among most of the factors. The relationship are low
between factors that measures on data accessed and
stored in cloud storage (such as confidentiality,
integrity, availability non-repudiation, auditability
and authenticity) and factors that measures on
services provided by the cloud storage (such as
accountability and reliability). This result is
expected as it measures different concepts therefore
it is expected to have a fairly low relationship
between the components.
Some correlations value have values of negative.
A negative sign does not indicate any meaning
regarding the strength among the factors. However,
it gives meaning that the variable is related in the
opposite direction with the factor that may need to
be reverse when interpreted (Gie Yong and Pearce,
This section presents analysis of factors obtained
from the Security Rating Score (SecRaS) instrument.
Table 4 provides summary for the nine factors and
their related indicators.
8.1 The Security Implementation for
Protecting Data in Cloud Storage
This factor can be interpreted as the cloud security
implementation in general. The indicator item with
the highest loadings are security procedures
implementations in an organisation.
This factor looks into the policy implementation,
procedure/process and security controls/practices in
an organisation. With these loadings, this factor can
be interpreted as the ‘Security Implementation for
Cloud Storage Aspects’.
8.2 The Confidentiality of Data
Accessed in Cloud Storage
This factor shows the importance of security
controls implementation for data accessed in cloud
storage. The indicator items with highest loading are
access management, authorisation and
authentication. In general, the controls associated in
this cluster describes securing data access to the data
stored in cloud storage. Having these loadings,
factor 1 is interpreted as ‘Confidentiality Aspects’.
8.3 The Integrity of Data Stored in
Cloud Storage
The third factor is loaded by six indicators. The
highest loadings explain the important of data
stewardship in a cloud storage service. Data
stewardship involves the management of data. This
is followed by the encryption mechanisms items that
indicates the importance of having data encrypted at
From the loadings, it can be seen that
practitioners are concern with the key management.
It is considered reasonable to name these six
loadings as ‘Integrity Aspects’.
8.4 The Availability of Data Stored in
Cloud Storage
The fourth factor resulting from factor analysis
explained on the accessibility to the data aspect. A
variable, ‘In my organisation, data recovery
mechanisms are in place in case of a security event’
shows that the practitioners strongly agree that
recovery of data ensures the availability of data
stored in cloud storage.
The rest of the loadings in this factor are clearly
showing the importance of the availability of access
to the data stored in cloud storage. This factor is
interpreted as ‘Availability Aspects’.
8.5 The Non-repudiation of Data
Stored in Cloud Storage
The factor contains loadings that provide meanings
about non-repudiation of data stored in cloud
storage. The top items are time stamp, bind and
validations between identities and geographical
location as authenticating factor. Time stamp
CLOSER 2017 - 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science