Highly Reconfigurable Computing Platform for High Performance
Computing Infrastructure as a Service: Hi-IaaS
Akihiro Misawa
, Susumu Date
, Keichi Takahashi
, Takashi Yoshikawa
, Masahiko Takahashi
Masaki Kan
, Yasuhiro Watashiba
, Yoshiyuki Kido
, Chonho Lee
and Shinji Shimojo
Cybermedia Center, Osaka University, 5-1 Mihogaoka, 567-0047, Ibaraki, Osaka, Japan
System Platform Research Laboratories, NEC, 1753 Shimonumabe, Nakahara, 211-8666, Kawasaki, Kanagawa, Japan
Information of Science, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, 8916-5, Takayama, 630-0192, Ikoma, Nara, Japan
Keywords: Cloud Computing, Disaggregation, Resource Pool, GPU/FPGA Accelerator, Hetero Computer, Distributed
Storage, Job Scheduling, Resource Management, PCI Express, Openstack, Software Defined System.
Abstract: It has become increasingly difficult for high performance computing (HPC) users to own a HPC platform for
themselves. As user needs and requirements for HPC have diversified, the HPC systems have the capacity
and ability to execute diverse applications. In this paper, we present computer architecture for dynamically
and promptly delivering high performance computing infrastructure as a cloud computing service in response
to users’ requests for the underlying computational resources of the cloud. To obtain the flexibility to
accommodate a variety of HPC jobs, each of which may require a unique computing platform, the proposed
system reconfigures software and hardware platforms, taking advantage of the synergy of Open Grid
Scheduler/Grid Engine and OpenStack. An experimental system developed in this research shows a high
degree of flexibility in hardware reconfigurability as well as high performance for a benchmark application
of Spark. Also, our evaluation shows that the experimental system can execute twice as many as jobs that
need a graphics processing unit (GPU), in addition to eliminating the worst case of resource congestion in the
real-world operational record of our university’s computer center in the previous half a year.
High performance computing (HPC) systems have
increasingly been used for IoT/BigData and Artificial
Intelligence (AI) besides being used for conventional
scientific simulations. Future HPC systems will be
required to perform a wider variety of functions and
deliver higher performance than today. However, it is
becoming more difficult for HPC users to own such a
HPC platform for themselves because HPC systems
tend to be application-specific, unique, and peculiar,
and as a result, come in a wide variety. For example,
a server of a HPC system for graphics processing unit
(GPU) computing must have a high electrical power
supply, big slot space, and a cooling mechanism to
install a high power GPU accelerator. Taking a cluster
computing system using a message passing interface
(MPI) into consideration, a high-speed and expensive
host bus adapter (HBA) of Infiniband may be
installed. As a result, these HPC systems are far more
expensive and also consume a lot more electrical
power than conventional computing systems. Thus,
HPC users usually cannot afford to own those
varieties of HPC systems for themselves.
For such HPC users, advanced cloud services
have recently become a way of obtaining HPC
resources, such as a GPU computing platform and a
distributed cluster system using an MPI
(Docs.aws.amazon.com, 2017; GitHub, 2017;
Sanders, 2017). However, each system configuration
of these HPC systems is unique and rigid in terms of
using specific devices, network topologies, and
protocols as shown in Figure 1. For this reason, the
computing resources for the HPC systems in a cloud
must be reserved for only the usage for which they are
configured and cannot be flexibly used for other
usages. For example, a server node installed with two
GPUs is always a two-GPU machine even if other
users require only one GPU for each server node. A
cluster system composed of multiple server nodes
must be deployed on network carefully designed in
advance to provide the highest performance per
Misawa, A., Date, S., Takahashi, K., Yoshikawa, T., Takahashi, M., Kan, M., Watashiba, Y., Kido, Y., Lee, C. and Shimojo, S.
Highly Reconfigurable Computing Platform for High Performance Computing Infrastructure as a Service: Hi-IaaS.
DOI: 10.5220/0006302501630174
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2017), pages 135-146
ISBN: 978-989-758-243-1
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
system. For example, an MPI application may
necessitate a mesh or fat tree topology while a
Hadoop/Spark application may necessitate a map and
reduce topology.
Figure 1: HPC needs special configuration.
This rigidness causes problems for both the user
and cloud service provider. From the users’ point of
view, users cannot obtain the most appropriate
underlying computer resources of the cloud for their
applications because the computer system must be
chosen from a fixed configuration menu. This menu
may not offer the optimal configuration for their use
case because the menu items may be under or over the
expected or predicted specifications. In addition, the
resources a user wants to use might be being used for
another user’s job. This often happens because clouds
contain fewer HPC resources than they do
conventional servers for general cloud services.
From the cloud service provider’s point of view,
the provider must prepare and reserve many different
HPC platforms to satisfy diversified HPC user needs.
This leads the job duration for each platform to
become short. As a result, the utility rate of the HPC
system may be lower than 30%, even though HPC
resources are expensive to deploy.
Our goal is to provide HPC resources from a
cloud for various user applications on diverse domain
specific computing platforms. We call the concept
High performance computing Infrastructure as a
Service (Hi-IaaS). Providing HPC resources as a
cloud service encounters the abovementioned
problems caused by the rigidness of the HPC system.
Therefore, a system for Hi-IaaS needs the flexibility
to cover diversified HPC applications and different
platforms for each application.
From the system point of view, Hi-IaaS must
cover recently emerged applications, such as
IoT/BigData and AI in addition to scientific
simulations that have been major applications of HPC.
In other words, Hi-IaaS must offer both high
performance data analytics (HPDA) and HPC in a
cloud. The key to covering many applications and
their application specific computing platforms is
reconfigurability in both software and hardware.
In this paper, we present the architecture of Hi-
IaaS and describe key technologies mainly focusing
on the hardware reconfigurability. A part of the Hi-
IaaS system including the essential function of the
reconfigurable hardware platform and job
management system has been developed to
investigate the whole system operation of Hi-IaaS
from a user’s job submission, through hardware
reconfiguration, to job execution.
Hi-IaaS provides computing platforms for diversified
HPDA and HPC applications as a cloud service. This
section describes the concept and platform
architecture of Hi-IaaS.
2.1 Architecture
From the background mentioned in section 1, the
requirements for Hi-IaaS system are summarized as
A) Covering diversifying high performance
B) Providing optimal hardware for each user’s
C) Minimizing users’ job waiting time.
D) Minimizing hardware and software cost.
E) Increasing resource utility rate.
To execute various applications while enabling
each application to enjoy high performance, the
system must be equipped with various hardware
devices including graphics processing unit (GPU)/
field programmable gate array (FPGA) accelerators,
high speed storage, and an interconnect network. In
addition, from the cloud service provider’s point of
view, the computing resources must be provided
quickly with less waiting time. The simplest solution
is preparing a sufficient quantity of all the hardware
that can afford to provide the necessary performance
for each application to avoid resource conflicts
among users. However, this solution leads to high
initial cost and operation cost including electrical
power consumption. In addition, the resource utility
rate tends to still be low, and hence, the solution does
not satisfy requirement D) or E).
CLOSER 2017 - 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
2.2 Reconfigurable Hardware
The solution we present here is based on a highly
reconfigurable hardware with a software defined
management method. The whole system architecture
is shown in Figure 2. The fineness of the
reconfigurability is a hardware device level. This
means that, for example, if a user wants to execute a
type of deep learning job, the user can specify as
many GPUs as necessary for the job. In addition,
when the job is completed, the GPU must be detached
and then allocated for other jobs. This hardware
device level reconfigurability is the key to cover
various applications with high performance by an
optimal hardware reconfiguration for each
application. In addition, a software defined
management capability can make the reconfiguring
process executed dynamically along with each user’s
job. It can save hardware resources for high
performance applications by sharing them among
different user jobs and thus can minimize hardware
cost and increase the resource utility rate.
Figure 2: Proposed system architecture.
2.3 Reconfigurable Software
In addition to the highly reconfigurable hardware, a
reconfigurable software platform is also necessary to
provide a high performance computing platform from
a cloud. This is because most recent high performance
applications such as high performance data analytics
are executed on a distributed system software
framework such as Hadoop and Spark
(Hadoop.apache.org, 2017; Spark.apache.org, 2017).
By using these frameworks, users can utilize a
scaling-out method to increase the throughput of the
processing. In those frameworks, data storage should
also be a reconfigurable distributed system. Thus, the
computing platform needs to support such
reconfigurable and distributed software frameworks.
When the user’s job utilizes GPU/FPGA
accelerators, software reconfigurability is also
necessary. By using accelerators, the computing
system becomes a hetero system equipped with a
heterogeneous processing unit. Thus, the system
needs a mechanism for assigning a set of processors
and accelerators to execute the user’s job from
multiple central processing units (CPUs) and
accelerators in the system. This function is important
and essential for the reconfigurable hardware because
the number of processors and accelerators might
change after the reconfiguration sequence.
By utilizing the reconfigurable software platform,
the proposed system needs to provide the optimal
computing resources of not only hardware but also a
software framework co-operating with the
reconfigurable hardware.
2.4 Job and Resource Cross-
If the HPC resources are allocated in accordance with
each user’s job execution dynamically and then
reassigned to another job after the job is completed,
the number of hardware can be decreased and the
resource utility rate can be increased. In turn, this will
decrease conflicts between users demanding the same
HPC hardware resources and thus decrease the job
waiting time caused by resource congestion.
For this purpose, the job management system and
the resource manager of the reconfigurable hardware
work together as a job and resource cross-
management system (JRMS). When a user’s job is
submitted, the JRMS enqueues the job and makes a
list of necessary hardware and software frameworks
as a resource recipe. Then the resource manager
reconfigures hardware and software to make a
computer platform for the job in accordance with the
resource recipe. After that, the scheduler gives the
dynamically configured computer platform to the job.
2.5 Features of Proposed System
The three functional blocks mentioned above
(reconfigurable hardware, reconfigurable software,
and a job resource cross-management system) make
our proposed system exhibit three features.
A) A computing platform is reconfigured
B) Application specific software framework
can be used.
C) Hardware resources are shared among
different jobs.
Highly Reconfigurable Computing Platform for High Performance Computing Infrastructure as a Service: Hi-IaaS
These three features can satisfy the five requirements
in subsection 2.1.
Note that the platform must be implemented on
the basis of open standard hardware and software
because utilizing open source resources effectively
reduces the capital cost and operational cost for a big
system like a cloud.
The Hi-IaaS system proposed in section 2 must
provide optimal HPC resources in accordance with
the user request. For this purpose, the elemental
hardware configuration of the proposed system such
as the number of servers, network connection, and
data storage must be able to be changed even after
system deployment. In addition, hardware devices
composing each platform (such as a GPU accelerator,
solid state drive (SSD) storage, and HBA of
InfiniBand) must be able to be easily
attached/detached by the resource manager.
The following subsection describes the three key
components for achieving such hardware-level high
reconfigurability in detail.
3.1 Resource Pool of Disaggregated
Computer Platform
The first key component is a reconfigurable hardware
resource pool. One prospective way of making a
reconfigurable hardware platform is a resource pool
system (or disaggregated computer system) (Han et
al., 2013; Open Compute 2017;
Presentations.interop.com, 2017). It has pools of
hardware devices such as a compute pool, a
GPU/FPGA accelerator pool, a storage pool, and a
network interface pool as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Concept of resource pool system.
For such a disaggregated system, interconnect
technology is the most important because it is the very
point of disaggregation. To attach hardware devices
such as accelerators, storages, and network interfaces
at the same point of computer architecture, Peripheral
Component Interconnect (PCI) Express is the most
appropriate interconnect because almost all the
devices have the PCI Express interface. PCI Express
is the most common open standard of an I/O interface
However, PCI Express is a bus technology with a
single root tree topology that is implemented by a PCI
Express switch chip. This means only a single
compute can exist in a fabric network based on PCI
Express. In addition, the number of devices that can
be connected to a PCI Express bus is mostly limited
to fewer than 10 because of the scale of the switch
chip. The link distance is also limited because
cascading the PCI Express switch makes a complex
and deep forest of PCI bridges in which a
conventional basic input/output system (BIOS)
cannot complete all the discovery and enumeration
processes of bus and endpoint devices.
To use PCI Express as an interconnect fabric of a
Hi-IaaS system, Express Ethernet (ExpEther)
technology has been adopted (Suzuki et al., 2006) in
the proposed Hi-IaaS system. ExpEther is a PCI
Express switch over an Ethernet as shown in Figure
4. It can make multiple single-hop PCI Express
switches over an Ethernet network. ExpEther has five
advantages in terms of the interconnect fabric of
highly reconfigurable disaggregated computer
hardware (Yoshikawa et al., 2014).
A) Almost no limit to the number of computes
and devices.
B) Almost no limit to the connection distance.
C) Logically equivalent to a single-hop PCI
Express switch.
D) PCI Express tree can be software defined
E) Comparable performance to local device.
Features A)-C) are achieved by the distributed
PCI Express switch architecture of ExpEther (Suzuki
et al., 2006).
ExpEther makes a single hop PCI Express switch
even if the Ethernet network is composed of multiple
switches. By using this architecture, we can put as
many computes and devices as necessary in a single
Ethernet network without limits to the connection
In addition, an ExpEther chip has a group ID. PCI
configuration is automatically executed among
ExpEther chips that have the same group ID. That is,
CLOSER 2017 - 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
ExpEther chips with the same group ID connected
through the Ethernet are logically equivalent to a PCI
Express switch. Note that the Ethernet is transparent
to OS/software. From the OS/software, all the devices
are recognized as local devices as if they were in a
local chassis.
Therefore, by controlling group ID, the computer
hardware can be reconfigured and can be software
defined by using the resource manager as mentioned
in feature D). All the functions of ExpEther are
implemented in a hardware chip, and thus, the latency
of the chip is less than 1 µs. The device can perform
comparably to those installed in the local slot inside
the chassis of a computer as mentioned in feature E).
Figure 4: Dynamic attachment/detachment of GPU.
Considering these features, we adopt ExpEther as
an interconnect fabric of a reconfigurable computer
hardware platform. To make the resource pool,
computes can be a conventional server, and devices
can be conventional PCI Express devices without any
modification. In addition, software including OS and
device drivers does not need to be modified.
The simplest implementation is using a pair of an
ExpEther HBA card and an IO Expansion box
connected directly or via an Ethernet switch. The IO
Expansion box contains multiple PCI Express slots
with an ExpEther chip on the motherboard. Note that
the ExpEther chip has congestion control and a retry
mechanism. Therefore, the Ethernet switch can be a
standard one without supporting Converged Ethernet
3.2 Resource Manager
The second key component is the resource manager.
By using ExpEther as an interconnect fabric, we can
put multiple roots (computes) and endpoint devices in
a single network to make a resource pool system.
ExpEther chips that have the same group ID make a
PCI Express tree automatically. The group ID of an
ExpEther chip can be set remotely by sending a
control packet from the resource manager through the
Ethernet that connects all the computes and devices.
As described in the previous section, The Ethernet is
transparent to the OS/software. From the
OS/software, all the devices are recognized as local
devices as if they were in the chassis. Therefore,
changing group ID corresponds to inserting/removing
PCI Express devices to/from a local PCI Express slot
physically. By using a PCI Express device that
supports a PCI compliant hot-plug process, the
proposed system can become reconfigurable at the
hardware device-level. That is, we can attach/detach
any devices from a resource pool in accordance with
the user’s request.
Figure 5: OpenStack-based resource manager.
The resource manager basically monitors all the
computes, devices, and the PCI Express-level
connections, that is, the PCI Express tree. To
configure the hardware, the resource manager sets
group IDs of ExpEther chips with computes and
devices that should be connected in accordance with
the hardware reconfiguration specified by the job
resource cross-management system (JRMS)
described below.
We have developed a resource manager on the
basis of the OpenStack framework (OpenStack, 2017)
as shown in Figure 5. The current version of
OpenStack (MITAKA) does not have a management
method for disaggregated computers and devices. To
include such low layer level management in the
OpenStack framework, we have modified Ironic
because it offers a function for bare metal (physical)
server control although a major control object of the
OpenStack is virtual machines. In addition, Ironic has
an advantage because it is already equipped with
(re)boot control, which is required to attach/detach
PCI Express devices.
The monitor and controller function for the
ExpEther system is implemented as an EE manager.
It is a simple module that monitors and sends a
control packet of ExpEther. The monitored
information is recorded in a database through Ironic.
Highly Reconfigurable Computing Platform for High Performance Computing Infrastructure as a Service: Hi-IaaS
When the system is reconfigured, a control packet
including a new group ID for the ExpEther chip with
a specified compute/device is sent through the
Ethernet. The management methods specific to
ExpEther are implemented as an EE driver in Ironic.
This segregated implementation of the management
methods enables the modified Ironic to cover other
disaggregated computer systems that use interconnect
fabric other than ExpEther.
The resource manager has a control application
program interface (API) for the JRMS and a graphical
user interface (GUI) and command-line interface
(CLI) for a user’s direct control. The Horizon GUI is
expanded to include a device-level monitor and a
control interface. Other mechanisms (such as Heat:
Orchestration, Ceilometer: telemetry, Nova:
scheduler, Keystone: authentication) have been
implemented together without modification from an
original OpenStack framework.
3.3 Job Resource Cross Management
The third key component is job and resource cross-
management system (JRMS). To allocate HPC
resources in accordance with the requested
specification dynamically with the job execution, a
JRMS has been developed. It consists of two major
functional blocks: a job management system (JMS)
based on Open Grid Scheduler
(Gridscheduler.sourceforge.net, 2017), and a policy
based resource assignment controller (Brain) with an
interface between the resource manager mentioned
above and also a software-defined networking (SDN)
controller as shown in Figure 6. The operational flow
is described as follows.
1) User submits a job with resource request.
2) JMS makes a list of candidate resources.
3) Brain receives H/W resource status
4) Brain asks the resource manager to configure
5) Resource manager announces the completion
of reconfiguration
6) Brain announces resource address for job
7) JMS executes the job in the queue
JRMS plays three major roles. It receives a user’s
job request and then schedules it in the queue. At the
same time, it picks out some lists of resources that
satisfy the user’s request from a resource pool
including a network route for an MPI when the job is
specified to be executed on a cluster system. Brain
receives the set of candidate resources and then
chooses and modifies the received list by considering
the current usage of the resources and link/node
utilization. Then the job is set in the execution queue
with the resource recipe. When the job’s turn comes,
JRMS tells the resource manager to configure the
hardware to make a computer platform in accordance
with the resource recipe. After a certain amount of the
system waiting time, which can be set as a parameter,
the job is executed. Although it is out of the scope of
this paper, JRMS can control networks and software.
Figure 6: Job and Resource Cross Management System
4.1 Implementation
We have built an experimental system to see whether
the proposed architecture can be implemented into a
real system, i.e., to see whether the computer
hardware can be dynamically reconfigured with each
job execution.
The experimental system is composed of the
resource pool, resource manager, and job and
resource cross-management system as shown in
Figure 7.
The resource pool has two computes, both of
which are commercially available compact
workstations (NEC Express 5800 52Xa: CPU: E3-
1200v3, 16GB DDR3-1600 SDRAM). The PCI
Express slot of the ExpEther IO expansion unit
contains IO devices, which are two commercially
available GPUs (NVIDIA K-5000) and a non-volatile
memory express standard (NVMe) card. The NVMe
storage card is a laboratory-level prototype. It
supports NVMe 1.1 specification including single-
root input/output virtualization (SR-IOV). With
ExpEther, an SR-IOV device can be shared among
multiple computes at the PCI Express level. This
CLOSER 2017 - 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
means that the NVMe card can be used by two
computes simultaneously whereas the OS in each
compute utilizes the storage card as if the storage card
were in a local slot. The “exclusive write” operation
is implemented by using “compare and write”
operation, which is also specified in NVMe 1.1.
These resources are connected through ExpEther with
two paths of 10G-Ethernet through the standard
Ethernet switch (NEC QX-S5828T).
The resource manager and JRMS are installed in
a virtual machine (VM) on the same machine by using
Virtual Box. The operating system (OS) for the
resource manager is CentOS 7.2, and the JRMS is
CentOS 6.4. The version of the OpenStack is Kilo.
The resource manager is connected to the ExpEther
network (Ethernet), and JRMS is connected to each
compute via an Internet protocol (IP) network.
In this implementation, a software platform
including the OS of compute nodes is static though it
can be installed after reconfiguration of the hardware
by using a standard Ironic process. Apache Spark,
storage software, and an accelerator runtime manager
were installed on the computes in advance. These
reconfigurable software parts are out of the scope of
this paper and will be described in the future work to
implement the mechanism for delivering these
software platforms dynamically.
Figure 7: Experimental system.
4.2 Operation
Figure 8 shows an example scenario to explain the
control sequence. First, a job request is submitted to
the JRMS. It contains a user’s requirements for the
computing platform. In this example, it indicates two
nodes both installed with a single GPU (K-5000).
Both nodes share the same external NVMe storage,
though it is a local storage from the software view of
each node.
The JRMS puts the job into the queue. Then it
makes a list of the resources that can be used to satisfy
the request. The list is sent to Brain, which has a
database of the resources including their current
status. In this experimental system, two computes,
two GPUs, and an NVMe storage card are in the
resource pool. On the nodes, the software platform is
pre-installed and networks among nodes are fixed
because we want to focus on the hardware
reconfigurability in this example scenario. In
addition, the group IDs of ExpEther are assigned as
#1 and #2 for each node in advance. The nodes share
an external NVMe storage card in the pool by using
the software storage engine we have developed.
Figure 8: Sequence of job execution.
Brain always gathers the information on resources
and puts it in the database. When the resource list
arrives, by referring to the database, Brain determines
the devices (GPU in this scenario) for each compute
Then the resource manager is indicated to change
the configuration to attach a GPU to each node at the
PCI Express level. To manage the PCI Express
connection, the group ID of each ExpEther chip
connected to the compute and IO device is recorded
in the device list. The group ID of the unused devices
in the pool is set to Group ID = #0. The group ID can
be chosen from #1 to #4096. In this scenario, the
group IDs of #1 and #2 are assigned for each GPU.
Then the GPUs are attached to each node and hot-
plugged in the OS of each node. We set the waiting
time for completion of the hot-plug process in OS to
20 sec. This is longer than the necessary time for the
hot-plug process, but it differs and deviates
depending on the computing environment and the
conditions. It should be shortened by investigating the
Highly Reconfigurable Computing Platform for High Performance Computing Infrastructure as a Service: Hi-IaaS
hot-plug process in future work. In the end, the job is
executed on a two-node cluster in which both nodes
are installed with a GPU in accordance with the user’s
The hot plug process of the GPUs can be seen by
the horizon GUI of OpenStack framework as shown
in Figure 9. The GUI is modified to show the PCI
Express tree just like “lspci t” command in LINUX.
It is the server-view that shows the PCI Express
connections from a compute node to endpoint
The device tree before the job execution is shown
in the left part of Figure 9. Two PCI Express trees
with Group IDs of #1 and #2 are shown here. There
are NVMe storage cards in both nodes. These devices
are the same device simultaneously shared. The red
mark of the storage device indicates the device is
shared among other nodes. Those nodes can be seen
by clicking the red mark.
Before the job execution, no GPU was seen in
either PCI Express tree because both are in the
resource pool with a group ID set as #0. When the job
is executed with a request for using GPUs, the
resource manager connects them to each server by
setting group IDs of each GPU as #1 and #2. Then in
the right part of Figure 9, GPUs are seen in both PCI
Express trees. After that, the job is automatically
executed. We found that the JRMS can execute the
expected procedure including dynamically
reconfiguring a computer hardware platform.
Figure 9: Hot plug process on OpenStack management
4.3 Performance
Using the experimental setup described in the
previous section, we also try to see whether the
system can work as a HPC system.
The main concern about the performance is the
latency of the interconnection to form a resource pool,
that is, the latency of the ExpEther chip, cable, and
switch. The latency is about 700 ns for the ExpEther
chip and 5 ns/m for the cable. A single hop of a switch
is about 500 ns, which means a roundtrip takes about
3 µs.
Performance degradation by the latency highly
depends on the application. Amano’s group already
evaluated it in detail by investigating the performance
scale-up in accordance with the number of GPUs
(Nomura et al., 2014; Mitsuishi et al., 2016). In
addition, this work focuses on the HPC use in a cloud.
Most cloud users understand the computer resources
in a cloud perform worse than those specially
designed on premises for high cost. Therefore, in this
study, we have investigated whether the Spark
benchmark software, logistic regression, is
accelerated by GPUs connected from the resource
Because the IO performance degradation of the
ExpEther is not significant, we were able to enjoy
acceleration by GPUs while one Spark benchmark,
logistic regression, was performed. We could not
compare the performance with the system in which
the GPUs are directly mounted on the computer
because the computer we used in this experiment is
too compact to install GPUs inside.
On the other hand, we can conclude that even if
the cloud service provider deploys a conventional 1-
U machine that cannot install GPUs, it can provide
GPU computing by using this reconfigurable
mechanism. This increases the probability to obtain
the computer platform from a cloud that perfectly
matches one’s request.
4.4 Reconfiguring Time
Another important performance to consider is how
much time it takes to reconfigure the system. So far,
we do not have any technology to shorten the OS boot
time even though it takes several tens of seconds or
more. It is much longer than any other process in
reconfiguration. Therefore, if the reconfiguration
process needs a reboot, reconfiguration lasts almost
as long as the reboot of the OS. This happens in the
case of, for example, attaching an un-hot-pluggable
device, adding a special driver for a device that the
OS does not support, allocating memory, etc.
Without a reboot, changing PCI Express
configuration by ExpEther only takes a few µsec at
the hardware level because it can be executed by just
sending a control packet for changing group ID of the
ExpEther chip with the target device. However, the
device must be recognized by the OS in which a hot-
plug handler coordinates the attach/detach process
before the hot-plugged device can be utilized by
software. It takes about 10 sec or more depending on
the device and status of the compute. Therefore, using
CLOSER 2017 - 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
this experimental setup, we set the waiting time to 20
sec for hardware reconfiguration. This waiting time
dominates the reconfiguration time in non-reboot
cases, so far. Further work should be done to evaluate
the hot-plug time precisely and to minimize
reconfiguring time to make this system faster for the
hardware reconfiguration.
Our organization, the Cybermedia Center, provides
computer resources to researchers and students of
Osaka University as well as other universities. It has
three major computing systems: a vector super
computer (SXAce), a scalar cluster computer (HCC),
and a scalar cluster computer with GPU (VCC)
(Hpc.cmc.osaka-u.ac.jp, 2017).
The VCC consists of 65 servers with IO expansion
capability using ExpEther. However, in the current
operation, the configuration is not changed
dynamically. The reconfiguration is done only every
half a year by surveying users’ plans for the
computing platform utilization; for example, monthly
use of 4 nodes with 2 GPU machines for 200 hours,
16 nodes with PCI-SSD for 100 hours, etc. In
accordance with the users’ plans, the computer
platform configuration for the next half a year is
determined, that is, the system configuration is rigid
for half a year.
We evaluated how the utility rate and job waiting
time can be improved by adopting the proposed
dynamic reconfiguration.
5.1 Resource Utilization Simulation
First, the resource utility rate is estimated for a
dynamic reconfigurable hardware platform by using
that of a statically configured computer system as a
reference. By using a job scheduling simulator,
ALEA (Klusácek and Rudová, 2010), we have
investigated how the utility rate changes in
accordance with a various types of hardware
configuration and job streams.
ALEA can deal with common problems of job
scheduling in clusters and grids, like heterogeneity of
jobs and resources and dynamic runtime changes, and
provide a handful of features including a large set of
various scheduling algorithms, several standard
workload parsers, and a set of typical fairness-related
job ordering policies.
The job and resource scheduling algorithm is out
of the scope of this paper because determining the
best algorithm is too elaborate. This is because this
system is so flexible that the simulation conditions to
consider are very diverse.
Therefore, we fixed some conditions to simplify
the simulation and roughly find out the dependency
of the utility rate on the hardware reconfiguration and
job workload. The simulated system is a GPU cluster
system with 64 compute nodes and 64 GPUs. The
simulation conditions are as follows.
A) Scheduling algorithm is FIFO.
B) Reconfiguration is applied only for the
number of nodes and GPUs.
C) All workload is the same as fixed execution
D) A node can accept only a single job at a time.
E) Number of nodes a job requests is fixed to 8 or
The utility rate of the GPU is investigated for the
computer hardware reconfiguration of static and
reconfigurable cases. For the static configuration, we
investigated the five different configurations in Table
Table 1: Cluster configurations.
Cluster set
Number of GPU / Node set
1 / 64
2 / 8
1 / 48
0 / 8
2 / 16
1 / 32
0 / 16
4 / 8
2 / 16
0 / 40
4 / 10
2 / 12
0 / 42
For all the cluster configuration sets, the average
GPU utility is plotted in Figure 10. The average utility
rate for the reconfigurable hardware is also plotted in
the figure as a dotted line because it is independent
from the static cluster configuration. For #1, #2, and
#3, the numbers of GPUs for nodes are well balanced
to execute jobs with the node and GPU number
randomized from 0 to the minimum GPU number of
the cluster set, that is, 1 for cluster sets #1 to #3 and 2
for cluster sets #4 and #5. However, because the total
number of GPUs is limited to 64, for #4 and #5 that
include four-GPU machines, the number of nodes
without GPUs becomes dominant. Thus, more jobs
that request GPUs have to wait for GPU nodes to be
released by the currently executed job when the job
The utility rate of GPU for the configuration of
cluster set #5 is shown in Figure 10 as an example. It
varies over time when a job cannot be assigned its
requested computer resources in terms of the number
Highly Reconfigurable Computing Platform for High Performance Computing Infrastructure as a Service: Hi-IaaS
Figure 10: Utility rate depending on cluster configuration.
of nodes or GPUs. The job stays in a queue waiting
for finished jobs to release the resources. This
happens even if some resources are available. For
example, if the job requests four-GPU nodes, it
cannot be executed even if two-GPU nodes are
available. Then the GPUs on the two-GPU nodes are
left unused until a job with two-GPU nodes is
submitted. By using a reconfigurable hardware
platform, unused GPUs are put back into the resource
pool, then four-GPU nodes are configured by using
them, and thus, a four-GPU job can be executed
without waiting time. This results in decreasing the
time for executing all jobs by about 42% that of the
rigid system, in addition to increasing the average
GPU utility rate from 20% to 47 % in the example use
case shown in Figure 11.
Figure 11: Utility rate of GPU of cluster set #5.
5.2 Job Waiting Time Estimation with
Real Operation
We investigated the real utilization record of the VCC
system to see whether the Hi-IaaS can increase
resource utility. Currently, the cluster configuration is
fixed in this half a year as shown in Table 2.
With this static configuration, some users jobs
were congested. Figure 12 shows the worst case in the
months of 2Q-3Q in 2016. The figure only shows
nodes #19-#23 of 65 to simplify the explanation. On
Sep. 28, the blue job had been executed on nodes #22
Table 2: Current cluster configurations of VCC.
Node Number #
GPUs per Node
#0 to #4
#5 to #10
#11 to #21
#22 to #64
and #23. Then at 15:00, the yellow job was enqueued.
Although the yellow job did not request GPUs, it was
executed on the GPU machine (nodes #19, #20, #21)
because other nodes (#22, #23) were occupied. At
20:00, a purple job that requested two nodes with a
GPU was enqueued. However, all the GPU machines
(nodes #19, #20, #21) were occupied at that time, and
thus, the job had to be kept waiting. At 20:00 on Sep.
29, the yellow job was completed. Then the purple
GPU job was executed. The waiting time for the
purple job was 25.1 hours.
Figure 12: Stacked jobs can be executed by using this
In this case, there were compute nodes
unoccupied (nodes #22, #23) when the purple job
with a GPU request was enqueued. At the same time,
GPUs on nodes #19-#21 were not utilized. Therefore,
if we can dynamically reconfigure the system by
putting unused GPUs on nodes #19-#21 back in the
resource pool and then attach them to the free
compute nodes (nodes #22, #23), the purple job will
be able to be executed without experiencing such a
long waiting time.
This is just an example case, but we expect that
further development will lead us to make the
reconfiguration dynamically and automatically
without a system engineer monitoring the job
operation 24 hour x 7 days, which is required under
the current operation.
This work succeeded the research on disaggregated
computing platform using ExpEther (Yoshikawa et
al., 2014; Suzuki et al., 2016), although the previous
work focused on scale up ability and a hardware
CLOSER 2017 - 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
mechanism for simultaneously sharing devices
among multiple servers. On the other hand, this paper
focuses on reconfigurability to be used as a HPC
platform in a cloud.
In terms of disaggregated computing systems,
Intel Rack Scale Architecture and
OpenComputeProject (Presentations.interop.com,
2017; Open Compute, 2017) are attracting growing
interest in computer industries. However, the
disaggregated resources are distributed within a rack.
Han et al. (2013) considered data center scale
disaggregation mainly focusing on performance
degradation in memory disaggregation caused by an
interconnect network. Our work also has been aiming
at data center scale disaggregation. The difference is
we realize it by pure open standard interface PCI
Express and Ethernet. For the performance
consideration, Amano’s team has investigated
performance in detail and succeeded in scaling
performance along with the number of GPUs
(Nomura et al., 2014; Mitsuishi et al., 2016). Katrinis
et al. (2016) also published a research plan for cloud
data center scale disaggregation but so far it is at a
vision level.
In terms of reconfigurability in a cloud, a lot of
work has done on the cloud management frameworks
including OpenStack (Sefraoui, Aissaoui and Eleuldj,
2014; Xu et al., 2014). The object of reconfiguration
is a VM-based system although this work treats the
hardware devices comprising servers in order to
drastically change the function and performance of
the computing platform.
In terms of job resource allocation, Lee, Chun and
Katz (2011), worked on resource allocation and
scheduling together, the job of which is executed in a
hetero computing platform in a cloud. Because the
work used a current cloud service as it is, the resource
allocation was performed by using instances on the
service menu. There is a possibility that the
scheduling algorism can be applied for our
reconfigurable hardware platform with low-level
hardware resource allocation resulting in more
dynamic control for job execution.
In terms of HPC as a service, Wheeler et al. (2012)
made a framework to dispatch a user’s job over
different HPC system including BlueGene
We presented the concept of High performance
computing Infrastructure as a Service (Hi-IaaS) and a
system that realizes it. The system consists of job and
resource cross management software with
reconfigurable hardware that can make computer
hardware from the resource pool by
attaching/detaching computers and devices at the
Peripheral Component Interconnect Express (PCI
Express) level in accordance with a user’s request. It
is also equipped with a middleware/software platform
for high performance data analysis that is increasingly
being used as high performance computing (HPC).
In this paper, we focused on the reconfigurable
hardware of Hi-IaaS and developed a small
experimental setup of the proposed system with two
computes, two graphics processing units (GPUs), and
a shared non-volatile memory express standard
(NVMe) storage card. One piece of Spark benchmark
software (logistic regression) was executed to
investigate whether the proposed dynamic
reconfiguration can be performed while enjoying
high performance computing by GPU acceleration at
the same time.
In addition, the simulation results showed the
effectiveness of reconfigurable platform for the
resource utility rate increased from 20% to 47% and
job execution time reduced by 42% in a 64-node
system. Finally, we found our system can eliminate
the 25-hour waiting time recorded as the worst case
in the half-year real job operational record of our
university’s computing center.
We have been further investigating the effectiveness
of this system in terms of various job workloads and
system configurations. Next, we will investigate
suitable algorithms for the reconfiguration that fit
these job workloads and system configuration
variations. We will also try to investigate the dynamic
reconfiguration process and performance in a real-
world big system by using a VCC system when it can
be utilized for experimental usage that does not
conflict with ordinary HPC services.
The authors thank Takuya Yamada and Masaharu
Shimizu of Osaka University for their helpful
discussion, Professor Jason Cong of UCLA, Peichen
Pan and Allan Wu of Falcon Computing Solution Inc.
for providing their accelerator runtime management
software, Ryota Hayasaka, Toru Sasagawa, Takaaki
Noda, Mineko Marugami, and Yasuhiro Dairaku for
developing experimental system, Takashi Takenaka,
Highly Reconfigurable Computing Platform for High Performance Computing Infrastructure as a Service: Hi-IaaS
Takeo Hosomi, and Yuich Nakamura for their helpful
discussion, Yumi Matsumoto and Kazuhisa Shiota of
NEC solution innovators for their helpful discussion.
This research achievement is partly brought through
the use of the supercomputer PC cluster for large-
scale visualization (VCC). This work was supported
by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP16H02802.
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CLOSER 2017 - 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science