Can Matrix Factorization Improve the Accuracy of Recommendations
Provided to Grey Sheep Users?
Benjamin Gras, Armelle Brun and Anne Boyer
KIWI, Universit
e de Lorraine - LORIA, Campus scientifique BP 239, 54506, Vandœuvre-l
es-Nancy, France
Recommender Systems, Grey Sheep Users, Matrix Factorization.
Matrix Factorization (MF)-based recommender systems provide on average accurate recommendations, they
do consistently fail on some users. The literature has shown that this can be explained by the characteristics
of the preferences of these users, who only partially agree with others. These users are referred to as Grey
Sheep Users (GSU). This paper studies if it is possible to design a MF-based recommender that improves
the accuracy of the recommendations provided to GSU. We introduce three MF-based models that have the
characteristic to focus on original ways to exploit the ratings of GSU during the training phase (by selecting,
weighting, etc.). The experiments conducted on a state-of-the-art dataset show that it is actually possible to
design a MF-based model that significantly improves the accuracy of the recommendations, for most of GSU.
Being different is a property shared by each person
since everyone is unique. Current information sys-
tems exploit what data share, as well as their close-
ness, as a bond between them. They do not man-
age their differences. Although unique, most peo-
ple share or are close on several characteristics. But
what if a person does not share enough characteris-
tics with others? What if a person is too different? In
the frame of recommender systems (Goldberg et al.,
1992) that manage users’ preferences, it results in the
Grey Sheep Users (GSU) problem (Claypool et al.,
1999; Ghazanfar and Prugel-Bennett, 2011).
RS suggest users of a system some resources,
within a huge set of resources, with the aim to in-
crease their satisfaction. The popularity of RS is con-
tinuously increasing and they are becoming an every-
day part of our lives. They are used in many applica-
tion domains, including e-commerce (Huang, 2011),
e-learning (Verbert et al., 2012), tourism (Zanker
et al., 2008), etc. RS have been extensively studied
these last twenty years, the most prevalent approach
is collaborative filtering (CF). CF relies on the infor-
mation collected about users, most of the time pref-
erences, and assumes that users’ preferences are con-
sistent among users. So, to infer the preferences of
a user, the active user, CF relies on the preferences
of a community of users (Resnick et al., 1994); the
resources with the highest estimated preferences are
suggested to the active user.
CF-based recommender systems now provide on
average highly accurate recommendations (Castagnos
et al., 2013). Providing users with accurate recom-
mendations is essential, as it is one of the key to suc-
cess of the service on which the recommender system
runs. In e-commerce, accurate recommendations in-
crease customer retention; in e-learning they improve
learners’ learning process; etc. However, some users
still get inaccurate recommendations.
The literature has recently emphasized that the
singular preferences of some users, in comparison
to those of the others, may explain why they get
inaccurate recommendations (Ghazanfar and Prugel-
Bennett, 2011). These users, who only partially agree
(or disagree) with any community of users, are re-
ferred to as Grey Sheep Users (GSU) and are often
opposed to “normal” users (Claypool et al., 1999).
The Matrix Factorization (MF) recommendation tech-
nique has proven to be highly accurate and is now the
most commonly used CF technique. MF techniques
use an optimization process to form a model that fits
the training data. More specifically this process re-
lies on the overall accuracy of the recommendations.
Within the entire set of users, GSU not only have
singular preferences, but are also outnumbered. As
a consequence, GSU might be overlooked within the
sheer amount of normal users, so standard MF tech-
niques do not accurately model GSU and do not pro-
vide them with high quality recommendations (Gras
Gras, B., Brun, A. and Boyer, A.
Can Matrix Factorization Improve the Accuracy of Recommendations Provided to Grey Sheep Users?.
DOI: 10.5220/0006302700880096
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2017), pages 88-96
ISBN: 978-989-758-246-2
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
et al., 2016).
We believe that providing GSU with accurate rec-
ommendations is one way to improve the global accu-
racy of the system. The question addressed in this pa-
per is thus: ”Can we improve the accuracy of the rec-
ommendations provided to grey sheep users through
matrix factorization?”.
(Griffith et al., 2012) has shown that it may be pos-
sible to improve the accuracy of the recommendations
provided to each user by learning a specific model.
Thus, we ask if GSU can benefit from a model dedi-
cated to them.
Few works in the literature have been interested in
providing accurate recommendations to GSU. These
works either simply split the set of users into normal
and abnormal users (Del Prete and Capra, 2010), and
then learn a model dedicated to each set, or rely on
clustering (Ghazanfar and A., 2014), or design new
similarity measures between users (Bobadilla et al.,
As GSU have singular preferences, we assume
that a unique model cannot accurately model both
normal users and GSU. So, we consider a recom-
mender system that relies on two models: a standard
MF-based model from the state-of-the-art, used to
provide recommendations to normal users and a MF
model dedicated to GSU. The design of this second
model is the focus of this paper.
Section 2 presents an overview of Collaborative
Filtering and GSU modeling techniques. Section 3
introduces the MF models we design to fit GSU pref-
erences. Section 4 focuses on the experiments con-
ducted to evaluate each model and highlights the ben-
efits of each of them. Finally, we discuss and con-
clude our work.
2.1 Collaborative Filtering and Matrix
Collaborative Filtering (CF) relies on the preferences
of some users on resources (items) to provide the ac-
tive user u with some personalized recommendations.
Let U be the set of n users and I be the set of m re-
sources. The set of preferences, generally ratings, is
represented in the form of a matrix R, where r
notes the preference of u on the item i.
Two main approaches are used in CF: memory-
based and model-based. Memory-based ap-
proaches (Resnick et al., 1994) exploit users’ pref-
erences, without pre-processing. A commonly used
technique is the user-based KNN (K Nearest Neigh-
bors) that computes the similarity of preferences be-
tween each pair of users, and estimates the miss-
ing preferences of u by exploiting the preferences
of his/her K nearest neighbor users (the item-based
KNN technique that exploits the K nearest neighbor
items is also commonly used). This technique is accu-
rate, easy to implement and it automatically takes into
account each new preference in the recommendation
process. However, it hardly scales due to the compu-
tation cost of the similarities (Rashid et al., 2008) and
it suffers from the extreme sparsity of the preference
dataset (the similarity between two users or resources
may not be computable, or two similarity values may
not be comparable) (Grcar et al., 2005b; Grcar et al.,
Model-based approaches learn a model of prefer-
ences. Among the various techniques we can find Ma-
trix Factorization (MF), that has recently proved to
be highly accurate (Koren et al., 2009; Takacs et al.,
2009). It is now the most commonly used technique,
especially due to its high scalability. The general idea
of MF is modeling user-resource interactions (ratings)
through factors that represent latent characteristics of
the users and of the resources, such as preference
classes of users or category classes of resources. In
practice, MF computes two sub-matrices with k la-
tent features: the matrix P (dimension n k) repre-
sents user-factors, and the matrix Q (dimension m k)
represents resource-factors. The factorization aims at
accurately approximating R through the product of P
and Q: PQ
R. The accuracy of this approximation
relies on the error on each rating r
in R, following
equation (1):
= r
, (1)
where P
is the k-dimensional representation of user
u and Q
is the k-dimensional representation of item i.
P and Q are obtained through an optimization pro-
cess, by exploiting a loss function L. In recommender
systems, loss functions are often based on the nonzero
squared loss:
L(R, P, Q) = argmin
Alternating least squares (ALS) and stochastic gra-
dient descent (SGD) are two popular approaches to
solve this optimization problem. ALS solves the
problem iteratively. At each iteration, one of the ma-
trices (P or Q) is fixed, while the other matrix is modi-
fied (using equation (2)). At each iteration, the matrix
fixed changes. SGD learns the matrices by iteratively
evaluating the error e
for each rating r
in R. Both
matrices P and Q are updated by taking a step in the
Can Matrix Factorization Improve the Accuracy of Recommendations Provided to Grey Sheep Users?
opposite direction to the gradient of the loss function
(equation (2)), following equations (3) and (4).
= p
+ α(e
), (3)
= q
+ α(e
), (4)
where α is the learning rate. In both approaches, these
steps are repeated until the loss function does not sig-
nificantly decrease or until a predefined number of it-
erations is reached.
To avoid overfitting, a regularization constraint is
commonly incorporated, through the use of a regular-
ization term in the loss function (equation (5)).
L(R, P,Q) = argmin
+ λ reg(P, Q)
The two most commonly used terms for regu-
larization are L
and L
norms. The L
tion (Zheng et al., 2004) manages the absolute val-
ues in matrices P and Q, whereas L
manages the
squares of the values (Nigam, 1999) (see equation
(6)). In practice, L
regularization shows better results
on datasets with many instances and few features (Yu
et al., 2014), which corresponds to RS datasets.
(P, Q) = ||P
+ ||Q
2.2 Grey Sheep Users
Grey sheep users (GSU) is a term commonly used
in recommender systems. GSU are also referred to
as deviant users, abnormal users, atypical users, un-
usual users, etc. (Del Prete and Capra, 2010; Ghaz-
anfar and Prugel-Bennett, 2011). They refer to these
users whose opinions do only partially agree or dis-
agree with any community of users (Claypool et al.,
1999). Inconsistent users (Bellog
ın et al., 2014) may
also be related to GSU. Inconsistency is defined as
users’ inherent noise when interacting (rating) with a
recommender system. Notice that inconsistency ex-
ploits only information about a user, not in compari-
son to other users.
Several techniques have been proposed to perform
the identification of GSU in RS. Most of them exploit
the properties of the ratings of the resources: Abnor-
mality (Del Prete and Capra, 2010) evaluates to what
extent the ratings of a user is distant from the aver-
age rating of the resources he/she rated, Abnormality-
CRU (Gras et al., 2015) includes the variance of the
ratings for each resource, whereas DILikelihood (Gras
et al., 2016) relies on the distribution of the ratings,
Once GSU are identified, the question related to
their management has to be addressed. (Griffith et al.,
2012) mentionned that it may be possible to learn
a specific model for each user, whereas (Penn and
Zalesne, 2007) emphasizes that preferences of grey
sheep users are difficult to understand and to guess.
So, the management of their preferences, as well as
the conception of a recommendation model that fits
their profile, seems to be a challenge.
The literature highlights the fact that GSU get
inaccurate recommendations as the correlation of
their ratings with other users could be low. Al-
though neighbor-based recommendation approaches
rely heavily on finding close neighbors (Manouselis
et al., 2014), all the works have focused on these ap-
proaches. (Del Prete and Capra, 2010) divide users
into two distinct subsets: mass like-minded users
(normal users) and individual users (GSU); two rec-
ommendation models are formed: each one is learnt
on and dedicated to one subset of users. Authors pro-
pose an adapted similarity measure between individ-
ual users. It relies on the fact that it does not rep-
resent to which extent two users rate resources sim-
ilarly, but to which extent they similarly differ from
the entire community. The accuracy of the recom-
mendations provided to individual users is slightly
improved. (Bellog
ın et al., 2014) have studied the
accuracy of the recommendations that inconsistent
users receive. The entire set of users is also split
into easy users (normal users) and difficult (incon-
sistent) users. The accuracy of the recommendations
provided to difficult users is not improved when only
difficult users are used in the training set. This conclu-
sion is contradictory to the one presented in (Del Prete
and Capra, 2010). (Bobadilla et al., 2012) have pro-
posed to take into account the singularity of prefer-
ences of users in the evaluation of the similarity be-
tween two users. Rating values are categorized and a
rating is singular if it does not correspond to the pre-
dominant category on this resource. When computing
the similarity between two users, the more a rating is
singular, the greater its importance. Using this new
similarity measure slightly improves the accuracy of
recommendations provided to grey sheep users. Al-
though this work is not directly dedicated to the man-
agement of GSU, it is a way to take into account the
specific preferences of users in the way to compute
To manage the preferences of GSU, (Ghazanfar
and A., 2014) propose to rely on a pure content-based
approach. The experiments conducted show that such
an approach is more adequate to model GSU, the re-
sulting model is more accurate than with a CF ap-
proach. Nevertheless, as most of the current datasets
do not include resources metadata, this approach may
not always be applicable.
WEBIST 2017 - 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Managing cold-start users may be considered as
closely related to managing GSU. Cold-start users are
users who have not provided enough information to
the system, to accurately model them. The problem
of managing GSU is different. The GSU are not new
users, they are users with preferences that do not align
with those of other users.
Similarly to the works presented in the previous sec-
tion, the recommendation system we focus on relies
on two sub-models: one model is dedicated to nor-
mal users (a standard MF model), the other model is
dedicated to GSU. The work here is dedicated to the
design of the latter model.
The identification of GSU is made upstream train-
ing the model, and upstream any recommendation
process. To compute recommendations to a user,
his/her category is identified (normal user or GSU),
then the adequate recommendation model is used. As
the detection of GSU is not the focus of this paper, we
propose to use a recent state-of-the-art detection tech-
nique, that relies on the DILikelihood measure (Gras
et al., 2016).
Recall that the literature has mostly focused on the
neighbor-based approaches to model GSU (see sec-
tion 2.2). As MF has proved to be the most accurate
CF technique in the general case (Koren et al., 2009),
we propose to design a MF-based recommendation
model dedicated to GSU. To the best of our knowl-
edge, it is the first attempt to study MF with this goal.
We are convinced that the reason why GSU do
not get accurate recommendations with MF models
not only lies in their singular preferences, but also in
their number. Indeed, by definition, GSU are rare in-
stances, so there are considerably more normal users
than GSU. As the criterion optimized by MF is the
global recommendation accuracy (on the entire set of
users), the accuracy on GSU does not, or slightly, im-
pact the global accuracy; so the resulting model tends
to accurately model normal users, whatever is the ac-
curacy of this model on GSU.
SGD and ALS are nowadays two popular methods
to factorize matrices (Yu et al., 2014). The MF models
we propose can be used on the frame of both methods.
For the sake of concision, we present these models
with one of these methods. We choose SGD.
We propose three MF models dedicated to GSU.
Algorithm 1: Standard SGD Algorithm.
R = {r
} - set of ratings of users u on items i,
k - number of features of the model,
α - learning rate of the factorization,
λ - regularization parameter
Latent factor matrices P and Q
procedure SGD(R, k, α, λ)
initialize random factor matrices P and Q
while no Stop do
for each r
R do
= (r
) // Error estimation
+ α (e
+ α (e
return P and Q
no Stop is a boolean that represents if the stop crite-
rion is reached (number of iterations or convergence
of the loss function).
3.1 The GSUOnly Model
The first model we introduce aims at evaluating to
what extent a GSU can benefit from other GSU only.
The model is trained on the ratings of the set of GSU,
the ratings of normal users being dismissed. This
model is referred to as the GSU Only model.
For this model, no amendments of the standard
SGD algorithm (Algorithm 1) will be made. The only
difference lies in the set of ratings used in the train-
ing phase, which is reduced to the ratings of GSU.
The running time required to learn this model is re-
duced compared to standard models as the dimen-
sion of the matrices (R, P and Q) is highly reduced
(|GSU | << n).
Note that this model cannot be used to provide rec-
ommendations to users who do not belong to the set of
GSU (normal users), as the resulting matrices P and
Q do not contain any value for these users.
3.2 The WeightedGSU Model
The second model we introduce, called
WeightedGSU, weights GSU during the learn-
ing process. In standard algorithms both GSU and
normal users have the same weight.
We will consider W
as the weight of GSU and
as the weight of normal users. Equation (7)
presents the relation between both weights.
= 1.0 (7)
We are convinced that the weight of GSU has to be
more important than the one of normal users. In this
Can Matrix Factorization Improve the Accuracy of Recommendations Provided to Grey Sheep Users?
way, the rating specificities of GSU will be better ad-
dressed, while still using ratings of normal users. The
ratings of normal users represent additional informa-
tion in the learning process and are a way to cope with
the lack of data from the small set of GSU. We aim at
finding the W
value that optimizes the accuracy of
the recommendations GSU get.
WeightedGSU also relies on Algorithm 1, in
which we introduce modifications to manage the var-
ious weights. More specifically, the error estimation
step is modified, to fit equation (8):
= W
), (8)
where W
is the weight of user u, with W
= W
if u is a GSU and W
= W
if u is a normal user.
3.3 The SingleGSU Model
The last model forms one model for each GSU. It is
designed to evaluate to what extent a model dedicated
to a specific GSU improves the accuracy of the recom-
mendations provided to this user. This model, named
SingleGSU , is learnt on the ratings of one GSU (the
user the model is dedicated to) as well as on the rat-
ings of additional users. We choose to select the ad-
ditional users within the set of normal users to thor-
oughly study the influence of normal users on the ac-
curacy of the recommendations provided to GSU, and
exclude the possible negative impact that the ratings
of some GSU may have on other GSU. The number
and the way these additional normal users are chosen
has to be studied.
Notice that this model is more a proof of concept
than a model that can be used on real datasets. Indeed,
it is not acceptable to compute a model for each GSU,
in the context where data is overwhelming. Neverthe-
less, it is a way to study in depth the ability of MF to
accurately model GSU.
This section presents the experiments we conduct to
study to what extent the Matrix Factorization models
we propose can improve the accuracy of the recom-
mendations provided to GSU.
4.1 Dataset
The experiments are conducted on the
MovieLens 20M dataset
, made up of 20 mil-
lion ratings from 138,493 users on 27,278 movies
(resources). The rating scale ranges from 0.5 to 5.0
stars, with half-star increments. This dataset was
published in April 2015 and is the current standard
dataset for the evaluation of CF recommenders.
To not bias the evaluation, we choose to dis-
card users who may be associated with the cold-
start problem: those with less than 20 ratings in the
dataset (Schickel-Zuber and Faltings, 2006). The set
of users is then reduced to 123,053 users (88.8% of
the original set of users) and is made up of 19.6 mil-
lion ratings (98% of the original set of ratings). In the
resulting dataset, users have provided up to 8,400 rat-
ings, with an average number of 159 ratings per user.
The sparsity of this dataset is higher than 99%, which
is extremely sparse.
4.2 Evaluation Setup
The models studied are evaluated in terms of rec-
ommendation accuracy. More precisely, we use the
RMSE (Root Mean Squared Error) measure. RMSE
evaluates the discrepancy between the rating a user
assigned to a resource and the rating estimated by the
recommender, computed by equation (9).
, (9)
where n
is the estimated rating of user u on item i
and R = {r
} is the set of user-item ratings.
The set of ratings of the dataset is split into two
sets: Train that contains 80% of the ratings randomly
chosen and that will be used to train the different mod-
els, and Test that contains the 20% remaining ratings
and that will be used to evaluate the accuracy of the
models. Each of these sets is in turn split into two
subsets: the subset made up of the ratings of GSU
and Test
) and the subset made up of the
ratings of normal users (Train
and Test
The accuracy of the models proposed is compared
to that of standard MF models. ALS and SGD factor-
ization techniques are studied. As the optimization of
the parameters of these techniques is not the focus of
this work, we fix them to the state-of-the-art values,
used on a comparable dataset (Yu et al., 2014). 20
features are used, with a learning rate of 0.001 and a
regularization parameter set to 0.02. Matrices P and
Q are initialized randomly. A dozen runs are executed
to avoid the bias introduced by the random initial-
ization. The stop criterion used in the algorithms is
the convergence of the RMSE on GSU. These models
will further be considered as baselines.
The first two lines of Table 1 present the RMSE
of the two standard MF models (trained on Train and
WEBIST 2017 - 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 1: RMSE of standard models.
set Q1 Median Q3
SGD Test 0.66 0.80 0.97
ALS Test 0.66 0.82 1.00
SGD Test
1.01 1.18 1.35
ALS Test
1.12 1.28 1.45
SGD Test
0.65 0.78 0.95
SGD-L1 Test
1.04 1.21 1.39
evaluated on Test ) with ALS and SGD factorization
techniques and the L
regularization. SGD slightly
outperforms ALS (by 2.5% for the median), which is
consistent with what is usually reported in the litera-
ture (Yu et al., 2014).
The identification of GSU is performed with the
DILikelihood measure, introduced in (Gras et al.,
2016). We experimentally defined the set of GSU as
the 6% of users with the highest DILikelihood values.
This set of GSU has an average number of ratings of
103 per user, which confirms they are not cold-start
users. The third and fifth lines of Table 1 present
the RMSE of normal users (Test
) and of GSU
) respectively, using a standard SGD model
(the same as in the first line). With a median RMSE
of 1.18 on GSU and a median RMSE of 0.78 on nor-
mal users, the RMSE on GSU is 51% higher than the
RMSE on normal users. We can confirm that GSU do
actually get less accurate recommendations than nor-
mal users. In addition, the third quartile of the RMSE
of normal users is lower than the first quartile of the
RMSE of GSU. Moreover, the median RMSE of the
entire set of users (Test) is 0.80, which confirms that
the number of GSU is so small that they have a limited
impact on the RMSE of the entire set of users.
From the third and the fourth lines of Table 1, we
can see that as on the Test set, SGD provides more
accurate recommendations on the Test
than ALS.
Furthermore, the difference on Test
is larger than
on Test: SGD is 8% more accurate than ALS. SGD
seems to be more adapted to model GSU.
We ask now if the L
regularization (see last line
of Table 1) could be a better choice for the regular-
ization term to model GSU, referring to (Ng, 2004;
Yu et al., 2014). The median RMSE with L
is 1.21,
which is 3% higher than the one obtained with the L
regularization. We can conclude that modifying the
regularization term on a model learnt on Train is not
the adequate solution to better model GSU.
The following experiments will be conducted to
study if the models proposed in Section 3 are a way
to better model GSU than standard MF models.
4.3 The GSUOnly Model
This section is dedicated to the evaluation of the ac-
curacy of the GSUOnly model, that is trained on the
ratings of GSU: namely the Train
subset. Table 2
displays the resulting median RMSE.
Modeling GSU by relying only on the preferences
of the set of GSU leads to a model less accurate than a
model trained on the ratings of the entire set of users
(the RMSE is increased by 8%). These conclusions
are consistent with those reported in (Bellog
ın et al.,
2014), that showed that with a neighbor-based ap-
proach, exploiting only inconsistent users to compute
recommendations for inconsistent users does not lead
to accurate recommendations.
We can conclude that GSU benefit from the pres-
ence of normal users in the learning process of the
factorization technique. This is also the conclusion re-
ported in (Bellog
ın et al., 2014): “less coherent users
need information from outside of their own cluster”.
Using the L
regularization, the RMSE is compa-
rable to the one obtained with L
regularization (L
outperforms L
by only 1%, which is not significant).
Thus, L
seems to be more adapted to the GSUOnly
model than to a standard one. However, it does not
improve the L
regularization. So, we confirm that L
remains the most accurate regularization. For the fol-
lowing experiments, we will use L
as regularization
Table 2: RMSE of the GSUOnly model.
Model Reg. Train Test RMSE
4.4 The WeightedGSU Model
The previous experiments showed that, when train-
ing the model on the ratings of GSU (Train
only, GSU do get recommendations less accurate than
when training the model on the ratings of the entire set
of users. However, even in this latter model, GSU do
not get accurate recommendations. We think that the
weight of GSU in such a model is too small to accu-
rately model them. So, in this section we further study
to what extent allowing a higher weight to GSU is a
way to better model them: the WeightedGSU model.
Figure 1 presents the evolution of the median
RMSE, according to the weight of GSU (W
ranges from 0.1 to 1.0, with respect to equa-
tion (7). Let us notice that the case where W
= 0.0
cannot be studied as it would come down to not con-
sider GSU during training, so the matrix P would
Can Matrix Factorization Improve the Accuracy of Recommendations Provided to Grey Sheep Users?
contain random values in the vectors that correspond
to GSU. A weight equals to 1.0 represents the case
where normal users are not taken into account at all
(the GSU Only model), the corresponding RMSE is
1.27. A weight equals to 0.5 is equivalent to a stan-
dard model (GSU and normal users have a similar
weight); the RMSE is 1.18.
Figure 1: RMSE of GSU according to the weight of GSU
during the factorization process.
Two main trends are observed in Figure 1. In the
case where W
< 0.5, the RMSE increases along
with the decrease of the weight of GSU (up to 1.3).
The smaller the impact of GSU on the factorization
process, the worse the accuracy of their recommenda-
tions, which was expected. In the case where W
0.5, the RMSE increases along with the weight of
GSU. It varies from 1.17 to 1.27. Thus, the higher the
impact of GSU in the factorization process, the worse
the accuracy of their recommendations. The lowest
RMSE value is reached when W
= 0.5, which is
equivalent to the standard MF model.
The evolution of the RMSE in the case where
> 0.5, is not intuitive, we expected that giving
a larger weight to GSU in the factorization would in-
crease the accuracy of the recommendations provided
to them. We wonder if the presence of the ratings of
the entire set of GSU interferes with GSU modeling.
4.5 The SingleGSU Model
In the next experiments we propose to study the
SingleGSU model that forms one model per GSU.
Each model is trained on the ratings of a single GSU
as well as those of a subset of normal users. We
choose to not exploit the ratings of other GSU to dis-
card their possible negative influence. The question
here is twofold: (i) how many normal users have to
be used to learn the model? and (ii) how to select the
normal users?
The first experiment we conduct exploits normal
users that are the most similar to the single GSU, ac-
cording to the Pearson Correlation Coefficient.
As we consider 6% of the complete set of users
as GSU (more than 7K GSU), the number of MF pro-
cesses to be run is too high. We propose to randomly
select 300 GSU and learn one SingleGSU model for
each of them. The DILikelihhood of these 300 GSU
is equally distributed within the set of GSU.
Figure 2: Median RMSE of GSU w.r.t. the number of simi-
lar users selected.
Figure 2 presents the median RMSE of GSU with
respect to the number of similar users selected. This
number varies from 100 to 1,500. Figure 2 also
presents the baseline RMSE (the one obtained with
a standard SGD model). When 100 similar nor-
mal users are selected, the average RMSE of the
SingleGSU model is 1.21, which is higher than the
RMSE of a standard model. The higher the number of
normal users, the lower the RMSE. When about 250
normal users are selected, the RMSE is similar to the
one of a standard model. The decrease of the RMSE
seems to stagnate from 700 normal users (the RMSE
equals to 1.09). When 1,500 normal users are selected
the RMSE is equal to 1.06, which corresponds to an
improvement of 9% of standard models (from 1.17 to
1.06). Obviously, the more normal users are used, the
longer the computation time to learn the model. The
best tradeoff between the running time and the accu-
racy of recommendations provided to GSU seems to
be 700 normal users (7% improvement).
Those first results represent an average improve-
ment of the RMSE. It implies a disparity in the im-
provement of the RMSE, among GSU. To go further,
we study the individual distribution of those improve-
ments. First of all, the SingleGSU model improves
the RMSE of more than 72% of the 300 GSU selected.
If we focus on a more significant improvement, 54%
of the GSU have an improvement of their RMSE of
more than 10%. So, the SingleGSU model, with nor-
mal users selected through their similarity with the
single GSU, significantly improves the accuracy of
the recommendations of more than half of the GSU.
In addition, 32% of the GSU have an improvement of
their RMSE of more than 20%. Furthermore, 20% of
the selected GSU have a RMSE lower than the me-
dian RMSE of normal users (0.8), which is high.
What about the 46% of GSU who have either
an improvement of their RMSE lower than 10% or
have an increase in their RMSE? We propose to build
SingleGSU models for these users, with a random se-
lection of the normal users. For each user, several
WEBIST 2017 - 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
random selections are performed, until forming a set
of normal users that significantly improves (by at least
10%) the accuracy of the recommendations of the sin-
gle GSU, in the limit of 500 trials. Such an improve-
ment is reached for 62% of these GSU. Several at-
tempts have been conducted to characterize the sets
of normal users that improve the recommendations
provided to those GSU. For now, no clear link has
To summarize, the SingleGSU model is able to
significantly improve (by more than 10%) the ac-
curacy of the recommendations provided by a stan-
dard MF model, for more than 82% of the selected
GSU. This indicates that it is possible to increase the
accuracy of the recommendations provided to GSU
through a MF technique. The experiments conducted
tend to show that one reason why GSU do not receive
accurate recommendations with standard MF models
may lie in the users used in the factorization process.
This work aimed at studying the possibility to de-
sign a MF-based model that improves the accuracy of
the recommendations that standard MF-based models
provide to grey sheep users (GSU).
To reach this goal, we relied on the idea that when
training a model, the ratings of GSU have to be con-
sidered differently than those of normal users. We
proposed three models that either exploit only the rat-
ings of GSU (the GSU Only model), or weight differ-
ently the ratings of GSU and those of normal users
(the WeightedGSU model) or model each GSU inde-
pendently (the SingleGSU model).
The SingleGSU model, that forms a model for
each GSU independently, improves the accuracy of
the recommendations provided to GSU. This model
exploits the ratings of one GSU (the user the model
is dedicated to) as well as those of a subset of normal
users (no rating about other GSU are included). When
normal users are selected according to their similarity
to the GSU, 72% of GSU actually get more accurate
recommendations, which is highly significant. Fur-
thermore, 52% of GSU have an improvement larger
than 10%. This rate even reaches 82% if an additional
way to select normal users is used.
To summarize, we wondered if some MF-models
could improve the accuracy of the recommendations
provided to GSU. Actually, the MF-based SingleGSU
model significantly improves this accuracy, even by
more than 10% for most of GSU.
These results need to be extended to study to what
extent this improvement can be even more improved.
This may rely on a modification of the correlation
measure used to select the normal users to be used in
the SingleGSU model, or designing a completely new
MF technique. In addition, as noticed in section 3,
designing one model per GSU is not practicable, es-
pecially if the number of GSU reaches several thou-
sands of users. So, we would like to study if some
GSU could be grouped together to reduce the number
of models to be developed.
So far, the experiments conducted did not allow to
identify how to select the set of normal users to use,
given one GSU. Some GSU benefit from the selection
of the most similar users, others do not. Being able to
identify which users benefit from these similar users
will also be highly interesting.
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WEBIST 2017 - 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies