distributed control on SoC devices with low
bandwidth data connections, and ZeroMQ better
suited for centralized or hierarchical control on strong
hardware with high bandwidth data connections.
WAMP should also be considered because it uses
Web Sockets, which is an emerging web standard,
which is being broadly used, and even though it has
lower performance, does not support prioritization
and interchangeable serialization, it does support
MessagePack which is a quite efficient serialization
format and might support either more serialization
formats or interchangeable serialization in the future.
When it is matured and for use cases not requiring
prioritization, it could possibly be one of the best
The paper shows that using message based
middleware in the form of YAMI4 or ZeroMQ has
excellent performance, and provide the best
characteristics, while other papers (Albano et al.
2015) just state that message based middleware is the
obvious choice for Smart Grid communication
because of it being message based by nature.
The paper shows the results of comparing a large
carefully chosen range of middleware, including
modern middleware, considering Smart Grid
requirements, the impact of serialization and SoC
devices, for distributed control with
recommendations for the choice of middleware.
Future work could be done by combining
serialization and communication middleware to show
the impact of combinations of the two, and to run
performance tests on high and low bandwidth data
connections, using constrained and more capable
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