then used to classify and assign a label to new activity
instance. As Nazerfard et al. (2010) argued that
discovering the order of activities can be effectively
used for predicting the next activity in a home
automation system using their temporal relation
information. The activities pattern can be recognized
by using machine-learning techniques such as HMM,
Navies Bayes, Decision Tree, ANN and SVM and
KNN etc. (Fahad et al. 2014 and Somov et al. 2013
and Wu et al. 2014)
The main aim of CIoT in smart home environment is
to improve quality of life via developing a ambient
intelligent living environment. The communication
layer of multiple sensors can control home appliance
via actuator/device controller to help inhabitant into
the daily activities. In other words, CIoT works as
brain, where raw data gathered from sensors and
information collected and fused into decision making
unit, for computing controlling commands to achieve
specific goals. In such cases every home appliance
can be programmed according to inhabitant need and
living patterns. In industry, we have few smart
solutions such as smart grids, electric meters, security
controls system, lighting system, which can be
programmed to customized as per individual desire
(Feng et al.2017).
The research project aims to develop a novel dynamic
architecture including its related models and
mechanism to Cognitive-IoE based smart homes,
where the functionality of ambient intelligence is
extended towards more proactive possibilities, i.e.,
the smart environment not only monitors
people/devices for tasks, or support them by
executing their requests, but also influence and
change their plans and intentions. In the dynamic
environment, a home is equipped with multiple
sensor (motion, light, noise) to perceive the
environmental data in consistent/inconsistent state
and preprocessed for further activity (similar/non-
similar) classification. Human activity sequences can
be analyzed from sensor data using their temporal
values and transferred to an inference engine to
recognized their daily activity patterns as routine,
location and social contexts.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section
2 summaries related work on activity recognition
done in the community. A bottom up approach to
inhabitant activity recognition in smart space is
presented as the ACM architecture Section 3. The
various classification based evaluation methods are
presented in Section 4. The work is concluded in
Section 5 and future work is discussed in Section 6.
In recent years, learning and understanding the
observed activity and event mining are the central
research area to smart home studies. Activity refers to
complex behaviors consisting of a sequence of action
and overlapped action that can be performed by a
single individual or several individuals interacting
with each other. Some significant smart home activity
recognition research work has been done in Care-lab,
CASAS, Grator-Tech HIS, Aware Home, iDorm, and
MavHom projects. In particular, the process of
activity recognition can be divided in four steps such
as i) sensing, ii) data-preprocessing, iii) data
modelling Feature extraction and iv) feature
selection. The major research work is in progress by
the tech giant IBM Watson, where cognitive
appliances talk to each other and the central
computing unit works as personalized digital assistant
for granting access and controlling various appliances
example e.g. smart locks, digital reminders, etc. IBM
Watson’s cognitive IoT vision is to create a custom
tailored environment for individual residents by
adapting their preference and patterns, which not only
ensure better security, predictive maintenance tasks
and alert system but also saves time and money of
individuals, working as personal assistants (IBM
Watson, 2017).
2.1 Subtractive Clustering: Pattern
Recognition In Smart Home
While we talk about ambient intelligent smart home,
the need of clustering methods arises to find
relationships between observed datasets. As we
know, clustering based classification is a well-known
approach to extract knowledge from obtained datasets
by dividing datasets into discreet classified clusters.
Two major clustering methods, K-means and the
subtractive clustering can resolve the problem of
separating similar and non-similar activities from
given datasets (sensor’s data). The k-means clustering
algorithms works on pre-segmented (known) clusters
numbers, where we assume the number of clusters in
advance for given datasets. Sometimes, it is not the
case to have prior knowledge about the required