mitigate the action of these elements. It will also
be evaluated the use of means that allow more spe-
cialized providers to be led to the superior division,
avoiding to interpret them as free riders. The im-
pact of the insertion of adaptive thresholds (lower
and upper limits) in each division will be verified.
These adaptive thresholds will be based on the play-
ers’ o f fering × consumption relationship dynamics
inside of each division (or entire tournament). In addi-
tion, it is expected that adaptative thresholds will help
maximize this relation while avoiding players who of-
fer the minimum resources to stay or evolve in the
tournament. Also as future work, the implementation
of a functional version of the MCT will be finalized
and evaluated in a real environment.
This research was partially funded by the European
Commission H2020 programme under grant agree-
ment no. 688941 (FUTEBOL), as well from the
Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology, Innova-
tion, and Communication (MCTIC) through Brazilian
National Research and Educational Network (RNP)
and CTIC. The authors also would like to thank CNPq
and CAPES for the financial support.
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