licited (HP in our case) in on-off (hot-cold) control
in order to maintain the temperature of the rooms
close to y
re f
= 20.5
C. This type
of scenario is highly energy-consuming (see Figure
13c compared to Figure 12c). Similarly, a low predic-
tion horizon N makes the control more pre-emptive,
resulting in a slight increase in the cost of energy in
kW h. N equal to 30 samples (equivalent to 150 min-
utes) seems to be the best adapted in view of the abil-
ity of cooling/warming of the two HP.
Figure 14: Outside temperature (17/05 - 23/05/2016).
Figure 15: (a) Occ
, (b) Solar energy (W ) Sol
and Sol
In this paper, a whole simulator of the thermal be-
haviour of a building platform has been established.
In a relatively high order (72), this simulator inte-
grates the behaviours of the set of the partitions wall
dividers/walls/windows of the platform rooms and all
energy sources (solar radiation, temperature, rooms’
occupancy, ventilation (CMV), heat pumps). Based
on a multi model representation of the building and
on an energy cost function in kWh, a predictive con-
trol has been successfully implemented to ensure the
thermal comfort of the platform rooms with a mini-
mum of energy consumption.
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gramme FP7-NMP-608981 ”Energy IN TIME” and
has financial support from the Contrat de Plan Etat-
egion (CPER) 2015-2020, project ”Mat
eriaux, En-
ergie, Proc
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SMARTGREENS 2017 - 6th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems