at the expense of cooling the top layer of petroleum.
In this case, the difference of temperatures will be
greater (from -2 up to + 7 K).
The sensitivity of the camera is equal or less than
0.1 K and the three above mentioned principles of
leak appearance will form temperature anomalies
which have sufficient temperature contrast and
geometrical sizes for being detected by an IR camera.
The detected thermal anomalies are not always
associated with leakages since these can be generated
by means of the atmospheric thermal anomalies, there
could be false alarms. Therefore an HD camera is
used to compare with the infrared scene to have a
more precise knowledge about a specific anomaly.
2.2 Data Acquisition
The GPS receiver provides the position data to the
system. This additional equipment help the operator
to detect the site of the leakages accurately. The
received information is recorded into an electronic
memory of an on-board computer.
The principle of leakage detection is based on the
analysis of the thermal anomalies, processing of the
surface IR and video images and coordinate
determination. The co-processing of the mentioned
data permits to detect and locate pipeline leaks. The
high resolution of the system permits to detect
leakage at the time break itself.
A GPS device on board acquires the global
position of the system while performing the
inspection flight. The sampling rate is of two seconds
and the coordinates, speed, height and timestamp are
stored in the National Marine Electronics Association
(NMEA 0183) format to an on-board computer for
later analysis in search of anomalies. In figure 3, the
left PC record the IR camera video in .avi format.
GPS coordinates are also stored on this computer.
The GPS is a GPSMap76S Model. The GPS
performance is based on a receiver which
continuously tracks and uses up to 12 satellites to
compute and update the position. The update rate is
of 1 second. It has an accuracy in position < 15 m and
velocity < 0.05 m/s. Configuring the GPSMap76S to
use the interface as NMEA allowed to output the data
to a PC and use any NMEA compliant GPS
application on devices to use the GPS data feed from
the Garmin handheld. The baud rate is automatically
set to 4800 and cannot be changed so that the NMEA
transmitted data by serial connection is acquired
every 2 seconds.
2.3 Pipeline Tracking
Oftentimes when performing the inspection flight the
pilot or personnel in charge don’t have the certainty
about the pipeline path, sometimes the terrain has
changed and the guide get confused or simply doesn’t
precisely remember the pipe trajectory. When this
occurs the flight path becomes erratic and repetitive
trying to find and follow the pipeline.
When such inspections take place the analysis and
evaluation phase becomes difficult to perform so, a
tracking module has been developed in order to get an
accurate tracking of the pipeline. This module is
composed by a GPS and an on-board computer,
which receives the position from the GPS and provide
it to an own-design software application which in turn
uses a geographical information system to display the
correct position respect to a preloaded pipeline path.
In this way, it is possible to have a better and almost
perfect pipeline tracking since now the reference
trajectory is completely known, even though the
person in charge doesn’t accurately know the path to
follow. An alarm algorithm is implemented in the
software application to warn when the helicopter is
getting to far from the path to track. A maximum
distance can be specified as an uncertainty tolerance
around the pipeline. Figures 3 and 4 show a flight
trajectory with and without the use of this tracking
module respectively. In the latter the average distance
to the pipeline was 150 m.
Figure 3: Inaccurate flight without pipeline tracking.