of 0.7190 for the top-5 case and 0.8028 for the top-3
case outperforming traditional CF approaches (item-
based and user-based).
Although our preliminary experimentation sug-
gested the validity of our methodology, additional ex-
perimentation needs to be undertaken to validate the
accuracy and performance of the proposed system in
supermarkets of a larger scale; in terms of products
and customers. In addition, the parameter n that con-
trols the number of recommended products needs to
be automatically tuned to further increase the sys-
tem’s accuracy. Furthermore, an investigation needs
to be undertaken on how the number of products in-
fluences the number of clusters discovered.
Finally, experiments will be carried out to study
how efficient the system propagates notifications
and how does group recommen-
dations affect buyers into purchasing products.
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