An Empirical Evaluation of Requirements Elicitation from Business
Models through REMO Technique
Jônatas Medeiros de Mendonça
, Pedro Garcêz de Moura
, Weudes Evangelista
, Hugo Martins
Rafael Reis
, Edna Dias Canedo
, Rodrigo Bonifácio
, Carla Silva
and Fernando Wanderley
University of Brasília (UnB), Brasília, Brazil
Faculty of Gama (FGA), University of Brasília (UnB), Gama, DF, Brazil
Department of Computing, University of Brasília (UnB), Brasília, DF, Brazil
Center of Informatics, Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE), Recife, PE, Brazil
University New of Lisboa (UNL), Lisboa, Portugal
Business Process Model, Requirement Elicitation, Empirical Evaluation, REMO Technique.
The Requirements Elicitation oriented by business process MOdeling (REMO) technique presents a set of
heuristics to support the elicitation of requirements based on business process models. Although empirically
validated only in controlled environments, the literature does not report evidence regarding the applicability
of the technique in real scenarios. In this context, this paper presents an empirical evaluation applied in an
industrial settings, using a multimethod approach, where a quantitative analysis measured the applicability
of the technique and a qualitative analysis the utility and ease of use according to requirements analysts. As
for the results, the quantitative analysis made it clear that the REMO technique can bring real benefit in the
context of the study, identifying a higher number of funcional requirements than the conventional approach
(without the support of the REMO technique). This benefit is reached without overcomplicating the task of
eliciting requirements.
Considering a cycle of software development or mo-
dernization, the requirements elicitation and speci-
fication activities prove itself essential to fulfill the
user’s necessities (Wiegers and Beatty, 2013). For
this reason, different techniques were proposed in the
literature, going from notations representing require-
ments in different levels of abstraction— such as fe-
atures, goals, problem frames, and use cases (Kang
et al., 1990; Van Lamsweerde, 2001; Jackson, 2001;
Yu, 2011; Jacobson, 2004)- to practices that seek
to favor the extraction and understanding of require-
ments (Jackson, 2001; Van Lamsweerde, 2009; Ja-
cobson et al., 1999).
Besides that, for certain application domains,
there is a growing need to align the business pro-
cesses with the enterprise information systems (Re-
gev et al., 2005). As such, it is being recommend to
carry out activities for understanding and improving
business processes before the development of enter-
prise systems (Bleistein et al., 2006; Ramesh et al.,
2005; Dietz and Albani, 2005; Regev et al., 2005).
Some authors argue that software needs arise natu-
rally through the mapping of business processes; me-
anwhile, recent works present techniques to extract
requirements through business processes mapping,
usually described in notations such as BPMN (Busi-
ness Process Modeling Notation) or Petri Nets. This
is one of the objectives of the REMO (Requirements
Elicitation Oriented by Business Process Modeling)
technique, for instance. It presents a set of heuristics
for the elicitation of requirements through business
process models in the BPMN notation (Vieira et al.,
Recent empirical studies have been performed to
verify to process of requirements elicitation through
the REMO technique, however not including indus-
trial case studies in their protocol (Vieira et al., 2012b;
Vieira et al., 2012a). The lack of industrial valida-
tion often hinders practitioners from understanding
and generalizing the benefits with the adoption of the
technique in real situations. Considering such gap,
this paper presents an empirical study about the fe-
Mendonça, J., Moura, P., Evangelista, W., Martins, H., Reis, R., Canedo, E., Bonifácio, R., Silva, C. and Wanderley, F.
An Empirical Evaluation of Requirements Elicitation from Business Models through REMO Technique.
DOI: 10.5220/0006310803240332
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 2, pages 324-332
ISBN: 978-989-758-248-6
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
asibility of adopting the REMO technique in indus-
trial situations. The REMO technique presents a set
of heuristics to identify requirements from processes
models described in BPMN—notation used in our re-
search context (Section 2). Accordingly, we decided
to experiment with this technique in order to reduce
the efforts related to requirements elicitation from bu-
siness processes. With this, the main contributions of
this article are:
The report of an empirical investigation of the
REMO technique in a industrial and non-trivial
context (Section 3 describes how it was con-
The observation that the REMO technique is ef-
fective to identify around 80% of the requirements
related to business processes and that its heuris-
tics are easily absorbed by requirements analysts
(Section 4).
The previous studies, carried out by a different
group of researchers that design the REMO techni-
que, present some limitations. First, they analyzed
only one process with a well-defined scope and small
complexity. Second, the previous studies were con-
ducted within an academic context, considering only
undergraduate students as participants. Differently,
here a set of software engineering practitioners use
the technique REMO for eliciting requirements from
15 different processes.
These results have a significant implication: at le-
ast in the context in which this research was carried
out, using the REMO technique could reduce the costs
of training the requirements analysts for the task of
requirements elicitation through business processes.
We believe such results could be achieved in similar
domains. Besides the sections mentioned above, this
paper also describes the threats to the validity of our
empirical study (Section 5), relates our results to those
of other existing research studies (Section 4), and
presents some final considerations and future works
(Section 6).
This research was conducted in the context of a
technical cooperation project between a university
and a Military Institute, with the objective of mapping
business processes and than extracting requirements
in the domain of material supplying management of
a large Brazilian Government Agency. The results of
the project subsidy the modernization of an enterprise
system for that domain.
2.1 Research Context
In the beginning of the project, and based on informa-
tion gathered from the agency’s own manuals, nine
modules were defined, four of which are of problem
domain character for representing the entire life cy-
cle of the material supplying. These are: Planning,
Acquisition, Controlling, and Discarding. The ot-
her modules act as support to the value chain, such
as Maintenance, Finances, Transportation, Identifica-
tion, and Allocation of material. From this initial gat-
hering, it was realized the need to specify more than
230 related processes, and then identify high level re-
quirements that would be used to guide an effort to
modernize a legacy system.
To reach such objectives, two teams were crea-
ted: one to model the business processes, genera-
ting BPMN diagrams and the descriptive documents
of the processes; and the other to identify functio-
nal requirements detailed as epics, features, and user
stories. That requirements elicitation effort, which
should start during the activities of business process
modelling, formulates a document entitled Require-
ments Document, which specifies the business pro-
blem and the high-level requirements that present sig-
nificant value to the context of the expected solution.
Using this approach, it is possible to identify oppor-
tunities for automating some of the business proces-
ses’ activities in the new version of the software un-
der development. The project has been going on for
18 months, already culminating on the mapping of
192 business processes and requirements documents.
Together, they encompass approximately more than
1000 functional requirements.
The two teams previously mentioned work in
close collaboration. That is, requirements analysts
participate in the business modelling activities effecti-
vely (by showing up in all meetings, for instance).
While the specification of a business process is being
consolidated, members of the requirements team ma-
nually derive the functional requirements from the bu-
siness processes diagrams, which later give origin to
the requirements document that is validated by the
stakeholders (including the agency’s IT sector). This
time-consuming manual effort approach of require-
ments identification (named hereafter as our conven-
tional approach) motivated us, more recently, to em-
pirically evaluate the efficacy of the REMO technique
in our context.
2.2 The REMO Technique
The REMO technique (Vieira et al., 2012b) is a re-
quirements elicitation technique oriented by business
An Empirical Evaluation of Requirements Elicitation from Business Models through REMO Technique
process modelling, which was proposed by a different
team of researchers. It consists on using heuristics ba-
sed on the metamodel elements (activities, gateways,
messages, and artifacts) found in BPMN diagrams, to
help the systems analysts to extract software require-
As an example of the REMO technique, consider
the BPMN diagram from Figure 1. From the fol-
lowing REMO heuristics, it was possible to identify
three functional requirements (as detailed in Table 1).
(H1) Process Activities shall be supported by the
functional requirements the system will pro-
(H2) Process Gateways might be related to either
functional requirements or business rules the
system must support.
(H3) Data Objects might also reveal functional requi-
rement, particularly when the related concepts
must be managed by the system.
Five steps were defined for the activity of require-
ments elicitation using the REMO technique (Vieira
et al., 2012b). This way, the analysts should obtain
the requirements according to a sequence of steps that
(1) Comprehend the Business Processes Model nota-
(2) Identify functional requirements.
(3) Identify non-functional requirements.
(4) Identify the business rules.
(5) Review all identified requirements.
The original specification of the REMO technique
details nine heuristics to support analysts to identify
requirements from business process models. For in-
stance, there is a heuristic that recommends an one-to-
one mapping of a business process activity into either
a functional or a non-functional requirement. Simi-
larly, the authors suggest that a time-event might be
translated into either a business rule or functional re-
For our study (detailed in the next section), we ex-
cluded the first step, as the team had already recei-
ved a training in Business Processes Modelling using
BPMN, and were already acquainted with the BPMN
elements. The REMO heuristics support the steps 2,
3, and 4 enumerated above.
This section describes some details regarding how the
case study was conducted, defining the protocol, go-
als, and processes to conduct our empirical evalua-
3.1 Objectives
The main goal of this study was to verify the efficacy
of the REMO technique in a real context of require-
ments extraction from business processes and, in this
way, fill a gap related to the lack of empirical studies
conducted in the industry and related to this domain.
The term efficacy in this paper refers to the use of
the REMO technique to identify the software require-
ments with a coverage similar to what would be achie-
ved using a more conventional approach, which was
used during the conduction of the cooperation pro-
ject described in Section 2. If the REMO technique
can be applied in real situations, the costs with requi-
rements elicitation could be initially reduced, since
in a more extreme scenario, it would not be neces-
sary to have requirements analysts participating in the
activity of mapping business processes—actually, it
would be enough to apply the heuristics of the REMO
technique to obtain the requirements.
To reach the objective of this study, we established
the measurement objective presented in Table 2, fol-
lowing the principles of the GQM (Goal, Questions,
and Metrics) paradigm proposed in (Basili, 1988).
From the measurement objective established in
Table 2, we defined the following research questions
to help the team to understand if the objective was re-
ached, and then we defined metrics for each question.
(RQ1) How effective is REMO as a requirement eli-
citation technique?
(RQ2) What is the perception of the analysts regar-
ding the usage of the REMO technique?
As presented by (Vieira et al., 2012b), the effi-
cacy of the REMO technique was evaluated in a pre-
vious work by comparing the percentage of require-
ments classified as correct with a baseline specifica-
tion built by specialists. Differently, here we ana-
lyze our research questions under a different light:
although the REMO technique might find additional
requirements (when compared to what would be the
conventional technique’s oracle), this does not neces-
sarily mean a negative aspect of the technique. Rat-
her, this might indicate that some requirements pos-
sibly escaped with the adoption of the conventional
In addition, a requirement identified in the con-
ventional technique, but not in the REMO one, is con-
sidered a transparent requirement in the business pro-
cesses model. Escaped requirements suggest a higher
efficacy in the REMO technique, which allowed for
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: BPMN Diagram.
Table 1: Requirements of REMO.
Cod Name Description Heuristic
RF01 Request Equipment The system should ensure the De-
partment to Request the Equip-
mentto the Leadership.
H1 - Activits of Process
H3 - Data Object
RF02 Consult of Inventory The system should consult the wa-
rehouse inventory.
H1 - Activits of Process
H3 - Data Object
RF03 Evaluating Equipment Request The system should ensure that the
department requests the equipment
from the Leadership
H1 - Activits of Process
H2 - Gateway
the identification of a non-elicited requirement with
the conventional technique. Differently, a transparent
requirement suggests that the adoption of the heuris-
tics of the REMO technique alone is not enough for
the software requirements elicitation through business
The analysis of escaped and transparent require-
ments provide quantitative indicators regarding the ef-
ficacy of the REMO technique. Additionally, a quali-
tative analysis, supported by a questionnaire that fol-
lows the TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) ap-
proach and similar to the one adopted in (Vieira et al.,
2012b), was conducted with the requirements ana-
lysts. This qualitative analysis seeks to obtain the per-
ception of the analysts in the field of requirements re-
garding the usage of the REMO technique, and can
be considered a replica of the previous study about
the REMO technique. The remaining of this section
presents more details about the protocol used during
the execution of the empirical study.
3.2 Participant Characterization
Six requirements analysts were conveniently selected
to participate in the case study, as they were invol-
ved in the cooperation project described in Section 2.
These analysts were reasonably acquainted with the
supplying management field, having participated in
processes mapping meetings and requirements ex-
traction activities for at least six months (using the tra-
ditional approach). They were all involved in training
for the procedures used in the task of creating the Re-
quirements Document, which was done through the
business processes mapping activities. The partici-
pants received an initial orientation regarding the case
study to be accomplished, and were instructed to read
the articles and the dissertation that detail the REMO
technique (Vieira et al., 2012b; Vieira et al., 2012a).
An Empirical Evaluation of Requirements Elicitation from Business Models through REMO Technique
Table 2: Research Goals.
Analyze: the REMO technique.
With the purpose of: Investigate its effectiveness in a real context.
Regarding: the task of requirements elicitation and easy of use.
Considering the perspective of: Requirements analysts.
In the context of: A real software modernization efforts.
3.3 Protocol Definition
The case study took into account fourteen business
processes, randomly selected from a pool containing
approximately 190 processes that had been previously
mapped in the cooperation project. These proces-
ses, though pertaining to the field of supplying ma-
nagement, describe the workflow of areas from diffe-
rent logistics roles (such as Planning, Controlling and
The requirements documents related to the four-
teen business processes acted as specification baseli-
nes (oracles) using the conventional approach for the
extraction of the metrics used to estimate the efficacy
of the REMO technique. The processes were divided
between the participants of the current project team,
where each one executed the REMO technique in the
different selected processes. Each participant also re-
ceived a list with the heuristics defined by the REMO
technique, the description and the diagram of the pro-
cess, as well as a document to register the require-
ments identified by the technique.
3.4 Data Analyses Method
The data extracted from the questionnaires with the
participants of the study were analyzed using two qua-
litative approaches. Firstly, the TAM model propo-
sed by (Davis, 1989) to instigate the acceptance of
the REMO technique by the requirements analysts.
TAM is an adaptation of a theory originated from psy-
chology, the TRA (Theory of Resonated Action), but
focused on the field of information technology (Da-
vis, 1989) and with the intention of explaining what
makes a person accept or reject an information sy-
stem (Surendran, 2012). To achieve the objectives set
by the TAM, we utilize two perspectives: one regar-
ding the utility and another the easiness of use. The
first corresponds to the degree to which a person be-
lieves the use of a certain technique can improve their
work performance. As for the second, it corresponds
to the degree to which a person believes that the usage
of a certain technique can be effort-free (Davis, 1989).
In this section, we present the results of the quanti-
tative and qualitative analyses of the study, with the
application of the data analyses method described in
Section 3.
4.1 Quantitative Analysis
As mentioned in Section 3, the quantitative analysis
considered the specification of randomly selected pro-
cesses, which had been previously validated with re-
spect to criteria such as correctness, content and for-
matting. It is possible to verify the summary of the
quantitative results in Table 3. Besides that, Table ??
presents some descriptive statistics related to the ge-
nerated artifacts. The first computed metrics were the
escaped and transparent requirements. The boxplot
in Figure 2 summarizes the results. It is possible to
see that the amount of requirements identified by the
REMO technique, and not identified explicitly in the
conventional approach, is more expressive than the
amount of transparent requirements, that is, identified
in the conventional approach but not in the REMO
Figure 2: Escaped Requirements x Transparent Require-
This result can be explained through two different
views. First, the conventional approach does not fol-
low a systematic approach and then team could not
have identified all the potential requirements related
to a business process. Another possible explanation is
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 3: Summary of the Quantitative Results. (Proc) corresponds to the Processes, (RF) corresponds to the amount of functi-
onal requirements identified by the REMO technique, (RNF) corresponds to the non-functional requirements and business
rules identified by the REMO technique, (RED) corresponds to the requirements identified by the traditional approach, (RAd)
corresponds to the transparent requirements, (REsc) corresponds to the escaped requirements, (RFP) corresponds to the false-
positives identified in the REMO technique and (ISE) corresponds to the survival index of the escaped requirements. The
other columns give a general idea of the complexity of the processes considered in the investigation.
Proc. RF RNF RED Escaped RAd RFP ISE (%) Activ. Gateways Events
P1 8 7 5 3 2 2 33.33 25 7 4
P2 11 2 14 5 3 2 60.00 68 14 25
P3 17 4 21 9 0 6 33.33 87 27 28
P4 18 1 10 4 4 4 0.00 44 14 16
P5 20 1 15 6 2 2 66.67 58 10 6
P6 11 1 14 2 5 1 50.00 59 14 19
P7 5 1 8 0 2 0 - 31 9 17
P8 12 3 9 1 1 0 100.00 27 8 10
P9 8 1 9 0 2 0 - 52 13 16
P10 12 2 7 8 1 3 62.50 67 25 24
P11 27 4 10 8 1 3 62.50 72 17 24
P12 18 4 13 6 4 1 83.33 56 11 21
P13 31 5 11 8 1 4 50.00 76 18 24
P14 21 1 12 3 3 2 33.33 76 17 23
Table 4: Basic statistics regarding the number of require-
ments found in each process.
Identified requirements
Technique Mean Median SD
Conventional 11.29 10.50 4.0
REMO 18.29 17.00 8.14
that, for the context of the project, it was not ne-
cessary to specify the requirements in too much de-
tails. Considering another perspective (transparent
requirements), there is a central tendency (median
value) of the REMO technique not identifying two
transparent-requirements per business process. Con-
sidering the conventional approach, an average of
11.29 requirements were identified per process, rein-
forcing the effectiveness of the REMO technique—in
which the analysts were able to identify 82.28% of the
requirements identified in the conventional approach.
Observe that this result is positive for the REMO
technique, since in the conventional approach the re-
quirements analysts participated in the business pro-
cesses mapping activities, which allowed for a greater
understanding of the needs of the process managers.
Transparent requirements can emerge due to different
reasons. In particular, as the requirements team had
participated in the business processes mapping inte-
ractions, some requirements can be identified and not
directly related to an element of the business process.
On the other hand, for the selected processes, this
type of situation did not occur often, as the amount
of transparent requirements is rather low.
Unlike the previous works (Vieira et al., 2012b;
Vieira et al., 2012a), in this case study it was possi-
ble to differentiate between the escaped requirements
and false-positive requirements resulting from the ap-
plication of the REMO technique. It is important to
highlight that the escaped requirements, referenced in
Table 3, include the false-positive requirements; there
are requirements identified exclusively in the REMO
technique and which do not correspond to a require-
ment pertaining to the scope of the project. These
requirements occur because the process models com-
prehend all the activities done by the actors of the
process, even if a software outside the scope of the
materials management process automatizes some of
these activities. Table 3 shows the Survival Rate of
the Escaped Requirements (ISE), that is, the percen-
tage of escaped requirements that do not correspond
to false-positives. Such index is calculated following
Equation (1). On average, 48% of the escaped re-
quirements correspond to false-positives. The ana-
lysis of the quantitative results reinforce the efficacy
of the REMO technique in identifying over 80% of
the requirements identified by the conventional appro-
ach. On the other hand, almost 50% of the require-
ments identified exclusively by the REMO technique
are false-positives.
ISE = (1
) × 100 (1)
Considering how the results relate themselves
with the complexity of the processes, it was pos-
sible to identify a moderate correlation (0.54) bet-
ween the amount of functional requirements, non-
functional requirements, and business rules identified
by the REMO technique and the complexity of the bu-
siness processes, computed as the amount of BPMN
elements. That is to say, for the case study explored in
An Empirical Evaluation of Requirements Elicitation from Business Models through REMO Technique
this paper, there is no one-for-one mapping between
the activities of the process and the identified requi-
rements. We also observed a stronger correlation be-
tween the amount of requirements obtained through
the conventional approach and the complexity of the
business processes (0.65), but which does not suggest
one-for-one mappings between requirements and acti-
Altogether, we found some evidences about the
feasibility of using REMO to obtain relevant re-
quirements from business processes—we were
able to find almost 80% of the requirements
found by the conventional approach using the
REMO technique.
This result might suggest that we could reduce the
effort for training the analysts in the process of finding
requirements from business models. Moreover, this
result also indicates that it is promising to use an auto-
mated approach for finding requirements from BPMN
4.2 Qualitative Analysis of the Study
The qualitative analysis attempted to investigate the
acceptance of the REMO technique according to the
view of the participants regarding its use. For such, a
strategy similar to the one presented by (Vieira et al.,
2012b) was used. It uses the Technology Acceptance
Model (TAM) to explain the attitude and behaviors of
the participants. The acceptance index was obtained
through an online questionnaire. We elaborated semi-
structured questions directed to the requirements ana-
lysts of the project, who answered the questions by
the end of the case study. The online questionnaire
was composed of 12 closed-ended questions related
to their view of the utility and easiness of use of the
heuristics of the REMO technique. The analyst could
answer these questions after the end of the require-
ments elicitation activity using the processes models.
To obtain a higher level of precision of the collected
answers in relation to the aspects involving the varia-
bles of the TAM, a ve-point LIKERT scale was also
used: Totally Agree, Partially Agree, Neutral, Parti-
ally Disagree, and Totally Disagree. The following
questions sought to identify the view of the analysts
about the utility of the REMO technique.
4.2.1 Questions Regarding the Utility of the
REMO Technique
We defined six questions that the analysts had to ans-
wer to capture their perception regarding the utility of
the REMO technique. Such questions are enumerated
(QUT1) Considering the context of the project,
would you identify requirements more
quickly using the heuristics?
(QUT2) Considering the context of the project,
would you have better performance when
executing tasks by using the heuristics?
(QUT3) Would you have better work productivity by
using the heuristics?
(QUT4) Would you have better efficacy in identi-
fying software requirements using the heu-
(QUT5) Would it be easier to identify the require-
ments of a software when using the heuris-
(QUT6) Do you consider the heuristics useful to ap-
ply during the requirements elicitation?
4.2.2 Questions Regarding the Easiness of Use of
the REMO Technique
We defined six questions that the analysts had to ans-
wer to capture their perception regarding the easiness
of use of the REMO technique. Such questions are
enumerated ahead:
(QE11) Do you think it was easy to learn the heuris-
tics of the REMO technique?
(QE22) Do you think your elicitation tasks would be
more easily accomplished using the heuris-
(QE33) Do you consider the heuristics to be clear and
(QE44) Do you consider it easy to remember how
to use the heuristics during the requirements
(QE55) Do you consider to have gained new skills
with the usage of the heuristics?
(QE66) Do you consider the heuristics easy to use?
4.3 Analysis of the Answers of the
Qualitative Questions
Table 5 and Table 6 present, respectively, a summary
of the answers about the analysts’ perception regar-
ding the utility and easiness of use of the REMO
technique. The answers related to their perception
regarding the utility of the heuristics of the REMO
technique (Table 5), show, in their majority, a good
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
acceptance of the technique. The participants consi-
dered that the heuristics facilitate the identification of
the requirements of a software and that they are use-
ful to be applied during the requirements elicitation.
They also claimed that the heuristics would allow fas-
ter identification of requirements.
Table 5: Perception regarding the Utility of the REMO
Technique. (TD) means Totally Disagree, (D) means Dis-
agree, (N) means Neutral, (A) means Agree and (TA) means
Totally Agree.
Question TD D N A TA
Q1.1 0 0 0 5 1
Q1.2 0 1 1 2 2
Q1.3 0 0 2 1 3
Q1.4 0 0 1 2 3
Q1.5 0 0 1 5 0
Q1.6 0 0 0 3 3
Regarding the performance in the execution of
tasks, approximately 66% of the analysts claimed
that the REMO technique would improve their per-
formance in requirements elicitation. As for work
productivity, approximately 33% of the participants
were neutral regarding the statement that the usage of
the heuristics would improve their productivity, and
83.3% of the analysts answered that using the heuris-
tics proposed in the REMO technique improves the
efficacy and facilitates the identification of software
requirements. Only 16.6% were neutral in this per-
spective. All participants considered the heuristics
useful for requirements elicitation.
As for the perception of the analysts in relation to
the easiness of use of the REMO technique, we could
say that the majority of the participants felt no diffi-
culty in using the REMO technique. In all questions
proposed to the team, it can be seen that the result
was in favor of the technique and the application of
its heuristics (see Table 6).
Table 6: Perception regarding the Easiness of Use of the
REMO technique. (TD) means Totally Disagree, (D) means
Disagree, (N) means Neutral, (A) means Agree and (TA)
means Totally Agree.
Question TD D N A TA
Q2.1 0 0 1 3 2
Q2.2 0 0 1 3 2
Q2.3 0 0 1 2 3
Q2.4 0 0 2 1 3
Q2.5 0 1 0 3 2
Q2.6 0 1 0 1 4
The majority (83.3%) of the interviewed analysts
comprehended that the heuristics are easy to learn, fa-
cilitate in requirements elicitation and were described
in a clear and comprehensible manner. As for the ot-
her 16.6%, they neither agreed nor disagreed. Howe-
ver, 33.3% of the interviewees pointed out to a cer-
tain difficulty in memorizing the heuristics. As for
skills obtained with the heuristics and their easiness
of use, approximately 83% of the interviewees consi-
der the usage of the REMO technique positive under
this light.
The analysis of the qualitative results reinforce
how easy it is to introduce the REMO technique
in requirements elicitation teams. Besides, we
can see that the technique had good acceptance
and adds value to requirements elicitation.
Some factors can be taken into account in the evalu-
ation of the validity of the study. Firstly, the partici-
pants possessed previous knowledge about the busi-
ness, since the analysts had been in the process map-
ping teams. These meetings always count with the
presence of the requirements analysts, who could di-
rect the mapping so as to facilitate the understanding
of the requirements involved in the creation of the Re-
quirements Document artifact, which could interfere
in the result obtained by the REMO technique.
To lower the bias related to business knowledge,
each participant received processes in which they had
not been involved or had little knowledge of. Besi-
des, during the extraction of requirements using the
REMO technique, the participants had no access to
the Requirements Document that had been elaborated
for that business process. Another possible threat is
related to the lack of training for the application of
the heuristics proposed in the REMO technique since
the analysts simply read the main reference about the
REMO technique (Vieira et al., 2012b). On the other
hand, a higher degree of understanding of the techni-
que would possibly reinforce the results found in this
study. The maturity of the participants involved in the
study varies according to their experience in require-
ments elicitation, which interferes in the level of ab-
straction of the requirements during the elaboration of
the Requirements Document and the gathering of re-
quirements using the REMO technique. To lower this
variance, the participants interacted between themsel-
ves, making it so the work experience of an analyst
could affect the work of others. This leads to results
more-or-less aligned.
Some processes contemplate information that was
not within the scope of the system under develop-
ment. In that situation, the REMO technique was li-
kely to identify a large quantity of requirements that
would not be useful to the scope of the project (lea-
An Empirical Evaluation of Requirements Elicitation from Business Models through REMO Technique
ding to false-positive requirements). To mitigate such
a threat, we did not considered processes detailing
elements outside the scope of the system. The dif-
ferent levels of details present in the Requirements
Document and covered by the REMO technique can
also threat the validity of the study. This mainly
occurs because the Requirements Document descri-
bes only high level requirements and business neces-
sities, while the REMO technique often leads to more
detailed requirements. To solve this divergence, two
participants documented a comparative analysis bet-
ween the requirements identified in the Requirements
Document and the ones used in the REMO technique.
We could have investigated other relevant factors
about the use of the REMO technique, such as the
time required to obtain the requirements (effort) and
the possible degree of REMO automation. We pos-
tpone this kind of research to a future work. Par-
ticularly because an effort analysis in this context
will probably require a higher degree of control—
typically supported by a controlled experiment, which
will increase the threats related to external validity. In
addition, as far as we know, there is only an incipient
tool support for the REMO technique.
This article presented the conduction of an empirical
study of the REMO technique, carried out in a context
of cooperation between an university and a military
Such empirical study involved the elicitation of
requirements from 14 business processes, randomly
selected from a pool of 190 processes whose soft-
ware requirements had already been elicited and ap-
proved by a board of domain specialists and stakehol-
ders interested in the system. The main objective of
the study was to answer to research questions: (RQ1)
How effective is REMO as a requirement elicitation
technique? and (RQ2) What is the perception of the
analysts regarding the usage of the REMO technique?
In regard to the first research question, a quan-
titative analysis indicates that the REMO technique
was effective in requirements elicitation, compared to
the conventional technique (without using heuristics).
In relation to the second research question, we ob-
served that the usage of business processes diagrams,
coupled with the heuristics proposed by the REMO
technique, facilitates the identification of the functio-
nal requirements.
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ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems